Ning Yi was woken up by Gu Cheng.

She was drowsy and unable to wake up, muttering and asking: "Why don't you sleep..."

Gu Cheng tightly circled her, his fingers landed on her cheeks, feeling the rosy and plump flesh on Ning Yi's face, his heart was still hot.

The information he got in the dream was very fragmented, Gu Cheng tried to remember more details, trying to sort out the situation... But in the end, only Ning Yi's thin cheeks and eyes that were still clear and dark amidst the chaos remained in front of his eyes.

"...Ayi," Gu Cheng's voice was slightly difficult, and he asked her in a low voice, "Are you dreaming?"

Ning Yi was sleepy and stared, half-opened her eyes, her voice was vague: "Huh? Why are you all asking that..."

Gu Cheng's voice paused slightly, "Who else asks?"

After finishing speaking, Gu Cheng already thought of the answer—it was 01's friend, they came from the same place, they had the same tacit understanding, and their past overlapped.

And with Gu Cheng's insight, it is almost possible to confirm and sort out the logic up to now - he has indeed exchanged Ning Yi's memory.

This memory is also shared by that wanderer. Since he asked Ning Yi, it means that he also had a dream. It's just because of Gu Cheng and Ning Yi's exchange mechanism, so Ning Yi's dream has become Gu Cheng's fulfillment—

The unstable factors of the exchange are superimposed on this dream.

Two kinds of anxiety come together.

Gu Cheng's heart was heavy, but he surrounded Ning Yi even tighter. He was a little glad that there was no exchange of emotions at this moment, otherwise it might affect her, and she would not be able to sleep well tonight.

Ning Yi yawned, "I'm not dreaming."

It may be that she is sleeping so well now that she has a quiet night.

She moved, found a more comfortable position in Gu Cheng's arms, and reached out to pat Gu Cheng comfortingly, "Did you have a nightmare, husband?"

Gu Cheng took a breath, and kissed her forehead lightly in the dark, "No—"

Her past was her own experience, Ning Yi didn't say anything, how could he treat it as a nightmare.

Probably this time he was the only one who switched to Ning Yi's memory, just like switching bodies and emotions, usually it's a one-way operation.

This is the first time to exchange memories, and Gu Cheng only saw a little fragment. As for where Ning Yi was at that time, what happened to them, and what her situation was, they hadn't been able to see clearly yet.

However, Gu Cheng was already feeling distressed.

Gu Cheng is holding her at this moment, in his arms, warm and quiet. He couldn't help but want to ask what kind of situation Ning Yi was in at that time.

Is she having a bad time.

Is not enough to eat.

But Gu Cheng saw that she was about to fall asleep in a daze without any grievances at this time, and finally swallowed all the words.

If it is an exchange, then Ning Yi will probably also exchange his memory fragments in the future, but she does not know it yet, and it is difficult for Gu Cheng to predict what fragments Ning Yi will see.

But at least for now—with him around.

Gu Cheng hopes that she will be happy every day.

So, he came to solve it first.

Turn around and it's the end of the year.

That day after Ning Yi woke up, he asked Gu Cheng what happened last night, and Gu Cheng said calmly that he was fine.

Seeing him like this must be something, but he didn't say anything, and Ning Yi didn't force him.

Because Gu Cheng always gives people the feeling that he can solve all problems—he is the strongest boss in the book who crushes everything and beats everyone. What is there in this world that can stump Gu Cheng? ?

He didn't say that there must be his reasons, and he would definitely tell her when he could.

Husband and wife should have more trust in each other - Ning Yi thought.

But the [1] sent by Wan Ge lasted until New Year's Eve.

Ning Yi asked him: [Want me to accompany you during the Chinese New Year, captain?]

After thinking about it, Team Wan may not have much social connections here, and they are a lone wolf in the club, and it seems that they have nothing to do with their relatives, and she can't bring an outsider to the Gu family—

But she can eat two New Year's Eve dinners by herself^_^ There is no pressure to have one meal at home and one meal outside.

However, Wander did not return.

Ning Yi sighed, wondering if he didn't want to disturb her, or went to sleep again.

New Year's Eve night.

The chef of Gu's Manor has come to show his talents once a year, and he can't wait to cook the New Year's Eve dinner according to the standard of the Manchu Banquet.

Ning Yi wore a beautiful red square-neck dress today, and she was beaming with joy. In the back kitchen, she had been fed a cup of fresh soup and two pieces of fresh pork fork pork in advance.

When the New Year's Eve dinner was ready and all the members of the Gu family were on the table, Mr. Gu said a few words cheerfully, and then the New Year's Eve dinner officially started.

