They really didn't expect the new experience brought by the swap mechanism at first.

It's just... interesting.

On New Year's Eve, people are performing all kinds of romance, but the "romance" between Gu Cheng and Ning Yi is probably unique in the world.

Only the moon can prove it.

the next day.

It's the first day of the new year.

Ning Yi woke up after a full sleep, remembering the fresh feeling of being healthy and positive—

She hugged the quilt: "Hey, hey."

The industrious Young Master Gu got up early to go to the company. When he saw the smile on Ning Yi's face when he passed by the bed, he couldn't help pinching her cheek, "You have a normal expression."

Ning Yi tensed her face obediently, pretending to be expressionless, then rubbed her hands together: "Hee hee, hee hee."

Gu Cheng: "..." Forget it.

Let her be happy.

Ning Yi rushed to him...and it, and waved sweetly: "Gu's Mo Ning~ Ning Mo Gu's~"

Gu Cheng raised his hand to cover the space between his eyebrows, but couldn't hold back, and smiled.

He realized that he could really understand Ning Yi's humor now.

It's scary and kind of happy.


Because the excitement of exploring the new mechanism this time was beyond Gu Cheng's expectations, he even forgot his original worries for a while.

But from beginning to end, the uncertainty of random swaps still hangs over their heads.

Now it's about exchanging feelings and emotions, and the next step is the deep change...

what is it then?

At the beginning of the new year, the second phase of CMore financing has been launched.

The situation is very good, and the development of CM has reversely confirmed the investment vision of Koo Capital that never makes mistakes.

Now just advertising and attracting investment has already made the platform profitable. Boss Zhao is no longer the third son of the Zhao family who has failed to live up to expectations. He will always be called Mr. Zhao wherever he goes.

However, behind the man in suits and leather shoes, there is still a dedicated code farmer, and he will cry to Ning Yi when the code fails—

"Sister! Sister! Emergency rescue!"

Ning Yi kindly took out the keyboard: "Here we come."

This year, Ning Yi's status has also increased with the expansion of the platform - because the whole network knows that CMore is indeed fed by capital, but it was built by one person from the beginning to the end.

On 01's CM homepage, except for the information such as the photos of Gu Dashao that has been liked, other original news are upgraded and adjusted based on user feedback. Without his own daily life, it is completely the daily life of a serious hard-core technology streamer.

Even so, every post that is completely technology-free will have tens of thousands of likes and comments.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

[Can you kiss me in the new year 01! 】

[Upstairs Young Master Gu is on his way to shark you]

【what? Mr. Gu is here? Then can I watch Young Master Gu and Sister Ning kiss? [licking screen][licking screen]]

[Laughing, netizens should wear bitter tea! 】

CMore's daily activities have grown steadily, and the company's scale is also getting bigger and bigger.

The Chengdong Industrial Park planned by the Gu family has already taken shape, and it may not be too long before they will move there.

"Take you to see."

After Gu Cheng got off work, he went to the small logistics company nearby to pick up Ning Yi, and drove to the east of the city.

The roads around the park are wide and flat, and the infrastructure is relatively complete. His industrial park is already under construction, and a huge concept map poster is erected at the entrance.

This is every step related to Ning Yi in the long, long future.

Hearing that Young Master Gu and his wife were coming in person, the person in charge rushed out to receive him.

And Gu Cheng waved his hand, expressing that he didn't need it.

He just took Ning Yi to watch.

Ning Yi poked his head and looked at it with interest. The park is currently under construction, but looking at the concept map, one can already predict what it will look like in the future. At that time, all Internet high-tech industries will gather, and their buildings must have a sense of technology.

With the alliance of technicians from all over the world, her CMore will definitely become more and more powerful.

Gu Cheng led her, and raised his hand to circle the most central part of the map, "CMore will be here."

Ning Yi blinked, and couldn't help opening her mouth wide: "Sock—"

Noodles, so there are noodles!

Gu Cheng asked lightly: "Do you know why you chose this place?"

Ning Yi looked up, "Why?"

Gu Cheng pointed to an area next to it, "Because this is the largest collective restaurant in the park."

At that time, quite a few catering businesses will settle in, and the CM building will be built in the nearest location.

Make it easy for someone to do her favorite activities.

Ning Yi blinked her eyes.

