Later Ning Yi fell asleep for a long time.

She dreamed that the menstrual blood that had flowed all over her legs was wiped clean, and then handled carefully.

She dreamed that the chocolate cake that she hadn't snatched before also entered her stomach. It was bad quality but very sweet.

She dreamed that she was shooting guns and arrows in the last days, no longer a technical stream, but a combat power.

In the last dream, her thin body seemed to be going crazy, rushing towards the tide of zombies with thousands of horses and horses—

Returning from a gamble.

Ning Yi knew in her dream that it was Gu Cheng in her body.

Alone and fearless.

They even brought Team Wan back together like this, perfectly closing the door to the end of the world.

From then on, that world has nothing to do with them.

Gu Cheng dealt with Ning Yi's past embarrassment, and returned to her side with heart.

So - the swap mechanism has come full circle, and the two worlds and two dimensions cannot prevent me from blending with you.

Just want to see you.

want to love you.

will come across the world.

So, even if this dream finally made Ning Yi dream of the sadness of the end times.

But when she woke up, Ning Yi was still smiling.

She opened her eyes in bewilderment, and met Gu Cheng's lowered eyes.

It was deep and pitch black, suppressed by a deep blue arc.

I don't know how long I've been awake.

Ning Yi just wanted to raise her hand to rub her eyes when she found her arms were hugged.

Gu Cheng woke up a long time ago, watching her sink into the clean and soft pillow quietly, with a comfortable mattress and warm quilt under her body, sleeping soundly.

So Gu Cheng's excessively boiling and beating nerves finally calmed down a little bit.

It's just that his arms are still tightly wrapped around her.

Ning Yi moved, trying to pull out her two arms, and then opened them to him again.


Hugging is a two-way street.

It's like they're running towards each other, it's two people's business.

Gu Cheng lowered his eyes for a few seconds, then lowered his head and leaned into her arms.

Ning Yi hugged Gu Cheng, smiled and patted his back.

The breath on her body was still stable, with a warm smell like the sun.

Gu Cheng hugged her and was also in her arms, his beating heart completely calmed down.

It's all over.

They are fine.

One exchange, it's me and you - reunion becomes us.

So Gu Cheng also reached out and stroked her back.

"Now we can say—" Gu Cheng kissed the warm side of her neck, "Good morning."

Ning Yi was so tickled that she shrank her neck and laughed, "Good morning."

Gu's touching~!

Every morning after that, it will be fine.

All the hardships and hardships have been left behind by her, and Ning Yi's tossing genes are already recovering.

So what is the most important thing after getting out of the darkness and completely disconnecting from the last days——

"Husband," Ning Yi opened her bright eyes and said forcefully, "Hungry!"

A smile flashed across Gu Cheng's eyes, and then he hugged her like that, his arms and back muscles tensed slightly, and he pulled her up from the bed directly.

Ning Yi hugged him subconsciously, her calf dangling, and finally had to clamp his waist.

"Let's eat." Gu Cheng smiled loosely.

Before Ning Yi woke up, Gu Cheng had arranged for today's luxurious breakfast, made an appointment for today's high-end restaurant at noon, and took her for a physical examination in the afternoon.

Ning Yi nodded wildly when she heard the first two, but when she heard the last one, she couldn't help but tilt her head, "What are you doing for a body check?"

Gu Cheng carried her to the bathroom to wash up: "It won't hurt to check."

She had dysmenorrhea, occasional shortness of breath, large and small wounds on her legs, and occasional bone pain in rainy days...all of which he felt intensively in the last days, and maybe the root cause of the disease was left behind.

A full inspection is required.

Ning Yi, a retired post-apocalyptic man with a strong will and a good body, was a little bit resistant to going to the hospital, and said with a mentality that ordinary humans would avoid medical treatment: "If something really happens, you will be hospitalized, the hospital's sick meals are not good! I will cry!"

Gu Cheng pinched her face, "I won't make you cry."

Ning Yi tried to resist Gu Dashao tenaciously: "Don't check, I'm not an endangered species—"

Gu Cheng: "You are."

Rare and precious.

This life needs to be cherished.

Be healthy and be held in his hands.

In the end, Ning Yi had no choice but to stuff crystal shrimp dumplings into his mouth, drink West Lake tofu soup, and wrap salted egg yolk taro filling in a bowl while listening to his own inspection items.

Happy and crying again.


Gu Cheng directly arranged a full set of inspections, and had to do a lot of things such as filming.

Gu Cheng simply worked in the corridor while waiting for Ning Yi to check.

