The dark world in which Ning Yi is trapped extends endlessly.

Across time and space, an entrance is left.

This is the invisible mechanism, the most random turning point left for them—

And when Ning Yi realized that their emotions could be conveyed, she also immediately figured out that the exchange mechanism is ultimately a circle.

Therefore, Gu Cheng must still hear her voice.

And then eventually, back into their respective bodies.

But Ning Yi couldn't see it, so she could only wait. Even she wasn't sure which of her words would reach the other party, so Ning Yi had to keep talking.

All the while talking to himself in the dark.

Ning Yi thought as she spoke—fortunately, it didn't take much to say in her head.

It's just lonely, so lonely.

In the end, all she could do was talk nonsense that didn't even bother her.

After waiting in the dark for a long time, like waiting for a century, I finally heard a response.


Coming across the world, the voice of Gucheng.

The voice was vague and abstract, but it was the first time Ning Yi had heard a real voice in the darkness.

At that moment, the sound turned out to be like light.

So Ning Yi immediately forgot that their flow rates were different, and there was still a time difference between them. She said happily, "I'm here! I'm here!"

"Hey Hey hey-"

"Hello, husband!"

After a while, Gu Cheng's next voice came: "I—"

However, after the sound of a word, the voice suddenly stopped.

Ning Yi was taken aback.

No one knows better than her how dangerous it is in the last days and how easy it is to encounter unexpected accidents.

I don't know what happened.

It will be fine.

Ning Yi was happy for only a few seconds before returning to worry. So I had no choice but to review what I had experienced in those three years from the depths of my memory that had already been covered with several layers of soil, and think about what Gu Cheng might be facing now.

In the second year of the end of the world, there was a huge wave of zombies caused by animal infection. At that time, their team struggled to break through with firepower, and half of them died. Team Wan led them to escape to the supply point at that coordinate with difficulty.

In fact, every step is very difficult.

So what is Gu Cheng facing?

Under the dark sky of the last days.

Gu Cheng is about to rush into the oncoming wave of zombies.

In the apocalypse, this scene is even full of absurdity.

Under the ominous dark entrance, the crowd of zombies crushed by thousands of troops, full of distorted, festering, roaring faces, the roaring sound constitutes a doomsday swan song.

And he went alone.

This is an experience Ning Yi never had in the last days. Of course, there is no need to experience it in the future.

As Gu Cheng got closer to the pitch-black hole, his speed became faster—the velocity of the flow was changing, and he was betting his life.

The tide of corpses is getting closer.

Gu Cheng was only 100 meters away from the zombie running in the front.

fifty meters.

ten meters.

The eyeballs of the doomsday zombie that are about to burst, and the mouth that is dirty and bloody, are already in sight.

And the dark entrance was only a few meters away from him.

The heart was beating wildly due to the high-load running, and the sound of thump thump was hidden in the screaming of the sky.

Gu Cheng maintained a desperate calmness and fearlessness.

Take a gamble.

If you win, you can meet her.

Someone behind him roared, "01—"

And Gu Cheng didn't stop walking, still running wildly, firmly, stretched out his hand towards the zombie in front of him, towards the dark and lightless world——

"Hiss **** ho—"

"Cough ho—"

Human flesh and blood approached them, driving all the zombies into madness and surrounding Gucheng like crazy.

However, just as the zombie at the front was about to bite him—his hand also reached into the darkness.

So in an instant, he and the zombies were thrillingly-misplaced!

He clenched his fists violently.

— Bet right.

The moment he stepped into the darkness, he was already in another time and space.

Wander thinks he's **** crazy.

Originally, he just wanted to grab 01 and drag her to run quickly, but he didn't expect that with his current running speed at his peak state, he couldn't catch up! ?

The man's back seemed desperate, running towards what he was after.

The scene at that moment turned out to be crazy and free.

Wander saw him rushing directly into the zombie wave like that, and there was no way for him to retreat.

Damn, this forced the world.

If destined to swallow up all good people, so be it!