After a few seconds, he sighed, "Oh my god, husband, aren't you being too considerate?"

Gu Cheng's expression was light: "It should."

It is what he should do to give his partner a better life in all aspects.

And this year, there will be more and more—she probably can't even imagine it.

The corners of Gu Cheng's lips curled up slightly.

Ning Yi looked at her future, and couldn't help sighing: "—I can't think of it!"

Gu Cheng came back to his senses, put his arm around her shoulder and took a look, "What?"

Ning Yi thought to herself: Unexpectedly, I was originally a cannon fodder character who was going to be tortured by you, but now I have developed in the opposite direction——

Although Gu Cheng had already said that he liked her.

But Ning Yi will really feel it in the details of life - you must like me very much.


The backs of the two of them cast a shadow in the setting sun.

There is a perfect height difference between 1.88 meters and 1.7 meters, and there is an indescribable and perfectly blended temperament.

Zongzhu Zhou looked at it from afar, and couldn't think of any other adjectives besides good match!

Let the years go on peacefully, let Mr. Gu and his wife have the most beautiful and smooth love! woo woo woo woo.

Ning Yi recalled the plot of the original book by herself, and shook her head with a smile—in short, the biggest boss in the book fell in love with the little cannon fodder in the book, and the plot was a disaster.

Usually the plot is not that simple, but who knows?

Ning Yi has experienced too much, she thinks the most important moment.

For example, right now she really likes the man who gave her big diamonds and painted her a picture of the world.

So Ning Yi leaned over with a smile, and buried her face in his chest under his coat.

Choo Choo Choo.


Although Ning Yi felt that she and Gu Cheng had messed up the plot of the original book.

But there are always people in this world who support the original plot!

Princess Tintin—forever young, always with that style of painting!

Ever since Ning Yi met Ning Zhuo when she was buying coffee that day, she hadn't seen him in the group since then. Of course, the homecoming banquet they hosted for Ning Zhuo by the Ning family was nothing to her concern—but Ning Zhuo was sent to the Gu family. Ding Ziyue was told about the company's incident in a miserable manner.

And Ding Ziyue thinks that all of this is caused by Jiang Linyi—

The logic of Ding Ziyue's madness is simple: if Jiang Linyi hadn't come to the Gu Group to look for Ning Zhuo that day, and the three of them had a fight in front of Young Master Gu, Young Master Gu would not have hated such an outstanding talent as Ning Zhuo. Definitely will keep him in a senior position at HQ!

So Jiang Linyi ruined Ning Zhuo's job because he loved her too much! Of course, although she took the initiative to accompany Ning Zhuo for the interview that day, she lost her memory, so all this has nothing to do with her! ^_^

The love, hatred and hatred of the three of them staged a big drama in CMore, becoming the main force for netizens to have fun in the beginning of the year.

In the end, Jiang Linyi said that he would take Ding Ziyue to meet his parents in other provinces.

Ding Ziyue shed tears of emotion: "Brother Lin Yi, I knew it, you..."

Jiang Linyi has also been tortured by their love to the point of going crazy, he hugged Ding Ziyue deeply, "Yueyue, stop making trouble, no matter whether you still remember all the things between us or not, only you will be mine wife."

Ding Ziyue nodded with tears in her eyes: "Yes!"

-Ha ha ha ha!

At this point in the plot, she can almost recover her memory!

At that time, she will "remember everything" in a grand and ceremonial manner, which will make Jiang Linyi feel that all the hard work has come and go, and cherish it even more.

——This is how feelings are, pure sweetness will only make people gradually boring!

Only by experiencing sour and bitter in sweet can people love deeply!

Ding Ziyue feels that she is simply a master of love, and she deserves to be the most beloved woman in the world!

So, how does Ning Yi's love compare with hers? ~

Can Ning Yi have such a rich, layered, sweet, sadistic and unforgettable love?

So, the best love, the deepest love—

Only she, Ding Ziyue, can have it!

[@宁子祥: I have forgotten a lot, but I can’t forget you. I think of a lot, most of all you. 】


This sad copywriting comes at your fingertips, and it is indeed the painful Marysu of youth after amnesia!

Ning Yi was very emotional - now she felt that as long as she saw Ding Ziyue, she would have the effect of seeing the magic needle of Dinghai, knowing that the world was still going on as usual.

