Inside the small box that Gu Cheng opened was a ring.

Immediately, Ning Yi was stunned!

The two of them have lived as a legal couple for so long, but in fact, all forms of legal couples have not really been carried out.

So Gu Cheng took out the rings of the two of them on his birthday.

Car flower crown diamond ring, using platinum as the setting, a large pure diamond over six carats, and the cutting process is also excellent, it looks like a master handwriting. The men's one is relatively plain, but its shape echoes that of the women's.

Ning Yi stared at the brilliant diamond ring lying on the velvet top, and was still thinking about what Gu Cheng liked about her, but at this moment she couldn't help but let out a "wow-".

So flashy! It was the first time she had received a ring!

So there was a bunch of happiness in my heart.

Maybe it's because the big diamond is very valuable, or maybe it's because she's never received it before, or it's simply because it's a gift from Gucheng—

I don’t know, but anyway, I’m very happy^-^

Even Song Lan, who took care of jewelry all the year round, didn't think of it, but Gu Cheng remembered it in his heart.

A smug smile appeared on Gu Dashao's lips.

Of course he can give more than that.

It's just that the meaning of the ring is the most special—wearing the ring reminds everyone of Ning Yi's married status.

Of course, Ning Yi didn't have so many twists and turns in her heart, she stretched out her hand excitedly: "Hurry up and put it on, my husband!"

However, the body has not changed back at this time - the voice is Ning Yi's, and the outstretched hand is Gu Cheng's big hand with strong bones.

Gu Cheng: "..."

Put it on your own hand, forget it.

So Young Master Gu closed the ring cover again and put it in her hand: "I'll put it on for you when I get it back."

"Ah ok ok—" Ning Yi sighed, then nodded and said, "It's really not formal enough for us to exchange rings like this, this is an exchange of rings!"

Gu Cheng couldn't help but raise the corner of his lips.

how? This is asking if he is going to get married.

Gu Cheng coughed lightly, and asked nonchalantly, "Then what do you want—"

Ning Yi: "You have to cross your legs anyway, look more dignified!"

She sat with her legs crossed in bed on the bed, with one hand raised up and the other outstretched.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Sitting like a Guanyin is solemn enough, right?

Young Master Gu thought expressionlessly: This idiot doesn't know anything about the sense of ritual he can give.

Ning Yi smiled "hehehe", and opened the diamond ring box for a closer look.

Gu Cheng looked at her, "What I just said."

Ning Yi raised her eyes.

Ah, Gu Cheng said that he likes her very much—

In fact, Ning Yi didn't want to understand—what does Gu Cheng like about her.

Ning Yi carefully counted what she usually did to her husband, and thought a little worriedly: I can't just like her wicked appearance, can I?

Except for this birthday, she seems to have done nothing good^3^

Brother Wan advised her not to have feelings, otherwise she would be easily sad - Ning Yi didn't know if she would be sad, but she shook her conscience, somewhat worried that Gu Cheng would be sad.

After all, Ning Yi has changed a lot in the past three years, and Gu Cheng is completely unaware of these experiences.

She should not be considered a good person, she has no sense of morality, and her sense of shame is thin. After passing through the books, she has lived a prosperous life, and finally regained some conscience.

So Ning Yi held the ring and told Gu Cheng a little seriously: "My husband, you don't know me well enough."

Gu Cheng snorted coldly, "I don't know you yet?"

He looked Ning Yi up and down, and asked, "Would you like to eat the Xinjing Cuisine we passed by last time for lunch tomorrow?"

Ning Yi said loudly, "I want to!"

That restaurant has just recently received a Michelin three-star rating, and it uses persimmon sauce in the shredded pork with Beijing sauce. Many people have checked in on CMore! Ning Yi just chatted with Gu Cheng yesterday.

There was a smile in Gu Cheng's eyes, "So you know what you like."

Ning Yi: "What is it?"

"Like is—right now I just want to make you happy."

Ning Yi blinked her eyes.

Then she opened the screen for Gu Cheng, prepared gifts for him, and asked him if he liked it—in fact, she also wanted him to be happy.

Although she used to think that her husband was a big picky comparison and an old ugly comparison, it didn't prevent her from knowing that Gu Cheng treated her very well.