Wander simply carried the gun and rushed over while blasting.

Flesh exploded into the sky, and his eyes were scarlet. And at a certain moment, when he was deafened by the artillery fire, he seemed to really feel freedom.

The zombies were getting closer and closer, and the ominous black hole in the sky seemed to be shrinking continuously.

In the end, it became the size of only one door left.

Wander ran faster and faster, and then the bullet ran out. He threw the gun, only to find that the surrounding scenery was changing.

In a trance, it seems that I only ran a few hundred meters, but it seems like several years have passed.

It seems that there is an invisible flow velocity in the air that changes, and the scenes in the future that he saw—

Wander saw that after he rushed out to rescue 01, the fourth child shot to grab the supply truck, and then there was infighting within the team, and his leg was broken by a stray bullet. In this case, he would definitely die.

Then he saw that the entire area was completely submerged by the tide of zombies, and only a hundred people escaped in the end.

He also saw himself, who should have survived this zombie wave with difficulty, and then survived in the apocalypse for another year.

Then, 01 disappeared.

Then, he disappeared.

Then he suddenly left here and came to another world.

There, he became a very popular e-sports player. In that world, he saw 01 again.

So they really lived another kind of life, comfortable, rich, no worries about food and drink—

Wander gradually stopped running wildly in this scene.

Is that what happened in the future?

Or after reincarnation in the next life?

Will such a good day really exist?

The fast-forwarding of the timeline brought memory confusion, and his brain began to wonder.

In the end, Wander unknowingly stopped in the roaring corpse tide—

He thought, maybe he had mutated into a zombie, so he had these revolving hallucinations.

And he rushed here, in fact, he couldn't save 01, they will all die in the tide of corpses today.

Wander's vision was almost blurred with blood.

The zombies are close at hand.

He could vaguely see the hands of countless zombies reaching out to him, like an invitation from hell, leaving him completely festered in this world—

However, at the moment when it was about to fall, a clean hand popped out of all the blue, black and purple hands——

"Wake up!"

Gu Cheng, who ran towards the darkness and never looked back, rushed back at some point and yelled at him—

"Give me your hand!"

Wander raised his head in confusion, and subconsciously stretched out his hand towards 01's face.

Finally, before the dark narrow door was about to close, Gu Cheng grabbed Wander and dragged him in fiercely.


Wander snapped his eyes open.

In this space, the timeline crosses past nodes, and the wanderer in the apocalypse overlaps in memory, and all of them have been remembered—

He is both Team Wan and wander.

The choice he made at that moment before the zombie frenzy led him to escape the doomsday.

And maybe it was because he chose to save 01 in the future timeline, so he followed him to a new world without zombies and hunger ahead of time.

On the arc of time, what has happened must happen.

Wander looked up and looked at "01" who took a breath and turned to leave.

He has already understood that this person who returned to the end of the world, with the body of 01...

"You're not 01, you're—"

However, Gu Cheng continued to run towards the deepest part of the darkness, leaving him with only one voice.

"I'm the one she loves."

Also someone who loves her.

The so-called pain, only love can overcome everything.

Gu Cheng kept running.

The zombie tide has been isolated from the world.

He ran into the darkness, and the depths of the darkness were still darkness.

Gu Cheng was trapped in such endless despair a long time ago, but this time, all the blood in his body was rushing in the darkness.

Coincidentally, just like when Ning Yi passed through the end of the world, when Gu Cheng had the opportunity to return to his own world from the end of the world, it actually allowed him to fully understand the world he was in—

It turns out that this is a very brainless and mentally handicapped world where the plot revolves around two mentally handicapped people.

The protagonists turned out to be the two idiots Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi.

It is said that this is called pet text.

The reason why Gu Cheng was trapped in a vegetative body for three full years and could not be freed was because of the needs of the plot. The reason why Ning Yi stabbed him with a needle when they first met was also a rule of human design.

However, Ning Yi, who should have abused him while he was in a vegetative state, did not do so. They switched bodies and experienced all kinds of things. Gu Cheng, who should have been indifferent all his life, also fell in love with his wife.