As long as Princess Tintin's world does not collapse, the world will continue to be so brainless and happy.

Very wrong.

And Ding Ziyue also made the final choice between her childhood sweetheart brother and the affectionate actor.

After she returned home with Jiang Linyi, she began to formally pretend to be the fiancée of the actor. She also appeared on a show with Jiang Linyi, hinting with a happy expression that she and Jiang Linyi might get married, crying Jiang fans, envious of netizens!

—So at the wedding, she will definitely beat Ning Yi in this round!

Ding Ziyue is determined, she can't beat Ning Yi once in everything in her life!

Besides, Young Master Gu didn't express any intention of making up for Ning Yi's wedding? But Jiang Linyi clearly gave her everything she wanted~

In terms of financial resources, although it is difficult for Jiang Linyi to defeat Gu Dashao, the Jiang family is also a local snake on their side! Moreover, Jiang Linyi's latest movie has been nominated. According to the plot in the dream, he will win the award, and his status will be even higher!

And Jiang Linyi, who has experienced sweetness, bitterness, cruelty, and finally deep affection, will definitely give his beloved princess a grand wedding of the century!

Ding Ziyue has already begun to see which day is more suitable for them to hold a wedding~ She will definitely invite Ning Yi to attend at that time!

Ah~ I'm really looking forward to it~

Ning Yi also made up Panyuan's plot by the way.

Because Princess Ding herself cut into the amnesia plot, it seems that the overall progress has been accelerated.

Of course, going back to the beginning, Gu Cheng woke up earlier than in the original plot. Originally, "Ning Yi" would wake up after he abused Gu Cheng for a period of time, and Gu Cheng would be blackened enough.

But when Ning Yi transmigrated, she had just stabbed Gu Cheng, and Gu Cheng woke up early because of the body swap.

So to a certain extent, Ding Ziyue's adaptability is really strong, as strong as her self-healing ability after breaking the defense!

Resby ^_^

I hope that Princess Ding will always support the world and be happy without thinking!

After the turn of the year, the first month soon came, and the atmosphere of the New Year gradually became stronger.

Even if it is a brainless wealthy family, they should celebrate the New Year happily!

Ning Yi is also looking forward to the New Year.

Chinese New Year is the day to stockpile food for the festival! Ning Yi can have a legitimate reason to move the supermarket back home again!

This time Gu Cheng was with her, watching Ning Yi's posture of sweeping the shelves, feeling quite helpless.

"It's not that there is no one at home." Gu Cheng helped her push the shopping cart.

Ning Yi looked at the chocolate-flavored popcorn and the caramel-flavored popcorn, and felt that she liked both, so she took five buckets each and threw them into the almost full shopping cart.

"You don't understand!" Ning Yi shook his index finger, "You don't understand this kind of happiness!"

It was Wan Ge who helped her push the shopping cart last time, and Wan Ge understood very well——

People will always compensate themselves vindictively in the days after suffering!

The shelves are full, and they are all fresh and not expired, so there is no need to grab them. This kind of happiness is simply indescribable.

Gu Cheng sighed lightly, so he helped her get a few more flavors.

Then buy it.

Anyway, it is not a problem to buy an entire supermarket.

In the end, Ning Yi bought a whole carload of New Year's goods to take home. Song Lan encouraged her with a smile when she saw it: "Xiao Yi is awesome. This year's New Year's day, there is no need to prepare New Year's goods at home."

The back kitchen must also show off its skills during such an important festival as the Chinese New Year. The happy smile on the wife's face when eating is the motivation for their work!

Ning Yi smiled and went to study with her mother-in-law the menu for the New Year's Eve dinner at home.

After researching, Ning Yi happily went to exchange feelings with her beloved chefs.

And Song Lan quietly left behind Gu Cheng, "You and Xiaoyi are in such a good relationship now, do you have any plans for the wedding or something?"

Gu Cheng said lightly: "You can rest assured."

Song Lan knew that he had been right in his mind since he was a child, so it seemed that he had planned it long ago.

She covered her mouth and said with a smile: "There is also a honeymoon and so on. You should arrange everything."

Gu Cheng: "Understood."

When he turned to leave, a thought suddenly occurred to him.

