It was only later that Ning Yi discovered that Gu Cheng's "crazy" manifested in all aspects.

For example, he is really spoiled.

It is true that krypton gold krypton is crazy.

And - OvO

Now they sometimes live in Yunding, and sometimes they go back to the manor, causing rumors of various colors to spread in the houses on both sides!

— Young Master Gu and his wife are always playing new things!

Occasionally, if they didn't retreat far enough or in time, they could hear the wife crying!

But actually—

"I don't I don't I don't!"

Ning Yi chrysalis on the bed, playing tricks. When Gu Cheng attacked her alone with his hands, it was only fun, but when the two armies were actually fighting, it hurt a little.

18.8! So fierce, so fierce! Ning Yi hates it.

Just set the size for the domineering president, regardless of the size of the supporting facilities!

There may be bloodshed if the enemy breaks through forcefully, so Ning Yi called for a truce.

Gu Cheng was also very restrained, so he really stopped.

The man took a deep breath for a while, then lowered his head and kissed her face, "Then take your time."

After everything he'd been through, he didn't want her to have any pain, no matter what.

But Ning Yi didn't even think about it slowly, hehe—it is said on the Internet that no matter a man or a woman, everyone has time for a sage. She seems to be a real sage^3^ and even a king.

So Ning Yi decided to pin the blame on Gu Cheng: "There must be something wrong with your fighting style."

The book said that Gu Dashao never spent time on women in his life, so he must not!

Gu Cheng made her annoyed, "Hold on, you still have problems."

Ning Yi lay flat and moaned: "Anyway, it's not my problem."

Gu Cheng lowered his head, hooked his thin lips, and then took her hand, "Then you can prove that you are fine."

Ning Yi looked confused: "How to prove it."

Gu Cheng hooked his lips and smiled: "Come back from the battle."

Ning Yi's face turned red after a while.

want to run.

It didn't take long to be trapped by his arm, and I fished it back.

The man smiled and took her hand.

"Didn't you say before that you want to give me a massage?" Gu Cheng whispered in his ear, "You also said that you have to press all three—"

Ning Yi: ...I apologize for what I said!

Gu Cheng: "Now I have time, let's fulfill it, wife."

While Ning Yi blushed, while fighting, she was actually being attacked at the same time.

Finally she became dizzy again, as if floating on a cloud.

With misty eyes, he saw the smile on Gu Cheng's face, and immediately blushed with embarrassment, shouted "Damn it!", and rushed over to pinch his neck.

In the end, Gu Cheng pulled his hand down with a smile, "Honey, pinch here."

Ning Yi: Uuuuuuuuuu Damn it.

But Gu Cheng found it very interesting.

Take it slow.

Their swap mechanism isn't quite over yet, and it's still interesting.

In the future, there will be honeymoons, hot springs, and so on...

The years are long, and someone is full of interest.

Days go by day by day, and the Gu Group is still moving towards glory under the leadership of the emperor's luck. Young Master Gu continues to expand his business territory while advancing the big wedding project.

And Ning Yi's CMore has also prepared for the second round of financing. Their in-depth expansion in the field of e-commerce has laid out a complete business ecology, and now the market valuation continues to rise, which has far exceeded the original Internet products of the Wang family in H province.

And what Ning Jie is playing is not over yet~

When 01's plan to make a holographic game had just leaked within the industry, a large number of colleagues had already come to inquire about the news.

"Holographic games, what the hell, you deserve to be a boss"

"What theme? Survival in the last days is immersive? Fuck, it's so exciting"

"How can I join the team of 01? I'm dying, I'm dying."

— Nonsense, follow Sister Ning to have meat to eat!

CMore's great success is not enough to explain the problem!

Zhao Weining and his fellow programmers have doubled their net worth now, and they are waiting for the company to go public and take dry shares to achieve financial freedom, but knowing that Sister Ning is going to make a holographic game, they are still blown up!

A group of handsome men at the beginning of the monkey:

【sister! my sister! We are your relatives, aren't we! 】

【Take me one! sister! please! 】

Ning Yi replied with a smile: [There are still many technical difficulties to overcome]

But she already has a conceptual design for the entire game, which can be said to be another attempt to perfectly nest into this pet text world-all players will randomly receive an identity card when they first enter the game, with their own personality And special skills play a role in the process of doomsday survival and hiding from zombies.