"So don't think too complicated, Ah Yi." Gu Cheng reached out and patted the top of her head.

Anyway, now he has taken a step forward, and it may take a few more steps before this fool really gets his senses.

But the person is trapped and cannot escape.

Ning Yi touched her diamond ring, and nodded seriously after a while: "Mmm, yes, I understand."

Gu Cheng chuckled, usually she could say a lot of coquettish things, but when she was more serious, she couldn't say anything. This is also the law that Gu Cheng understands.

Needless to say the rest, it is better for her to realize it by herself.

What he likes is to hope that she is happy, that she has no worries, and that she can have everything she wants. In fact, Ning Yi was also unconsciously treating him well—


Gu Cheng turned off the light in the room of the two of them, only the diamonds were shining in the dark, and tonight would be a good dream again.

He raised the corners of his lips slightly in the darkness.

So I thought—you already, sort of like me, too.

Young Master Gu's 29th birthday is over, City A has officially entered late autumn, and the weather is getting colder every day.

Life and business went on as usual, and the only problem was—

This time, the random swap between Gu Cheng and Ning Yi took a very long time.

The last exchange that lasted the longest was when they participated in the Internet Sunac Summit in S City. That time they exchanged for more than 24 hours, and finally, by some...unexpected means, they unlocked the mechanism.

However, this time, three days had passed, and they were still in each other's bodies.

Ning Yi tried several popular methods—

It doesn't even work anymore! This swap is getting more and more unreliable.

"You're disobedient, you." Ning Yi pointed at it.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi took out a handmade knife from nowhere, and pretended to scare it: "I want to practice this skill—"

"..." Gu Cheng had already come over and took her hand away, "It's almost done."

For her future happiness, don't use the knife casually.

"Okay," Ning Yi thought for a while, then asked, "Husband, tell me - it's not because you said you like me, and then my body is scared!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

He really wanted to pinch her face, but he couldn't pinch now.

Gu Cheng can feel that the instability of the swap is gradually increasing. But this is only about the matter between him and Ning Yi, so Gu Cheng's mentality is very stable-when encountering problems, solve them, this is his unchanging rule of life.

"There may be other changes in the future, this time it's just a practice," Gu Cheng said, "It's good that we're all together these few days."

Fortunately, their careers actually intersect.

Moreover, when the former business partners saw Gu Dashao with his wife, they would guess whether he was in love. Seeing the two of them inseparable now, I can only feel—a business emperor and a technology tycoon, oh my god, these two are a combination of gods!

And because the bodies of the two of them have not been replaced for a long time, Gu Cheng thought for a few seconds, and put the ring he gave Ning Yi on his finger.

Ownership—Should show or show.

—Of course, Gu Dashao and Ms. 01 may not realize how big this diamond ring is.

So the big diamond blinded Mr. Zhou's eyes first.

He has always been considerate of the subtleties, and Mr. Gu bought the ring without the help of their assistants at all, not even helping to collect it! So Young Master Gu chose to buy it in his busy schedule!

And those three CM accounts last time! Young Master Gu did it himself!

Zongzhu Zhou: T-T What else is there to say!

It just so happened that City A also had an internal industry conference in the past two days. Mr. Gu and his wife attended the anomaly, and there will be photos of the conference.

As soon as the photo was posted on the Internet, it was immediately seen by netizens who were looking for sweets everywhere after the birthday.

[Fuck! What a big pigeon egg! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

[The rings are all there! Is it possible to start the dream wedding! 】

[Legal couples are so happy when they drink]

[So I blindly guessed that it was my birthday. Sister Ning prepared so many surprises for Mr. Gu, and Mr. Gu gave him a diamond ring—what kind of two-way love TAT? Don't kill me! 】

Flash user #886 also saw this photo.

Ding Ziyue immediately soured into a lemon—

There shouldn't be a fight for the saddle last time! She wants pigeon eggs too! How should I hint to Jiang Linyi? She was so anxious!

In addition to this big pigeon egg, netizens also found other candies with a magnifying glass—

[Have you noticed that Young Master Gu and Sister Ning are holding each other's mobile phones! 】

[Oh my god! What kind of trust is this! My boyfriend never let me see his cell phone, woo woo woo]

[All men, please curl up according to Young Master Gu's standards, please? ! 】

Ning Yi happened to come across these comments while she was resting: Ah this.