The "Five Blessings" made from pork belly and squid, the "Niannianyouyu" covered with shredded green and red peppers covered with hot oil, and the Huadiao wine cinnamon spareribs named "Red Fire Danian" are all home-cooked dishes, but The level of the state banquet was made, and a long table was full.

The aroma and umami are transpiring with human fireworks.

As usual, Ning Yi felt like sweeping away thousands of troops—

When she had finished eating all five ribs on her plate, a pair of chopsticks stretched out beside her and added a whole fish to her.

Ning Yi: "?"

She turned her head and glanced at Gu Cheng, what's wrong, she finally started raising pigs, right?

Gu Cheng said lightly: "Eat more."

After that night, the memories of these two days have not been exchanged.

However, based on the details of the dream and Ning Yi's approximate age at that time, Gu Cheng had people secretly spread out an investigation network to see where in the country this is and what disaster happened in which year.

However, no correspondence was found.

Another guess in Gu Cheng's mind became clearer, but he didn't want to bring it up in front of Ning Yi at all.

I don't want Ning Yi to recall, and I no longer feel that she eats as if she has experienced famine.

However, as long as they eat together, the dishes Ning Yi picked up will appear on her plates and bowls in multiples.

Gu Cheng probably finally understands the reason why Ning Yi likes to hoard food for revenge.

It would be great if the world could make up for the past with vengeance.

"eat more."

"I'm eating, I'm eating—hey, don't pinch it!"

The members of the Gu family on the table: Kindness.jpg

In the end, Ning Yi was fed by him until her stomach rounded, and she thought that it was very good—this love is very thick, very fragrant, and delicious.

The whole family enjoyed a New Year's Eve dinner, and Ning Yi was very satisfied.

Eating enough will give people a sense of happiness and anticipation for the coming year.

Before lying down to sleep at night, Ning Yi glanced at the unread messages on her phone.


Ning Yi heaved a sigh of relief: [On the day of great joy, check in and send out the New Year's card, bro]

Wander: 【Happy Chinese New Year】

Ning Yi is at ease: [Everything will be fine]

Except for random swaps where the uncertainty is still high, everything seems to be going well?

Now her career is fully on the right track. In the new year, Ning Yi also plans to play in the direction of holographic technology—anyway, she has money and leisure, so she can pull a team together to make holographic games and experience the end of the world immersively. There must be a market.

At that time, Team Wan will definitely be brought together. He has both end-of-the-world experience and gaming skills, so he is simply the most suitable partner.

In short, there are still many things to toss.

She also needs to move into the industrial park, and expand her small company to be a better boss...

Lying rich while lying down.

Ning Yi grabbed Gu Cheng, compared her hand to a microphone, and held it on her husband's chin, "Tell me about your New Year's goals!"

Gu Cheng looked down at her.

Recently Young Master Gu seemed to be busy with other things, and he didn't sleep well. The faint blue and black under his eyes seemed more gloomy and cold, but when they were filled by Ning Yi, they were profound and gentle.

In previous years, if you asked Gu Cheng about his New Year's plan, there were probably only cold numbers, market analysis, and business decisions.

But now Gu Cheng picked up Ning Yi, held her in his arms, and lightly pecked the tip of her nose.

"My New Year's resolution is—"

Solve all the unknown problems, and then—"We love each other well."

Ning Yi blinked.

What she actually wants to ask is business strategy, career planning, and money-making goals—these are the ways of making money by whoring her husband.

But unexpectedly got a very sweet answer.

How should I put it, Gu Cheng, you have started to learn to speak nice words now, right?

But Ning Yi couldn't help pulling herself together, holding her flushed face and smiling.

"Then add this to my New Year's resolution."

Gu Cheng smiled, pinched her face, "What's this row?"

Ning Yi: "Fifth—four three two one!"

Gu Cheng let go of his fingers that had been exerting a little force, and then rubbed her face, "It's a great I will work hard, Ayi."

Ning Yi hummed twice.

How to say it seems difficult.

Things like falling in love—she will work hard.

Just like a swap, it's a matter between the two of them.

The world is also running happily without brains.

Turning on the mobile phone, CMore's Spring Festival activities are extremely rich.

Netizens stay at home during the holidays, surfing the Internet with their mobile phones when they have nothing to do, complaining about the Spring Festival Gala, complaining about the short Spring Festival holiday, or looking for melons and candy everywhere.

Among them, Ding Ziyue is naturally a lively figure.