If the new exchange mechanism is maintained, according to the gameplay they experienced last time, then the honeymoon...

Young Master Gu straightened his collar expressionlessly.

During the day, it is not suitable to declare... not to think deeply.

Before the official annual holiday, the Koo Group will hold an annual meeting, and there will also be Spring Festival activities on CMore.

The bloggers in the game area of ​​the live broadcast area and the current e-commerce beauty area will record some New Year greetings.

The club in the game area contacted all the popular game anchors, and it was no surprise that Wander was out of contact again.

He hasn't been on the air for a while.

And Ning Yi turned out to be the only person who could contact Wander recently.

It seems that in this world except for Ning Yi, he blocks all news from others.

This made Ning Yi always have a bad feeling.

[Brother, are you retreating again? 】

A day after her message was sent, Wander probably woke up and replied to her.


[Just recently Jue Duo]

Ning Yi sighed: 【Don't be too curly, okay】

[Eat healthy, live a good life, drink more tea and keep healthy, go to bed early and wake up early to adjust your work and rest]

Wander smiled.

It seems that she has been living like this recently, which is very good.

Wander: [01, have you been sleeping and dreaming lately]

Ning Yi: [No]

Ning Yi's sleep quality is pretty good now, except that if she sleeps too hard at night, Gu Cheng will be squeezed into a single person, everything else is fine.

Wander tapped the phone screen.

That may be one in ten thousand possibility, 01 is lucky.

【In case, I mean in case, what if I go back someday】

Ning Yi paused, and then thought about it seriously.

Then she must be able to live well, because Ning Yi never thought that anything could defeat her. But the sufferings of life and death that he has experienced are really painful and embarrassing. Ning Yi has already made himself forget it. Of course, it is best not to repeat the experience.

She didn't want Brother Wan to go through it again.

Of course, there is no need for Gu Cheng to know.

Ning Yi: [Chinese New Year is coming soon, please be auspicious everyone]

Wander smiled: [OK]

Ning Yi thought for a while: [Captain, from now on, you can call me a card every day, just send 1.]

She has to make sure that their team Wan is alive and well.

It was quiet there for a long time before I sent a [1]

This is agreed.

Ning Yi felt relieved. Just as she was about to put down her phone, another message came from the other side:

【The day you didn't check in, you came to me】

Then Wander sent her an address. is where he lives.

Ning Yi didn't know why, but suddenly felt a little solemn.



Although Ning Yi has seen everything after experiencing the apocalypse, Wan Dui's words still have a place in Ning Yi's heart.

Fortunately, for the next two days, she received a 1 every day.

It seems reassuring again.

Ning Yi looked at the 1 on the phone and thought for a long time.

After finishing her work in Gucheng, she came over to look at her dialog box, and raised her eyebrows, "What is he doing?"

Send 1 every day, sick?

Ning Yi came back to her senses: "Report that the vital signs are good."

Gu Cheng couldn't help laughing: "Is he also in a vegetable state?"

Ning Yi poked his stomach: "Husband, please deduct 1, the Buddha will forgive your poisonous tongue."

Gu Cheng smiled and scratched a 1 on the tip of her nose.

Just now Ning Yi's emotions were conveyed again, she was a little calmer than usual.

But after a few words with him, it was obvious that she had adjusted.

Very powerful internal drive.

Gu Cheng's eyes can't help but fall on Ning Yi's eyebrows, and he always feels that his Ah Yi is very special.

The ability to regulate and control this emotion...

And Ning Yi looked up at Gu Cheng, just in front of his well-proportioned jaw angle, cold white neck, and knuckle-shaped fingers.

I accidentally remembered the experience during the New Year's Eve.

Ning Yi: "O3O"

Her mood quietly changed, and then it was passed to the other side lewdly.

Gu Cheng: "?" He still hasn't reacted.

Ning Yi: I don't even think about it, it's all done by the brain itself!

The brain recalled the healthy and positive feelings that day-as the saying goes, you can think about what you are full and warm, and know what you eat when you are full. I've experienced it, it's true, it's pretty good.

So Ning Yi posted it with a warm smile.

Gu Cheng's eyes darkened, and the corner of his lips curled up: "What are you thinking, huh?"

While posting the post, Ning Yi said, "I'm thinking about prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality..."

Gu Cheng couldn't help lowering his head while laughing.