Gu Dashao, who has suffered through the last days, still has to take the helm of the entire Gu Group after he returns, and still has to manage a lot of affairs, but he still has to stay with him in the hospital.

"Who wrote this report?"

"See for yourself."

In the video conference, no one dared to show their anger, and they were all intimidated through the screen.

Zongzhu Zhou stood aside and looked at Gu Dashao's cold side face, for some reason, he suddenly felt that there was a bit of murderous aura in the originally indifferent and powerful aura.

As if he had really seen mountains of swords and seas of fire, he casually raised his eyes, and the person on the other side of the video conference was overwhelmed speechless.

Mr. Zhou and the bodyguards: You are so kind!

—As expected of the young master!

The man in the palm of his hand, the man who led Mrs. Koo to a bright future!

Mr. Zhou put away some of his wife's physical examination sheets, and thought: But such a man will be gentle and considerate in the corridor of the hospital waiting for his wife to finish the examination! God!

So why did Young Master Gu suddenly take his wife for an examination overnight?

The number one CP fan Zongzhu Zhou: Is my wife pregnant? This is it! (convinced)

While eating sugar in secret, he helped First Young Master Gu finish the meeting.

Then Mr. Zhou put away the computer and reminded at the right time: "Young Master, there is another person who came to the hospital today."

Gu Cheng looked up.

10th floor.

Gu Cheng leaned against the wall.

His expression was calm and indifferent, quietly watching Wander approaching.

The two men changed places and occasions, and finally met face to face.

The tip of his nose seems to be able to smell the stench of that zombie wave—

Wander is also here for a health check. Now that he has escaped from birth, he decided to be like 01 in this life, be healthy and happy, eat and drink well, so that he is worthy of the luck of this reunion.

He glanced at Gu Cheng and asked, "Is she in good health?"

"Well," Gu Cheng said lightly, and after a few seconds, "I'm sorry."

Of course, this troublesome sentence refers to the three years in the last days, and the two men have already tacitly understood it.

Wander raised his hand to put a cigarette in his mouth and drank it.

After a while, he sighed.

Oh shit.

He was really convinced.

Never expected that he was brought back to this world by Gu Cheng.

Before Wander had a premonition that they would be sent back to the apocalypse, he warned 01 not to be emotional. Better not to fall in love with that man. Otherwise, if she is pulled out of this world in the future, she will definitely be sad.

But it never occurred to me—

This guy Gu Cheng is really **** wild.

Wander doesn't know what happened between the two of them, but he has to admit that the relationship between 01 and him is stronger than he imagined—and he never thought that this man could replace Ning Yi to go to the end of the world and treat her well. brought back.

And he, as the only one who wanted to save 01, the only one who didn't abandon 01, became the only one who escaped the apocalypse with him.

Became a real survivor.

And he finally fully recognized the man who accompanied 01 in this life.

Wander felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, and finally he came over, raised his hand and fist-bumped Gu Cheng.


"You too."

Conversations between men don't need much.

It's just that Wander couldn't hold back before leaving, and turned around and said, "You have to treat her well, it's not easy for her."

Gu Cheng's indifferent eyebrows raised, and he glanced at him, as if to say: What do you need to say?

Wander lowered his head and smiled after finishing speaking, and picked up his cigarette again: "Then—I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years."

I wish his little 01 will continue to be brilliant.

Whether it is a comrade-in-arms, a sister, or a friend. She is happy and happy.

Just as Gu Cheng was about to say thank you, he heard him add a speech.

"—I wish you all the best in everything." Wander said.

Everything is as good as it is, with a more eternal spirit.

Gu Cheng's thin lips curled up: "Heh—"

wishful thinking.

In a world with him, everything will go as she wishes.

After Ning Yi finished the examination, the results that came out that day were all fine. The rest will have to wait a few days.

She was quite proud as if she had finished her homework obediently.

Gu Cheng came down from the 10th floor, saw her, and said flatly: "Your captain is very good."

Ning Yi's eyes lit up, and then she laughed: "Okay—"


Have a good time, bro! From now on, we will eat delicious food and drink spicy food—

Going through this experience again, Ning Yi has to retaliate to make up for the pain of not being able to eat or drink in the dark.

Although it's only been four hours since lunch, but—"It's time for dinner!"

Gu Cheng smiled and held her up, "Okay."

Now that Ning Yi has money and time, all vengeful pleasures are going well.

The only weird thing is—

"Oh, you don't need to feed me!" Ning Yi felt embarrassed.