——On the occasion of saying goodbye to the old and ushering in the new year, Princess Ding Ding delivered an important speech at CMore!

【@宁子祥: I finally, finally remembered...】

The time is ripe, and it's time for the most important plot, so Ding Ziyue's brain recovered very sensibly, without amnesia!

Ning Yi: Okay, applause! If you are not sick, you can take two steps.

After Ding Ziyue posted the news, which attracted the attention of netizens, she turned her head and threw herself into Jiang Linyi's arms:

"Brother Lin Yi, after this amnesia, I realized how much you love me. I will always remember your perseverance..."

Jiang Linyi hugged her and said emotionally, "Yueyue, you, you you really remember?"

Ding Ziyue cried and said: "I remember it! From the first time I met you at the racecourse, to your official announcement of your relationship, to everything you did for me, I, I remember everything! How could I forget? You give me Pampered..."

Jiang Linyi embraced her affectionately.

"In the new year, our love is going to a new stage."

Ding Ziyue's heart was pounding: here we come! coming! Isn't that why she promotes the plot—

Jiang Linyi took out a ring, knelt on one knee and said, "Yueyue, will you marry me?"

Ding Ziyue was moved to tears! Then he dried his eyes and carefully observed whether this ring was as big as Ning Yi's pigeon egg!

But looking left and right, they seem to be smaller than pigeon eggs!

And it's a marriage proposal! There are no audience around here, how can this work? How could her favored life not be witnessed! ?

Ding Ziyue said emotionally: "I am willing! Brother Lin Yi! But I want you to let the whole world know that you are going to marry me!"

Jiang Linyi said: "Of course, my princess."

His Jiang Linyi's wedding will of course be very grand.

Ding Ziyue felt relieved.

Although the diamond ring is a bit smaller, the wedding can completely crush Ning Yi!

She really won this battle against the wind!

that day.

Princess Ding used the excuse of visiting (fake) relatives during the Chinese New Year, put on a diamond ring and two more rings, and appeared outside the Gu's manor—she was afraid that Ning Yi would miss her sweet news if she didn't go online!

Ning Yi looked at Ding Ziyue leisurely—oh, her light of the world, her Dinghaishenzhen.

Ding Ziyue made a classic smile covering her mouth, and specially put up the three rings on her right hand, "Sister, I'm sorry for neglecting you during the period of amnesia, now I remember it, and I came here to share it with you." My joy!"

Ning Yi: "Yeah, as long as you're happy."

Ding Ziyue smiled and revealed the main purpose of her visit today: "So, after a while, you must come to my wedding~"

Then secretly observed Ning Yi's expression.

If Young Master Gu had plans to make up for Ning Yi's wedding, Ning Yi's expression would never change!

But after listening to Ning Yi, he still looked like a salted fish: "Huh? Good."

The hostess's wedding banquet must be delicious, who can't go there.

Ding Ziyue secretly laughed in her heart, sure enough, she will definitely win the wedding round!

Alas, sometimes she can't help but feel that her life is too advantageous. No matter what twists and turns she has experienced in the middle, the ending of her beautiful and pampered life has long been doomed.

Thinking of this, her privilege, her arrogance! It has been fully reflected!

"Don't be too envious, sister, after all, brother Lin Yi and I have experienced too much... You don't understand, this kind of love that has experienced suffering together is the most precious in the world! That's why he wants to give it to me Best wedding ever, because what I went through was so distressing and I deserved it all...”

Ning Yi said leisurely, "Yeah."

But Ding Ziyue's sense of superiority was pushed back by her, and she was a little upset.

What Ding Ziyue hates the most is Ning Yi's indifferent appearance, which makes her repeatedly make mistakes in her brain and overturn her car!

But now, Ding Ziyue, who has successfully completed this long plot and turned against the wind, is so proud that she did not hesitate to tell her a secret, so that Ning Yi wants to see the astonished expression on Ning Yi's face!

"You must not have imagined it, sister—" Ding Ziyue suppressed the joy and sense of superiority, "Actually, I don't have amnesia at all! Haha!"

Are you stupid, have you been tricked by me?

The whole world has been tricked by me! Ha ha ha ha!

"?" Ning Yi held the teacup and said leisurely, "Yeah."

Well, well said. Listening to what you say is like listening to what you say.

Ding Ziyue saw her like this, the smile on the corner of her mouth was a little weak, and she said unhappily: "What? Are you still pretending to be calm? You just want to win so much, and you don't even show any displeasure? Ning Yi, you live like this It will be very tiring!"

Ning Yi: "?"

Ning Yi took a sip of tea, "Yeah."