Because she came from the distant end of the world, with vigor all over her body, she liberated him from the darkness in advance, and then—brought him a different life. This is their plot.

Gu Cheng knew that he was getting closer and closer to her. When their speed gradually became the same, Gu Cheng could clearly hear Ning Yi's voice from his heart—

"I'm here! I'm here!"

"Hey Hey hey-"

"Hello, husband!"

Full of vigor. with hope.

Just like she will not be overwhelmed by all the suffering and embarrassment in the last days, even if she bears the cage of the living dead alone in the dark, she is still vivid and bright.

Gu Cheng's heart was burning hot: "Hello—"

You are so good.

He was actually running to the point of exhaustion, but he didn't stop.

Gu Cheng's dimension keeps changing, he and Ning Yi keep getting closer, and the time gap between them finally gets shorter and shorter.

"Wait, wait a minute—"

This time, Ning Yi only heard his answer after a few seconds.

Ning Yi, who counted ten million sheep, opened his eyes in the dark—

he came!

This shows that both Gu Cheng and Wan Ge are safe.

He said wait for him.

He is really coming.

Ning Yi opened her mouth to say something, but the broken connection between them finally reconnected, but she couldn't say anything. She has said so many beautiful words since meeting Gu Cheng, but at this moment, she only feels solemn.

She knew he had seen all her embarrassment.

She also experienced his hard life.

At this moment, it seems that there is no need for words - Ning Yi has already made up her mind.

Gu Cheng finally saw a little light in the distance.

There is no end point in the turning circle, but in the process of running towards her—the starting point is the end point.

To the last segment of this arc—

Share memory again.

It is the memory of this world, the fragments of them together.

Share emotions again.

Look forward to meeting you after you hurt, and become a heartbeat that resonates at the same frequency.

And to the very end—to find each other's bodies.

When Gu Cheng reached the end, he found that he had walked back to the ward, the place where they first met, the place where he proposed, and the place where they parted.

Gu Cheng was almost exhausted from running.

He walked to that hospital bed, to the self who was lying on the bed praying that someone could hear his voice many years ago, and to Ning Yi who was waiting for him.

Then he lowered his head and saw a needle by his hand.

When they first met, Ning Yi held it and said, "My husband, compare your heart."

But now Gu Cheng picked it up and broke it into a heart shape again.

It was his heart that had been broken all over the place in the last days. It was molded again and put into her hands.

So the beginning and the end join together—

So their souls shuttled back and forth in their bodies, and the memory fragments that were constantly churning between them when they parted, and all the details of the two worlds and the two pains, at this moment, all blended into you and me right now.

The swap mechanism draws a full circle, and the preparation from beginning to end is finally over.

The darkness dissipated like a tide, and this moonlit night was still the same as when they parted.

The flowers are still there.

The diamond is still there.

The world is still running as usual, mindlessly, and happily.

They are still hugging.

Ning Yi's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she opened her eyes in Gu Cheng's arms, as if waking up from a big dream.

One second is like ten thousand years.

No one knows the worlds and times they experienced, only each other can prove it.

Gu Cheng held her hand very, very tightly.

Like holding a lost treasure.

The hunger she endured, the blood shed, the hair she lost, the certificate hidden under the hard bed... the life before meeting him was hidden in his heart and became his indelible scar.

And Ning Yi rubbed her head in Gu Cheng's arms, like a cat that has licked its wounds.

Thousands of words, she didn't know where to start, she thought for a long time before she raised her head: "... Hello, husband, you have worked hard, morning, good morning? Gu's touch—"

"-I love you."

Gu Cheng's voice was completely hoarse, so he only spoke three words.

Ning Yi looked up at him.

And Gu Cheng had already closed his eyes, lowered his head, and gently touched her lips.

—Thank you for bringing your immortal light to my world from the last days.

And if this world is a pet novel.

The indifferent emperor in the story has finally fallen in love.

From now on...

I will pamper you into a rule.