—No one can not be curious about the role of Princess Tintin in the center of the world in the last days! nobody!

Everyone in the group is expressing their loyalty and attitude:

【I can! I can warm the bed through hard work (no)]

[The screenshot has been sent to First Young Master Gu, Sister Ning kicked him out, let me do it! 】

[I, me, me, oh me]

Ning Yi smiled happily. To make a game, you must recruit a team. These old friends have a lot of experience in cooperation with her, reducing the running-in period, and their technical level is also excellent.

Ning Yi: [I know well]

The group was so excited that the apes on both sides of the strait couldn't help crying.

[Then, what, when is Sister Ning's wedding! Tweak.jpg]

[@赵威宁 When did your second sister sneak into the group? 】

Zhao Weining: 【Zhao Mochu, give me a big size! ! 】

Zhao Mochu: [QAQ was discovered]

I really ca n’t wait — ah, when Gu Ning ’s marriage is married! There are so many CP fans on the whole network who can't wait!

Young Master Gu said at Ding Ziyue's wedding last time that he wanted to give the baby something better, so he must be holding back his big move—I really want to know what the tyrant's wedding will be like! !

Ning Yi scratched her head: [It should be soon! 】

Gu Cheng has full authority to arrange this matter, and Ning Yi is also very relieved.

The salted fish paralyzed and raised its little feet.

The husband contributes money, effort, and ideas.

She is amazing. ^3^

The wedding of Young Master Gu and Sister Ning was of course highly anticipated by all the netizens on the Internet.

And among all the people, even in the whole world, the one who cares most about Ning Yi's wedding must be—

"Where is Young Master Gu going to hold the wedding! Why haven't you made an appointment yet?"

Ding Ziyue didn't find any news after inquiring everywhere, so she couldn't help but feel a little ecstatic—she felt that her wedding with Jiang Linyi in the Royal Manor was already very popular! It is very, very difficult to order, and the interior is also very luxurious, which fits her status as a princess~

Her pampered life really cannot be lost! But now she is comparing with Young Master Gu, so the pressure is still great!

So Ding Ziyue came up with a new game—"Brother Lin Yi, we are all married now, shouldn't we~~"

Her sweet pet story is not over yet! When she has a child, she will run away with Jiang Linyi, chase after him, and be followed by the whole network!

But for Jiang Linyi, it is not easy to be married during the rising period of his career, and being married and having children will have an impact on the future career of male artists. He is actually still young. If he really had a child, the roles in the scripts he will take on in the future may be senior.

"Yueyue, we need to discuss this matter carefully."

Ding Ziyue: "You didn't cherish it as soon as you got it, did you? Isn't your wife your little princess?"

Jiang Linyi: "That's not what I meant, Yueyue..."

"Stop talking, I understand!" Ding Ziyue left crying, covering her head and mouth.

Ha ha! She wants to run with the ball!

All eyes will still be on her~!

She would like to see how much noise Ning Yi's wedding can make~

For Ning Yi, every day is writing codes, eating and sleeping, enjoying herself.

The real feeling of the wedding comes a little bit.

Gu Cheng has basically dealt with everything, this time they are not in a hurry, Mr. Gu discusses all the details of the wedding with a rigorous and serious attitude, and even asks Ning Yi for some opinions when making choices.

Ning Yi listened to it a few times, and felt that she could lie down in the high-end game.

Ning Yi hugged Gu Cheng bobo a few times: "My husband chooses the best one!"

Gu Cheng was helpless and conniving, "Okay."

——Until ten sets of wedding dresses handcrafted by masters from home and abroad arrived at the Gu family's manor one after another across the ocean, Ning Yi finally had the real feeling that she was going to get married.

They set aside a weekend to try on wedding dresses and dresses, and Gu Cheng also accompanied them.

Song Lan naturally attached great importance to the wedding of the two of them. Not only did they redesign the jewelry samples for the two of them, but also took a look at the ten wedding dresses one by one. In the end, he said that Ah Cheng's aesthetics were really good.

"Xiaoyi will look good in any outfit!" Song Lan covered her mouth and smiled.

Of course, let Ah Cheng see how Xiaoyi looks in her wedding dress.

It's a very happy moment~

The ten sets of wedding dresses are all different designs, and each set is made by heavy industry. IvanYong’s retro court Rococo style heavy industry wedding dress, Elie Saab’s high-end quicksand wedding dress, GiambattistaValli’s dream-chasing series custom wedding dress, and extremely luxurious LaKoradior's Antique Lace Pattern Gown…

The average price of each set is more than one million.