The main reason is that their bodies did not change back to TvT, I think too much, family members.

Family members: 【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Ning Yi: All right (lie down)

She held Gu Cheng with a salty face, "Give me a game on your phone, and my phone got hot."

Gu Cheng threw his mobile phone to her, "You know the password."

On the whole, although this exchange took a long time and caused a little trouble to the processing work, it was still within the tolerable range on the whole, and he could better deal with this situation next time.

So Gu Cheng let her play games on his office chair, and went to the reference room to get the materials by himself.

When I came back, I happened to meet Zongzhu Zhou with a kind smile.

Gu Cheng glanced at him: "What are you laughing at?"

Mr. Zhou felt much more relaxed in front of "Ning Yi", and lowered his head slightly: "Madam, the young master just agreed to participate in the selection of the world's top 100 **** men!"

Gu Cheng:?

He pushed open the door of the office and asked expressionlessly, "Ayi, do you want to run for me?"

If the body can't be replaced all the time, it's really not impossible.

Gu Cheng remembered the last time he took a picture of Ning Yi's waist, and smiled gloomily: "Are you going to help me improve my expressiveness?"

"Oh—" Ning Yi crossed his legs and said leisurely, "I'm not because—you've been out of the election for three years! Husband!"

Gu Cheng: "? Is it because of this that I lost the election for three years?"

Ning Yi rubbed her hands together: "Hey hey hey, I'll take a picture of you for the election."

Gu Cheng shook his head helplessly.


And the woman said he didn't understand her—

Ning Yi is a person who can climb smoothly, in other words, he is very proud of being favored. Regardless of her, she could grab his tie and climb all the way on top of his head.

But Gu Cheng won't stop it.

"Let's go." Gu Cheng said.

"Where are you going?" Ning Yi stood up.

"Place the birthday present you gave me."

The saddle inlaid with diamonds and gemstones she gave must not be placed all the time.

Work is done faster today.

Free time for dating.

On the way to the western suburbs, Ning Yi suddenly remembered something.

She said to Gu Cheng in her heart: "It's over, husband! But we didn't bring a gift for baa baa Manbai super good rua!"

Baa Baa is also her name, but there are only gifts for standing up and running fast, wouldn't that be isolating Baa Baa!

Bullying in the animal world is not allowed! Hit!

Gu Cheng thought for a while, and responded to her: "Buy one now?"

The young master didn't realize that he had been assimilated by Ning Yi at all, and he thought seriously about how to remedy the situation by not buying a gift for a sheep.

Ning Yi thought hard for a while, then slapped her thigh: "Yes!"

Gu Cheng turned his head to look at her.

Ning Yi: "Give the saddle to Xiaohong! Then it will be fair for the three of them to have no gifts!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Young Master Gu finally realized that he seemed to be really about to understand his wife's humor.

It's scary.

Arrived at the racecourse.

Three horses and one sheep were led out.

Seeing the two of them, the little white sheep was more excited than the three horses, and ran over.

Ning Yi bowed his head and ruaed it a few times, and immediately became more determined in his decision, commanding the bodyguards: "Put the saddle on Xiao Hong!"

"Yes! Young Master."

Zongzhu Zhou watched from the side, with an excited expression on his face: The young master can finally show his superb riding and archery skills in front of his wife this time!

stand up! runs fast!

This can't be cool!

But in the end, Gu Cheng and Ning Yi got on the same horse.

Gu Cheng can't help it—could he show Ning Yi's body to Ning Yi?

He sat in front and Ning Yi sat in the back. Ning Yi thinks it's quite new, she hasn't shared a ride with anyone before!

Zongzhu Zhou: T-T their husband and wife are so good at playing!

Little Red with jeweled saddle and two people: I have endured too much.jpg

Of course, Xiaohong is a tall horse in her prime, more than enough to carry the two of them.

The saddle that Ning Yi sent is expensive for a reason. The calfskin material used makes the saddle wings soft and comfortable to the touch, and at the same time has excellent anti-slip performance!

Ning Yi: "How about husband, do you like it or not!"

Gu Cheng grabbed the reins, "Well—sit tight."

