So, on Princess Tintin's wedding day, the hot search was slaughtered by "that man".

#What is it like to be loved by that man#


#陈城宁民When will the wedding be held#

#This year's top 100 **** men in the world ranked publicly#

#Jiang Linyi Ding Ziyue grand wedding live broadcast on the whole network#

Ding Ziyue's trending search was pushed to the back!

— No way, the popularity of the navy and the marketing account can't keep up with the natural enthusiasm of the netizens, everyone is talking about it!

As expected of the man who said that everyone should be buried with Sister Ning!

He really wasn't joking!

The favor of a tyrant is so terrifying!

And Ding Ziyue is collapsing: Why is all this favor not mine? This is coming to an end!

In the end, Ding Ziyue had no choice but to hold Jiang Linyi's hand defiantly, as if holding all her pride—

However, even Jiang Linyi said with emotion, "It seems that even a cold-blooded and ruthless man like Gu Dashao... will have someone who loves him dearly."

Ding Ziyue: You, me? ! I don't allow you to say such words? ? !

They are the ones who have experienced the most suffering in this world and should have the love of the gods the most! They are the protagonists!

What the **** is going on in this world? Isn't this her pet world? How did Gu Cheng become a pet text? In the future, he won't really want to continue this style of painting and pamper Ning Yi to heaven, right? !

Gu Cheng in the audience was very calm and dignified, receiving attention from all directions.

what is this? He really spoiled himself so much that he was afraid.

Don't compare yourself to a man who has experienced the end times. He will definitely win.

Ha ha.

So when Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi exchanged rings, she really shed tears of true emotion.

- Hate, hate this brainless world!

Ning Yi really did not expect Young Master Gu to be so high-profile.

But—be high-key, be high-key! she thinks.

Ning Yi's red and hot fingertips were still held in his hand, while Gu Cheng's other hand was helping her pinch her favorite dessert on the table.

So Ning Yi gently picked his palm with her fingertips.

What's wrong with being crazy after suffering and suffering, and crossing the world to be together? It's good to be crazy!

Be unscrupulous in this life!

Gu Cheng felt her restless little movements in the palm of his hand, and turned his head, "Huh?"

Ning Yi: "It's nothing, hehe, I just think it has worked."

——The spell she whispered in Gu Cheng's ear a long time ago has really come true.

"I am your most beloved woman in this world. From now on, you will not only fall completely and give me your life, but also help me earn money, take me off the plane, let me lie flat and be happy..."

At that time, Gu Cheng's hearing hadn't recovered yet, so he didn't actually hear this passage. But now the time is ripe, so Ning Yi repeated it again.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah!

go Ape! Hey, going crazy!

After listening carefully, Gu Cheng studied it for a while, then took her hand, "—then let's go."

Ning Yi: "Huh?"

There was a slight smile between Gu Cheng's eyebrows: "Didn't I give you my life, take you off, and let you lie down?"

Ning Yi: "So fast?"

"It's very simple," Gu Cheng gracefully exited the scene with his wife, "The first step is to go home and go to bed."

Ning Yi: "???"

Doesn't seem to mean that OvO

In short, Ding Ziyue's wedding is over, and her pampered life has come to a small end. Of course, this book is not that simple, she still has a lot of gossip in the episode.

After all, Princess Ding's world will not end. Although the love between her and Jiang Linyi ends with a wedding in the main text, but in the episode, she ran into the wrong room with the ball and gave the wrong medicine—the life is endless, and the **** does not stop.

Ning Yi is very optimistic about Ding Ziyue's vitality in the future.

However, what netizens in this world are most concerned about now is not the love between the hero and the heroine—that day, the strongest CP fan + No. kind of detail candy.

Including Sister Ning and Wan Ge toasting in the air, the two looked at each other and smiled.

There is also a record of Young Master Gu peeling shrimps for Ning Jie all the way.

And Gu Dashao bowed his head and kissed his hand and said deafening lines of pet text.

The details that the netizens didn't see in the live broadcast, they ate it again here, and suddenly fell into a frenzy.

[When will Jiefen! Where is the knot! I can not wait anymore! 】

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo UnderLikeLooking at the time and quietness of the years]

[Master Gu looked at Sister Ning's eyes, with a feeling that all the past has been settled and now I only care about you. And Brother Wan knows that you are living a happy life, so I am also very happy [crying] [crying]]

[They are really, all good! [cry]】

Although I don't know what happened in the middle, it is obvious that Gu's Mo Ning has completely defeated Wan Shi Ru Yi and has become a major mainstream CP. And Brother Wan didn't appear to be distressed, on the contrary, he felt relieved after seeing that his sister had chosen the right person.

Anyway -

Zhao Mochu & Netizens: T-T They are all well! woo woo woo woo!

Please go on, go on!