Those who are a little bit well-informed in the industry know that Mr. Gu spent tens of millions of dollars just to choose a wedding dress for his wife-and this is just part of the tyrant's favor.

Ning Yi's eyes lit up after reading it, "Wow—"

What a nice view!

Indeed, no girl can resist such a dreamlike wedding dress.

Then Ning Yi excitedly tried three sets, all of them were so beautiful!

Gu Cheng looked at her quietly.

It was calm, but the line of sight never deviated for a second.

"Does it look good! Husband!"


Gu Cheng was even a little speechless.

In addition to being shockingly beautiful, it also makes people feel indescribably moved. It seems that all the past and pain have dissipated in such a peaceful time.

So Young Master Gu sat upright, watching his wife try on the wedding dress seriously.

Then Ning Yi tried three more sets, and she was already tired. By the time she tried the eighth set, she was already numb—all the wedding dresses were very heavy and gorgeous, and it was extremely cumbersome to put on and take off, and they needed to match different shoes.

When the last two sets were left, Ning Yi was already paralyzed on the bed from exhaustion.

"Don't try it anymore, woo woo woo woo woo woo," Ning Yi said, "Anyway, they're all beautiful! Just the first set!"

The astonishment in Gu Cheng's eyes has not yet been exhausted, he looked down at her, and couldn't help laughing, "There are also jewelry, headwear, veil, and matching wedding shoes..."

Ning Yi started to make a fuss: "Ahh! Don't end!"

Gu Cheng smiled and pulled her up and hugged her, "—That won't work."

Ning Yi rested in his arms for a while, and finally got up to try on all the wedding dresses.

Looking at the final effect in the mirror, Ning Yi also had a rare moment of silence, then turned around and asked him: "So what are we going to do, my husband?"

Gu Cheng came over and gently kissed the back of her neck.

A team of hundreds of people selected the most romantic and luxurious wedding venue for them. Provides ancient churches from all over the world, European-style castles, royal palaces... many, many options.

In the end, Gu Cheng fell in love with Ravnica, a splendid archipelago in Arrow State in the remote Pacific Ocean.

It used to be the palace built by King Aroga, with palace-like villas, and it is one of the most expensive luxury private islands in the world.

So Young Master Gu bought it.

for their wedding.

All those involved in the design plan: "!!"

Can I feel the happiness of Ning Jie in my next life? TvT woo woo woo woo.

Ning Yi was carried by him and found that place on the map.

She couldn't help applauding: "It's you!"

He is indeed the most powerful business emperor and domineering president in the entire world! As soon as Gu Cheng makes a move, he will know if there is one! This row of noodles, love it!

Gu Cheng smiled, "It's yours—you can give it a name."

Ning Yi opened her eyes wide: "Wow!"

This gift is more valuable than all the previous ones put together.

So Ning Yi pondered for several days on how to come up with an unforgettable name.

Gu Cheng thought that she would finally use her few romantic cells to find a beautiful name to commemorate their marriage and love, so she was looking forward to it.

Ning Yi said solemnly, "I've made up my mind."

Gu Cheng looked forward to it, "What's your name?"

Ning Yi: "Call 01.888."

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: "How about it, it's simple and direct, with a beautiful meaning!"

— Simple me and you.

Gu Cheng was silent for a few seconds, and finally couldn't help rubbing her head, what kind of brain circuit was installed here.

But—Gu Cheng smiled, "Yes."

me and you.

That's the most important thing.

So people started getting invitations.

Wander looked at the high-tech small bronzing card, flicked it, and laughed.

Gu Cheng and Ning Yi invite you—

In the golden autumn of this year, go to the sunny "01.888" island.

After Ding Ziyue received the invitation: "Oh, 01.888? What, hahahaha, I've never heard of it! It must be very low!"

After checking its previous name: "..."

Ding Ziyue: I don't want to go! Ha ha! Oh shit!

So the news of the two people's wedding finally made waves on the Internet.

【come yet! Damn it ah ah]

[I saw the invitation from the owner of the melon! Damn it, it’s actually an island palace, it’s so awesome]

At this time, netizens are very fortunate to have the platform of CMore—because it was created by Sister Ning and led by Gu Dashao, and it is also one of the crystallizations of their love.