When Ding Ziyue didn't pay attention, she was **** off again!

So she couldn't help it, and revealed more of her sense of superiority and arrogance: "Hehe, do you think that pretending to be calm can compare with my life? Let me tell you the truth, there has never been a relationship between our lives. In essence, there is a gap, not everyone can have the premonition of a dream like me—"

Before Ding Ziyue finished speaking, she suddenly stopped speaking.

Her ingenuity told herself that she could talk about faking amnesia, but not about dreams.

After all, dreams represent power beyond the operation of this world, how can an ordinary person like Ning Yi know about it?

"In short, in short! You can't compare my life to—"

However, this time, Ning Yi's expression finally changed a bit.

If Gu Cheng and Wan Ge both mentioned Meng, it could still be said to be a coincidence... But when it comes from the heroine's mouth, it has a different meaning. Because Ding Ziyue is the center of this world, this represents an invisible rule.

And dream.

It is outside the rules, other forces.

What would be the effect of dreaming?

And...why wasn't she dreaming?

Ning Yi's brain was spinning fast, and he quickly thought of the swap mechanism.

Perhaps because of the exchange, she should have been dreamed by Gu Cheng as Wan Ge suggested.

But since it was an exchange, why did Gu Cheng have her dream, but Ning Yi did not have Gu Cheng's?

Ning Yi's expression suddenly fell into deep thought.

Ding Ziyue originally wanted to see Ning Yi's other expressions, but suddenly felt that she had revealed too much, and finally left a sentence, "In short, you must come on the day I get married~ because I will be very happy then of~"

Looking at Ding Ziyue's back, Ning Yi suddenly remembered that the plot in the original book was almost over.

In the text, the author wrote that Ding Ziyue got married. After experiencing misunderstandings, bloodshed, twists and turns, car accidents, and amnesia, the princess who recovered her memory accepted the prince's wedding and lived a pampered life ever since.

After the plot is over, the world should continue to function normally, but... what about the foreign characters?

She and Wan Ge.

All are foreign characters.

This time Ding Ziyue made a special trip to show off, but unexpectedly made Ning Yi aware of some... information that was protected by Gu Cheng.

Ning Yi calmly analyzed the day.

I always feel like I'm missing something important.

She kept thinking about it, until Gu Cheng told her in her head that there was something to do tonight and asked her to go to bed early, and Ning Yi suddenly realized——

Team Wan's [1] stopped.

Ning Yi flipped up sharply. Before that, he clocked in at about the same time every day.

Today was about ten minutes longer than his usual clock-in time.

It stands to reason that Brother Wan didn't keep the time very accurately, but today Ning Yi suddenly felt something was wrong—

So instead of going to bed early as Gu Cheng said, she jumped out of bed and called the bodyguards waiting in the corridor.

"Song Yan, take me somewhere."

Song Yan nodded: "Okay madam, but it's so late now, I need to report to you..."

Ning Yi frowned, "Quick!"

Song Yan was startled, then immediately opened the door and got into the car.

"Ma'am, give me the address."

The address Wan Ge gave was not far away.

Probably because Ning Yi is usually too calm and calm, this is the first time he uses such an urgent tone, so Song Yan doesn't bother to report to Gu Cheng, and drives the car into the air.

When they arrived at the place, Ning Yi jumped out of the car, took the elevator, and was very calm when he found the house number.

Then she calmly saw the result that she had vaguely expected—

Wander is gone.

Ning Yi clenched her fists, and walked to the turned chair with a calm expression. The phone screen on it was still unlocked.

She came fast enough.

But it was a little slower after all.

There are still unsent words on Wander's cell phone.

[Dream, 108.613588, 39.1079…]

The next few numbers are not finished.

But Ning Yi's pupils shrank suddenly.

She knows two pieces of information.

One, Brother Wan didn't disappear on his own initiative.

Second, the number he left behind is the coordinates of the supply point that year.

Ning Yi sat down calmly.

If you think about it carefully, wander has actually hinted at it twice. Team Wan may have dreamed about the past and realized that they might still be able to wear them back, so he was testing whether she had any information.

And if she doesn't, he doesn't want to ruin her happy life now.

He didn't try to leave her a message until he had to leave.

—and Gu Cheng probably did the same.

The two of them had never communicated before, but they reached a surprisingly tacit understanding in protecting Ning Yi.

Secretly trying to solve it by herself, so as not to let her relive all the painful past.

Ning Yi thought to herself, but how can I be so fragile.

She stabilized herself quickly.

