v2 Chapter 786: Golden Globe Awards

The battle between Justin Bieber and Orlando Bloom has attracted the attention of many people in Hollywood. In this busy awards season, it can be regarded as grabbing a lot of limelight, especially Justin who was beaten by Orlando Bloom. Bieber, then posted a number of close photos of Miranda Kerr on his own Twitter and instant sharing, and seemed to want to stimulate the elf prince again.

As for whether the elven prince and the hobbit will fight the second round, it is not Duke's concern.

"Gravity" is about to start its fourth weekend in North America. After several weeks of maintaining a dominant position in the North American market, it finally ushered in a heavyweight masterpiece.

"The Year of War", jointly produced by Walt Disney and Sky Studios, officially landed on the North American theaters.

This is also one of the four films that David Ellison took over.

The production cost of "Gen." is as high as 170 million US dollars. Walt Disney chose a relatively indifferent schedule. It can also be seen from this aspect that they are not very confident in the film itself.

Maybe it’s because the North American market hasn’t released a heavyweight commercial film for too long, or the film is indeed very appetizing for some audiences. Although the outside world has extremely low expectations for the movie "Creation War", the actual performance of the film is still acceptable.

After all, "Gravity" has been released for four weeks, it is an indisputable fact that the market has a certain degree of confidence in commercial films.

In the first three days of the first weekend, "Agenda" won $44.02 million from North America with 3566 theaters, ending the third consecutive box office chart of "Gravity" and becoming the new North American box office champion.

At the same time, "Gravity" received another $22.35 million, ranking second in the box office list that weekend. Counting the previous four working days, the North American box office steadily crossed the $300 million mark, accumulating 300 million. 11.24 million US dollars.

Although "Agenda" won the North American box office title from "Gravity", the situation is not optimistic.

"The audience rating of CinemaScore was only 71%, and the audience averaged a score of ‘B’. MetaCritic’s 55 media reporters only gave an average score of 66."

In the car driving to the Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, Tina Fei finished the data to Duke, and then came to the conclusion, “The audience’s reputation for this film can only be considered average. "Gravity" is so strong."

"It's enough for David Ellison to relax." Scarlett Johansson shrugged, "I'm still waiting for this film to fail like Robin Hood, Larry Ellison from Sky Studio Divestment."

"You are too anxious." Duke retracted his gaze from the car window and said to Scarlett, "Honey. We have enough time to wait patiently."

In Hollywood today, Walt Disney has the closest collaboration with David Ellison, but Walt Disney has been in a chaotic situation of internal power struggles. Michael Eisner and Robert Iger have not been fighting hard for several years. The winner is truly divided, once Larry Ellison withdraws, David Ellison's career in Hollywood will inevitably collapse.

This is exactly the situation that Duke wants to see. A strong Disney does not meet his or Time Warner’s interests and needs. Disney has encountered the current situation and cannot be created by himself, such as Conscate and Via. Media companies such as Com, Time Warner, and News Corporation. Who hasn't been behind it?

Commercial competition has never let go of any opportunity to attack rivals. These big companies can be said to be cooperative and competitive.

The car stopped in front of the Hilton Hotel. Duke and Scarlett got out of the car, waved to the surrounding reporters and audience, and walked onto the red carpet. As usual, the two quickly walked to the interview area.

This is the 68th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards. It is also the biggest media event in the entertainment industry before the Oscars. The Golden Globes will not affect the selection of many Oscar judges. But it is a good opportunity to increase exposure, which is extremely important for those who want to make a difference during the awards season.

And Duke has also received a series of nominations.

Due to the late release time, "Gravity" missed the Golden Globe Award, but another film "Inception" released by Duke last year was nominated for multiple Golden Globe Awards.

This film has a good box office and good reputation. Nominated for the Golden Globe Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Actor in a Drama Series and Best Original Music.

In the interview area, Duke and Scarlett were interviewed by reporters, but the two never mentioned "Inception", which was nominated for five Golden Globe Awards, and the topic almost revolved around "Gravity."

Duke knew very well that promoting Scarlett was the main goal, and the interview was more like a foil for Scarlett Johansson.