So for the purpose of making the platform develop better, there is a high probability that the two of them will broadcast the wedding live on the whole network.

[Yes, yes, yes, yes]

[Don't force me to kneel down and beg you! 】

Ning Yi: Hey, if there is traffic, don’t go for nothing.

Therefore, in the anticipation of the whole network, the wedding of "Gu Demo Ning" is coming.

Young Master Gu has already dealt with a lot of work in advance.

Make time for her wedding and honeymoon. All must be made up.



Ning Yi held his hand and shook it.

to the island

The plane landed on a private apron.

As soon as you get out of the cabin door, you can feel the warm wind and waves of the island.

Surrounded by the sea, the island has green vegetation, and there is a luxurious building complex on the mountain in the distance. Before Gu Dashao bought it, it had been renovated as a whole, and the architectural style is very beautiful. In the middle of the villa is surrounded by a small chapel with a pointed glass dome, which is where they will hold their wedding ceremony.

There are many interesting places on the whole island, there are bays where you can watch whales and dolphins, clear waters where you can snorkel, and a whole piece of pineapple garden. It must be very interesting for their honeymoon.

Ning Yi has been very happy since entering the island, patrolling like a king.

Gradually, the guests came to the island one after another and stayed in the villas on the island one by one. Gu Cheng and the entire planning team are in charge of all these, while Ning Yi is only responsible for putting on the wedding dress beautifully and getting married.

Ning Yi had always been relaxed and happy, but it was not until the night before the wedding that she finally felt a little nervous.

Finally, Gu Cheng smiled and coaxed her to sleep.

...and then I have insomnia until three o'clock.

What a solemn day.

Gu Dashao, who has experienced various big scenes for a long time, also suffered from insomnia on the eve of his wedding.

the next day.

The two of them got up early in the morning and were taken care of by the whole team.

While Ning Yi was braiding her hair, Gu Cheng happened to come out after changing into a suit, and the whole room was silent.

Everyone held their breath: Fuck! so handsome!

He is indeed the 18th sexiest man in the world!

Ning Yi looked at him from the mirror, blinking her eyes.

The man was already tall and tall, and his perfect figure of 1.88 meters was outlined by the tightly tailored white suit. The tailoring of the top craftsmanship sets off the wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs at a glance. Diamonds are embossed on his collar and thread, and the dark pattern matches Ning Yi's wedding dress. There is also a necklace with a platinum lion's head on it under the neck, the appearance of an emperor, and the whole body is cold and noble.

Gu Cheng has always had a strong sense of oppression, but this is the only solemnity in his life.

The facial features of that face were also in proportions so accurate that they looked like a sculpture of God. At this moment, when the dark blue arc light in the dark pupil fell on Ning Yi, it brought out a slight smile.

Ning Yi: Hiss—so handsome.

Even more nervous!

In the end, both had a full look, and the stylists retreated enviously, leaving room for the couple.

The church in the distance is already full of voices, and all the guests have already entered.

Family members, friends, important people, interesting people, and the whole network audience who are looking forward to on the live broadcast platform—even the whole world.

They are all waiting to see them actually enter the palace of marriage.

Ning Yi rubbed her palms.

Gu Cheng came over and took her hand to ease her mood, "Still nervous? It's nothing."

He could feel the emotions conveyed by Ning Yi.

Ning Yi said "woo hoo" twice: "But I can also feel your emotions, my husband!"

Gu Cheng: "."

Ning Yi: You are so nervous too!

Emotions are swapped on both sides.

Both of them are very nervous, facing everything that is about to come and this grand.

Gu Cheng took a deep breath and gently lowered his head to kiss her face.

"But no matter what, I love you enough."

Ning Yi blinked, then nodded and smiled: "Okay—"

01.888, The Glass Church on the Far Island.

Gu Cheng and Ning Yi's wedding preparations begin.

For this wedding, the Gu family invited celebrities from all walks of life. There are countless people who want to participate in the wedding of the strongest business emperor. It is no exaggeration to use an entire palace to decorate it. And because Gu Cheng had just been selected as the eighteenth among the top 100 **** men in the world, and the wedding was so high-profile, the wedding was not only highly popular in China, but also spread overseas.

Ding Ziyue sat at the bottom: Hehe! As long as I don't go to the Internet! This thing can't hurt me! ha ha ha shit-

Wander, who was a few seats away, glanced at her, feeling like she was about to cry.