Like the countless times in the past when facing danger and embarrassment, first put aside emotions and analyze the pros and cons.

Because Ding Ziyue's main storyline is over, and the existence of supporting characters is meaningless, so is the world going to crowd out outsiders?

The better situation is that Brother Wan is still in this world, but he was drawn to another place. In a worse situation, Brother Wan returned to the end of the world. With his ability, of course he wouldn't die, but he would suffer again. And if the situation gets worse, Ning Yi will follow in his footsteps.

Moreover, because of the body swap between her and Gu Cheng, now the aboriginal Gu Cheng is also involved.

Ning Yi closed her eyes and walked out of the house.

While thinking of a way, I felt a little cold.

But the moment she walked out of the building, she was caught in a tall and generous embrace.

Gu Cheng came here full of travel and dust.

The familiar breath, and the body temperature of his body completely enveloped Ning Yi.

Gu Cheng is actually very cold, but he doesn't know when, the way he looks at Ning Yi and the hug he stretches out his hands, all have warmth.

Ning Yi reached out and hugged him—oh, the emotions were exchanged just now.

And her mood was a little more uneasy, so Gu Cheng felt it.

So he came to hug her.

"Husband," Ning Yi said calmly, "Brother Wan seems to be in trouble."

"Well—" Gu Cheng's voice was still calm, he hugged her, rubbed the top of her hair, "Leave it to me."

In fact, he had already silently stood in the same camp as Wander.

Obviously, they all want to protect Ning Yi.

So in a very short period of time, Gu Cheng has already mobilized all his manpower, material resources, and financial resources to secretly search for all news about Wander.

If even Gu Cheng's power can't find him in this world, then it's—

Ning Yi clenched her hands.

This night is destined to be sleepless.

Gu Cheng originally wanted her to go to bed early, but Ning Yi is obviously also very smart.

After returning home, Gu Cheng told Ning Yi the information he had now. He didn't dream much, but he could already guess it.

Where did she and wander come from, what have they been through.

In fact, there are clues in life.

Ning Yi lay on the soft and clean quilt, rolled herself up, looked at Gu Cheng's jaw, "Then why didn't I dream of your memory?"

Shouldn't it be exchanged?

Gu Cheng's tone remained unchanged, comforting her, "That may be a good thing."

Ning Yi stared at him for a while, and found that she was really reluctant, so she couldn't help but reached out and hugged him.

Gu Cheng's arm wrapped her in his arms.

Then, Ning Yi's head was pressed against Gu Cheng's chest, and there was a pain in his temple - the exchange mechanism came again.

It's like all the unstable factors are going to explode together.

After exchanging bodies, emotions, and memories—this time when they embraced each other, it seemed as if their souls shuttled back and forth quickly in the embrace.

In the end, Ning Yi didn't even know whether it was in her own body or Gu Cheng's.

It's as if they've merged together.

Sure enough, the swap mechanism is still changing in depth and becoming more and more uncontrollable. It seems to confirm the classic prophecy - "All the gifts given by fate have been secretly priced."

It is to get it back.

The mechanism finally stopped.

Ning Yi rubbed her head in silence for a while, and even laughed out loud.

"You said that the swap will end at the end, will we all merge together?"

Gu Cheng endured the headache, pulled her over and rubbed her head, and smiled: "That's good too, it means we're together."

But Ning Yi couldn't help feeling rebellious.

What **** broken mechanism?

She has broken off the heads of zombies in her life, so she has never been afraid of anything.

Today's various changes are like flames burning into impatience, running around with the remaining headache.

So Ning Yi simply kicked off the quilt, and then tore off her own clothes—

"The exchange deepens, right—then we should just physically fuse ourselves."

Gu Cheng lowered his gaze for a moment.

The room was dark, but she seemed to be glowing. Porcelain white is delicate and beautiful in everything.

Ning Yi thought, what if, what if she left too.

It's better to talk about it when we are still together.

Their exchange mechanism can also feel each other's feelings, double the happiness, right?

The temperature in the room is rising.

It's hard to say no to an invitation to be so straightforward.

However, after a while, Gu Cheng's pupils were dark, but he leaned over and pulled up her collar, hiding all the scenery, and then hugged her into his arms.


Gu Cheng hugged Ning Yi tightly, and kissed her plump cheek.

There is no exchange of emotions now, but Gu Cheng still feels her heart.

Not seeking pleasure. Not angry either.

…she was afraid.

"I don't need sex, baby."

Ning Yi was in his arms, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

Gu Cheng's voice was very low, "I just want you not to be afraid."

Do not be afraid.

There must be a way.