With a calm expression, Gu Cheng stuffed a fragrant and soft lotus seed paste bun into Ning Yi's mouth, and even wiped the puff pastry residue from her mouth, directly blocking Ning Yi's words.

Ning Yi chewed, chewed, and had no choice but to think, "Hey, let's do it."

But Gucheng is more than that.

It starts with small details.

For example, he had to watch Ning Yi put her to sleep at night. If she woke up in the middle of the night, she would find his hot palm pressed against her belly, as if warming her stomach.

Another example is that she has to eat three meals a day with balanced nutrition. Usually, Gu Cheng will eat with her, and if he is really busy, Ning Yi will check in for him.

Ning Yi is very skeptical about what Gu Cheng has experienced in the last days!

Although she also knew that it was hard to endure there, but her husband, who grew up in fine clothes and well-fed food, couldn't be psychologically shadowed by starvation, right?

It hurts to think about it that way.

So Ning Yi whimpered and hugged Gu Cheng, "Husband, if I have a bite to eat in the future, I won't be without you."

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: "Look how hungry you are!"

Gu Cheng couldn't help laughing: "Do you think I'm hungry?"

Ning Yi put away her hypocritical tears, raised her head and poked his face, "Why is that?"

Gu Cheng didn't say anything.

Because distressed. She suffered from hunger and pain, and those scars will never be erased in this life.

So from small to large, from trivial life, to his long-planned wedding—everything he can do is the love he will use to slowly fill the gap in the years to come.

But Gu Cheng didn't want her to repeat the memories, the struggles from that world were all over.

So he laughed and lowered his voice: "I'm... taking revenge."

Revenge for all the suffering she suffered in the last days.

Ning Yi didn't know why, but she actually felt a little sweet in her heart.

So she also wanted to laugh, and smiled and posted towards him, "Are you taking revenge on me?"

Gu Cheng lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips, then hooked her to deepen the kiss.

"Yes—revenge on the whole world."

Ning Yi was dizzy from the kiss.

Finally a little hypoxic.

Then there is only one thought left in the brain.

Revenge on the world?

Princess Tintin is over.

[At 13:14 on x month x, come to **** royal manor to attend my wedding. 】

【Sister, my happiness is always open to you—】

Princess Ding's text message arrived as scheduled, and her emotional line is about to sublimate to the end!

After reading it, Ning Yi was moved in her heart.

Yes, no one can doubt that Princess Ding Ding is the spiritual pillar of this world, the embodiment of happiness, and the eternal light!

No matter how these uncertain factors change, the princess's world is still brainless and lively—she is the most stable and unchanging will in this world!

And Ding Ziyue is really very happy recently, because—

"Haha, say it again? Ning Yi and Young Master Gu's wedding preparations have been postponed? They think the preparations are too hasty and want to do it properly? I think it's all an excuse made up by Ning Yi!"

Ah ha ha ha ha ~ Ning Yi has robbed her so much before, but she still can't beat her in the wedding!

Don't even think about it, there must be a rift in the relationship between her and Young Master Gu! What is the delay, the delay is just not wanting to do it! Otherwise, the wedding studio and high-end handmade wedding dresses have already been parachuted in advance, so how could it be delayed? !

Nothing in between!

Ding Ziyue shook her head, closed her eyes and smiled beautifully: This game was finally won.

She said a long time ago that love that has not experienced suffering will not last long!

How does Ning Yi compare with her? Can the love between Ning Yi and Young Master Gu be as much as she has experienced?

Did she know how much Ding Ziyue had to suffer in order to achieve a positive result with Jiang Linyi! A man's love, distress and pity are the deepest and longest! And Ding Ziyue is the woman that Jiang Linyi holds dearly~

"Brother Lin Yi, after seeing the ups and downs of other people's love, I feel that our love is even more precious!"

"On the wedding day, we will be the most enviable couple in the whole world, right?"

Jiang Linyi held her hand and said softly, "Of course, Yueyue."


With the attention of the whole network, Princess Ding's wedding was held as scheduled!

A large number of celebrities from all walks of life were invited to the wedding of the film king and his daughter, and the whole day's ceremony will be broadcast live on the CMore platform for the entire network!

[The love between Jiang Linyi and Ding Ziyue is the most epic love! 】

[Who can experience so many things like them, so many twists and turns, but still run to each other firmly? 】

[Ding Ziyue is the most beloved and happiest princess in the world! 】

On that day, in order to create a wedding of the century and a scene of explosive traffic, marketing and naval forces went into battle together:

【Princess Ding Ziyue】

【Guardian Knight Jiang Linyi】

【Damn it, this sailor made me laugh so hard when I just came in hahaha】

【Sweetheart Princess Ding】

【Soldier of Love Jiang Linyi】

The navy was frantically swiping the screen, and the comments of passers-by were mixed with the obvious comments of the navy, which seemed very abrupt.