Xiaohong ran out with a whoosh—

Blowing the wind, Ning Yi somehow remembered the essentials that Gu Cheng whispered to her when she rode a horse for the first time.

At the beginning, he told her directly in his mind that he was separated from Gu Dashao's dark world.

Now people are by my side, so close that I can hear them when I speak.

Ning Yi was rarely moved, and couldn't help opening his mouth: "Old—"

Then ate a mouthful of autumn wind.

Ning Yi still kept her mouth shut.

After a while, he closed his eyes again, "Honey, I have a headache—"

When she opened it again, she found that she had returned to her body.

But Gu Cheng held the rein and slowed down.

The horseshoes of da da are stepping lightly on the private meadow. This time the super-long body swap ended quietly.

On the horseback, Ning Yi leaned against his arms, the two of them were in the wind.

So Ning Yi rubbed the back of his head against his neck.

Gu Cheng rubbed her head, "Does it still hurt?"

Ning Yi: "It seems to be better."

Xiaohong felt their changes, and the horse's hooves became very light.

The wind also became very slow.

Gu Cheng put his arms around Ning Yi and kissed the back of her neck lightly.

Ning Yi shrank her neck.



There might be a bit of both the neck and the heart.


Since the end of this ultra-long swap that lasted many days, Gu Cheng has been waiting for the next mechanism.

But the uncertainty of the mechanism is that they are not sure when and in what form the next time will come.

Perhaps new forms are already quietly brewing.

——Compared to Gu Cheng's hidden worries, Ning Yi is more open-minded.

It's almost New Year's Eve, what is the most important thing in winter?

It's hibernation! And save food!

— Abbreviation: eat and sleep^3^

At the same time, Ning Yi is also following up on the development of CMore in real time. Occasionally, a reporter from "xx Times" will contact her to answer some questions on behalf of CMore.

The user volume of CM is already considerable in the same industry, and it is constantly developing towards a mature commercial system for revenue. Because CMore is "fed" by capital, there are actually some people who slander CMore. For example, the Wang family, who did not successfully marry Koo, publicly stated that they are not optimistic about CMore.

But Ning Yi's original intention has never changed—even in fact, this is the original intention that only she knows about, which is to nest into this brainless petting world, so that these characters can exert their due economic value. For this reason, a more stable link combining content and e-commerce is needed, which cannot be separated from the support of core technology.

Therefore, performance and usability always come first, and better guidelines are constantly being stipulated within the platform.

In any case, the valuation of CMore in the industry has steadily increased, which is inseparable from the stable standing of Koo Capital behind it.

And Zhao Weining's original small company gradually couldn't accommodate the increasingly large number of employees—

"Sister, we plan to move to the east of the city in the future, and we will develop into a big factory in the future!"

Chengdong District—is the Internet Industrial Park planned by Gucheng and already under construction. The progress of this kind of large project will be much slower, but it is also proceeding in an orderly manner, and it will definitely become a new core area of ​​City A in the future.

Therefore, the wings of a business emperor are too wide, and after going around, Ning Yi was assigned to him again.

Ning Yi touched the big diamond ring in her hand, feeling like being trapped by Gu Cheng.

But—it’s true that it’s very down-to-earth!

As the end of the year approaches, the cooperative game vendors of the CMore platform are carrying out promotional activities, and want to invite game anchors and e-sports players from various clubs to participate together to increase popularity.

Wander was still the one with the highest voice.

It's been a long time since Ning Yi ate hot pot with him last time, so she just texted him on WeChat.

Usually Team Wan responded to messages in seconds, the old Internet addict was dead, but this time he hadn't seen him appear for a long time.

The platform contacted the club and found that they couldn't get in touch with wander recently, and his broadcast frequency was not stable.

But wander has always been like this, he seems to be wandering in this world.

Ning Yi wanted to find him, only to realize that she didn't know where Wan Dui lived.

Only then did she realize that Team Wan really didn't seem to have much to do with this world.

The only connection is that she is a teammate.

But Ning Yi has always known that Wander is a very reliable person. He used to disappear occasionally during the last days, and when he came back, he either brought supplies or information.

He must have his own purpose in doing things.

So Ning Yi left him a few words, and then waited quietly.