"Each of our scenes is carefully choreographed. This is why I need so much training. I want to make sure that my body can adapt freely in the space environment. Although everything is like a dance rehearsal, I It also requires improvisation so that the sense of floating in a zero-gravity environment can be perfectly interpreted."

Faced with the reporter’s question about how to interpret the role of such a wonderful female astronaut, Scarlett gave the answer that had been drawn up a long time ago, “It’s not easy. You need imagination. Everything you prepare can be useful. In that environment, you can’t see hope, including scenes where I’m alone and helpless. You also think about what I can see as the director wants to show. Come to help myself tell the story, and I will also let the sound editor play some specific music, so that I can enter the role state as soon as possible."

Duke and Scarlett had just left the interview area and walked into the hotel. Natalie Portman came over with her stomach straight. Her eyes naturally followed Scarlett Johansson's back, and the complexity flashed through it. , And only you can understand.

"Gravity" has exceeded US$300 million at the North American box office and over US$600 million in the global box office. It has undoubtedly made Scarlett Johansson a first-line Hollywood star, temporarily becoming one of the actresses born after 1980. First person!

And this position was what she had dreamed of.

Even if you can get the best actress Oscar, can you still get this position?

Natalie Portman has no confidence. She knows very well that superstars need more than Oscar statuettes. How long has it been since she has proven her appeal in the market?

The Golden Globes is not so much an awards ceremony as it is a joyous party. The awards ceremony was held in the form of a dinner party. Duke took Scarlett into the banquet hall and soon found the crew of Inception At that table, Leonardo DiCaprio was already sitting there, and he was chatting with John Schwarzman without a word.

"What are you talking about?"

After sitting down, Scarlett asked curiously, "It seems to have different opinions?"

Duke looked at Leonardo first and then John Schwarzman. The two men were clearly arguing.

John Schwarzman spoke first, "I just made a bet with Leo."

Leonardo continued his words and said, "I think "Inception" may get the best film in the drama category, but John doesn't think so. He is more optimistic about David Fincher's "Social Network."

"To be honest, Leo." Duke was on John Schwarzman's side. "I also like David Fincher's films better."

Compared with the Oscars, the Golden Globes are more affected by public relations. Many Golden Globes judges even blatantly ask the filmmakers for gifts or other conveniences.

""Social Network"?" Leonardo shook his head, "Then we wait for the result."

Perhaps it is the instant sharing of existing relationships. The website created by Mark Zuckerberg is far from being as popular as it once was, but it has also become one of the most famous social networking sites in the United States. This adapted film about him also appears again. David Fincher’s resume.

As we all know, David Fincher is a rather different director. Many of his works can be said to be contrary to the mainstream values ​​of society. Similar to Duke, he is not the kind of director that the academy likes. "Social Network" is his work. One of the few works aimed at Oscar.

"Social Network" and "The King's Speech" are both considered the two hottest gates of this year's Oscar, and David Fincher and Duke are also considered the most powerful contenders for the best director.

However, Duke knew very well that David Fincher would only pass by Oscar.

On the one hand, it comes from the deep-rooted prejudice of the college. The college’s prejudice against David Fincher is definitely deeper than against him; on the other hand, David Fincher is not enthusiastic about participating in various public relations activities. It is not enough to rely solely on the film’s public relations for personal awards. Today's Oscar, if it is not as special as Heath Ledger, not active in public relations means that it will not be awarded.

This is a land that advocates free competition. The college restricts the scope of public relations, but does not return. Instead, it believes that public relations are a manifestation of the will to free competition.

The awards ceremony quickly kicked off. "Inception" did not have any public relations at the Golden Globes. It is not surprising that it became the **** of the whole process, best film, best director, best screenwriter. , The five nominations for best actor in drama and best original music all failed, and none of them won.

Although he performed well in "Inception" and "Closed Island" and received double nominations, Leonardo DiCaprio once again missed the Golden Globe Award for Best Drama Actor.

Fortunately, Leonardo has been running with him a lot over the years, he is used to it, and he is very open to it.

He said to Duke, "I have enough patience, and how can a Golden Globe award satisfy me?"

Indeed, how can a Ballon d'Or satisfy Leonardo DiCaprio?

However, Duke is very clear that, like the results of the Golden Globes, Leonardo DiCaprio has little hope for this Oscar. (~^~)

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