But before their mouths touched, their bodies switched.

Gu Cheng: "..."

It worked for a while, but it didn't work again.

So Ning Yi could feel his resentment.

So while rubbing his aching head, he still couldn't help giggling.

Gu Cheng couldn't help feeling a little gloomy.

Although the new mechanism of swap is interesting, the uncontrollable randomness still makes him unable to grasp it.

Ning Yi finished laughing, and sighed, "Honey, tell me, isn't it a bad thing for us to swap bodies?"

Judging from the current development trend, it is obviously becoming more and more uncontrollable.

Her mind can't end the random swap, neither can Gu Cheng.

When I first came here, I was eating and playing foolishly. I thought that body swapping can be very useful for a person who is suffering from pain. Occasionally, I can use the body of the overlord to fill a cup of refreshment.

But the randomness of the exchange has actually been revealed from the very beginning. It seems that first she has a higher initiative, and then Gu Cheng's initiative has increased, but in fact, in the face of randomness, neither of them has a choice .

Gu Cheng lowered his eyes, not wanting her to worry.

"No," Gu Cheng shook Ning Yi's hand, "Swapping is also a good thing."

If he hadn't exchanged bodies with Ning Yi, Gu Cheng didn't know when he would be able to escape from the boundless darkness.

Therefore, even if the randomness of the swap is unpredictable, even if Gu Cheng has some vague guesses and worries.

But that was also the beginning of his new life when he met Ning Yi.

Ning Yi closes her eyes and clings to him.

She understood what Gu Cheng meant.


Although the bodies are switched, the emotions of the two people are passing each other.

It was late at night, but Gu Cheng didn't feel sleepy.

He made several guesses about the next form of swap, some benign and some vicious...but the results are not too optimistic.

This is a challenge that is different from his previous life experience.

What they were fighting against was an invisible force, and Gu Cheng didn't know if he had a chance of winning.

When he was thinking deeply, a cold feeling gradually pervaded unconsciously. Gu Cheng has always hated everything uncontrollable. But now it's not only because it's unsafe, but also because it involves Ning Yi. He couldn't accept that he couldn't protect her well.

Gu Cheng's character has always been like this. He has been in charge of the group since he was young, and has been fighting openly and secretly all the way. After struggling in the dark, he accumulated all the dark resentment in his life.

So where will it go next...

Just when Gu Cheng's eyes gradually dimmed, a more powerful, gentle and peaceful emotion blew between the two of them like the wind.

That was the emotion from Ning Yi.

Ning Yi held him with one hand, and called him in her heart: "Husband."


"go to bed."

Gu Cheng suddenly became quiet.

It seems that she has not experienced any training, and her heart is full of the taste of sunshine and wind.

Gu Cheng didn't know how rare this was.

Then he felt Ning Yi's emotions, accompanied her silently, and saw her falling asleep peacefully.

Gu Cheng seemed to suddenly understand why some secret mechanism chose him and Ning Yi to exchange their bodies.

Forbearing but gloomy.

Be tough and positive.

They can hold each other.

Ning Yi slept deeply that night.

It took a long time for Gu Cheng to fall asleep next to her, but his sleep was not peaceful.

Gu Cheng had a dream.

Dreams are fragmented fragments.

People were running in a panic in the street, as if some disaster had happened.

Those are some very real, but very strange scenes.

Gu Cheng seems to be walking around in a dream without knowing what to say, even from the first perspective, all this seems to have nothing to do with him. Until he happens to pass a mirror in a fragmented scene.

In the mirror, he saw... Ning Yi's thin face.

It seems that I have been hungry for a long time.

Gu Cheng's pupils shrank, and he suddenly opened his eyes—

The bodies of the two of them have switched over at some point.

Ning Yi next to him was still sleeping peacefully, looking happy and peaceful, as if he had never suffered anything.

However, Gu Cheng suddenly understood something.

He stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms, subconsciously holding her tightly.

Maybe this dream was supposed to belong to Ning Yi, but they switched bodies, so Gu Cheng had a dream.

Or maybe it was a more certain guess in Gu Cheng's mind—

The next step in the depth change of the random swap mechanism.

And one step further after exchanging emotions...they exchange memories.

So he glimpsed a little bit of Ning Yi's past.