But when she returned home, Ning Yi still couldn't help thinking, so is she free?

She doesn't seem to be as dissociated as Wan Ge.

Not only did she closely nest her career with the world, but she also swapped bodies with the biggest boss in the world.

What an amazing connection.

The car on the side of the road stopped, and the window was lowered, revealing the face of the man inside.

"What are you thinking?"

When Ning Yi looked up, she saw Gu Cheng's hand resting on the car window, knocking, "Go home for dinner."

Oh yes - because of home.

Ning Yi looked at Gu Cheng, and immediately felt that her appetite returned.

It's amazing!

"I want to eat big lobster!" She hopped into the car.

"What big lobster to eat?"


" is a big crab."

"That's fine too! ^3^"

Two days later, Ning Yi accidentally bumped into Ding Ziyue at the door of the company.

What should come will always come, after all, she is the center of the world!

The princess is in very good spirits now—

As the saying goes, the Internet has no memory!

It’s been a few months since Princess Ding turned over the cart that time, and she still cleverly relied on amnesia to make a comeback against the wind, and now she’s a cute little princess again~

As soon as Ning Yi saw her, she automatically began to recall where the plot of this world was going.

As soon as Ding Ziyue saw Ning Yi, she smiled and waved her hands reservedly, "How are you~Miss Ning~"

"Hello," Ning Yi said with a friendly smile, "Are you cured?"

Ding Ziyue stared: "You just—"

She stopped again, maintaining her image of a delicate little fairy, thinking to herself: You are the only one who is sick, so who are you scolding!

But the reason why she appeared here today is because of another matter.

Ding Ziyue smiled triumphantly - Ning Yi doesn't know who's back, does she?

A male supporting role like Wander was snatched away by Ning Yi. Now there is a new development in the relationship between her and Jiang Linyi. An important male supporting role!

And it's impossible for Ning Yi to **** the male supporting role this time—because! That is Ning Yi's biological brother! He is also the man Ding Ziyue grew up in Ning's family and has been with her for more than ten years!

Can Jiang Linyi not be jealous this time? His jealousy is going to kill him!

"Brother Ning has returned to China, Miss Ning," Ding Ziyue covered her mouth, "I wonder if he invited you to his homecoming banquet?"

—Of course not!

As soon as Ning Zhuo returned to China, he frantically approached Ding Ziyue. He has no interest in his biological sister—so what if Ning Yi is doing well? None of her real relatives cared about her, that's how people betrayed their relatives!

Ning Yi recalled it for a while, and remembered that the No. 1 character—the original owner's biological brother Ning Zhuo, was also a character with a very old-fashioned flavor and a bit of a serious brain disorder.

The Ning family is in such decline, why Ning Zhuo, the male supporting role, can still occupy a certain amount of plot, other than because he himself was cultivated by the Ning family's strength and has strong personal abilities-mainly because he is crazy!

A common gossip plot in the theme of true and false daughters: the elder brother of the false daughter fell in love with the false daughter, but she couldn't express it because she was his younger sister, and finally found out that she was wronged!

In the original plot, Ning Zhuo had feelings for Ding Ziyue since he was a child. At that time, he didn't know that Ding Ziyue was a false daughter who was wronged, and the two of them were brother and sister. Later, Ning Zhuo went to a foreign country, but he always missed Ding Ziyue in his heart. Later, when he learned about the real and fake daughter, it turned out that Ding Ziyue was not his sister!

However, when Ning Zhuo was about to return to China, Ding Ziyue was with the popular actor. When the news of Ding Ziyue's amnesia spread abroad, Ning Zhuo felt that his chance had finally come.

And Jiang Linyi will be jealous and distorted because of this bamboo horse who has been with Ding Ziyue since he was a child! Both of them started to plunder Ding Ziyue!

After Ning Yi recalled it, she felt that you people in the city are so good at playing, and the blood is splashed one after another.

Ding Ziyue's heart was pounding - she liked this kind of plot where men fought for her the most!

Although Ding Ziyue was very reluctant, she secretly studied the reason why Ning Yi was so popular on the Internet. In the end, I came up with one thing—that is, he has a lot of CP fans. Netizens are very happy to see her interact with Gu Dashao or Wan Ge, and the two CPs will compete with each other, so her popularity has also increased.