Young Master Gu took his wife home.

But today it was not the Gu family's manor, the car drove to Yunding Water Garden.

On the way, Ning Yi lowered her head to play with her mobile phone, and unexpectedly saw a bunch of hot searches about "Ning Yi's violent favor in Gucheng" on her platform, but she didn't have the nerve to click on it.

Then she saw that in the middle of a row of hot searches, there was a ranking—

Ning Yi almost forgot to pay attention to the selection of the world's top 100 **** men, and hurriedly went in to see the results.

There were many popular male artists and stars, but it didn't take long for her to see the photo of Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng, president of the Gu Group, is 29 years old.

No. 18.

Ning Yi: "Wow—"

The domineering president is really inseparable from the number 18!

Gu Dashao with 188 and 18.8 ranks 18th!

Netizens also expressed their joy:

【it is good! Gu Dashao wins glory for the country! 】

【I really want to know how Ning Jie feels when she wakes up every morning and sees this face】

【I think the two of them should wake up and see each other very happy for the first time, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo】

Ning Yi was full of admiration for this ranking, applauded and said: "Not bad, not bad, I want to get it."

Gu Cheng: "Huh?"

Husband wants to send = I want to send.

Moreover, CMore's first round of financing is going well, and it is not a dream to complete an IPO and get rich in the future! And Ning Yi is also preparing to lead the game industry, which is simply the future of Dafa -

Ning Yi: That's great!

Next to him, Gu Cheng was actually watching the hot tweets, but he didn't pay attention to how his own face was ranked.

Gu Dashao's attention is focused on—#谢城宁怩When will the wedding be held#

Gu Cheng: Heh.

is advancing.

Young Master Gu took this matter as the biggest project of the year.

When he said that he wanted to give Ning Yi better, the best, he was really exaggerating.

In this regard, Mr. Zhou has the right to speak.

Young and old made appointments with ten of the best studios and wedding companies, and hundreds of people to do this large-scale project at the same time! It's like starting a company to think about ideas and arrangements for the wedding of Gu Dashao and his wife, and finally choose the perfect one!

The same is true for the wife's wedding dress. After the timeline was extended, Gu Dashao directly made appointments with nearly ten high-end custom brands and private craftsmen at home and abroad. At that time, he would directly make ten sets of dreamy, heavy-duty, and beautiful wedding dresses to choose from. , my wife can even change eight sets a day for fun!

There are also a series of jewelry, accessories, and veils that match the wedding dress, all of which will be customized in the next time, regardless of cost, and made with a lot of money!

As for the wedding venue decided by Mr. Gu—

Zongzhu Zhou: No more.

Mr. Zhou shook his head and sighed, thinking it was wonderful.

Princess Ding, how can you compare with a tyrant!

What do you compare it to!

Ning Yi didn't know how the tyrant beside her was preparing for the wedding.

After getting out of the car, she realized that they had arrived at Yunding Water Garden.

"Aren't you going home for dinner today?" Ning Yi asked.

It doesn't matter, anyway, Gu Cheng is here for dinner, and she is indispensable for every meal^3^

"It's all home." Gu Cheng took her hand and walked inside.

Two people together is home.

Gu Cheng made something for her here.

Ning Yi's platform has completely embarked on the road of commercialization led by capital, and the scale of the company is getting bigger and bigger, so now she has found a new thing to play—trying to make holographic games.

This requires breaking through new technical barriers, achieving spatial 3D imaging effects, and realizing the perfect interaction between the virtual world and the real world...This not only requires advanced processor virtualization technology, cloud game flow control technology, etc., but also high-definition display , reality projection and so on need to solve the problem.

When Ning Yi really makes it, maybe he can lead the fourth game revolution in this world.

And Ning Yi's fun is also very simple - this holographic game is the background of the end of the world! At that time, everyone can lead the character into the game, and then experience the immersive experience of being chased by zombies, or killing zombies!

Ning Yi doesn't believe it—no one in this world wants to see Princess Ding Ding's great escape in the last days, Princess Ding Ding's holy light shines on the zombies, and Princess Ding Ding's love song in the last days!

Ning Yi: Anyway, I think, hehe^3^

And their team Wan can also participate, and use his field experience and game level, so that she can bring her brother to make a lot of money together.


She also talked to Gu Cheng about these future plans, and Young Master Gu gave very professional advice.

And then turned around — just built her a big, big, powerful workshop in their house.

"I'll show you something." Gu Cheng's tone was very flat, and he didn't have the feeling of showing you a surprise at all, as if these were what he should do.

But Ning Yi was still quite happy, shaking hands with him, "What are you looking at?"

A door was pushed open, revealing the scene inside—

Ning Yi: "O mouth O"


This is a room full of technology and futuristic sense!