But Ding Ziyue felt very good, her eyes automatically ignored those comments that did not praise her, watching the singing and dancing created by the sailors, her face was full of pampered and happy smiles.

Her wedding is destined to move hundreds of millions of netizens on the Internet to tears! Let them know how hard it is for her!

However, after the navy kept swiping the screen for a while, suddenly, the neat queue was frantically swiped up.

[Fuck! Sister Ning! 】

[My sister Ning is so beautiful, Young Master Gu is here too! Ahhh so handsome]

[My perfect match, Gu's Mo Ning, has appeared again! ! 】

[Why does it feel like I haven't seen them for a long time, is it my illusion? ? 】

After Ning Yi was invited, she actively came to eat—ah no, to participate.

After all, such a big fun is still the ending of the main text in the original book, so she must come to observe it.

But she didn't expect that Gu Cheng would accompany her.

But since they’ve come, it’s good for the husband and wife to have fun together.

However, the millions of CP fans on the whole network were all excited, and they started frantically brushing the official announcement copy of Gu Cheng and Ning Yi.

[@宁丽: Get ready. 】

[@陈城: Ready. 】

Everyone was guessing whether Young Master Gu had proposed, and then guessing when they would have a grand wedding.

Zongzhu Zhou, the only informed CP fan on the whole network: Hehe. just wait.

Although I don't know why Eldest Young Master was so anxious before, and I don't know why he is not in a hurry anymore, but now, Eldest Young Master Gu can do everything to the extreme.

What is Princess Ding? They are young and old men who can pamper people to heaven! —

Due to the appearance of Ning Yi and Gu Cheng, the popularity of Ding Ziyue's wedding live broadcast instantly increased to the level that Ding Ziyue wanted - but the focus was shifted!

So the navy and the marketing account rushed out to increase the control and evaluation, trying to get everyone's focus back on Ding Ziyue, who is so charming and beloved.

Unexpectedly, Ning Yi's wave of CP fans has not stopped, and another wave of CP fans has emerged.

Wander strolled past the live camera.

He came very low-key, but Wander hadn't appeared for too long, so when he appeared in the live broadcast, the comment section that had just been criticized by the military control of the water exploded again.

[Fuck! Brother Wan! 】

【Brother Wan, you are alright】

【Upstairs I was crying and suddenly you laughed at me hahaha】

Wander felt that since the second half of his life was stable, he decided to learn from 01's mentality. Look around for fun. Be a happy person.

Now, no one really pays attention to the new couple.

[Ah, so my Gu's Mo Ning and Wan Shi Ru Yi have appeared! 】

[Sister Ning's CP fan dances in ecstasy]

【What is a good day today? ! 】

[Let us say, thank you Princess Ding Ding! 】

[Thank you Princess Ding Ding! 】

Ding Ziyue read the crazy surge of comments: ...Damn it! She really didn't want to scold people on the big day!

Did she invite them here to let netizens pay attention to Ning Yi!

This year's netizens are all stupid cups!

Ding Ziyue was so angry that her veil shook.

And Ning Yi watched all this calmly, and finally saw Wander across the entire banquet hall.

Looking at each other, they all laughed.

- "01."

-"team leader."

The brainless world is bustling, and no one knows what they have experienced.

But that's fine.

So 01 raised the goblet to the captain standing against the wall across the entire banquet hall.

All turned into the wine in the glass now.

Wander smiled, raised his head and drank the toasted glass.

01 also smiled and stood with Gu Cheng.

Fortunately, they are still there.

It has to be said that Princess Ding's pre-heated wedding frenziedly on the whole network is indeed very standard.

After all, Jiang Linyi is also a handsome young actor and the son of a wealthy family. The two of them tried their best to spread the ostentation. This level of luxury can also shock netizens.

After all the guests entered the arena, Ding Ziyue stood in the center of the stage, regaining her confident smile.

this day! I want everyone to crown my pampered life!

First, she showed her wedding dress and jewelry at 360 degrees, then Princess Ding gave a touching self-statement, and then invited relatives to make a statement-the process was very touching, and Ding Ziyue's bitterness for love was told to the heart, as if she Not only amnesia, but her brainstem was also dug out for love.