And now, Ding Ziyue can do it too! She also has two sides to compete for her, the audience will definitely kill them too, right?

In the past few days, her marketing navy has been dispatched.

On the one hand, is the elder brother of my childhood sweetheart for more than ten years!

On one side, is the actor who was officially announced as his girlfriend during the popular period, and who also accompanied him after losing his memory!

Isn't that exciting? This is not good? Netizens will definitely not want Mo Ning and Wan Shi Ru Yi to be fond of Gu! Ding Ziyue even started to think of two CP names for herself~

She couldn't help but wanted to shout out that sentence again: The most favored person in the world! Who else!

Ning Yi scratched her head: I don't know why, but I feel that she is very excited.

Ding Ziyue reservedly cleared her throat.

The reason why she appeared here today is also because Brother Ning was brought in as a returned talent and was going to be interviewed by the Gu family. According to the plot, because she came to accompany Brother Ning for the interview, Jiang Linyi was very jealous, and the two of them will have a competition in the Shura field later!

When the time comes, Ning Yi will watch her biological brother completely ignore her and scramble for Ding Ziyue in front of her—oh my God! It's too exciting to think about it!

Ning Yi has already advanced to the company.

Mainly because it's cold outside—Ning Zhuo, biological brother? what ^^

After Gu Cheng finished processing the documents in the president's office, President Zhou came over to remind him of the next schedule.

"Boss, all the interviewees for today's job interview have arrived."


Because the people interviewed this time are relatively high-level positions, the big boss will personally watch the last round.

Gu Cheng had too many decisions to make, and he didn't have time to understand this group of interviewees too carefully. At this time, he was flipping through the materials and walking towards the meeting room, but out of the corner of his eye, he accurately caught Ning Yi walking while holding a bag of melon seeds.

Gu Cheng stopped, "Eat less, get angry."

Ning Yi hid the melon seeds behind her back, "Oh."

The secretarial assistants around: Hey hey, eat sugar every day.

Ning Yi thought to herself: Eating sunflower seeds while watching a play won't make you angry!

Gu Cheng quickly finished the interview materials and entered the meeting room for the interview.

Then he suddenly realized—he and Ning Yi hadn't switched bodies for a while.

The random swap mechanism is over?

However, Gu Cheng subconsciously knew that this possibility was very low. It's definitely not that simple.

Soon, the interview started normally.

Several interviewees are talents who have returned from overseas with a background in studying abroad. Ning Zhuo is quite good regardless of his character, and he is also very capable of working. It just so happens that he is also a practitioner in the Internet industry.

The interview went on quite anxiously.

And outside, Ning Yi waited with her melon seeds in her arms, and Princess Ding appeared as expected!

Jiang Linyi's figure is in front, and Ding Ziyue is chasing after him angrily.

— "Brother Lin Yi, you are not allowed to disturb Brother Ning's interview! I will be angry!"

It's okay if she didn't say that, but after saying that, Jiang Linyi became even more angry.

"My company for you this year, can't it compare to that so-called elder brother who has been abroad for so many years and hasn't come to see you?"

"Brother Lin Yi, don't force me, okay, I, my head..."

Ning Yi snapped open the bag of melon seeds: It's started!

Princess Ding is still immersed in the character setting of I am the little white flower with amnesia, and her performance is on par with the actor!

At this time, the door of the conference room finally opened, and Gu Cheng walked out first, followed by his assistants, and then today's interviewees.

Ning Zhuo at the back vaguely heard Ding Ziyue's voice in the conference room, but he didn't know why, the first time he came out, he saw Ning Yi squatting in the corner, seemingly inconspicuous.

That was his biological sister.

It is said that CMore was founded by her?

But before Ning Zhuo could think about it, Ding Ziyue had already rushed over to block him, "Brother Lin Yi, if you need anything, just come to me! Brother Ning is innocent!"

Jiang Linyi was even more annoyed by her protective posture, "Yueyue, you are just for him—"

Only then did Ning Zhuo understand what was going on, and he immediately stopped Ding Ziyue behind him, "Jiang Linyi, what do you want to do to my sister?"

Ding Ziyue hugged her head in her heart: ahhh! Fight! They fought for me!

