Translator: Soafp

TL: changed the name of Torrent to Treant

A demon named Treant. It would not be an exaggeration to say that its appearance is almost just a tree.

Upon closer inspection, it is slightly thicker and shorter than the trees that surround it.

However, it should be very difficult to find it in the midst of the trees.

It is often said that if you want to conceal a tree, hide it in the forest. But–

“The core, that’s it.”

I don’t know if it can move from that spot, but being a tree, it would be impossible for the Treant to be agile enough to move around.

In fact, Treant has not moved from its spot and has been swinging its branches toward us.

Although I felt a sense of discomfort at the sight of the hard branches waving like a whip, the opponent was a tree after all.

It was just a tree branch, and if I cut it off, that would be the end of it.


With the momentum from cutting off the branch, I run while keeping my stance low.

I approach the Treant, feeling the attack of the remaining branches pass over my head.

I swing my blade toward the dimple, which looks a bit like a face.

“—-[Sword of Life].”

However, it is no trick to just slash at it.

I should also improve the skills I have. I decided so, and activated the skills I had learned yesterday.

I reduced my own HP, and my sword was covered with a pale golden glow.

The blade I wielded slashed through the trunk of the Treant as if to gouge it out.

However, as might be expected of a tree, it appeared to be tough and still had some HP left.

Even so, if its movement was slow, one more hit would not be a problem.

“[Sword of Deprivation]!”

The blade that passes back is now cloaked in a black haze.

The flash of the blade bites into the wound, as if tracing the previous one, and leaves an even deeper scar.

Compared to when I used the [“Sword of Life,”] the wound is still shallow, but even so, this has a much higher level of attack.

The Treant, however, did not seem to be able to withstand the second blow, and collapsed on the spot, as if broken from the wound.

[Level has increased. Please allocate status points.]

[The skill level of the Sword has increased.]

[The skill level of the [Sword of Life] has increased.]

[The skill level of the [Sword of Deprivation] has been increased.]

“Fumu, the opponent is not good enough, …… but the skills are good.”

” ……Treant are the kind of demon that can crush you from a distance, but I’ve seen it often enough to know that you have a powerful skill.”

“I agree. It was worth being taught. It’s also convenient that I can reduce my HP myself.”

After all, without HP reduction, there is absolutely no point in using [“Sword of Deprivation.”]

I used to use it once in a while, but there was a huge difference between before and after I learned to use the Sword of Life.

The [Sword of Deprivation] consumes a bit MP, but it is also recovered naturally by the “automatic MP recovery” skill.

If I use it only once, it will be fully recovered by the time I enter the next battle.

“I’ve heard about the dojo. When players who are not used to handling weapons go there, they are taught the basics. But I’ve never heard that they can teach you those skills?”

“Is that so? They told me it normally though?”

” I wonder if there are any conditions ……”

Iori is muttering to herself in a manner that does not seem to add up, but I had some idea of what to expect in this regard.

I can think of two things. One is that I have the prerequisite skills for [Sword of Deprivation] – one of the three magic swords.

Second, I should be able to compete against those masters in a mock battle.

To be honest, I don’t think it is something that other players can easily do.

I have showed off my trump card, esoteric, the inner secrets of the Kuon, way of walking.

After all, it would be difficult for Hisana, who has not mastered a single one of those techniques, to take on those guys.

I wonder what level they are.

“Well, one of these days, someone will find out.”

“Are you sure you want them to figure it out?”

“I’m not interested. Not that I’m particular about the fact that I’m the only one who can use it, but …… if I had to spend all my time on every single one of those things, it would be a waste of my play time.”

“…..I see. Well, that’s up to you, Quon-san.”

Iori doesn’t seem to particularly blame me about style.

Things get a little complicated, but I guess she doesn’t want me to go any further than I have to.

As long as I keep that style not only in real life but also in the game, I’ll try not to say too many unnecessary things.

If I talk too much about things that would distract her, it would be too much of a bother for her.

“Anyway, let’s move on quickly. Our target is not some small fish.”

“Y-yeah. I understand.”

As I start to walk away, Iori follows me at a trot, slightly flustered.

I think she can handle it even if she is attacked by an enemy by herself.

Well, maybe the stones will wear off a little bit, and it might be tough to leave them alone.

“Now,……, let’s be entertained.”

With Iori behind me, I put a small smile on my face.

[The skill level of “Enhancement Magic” has been increased.]

[The skill level of the [Sword of Life] has increased.]

Well, to be honest, I am not very entertained about the road trip.

After all, it probably means that the demons are stronger in the northern plains.

This forest, which was said to be less than that, was not so promising.

Spiders, boars, and trees are all enemies once their core are broken.