On the black desktop are super-large and ultra-high-resolution displays, top-of-the-line computers and mainframes, luminous mechanical keyboards and mice, and almost all VR devices on the market are hung on the hole boards on the wall. Various styles of VR glasses. In front of the table, there is an all-silver ergonomic chair with breathable mesh, which protects her lumbar spine and buttocks while working.

No programmer can not love such a room!

Ning Yi flew in like a butterfly, fumbling around.

so happy!

Gu Cheng leaned against the door, looking at Ning Yi's radiant face, the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily.

However, all these equipments are actually not the most important gift.

Gu Cheng lowered his head and took out something from his pocket.

"Ayi," Gu Cheng called to stop her, "—here you are."

"What, what?" Ning Yi was so happy, she bounced back to his side and took it.

A small dark blue book.

It is her senior software development engineer certificate.

Gu Cheng brought her back from the last days.

Ning Yi held the small notebook and blinked.

This certificate has been pressed under the bed of the hard plank bed, and it was already full of dust, but now it has been cleaned in her hands, and it is very clean.

It's just that the traces of time can still be seen.

Opening the certificate, there were some creases on the photo of her ID, but it had been re-pasted.

All that blows over us is the breath from the past.

In a trance, those struggling years suddenly whizzed by in front of Ning Yi.

And because they have exchanged bodies and felt each other, the pain she endured alone has become their common memory.

It was properly kept by Gucheng and treasured.

It seemed that the wounds that fate had treated her badly and that she thought she didn't care about were all healed up by this person little by little.

Ning Yi raised the tip of her nose slightly, it might have been a little bit sore for a moment.

But she never shed tears.

She has long since thrown away her conscience, shame and weakness!

So Ning Yi blinked hard.

However, Gu Cheng felt a slight emotional change.

After trying hard to control it, the emotion and sourness that still flowed out slowly passed from her to Gu Cheng's heart.

Ah, the swap sentiment is still there.

The most unstable random factors in the swap mechanism have been completely over, leaving only some residual mechanisms, and these mechanisms are also fading day by day.

This exchange will one day completely leave their lives, but at least at this moment, Gu Cheng can still feel Ning Yi's feelings.

Among the slight sourness, there are more... likes.

So Gu Cheng reached out and hugged her up.

Ning Yi huddled into his neck like a cat, and buried her face.

Lean on for a while.

Anyway, Gu Cheng is always reliable.

Gu Cheng carried her through the corridor, returned to their room, and sat down by the bay window with her.

The whole house is very quiet, or the whole world is very quiet, Gu Cheng only cares about Ning Yi's current mood.

He gently pinched the back of her neck, revealing her face, "Still sad?"

Ning Yi raised her face again, shook her head, "No."

She's all adjusted.

Ning Yi's pupils are always so bright: "Now that we are living a good life, what is there to be sad about? We have to fight, go crazy, and indulge—"

Mighty 01, be happy forever—

A smile flashed across Gu Cheng's eyes, he sighed and shook his head, "You, you."

He could feel the stable and powerful emotions flowing out of Ning Yi's heart, which made Gu Cheng feel that the person in his arms was the best and most precious treasure in the world.

And he wanted her to be happy forever, happier—

So Gu Cheng lowered his head and kissed her.

Looking out from the window of their high-rise bungalow, you can see the lake in the center.

There is still a moon on the lake tonight.

Ning Yi's emotions were finally disturbed, and she began to feel dizzy.

She vaguely remembered what she seemed to have done on the last moonlit night.

She was reciting poems.

What poem are you singing?

What did you do again?

Gu Cheng smiled lightly, his voice slightly hoarse.

This leftover mechanic works well, allowing him to—

It can be clearly felt that where Ning Yi is happy, where she can be, she is happier.

So Ning Yi finally remembered staggeringly - what she did to Da Active.

Then Gu Cheng is now, and is actively getting it back.

Still double the feeling.

There was only a glimmer of light on the surface of the lake.

The moon shattered into a pool.

The powerful little 01 gradually became soft and weak.

Finally curled up on the blanket by the bay window.

Hateful humans are attacking, attacking.

Emotions hung in the air like hormones, and he knew she was happy, so it continued, even, more.

In the end, Ning Yi was so happy that she was a little dazed.

why. She wasn't very active. How could this be so.

But this is very passive.

It's like being fucked.

So Ning Yishuang felt wronged and wronged: "You are taking revenge on me."

"Yes, I'm taking revenge on you."

Gu Cheng bowed his head, smiled and kissed the teardrops from the end of her eyes.

Revenge petting.

retaliatory compensation.

Live this life with her vindictively, more passionately, and more crazily.

Ning Yi couldn't take it anymore: "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-"

And Gu Cheng smiled and kissed her forehead.

"My retaliatory behavior in the future—"

"Just read the last three words."


"Woooo bastard."