Ning Yi, have you seen it? Young Master Gu, have you seen it?

Gu Cheng frowned and raised his hand.

Bodyguards poured out from all directions.

Gu Cheng has no feelings for Ning Zhuo at all, and doesn't even know that he is Ning Yi's relative. Of course, even if you know that Ning Yi's family doesn't care about her at all, in Gu Cheng's eyes, it doesn't exist, it's tantamount to dead.

As for Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi, Gu Cheng always looked at them as if they were two idiots.

Therefore, these people will not cause any mood swings in Gu Cheng.

But when he was going to ask someone to throw them all out, he suddenly felt a feeling of having fun.

A very strange mood that did not belong to him emerged from his heart.

Gu Cheng could even clearly sense that this was not his own emotion.

Gu Cheng raised his eyes and looked at Ning Yi who was eating sunflower seeds over there. She had an expression of "It's so exciting, let's have more, I love to watch".


Is the new mechanism of exchange able to exchange and perceive each other's mood?

Gu Cheng remained silent and began to observe.

So he was calm for a while, felt "I wiped it" for a while, and felt the desire of "I want another bag of melon seeds" for a while.

Gu Cheng: "..."

It seems to be true.

The randomness of the swap mechanism, there will be such a development.

But after a while, this emotion disappeared. Gu Cheng's thoughts were even heavier.

At the same moment, Ning Yi over there put down the melon seeds in his hand.


Why did she suddenly feel a heavy thought?

Ning Yi looked down at the melon seed shell she was holding in her hand, her face was solemn: Is it true that eating too much will cause me to get angry?

A kind of solemn emotion that didn't seem to belong to her came to her heart, and Ning Yi touched her chin.

And Gu Cheng pinched his brows and said, "Get all these people out of here."


"Yes, young master!"

The corridor became quiet, and Ning Yi, who was in deep thought, was carried back to the office by Young Master Gu.

Gu Cheng feels that all these things outside are not as important as the things between him and Ning Yi.

According to his observation, when he couldn't feel Ning Yi's emotions, Ning Yi should have felt his emotions.

This is a brand new swap mechanism.

And it is completely random, and will not be manipulated by the consciousness of the two of them.

Gu Cheng closed his eyes, not thinking it was an optimistic thing.

So Ning Yi hugged the melon seeds, and felt a burst of thinking, dignified, and deliberate...

Then she finally reacted!

"I seem to be able to sense what you're thinking." Ning Yi reached out and poked Gu Cheng's face rebelliously, "—husband."

Gu Cheng opened his eyes, pinched her paw, "...have you washed your hands after eating melon seeds?"

Ning Yi picked his palm, "No, hehe."

So Ning Yi felt a little speechless again, a feeling of "well, I can't do anything about you".

These are all from Gucheng.

Ning Yi thinks it's quite fresh—

"Honey, what are you worried about?"

Ning Yi could clearly feel the worries in Gu Cheng's heart, so a mature business emperor's daily emotions are like this? Unlike her, all that is left in a flat life is eating melons, watching dramas and occasionally struggling, which is all happiness.

Gu Cheng also knew that the current emotions would be passed on to her, so he took a breath and began to regulate himself.

But he has always been a quiet and gloomy person.

After thinking about it, it is usually a longer-term perspective.

It's hard to relax.

So Ning Yi clearly felt Gu Cheng's spiritual world.

Oops this man—

He also said that he just wanted her to be happy, how could he be so heavy on his own thoughts?

Gu Cheng squeezed Ning Yi's hand, leaned back on the chair with his eyes closed, and gave himself five seconds to relax.

However, five seconds later, when he was about to open his eyes, he suddenly felt his lips soften.

Ning Yi hooked his neck and licked his lips like a kitten.

Gu Cheng's mind suddenly went blank.

Ning Yi felt it, so she popped twice.

His emotions are passing through.

Gu Cheng finally opened his eyes, with deep blue arcs under his dark eyes, looking down at the person in his arms.

Ning Yi blinked and asked, "How do you feel?"

Gu Cheng suddenly hooked his lips into a smile, "Don't you know—"

"How do I feel now?" he asked.

Ning Yi hugged his neck, her face slowly turned red.

"You're so happy," she said.