That is why it is only at the end of this stone pillar that I can expect to encounter them.

“So, is there anything to watch out for?”

“Yes, the Greater Forest Spider, in addition to attacking with its forelimbs and bite, will send strings flying from the tip of its buttocks. Once caught in the threads, it is difficult to slice even with a blade.”

I nod my head in affirmation as I digest Iori’s words.

Well, since they are called spiders, it was a bit puzzling that spiders up to now had not used threads.

At any rate, if it can only come out from the buttocks, it can be dealt with in any number of ways.

“Afterwards, there’s an egg placed in the field, and after a certain amount of time, the forest spiders will appear. If left unchecked, the field would be filled with spiders.”

“……That is a sight I would not want to see”

“I agree. Therefore, I would like to go around crushing these eggs.”

“In the meantime, I’ll just have to fight the boss.”

Well, if it means less trouble, there is no denying it.

To begin with, even if she lined up next to me with that level of skill, she would honestly just be in the way.

I don’t intend to say that to her face, though.

“And nothing else in particular?”

“The rest …… yes, I know. I think you should be careful about biting attacks, just in case. If you get hit by one, you will be poisoned.”

“Poison, huh. Well, it would certainly be troublesome if I get poisoned.”

Well, the worst that could happen is that I should fight while continuing to recover using the [“Sword of Deprivation,”] but as expected, my movements would be slowed down to some extent. Recalling the memory of the terrible treatment I suffered because of the old b*****d, I involuntarily raised my eyebrows.

I don’t intend to be so lax in my physical control that I can’t handle it on its own, but it’s better not to take a bite.

However, I don’t intend to eat such a large attack.

“Well, I’ll manage. Is that all the precautions you need to take?”

“Yes, nothing else in particular. If I exclude the leno, it is weaker than the bosses in the northern plains.”

“That reminds me. It’s a relief to know I’m not just weak.”

A battle without tension is boring.

That is why I am not interested in weak opponents, but it is a different story when they use forceful techniques.

If they use such and such methods to compensate for the difference in strength, it is worthwhile to find out what it is and attack them.

Well, I don’t think anyone would use such vicious tactics in this forest, where we are still in the early stages of the game.

“All right, then, let’s get going.”

“Yes, I’m looking forward to working with you.”

At my words, Iori nodded her head with a hint of nervousness.

Satisfied that she seemed properly prepared, I walked with her to the other side of the stone pillar.

Instantly, I felt a change in the atmosphere.

I could sense the presence of animals living in the forest, which I had been able to sense in the area I had been in so far.

In an instant, it had vanished.

It was as if the forest was a model, and there was no sign of life in the area.

“It’s coming. …… [Enchant: Fire]!”

“Mu? ”Granting magic huh.”

A space like a plaza, without trees.

As soon as we stepped into it, Iori had invoked a spell of grant magic on herself and my weapon.

At the same time, the two weapons began to be covered with red flames. However, the handles do not feel any heat. This would not hinder me from wielding the weapons.

“His weakness is fire. Please be careful.”

“Yeah, I won’t let you down.”

While preparing for the magic, we walked to the center of the square.

The surrounding trees were stained a faint white like cocoons from the tops of their leaves.

Apparently, those were spider threads.

Looking closely, one can see a number of white objects placed around the trees with white threads attached to them.

Apparently, those are the eggs that Iori was talking about.

At a rough count, there must be close to twenty of them. If all of them hatched at once, it would be troublesome to deal with them.

Well, that would make for an interesting battle, but this time Iori is here. It would be better not to be too reckless.

And the demon who put up the strings and eggs–

“above huh”

I smile a small smile and ready my sword at the presence falling from overhead.

Perhaps it was a string stretched over the overhead portion of this plaza.

What came down from there was a huge black spider, perhaps three meters across.

■Greater Forest Spider

Type:Insect, Demon

Level: 8

State: Active

Attributes: None

Combat Location: On the ground and in trees

The black spider raises its two sharply pointed forelimbs like a sickle and threatens us with its eight red eyes shining bewitchingly.

Indeed, this must be a tough look for those who dislike insects.

It is black, but not unnaturally so. If it were lurking in the shadows of the forest trees, it would be difficult to spot it.

But when it appears in this plaza, its body color makes no sense at all.

Well, whatever the ecology of this thing is, it doesn’t matter to me. I will be entertained to the fullest.

“——-[Sharp Edge]!”

With a smile, I activate the enhancement magic spell.

It may be only a small fraction, but there is no harm in boosting its offensive power.

I was thinking about how I was going to dismantle it, and with my two-colored phosphorescent sword in my hand, I slashed at the giant spider.