[What kind of fairy love is this! 】

[After so much experience, I still choose the other party firmly! It is a rare and beautiful love in the world! 】

[It's so touching! 】

Ning Yi was also touched and ate a plate of red braised prawns.

—Someone peeled shrimp too fast, causing her to cook rice faster.

Gu Cheng was wearing gloves, while peeling the shrimp, while watching Jiang Linyi's various favors for Ding Ziyue on the stage.


That's it.

[Did anyone see it! Young Master Gu is peeling shrimp for Sister Ning]

【Eating sugar in the corner ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh】

[Woooooo so sweet, so sweet, so sweet, Mr. Gu doesn't say anything, but his love is in action! 】

Soon the master of ceremonies cue to the next link—

"The relationship between the two newcomers is really moving! Then, how do the relatives and friends at the scene feel?"

"Let's do a random interview!"

There were quite a few prominent figures at the scene, as well as Song Qingmei and Ning Zhuo who played the role of instrumentalists in Jiang Linyi and Ding Ziyue's love.

Both were cue out and posted good wishes for their love.

Then the follow spot light toured the field, and finally landed on Gu Cheng and Ning Yi.

—Well, the real epic tool man is still your Emperor Gucheng.

I knew that Princess Ding Ding had to give her a while.

Ning Yi wiped her mouth reservedly, and Gu Cheng also took off her gloves.

Two flawless faces appeared in front of the high-definition camera.

[Thank you thank you lighting engineer]

【Sudden beauty stuns me】

And Ding Ziyue has already begun affectionately: "Today, my sister came to the scene of my marriage hall. Although she has entered into marriage without this ceremony, she still chooses to witness my happiness. I am very moved!"

Jiang Linyi stood beside him, looking at her with a gentle and indulgent smile.

"Actually, I'm very afraid, very afraid that my sister will be sad..."

"Yueyue, Miss Ning will also feel your kindness. Our happiness can also shine on her."

Ding Ziyue: I'm so spoiled! Omg, I won big!

Did Ning Yi hear that, I will finally shine on you in this round!

Ning Yi: "."

The random swap is over, but some mechanisms of the swap still remain, for example, they can still hear each other's voice in their hearts. I don't know which step to wait for the integration to be completely over.

So Ning Yi whispered to Gu Cheng: "Honey, just watch it as a joke."

"Well—" Gu Cheng asked her indifferently: "Do you need to let them all be buried with you?"

Ning Yi: "? Your tone is so serious."

Gu Cheng: "Indeed."

Ning Yi: "??"

It seems that Gu Cheng is really different after returning from the end of the world.

Beneath his calm and handsome appearance, this man hides a crazy heart.

And the whole world knows nothing about it.

Both of them didn't speak, Ding Ziyue's heart was already dancing crazily—quick! Show the emotional rift between the two of you!

Tell the whole world that only she, Ding Ziyue, is the most beloved woman! What is Ning Yi!

"Haha, Young Master Gu took some time out of his busy schedule to come here, can you briefly talk about your feelings?"

Ning Yi turned to look at Gu Cheng.

To be honest, Ning Yi doesn't know why Gu Cheng came here, maybe just to accompany her?

However, when the camera zoomed in, Gu Cheng said lightly: "I'm just here as a trainee."

Ning Yi: "Huh?"

Gu Cheng's eyes fell on Ning Yi's face, as if everything around him was unimportant.

Then, in front of everyone and the entire network audience.

The noble and handsome man like an emperor gently raised the back of Ning Yi's hand.

[! ! 】

[What are you doing, what are you doing! 】

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gu Cheng's thin lips landed on the back of her hand, then gently kissed the cold diamond ring, and finally landed on Ning Yi's fingertips—a light peck.

The attitude is precious and intimate.

"—that way we can know." Gu Cheng raised his head again, his expression indifferent, as if the kiss just now was an understatement, "How can I give my baby something better."

Better, the best, everything.

The scene was suddenly silent.

Ding Ziyue's smile slowly cracked.

I thought Young Master Gu would give me an answer casually, but I didn't expect him to throw a nuclear bomb over, and the whole network was directly blown up by him.

[Sloppy! It's started! 】

[After this man proposed marriage, he was doting on heaven and earth, making no secret of it, right? 】

[Then let me ask - is it possible to start drinking directly! ! 】

[Gu's touch Ning to rush to the Lord! 】

【Jiefen! Fen in place! 】

Amidst the hustle and bustle.

Gu Cheng calmly holds Ning Yi's hand.

And Ning Yi was also very calm, retracting her red and hot fingertips after being pecked and kissed.

She thought to herself: It's over.

He is really crazy!