? What an amazing woman.

Then he looked up at Gu Cheng standing under the glass dome, waiting for his little 01 to appear, walking towards his own happiness from the end of the red carpet.

This will make Wander also feel that this world, this life is really good.

At this time, the popularity of watching the wedding live broadcast on the whole network reached hundreds of millions—

[Ah, ah, Young Master Gu is so handsome!]

[Master Gu bought this island to send Sister Ning to her wedding, it is indeed the favor of a tyrant]

[It is said that there are ten sets of wedding dresses handmade by million-level masters. I don’t know which one Sister Ning wore in the end.]

[Help, help, help, I look forward to Ning Jie even more]

The ensemble of piano and violin is melodious, and the sky in this sea area is blue and sunny.

Above the palace of the island, the heavy carved wooden doors pushed outward—

When the floating white gauze skirt poured over the threshold, it seemed that the clouds in the sky were sent here.

Then, Ning Yi's figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

She looked up and smiled slightly.

Everyone was shocked.

And the whole network exploded more directly.

[Low! ! groove! ! 】

[I'm suffocated, Sister Ning is so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful]

[So beautiful that I won't be able to sleep tonight]

【Young Master Gu and Sister Ning are really a good match, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh my pleasure! 】

She stepped onto the red carpet and slowly walked towards the man standing under the dome. The fluffy skirt brushed gently, and the perfect cut of the wedding dress set off her slender swan neck and narrow waist. As for the body—the wedding dress that Ning Yi finally chose was the Dream Chasing series, which was like smoke and dreams. It had a light veil, supplemented by delicate bead embroidery intertwined, and the pattern was extremely beautiful. The skirt was full of crystal beads and antique French lace.

And she smiled a little, her bright and delicate facial features reflected the bright sunlight outside the glass, beautiful and vivid.

Come slowly, like all the best dreams. So grand, yet so light.

Ning Yi passed everyone's gaze, met Gu Cheng's gaze, and walked slowly to the end of the flowers and music.

Gu Cheng has reached out his hand to her.

"Honey, I want to see it." Ning Yi suddenly said in her heart.

Gu Cheng took her hand and then understood.

The remnants of the swap mechanism have faded, but their bodies are still interchangeable. But now, no one has high or low authority, only when two people are willing and use their minds at the same time, the bodies will be swapped.

Gu Cheng glanced at her with a smile, then they exchanged and saw at this moment—

The self in each other's eyes.

Her beauty and his solemnity are shining brightly at this moment.

The hearts share each other at this second-it turns out that love also has emotions.

Sweet. Slightly sour. happy.


I'm afraid they are the only ones in this world who can have such an attempt, use each other's eyes to look at themselves at this time, whether they are happy enough to laugh or not.

How romantic.

[Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow You can see each other's shadow in each other! 】

【Eyes are full of each other, woo woo woo I'm dying of cravings】

[Please Young Master Gu and Sister Ning live happily ever after! ah ah]

The master of ceremonies' gentle voice also came out: "Please the bride and groom exchange rings—"

So Gu Cheng and Ning Yi looked at each other and smiled, but clasped their palms tacitly.

So, when everyone didn't know, they exchanged back quietly.

Just like all the memories that have been experienced before, every exchange is exchanged to the extreme - that is a secret that the whole world does not know, and it only belongs to the two of them.

Gu Cheng curled his lips and lowered his head to put the ring on Ning Yi.

The rings were swapped.

Then exchange kisses.

Ning Yi raised her head and saw herself reflected in his eyes.

Today, they seem to finally understand the meaning of the so-called "exchange".

Yes—just, me and you.

Only me and you can experience it.

Only you and me will understand.

Not to everyone else, not to the world at large.

So under the bright sun, all troubles are far away and blurred—



"I love you too."

Gu Cheng smiled and lowered his head, kissing her bright eyes.

They have exchanged joy and pain, darkness and light.

In the future, all morning and evening and four seasons will be interchanged.

Then me and you.

Change your life as you wish.

(end of text)

The author has something to say:

— Woooooo! !

To celebrate, give away red packets today!

Then tomorrow will be a sweeter sand sculpture episode! Hey, there are still many things to play^o^ It is expected that there will be do honeymoon, new gameplay, holographic games, genius baby balls... just come and eat candy.