Translator: Soafp

TL: I made a mistake the skill he learned when he went to the other dojo was not Sword of Soul but Sword of Bane.

The black spider raises its large forelimbs in a threatening gesture.

However, ignoring the threat, I immediately jumped into the black spider’s embrace.


Of course, it would be a disqualification for a demon if it were to remain in its place.

As I approached, the black spider swung its left forelimb toward my head.

The gleaming tip was nothing more than a sharp sickle. A direct hit would skewer me mercilessly.

But I have no intention of accepting it without a fight.

(His position is too high, so it’s a little hard to—-)

With a slight delay in timing, I swing my sword in a sideways cleave.

I aim at the tip of the sword as it comes down. Toward that point, I slammed the hilt of the sword.

Way of decapitation—-gentle, flowing water・whittling

By pressing down on the opponent’s edge with the tip of the hilt, I deflect the trajectory of the blade.

Simultaneously, the recoil changed the trajectory of my strike, and the tip of my sword was sucked into the joint of the blade-like forelimb.

This is a derivative form of flowing water that simultaneously parries and attacks.

It is a very difficult technique because if you fail, you will be cut on the spot, but the return is very rewarding.

Originally, this technique was performed with a wakizashi or a small sword, and its purpose was to cut off the opponent’s thumb.

Once the thumb is gone, the person can no longer hold the sword. Therefore, it is a technique that can be called a kind of “desperate kill.”


“Damn, that’s hard.”

The blade passed through slightly, but did not sever the forelimb.

It would have been much easier if I could have cut it off with a single blow, but I guess things don’t always go that conveniently.

But now I know its physical strength. If this is the case, there must be a way to deal with it.

“Gigi …!”

The black spider reflexively retracts its limb as it emits a squeal that sounds like the scraping of a tree branch.

It is a natural reaction if it felt pain – but it is convenient if the obstacle of a hard forelimb has retreated.

Way of decapitation–Gentle, full moon.

Switching the blade from the swinging stance, using only the movement of the wrist, I swung the blade vertically and brought it down.

It is an immovable swordsmanship, as if drawing a full moon, without moving the torso at all.

The preliminary movement is not visible unless one watches the wrist, and even expert-level players are often unable to detect it.

The strike of the sword swung instantly down to the face of the spider, which had no more obstacles in my way, and pierced one of its eyes.

The blow is not very powerful because it is difficult to put force into it, but it is still easy enough to tear through the not-too-hard flesh.

As soon as the sword pierced the eye, its momentum was suddenly killed, and the blade was stopped while the sword was still in its eye.


Continuing forward on sliding feet. I thrust the flaming sword, which was held at my waist, deep into the eye socket.

With this single blow, I put in my killing intent to kill without fail—–


At that moment, however, the black spider leapt at once and retreated.

It seemed that the black spider was not going to let me finish it off so easily. Having sensed the danger, the black spider seemed to have decided to leave when its eye was blinded.

It may have reacted reflexively by having its eye burned out, but whatever it was, it has successfully evaded.

Well, it would have been uninteresting if it had ended so quickly.

After all, it was the boss, so I should be entertained at least a little bit.

“Now, where are you going?”

Without shaking my center of gravity at all, I glide toward the black spider as I approach, and my sword moves into a dragonfly stance.

While creating a stance in which I can jump in at any time, I gradually close the distance between us.

The black spider, perhaps wary of my approaching form, stopped moving, keeping its stance low.

And then – its buttocks swung up high into the air.


Way of walking–disastrous earthquake.

A shiver ran down my spine and I reflexively stepped forward.

Lowering my body, I turn my full weight into forward propulsion.

My speed is less than that of my haze stance, but it is still more than enough to rush toward the black spider.

–Something white passes over my head, as if piercing through it.

“As I thought, it’s a string!”

What passed over my head was a thread that the black spider released from the tip of its a**.

It split into several strands and spread out like a web, which I would have had to largely avoid if I had not dared to approach it.

And if I had stepped in even a moment too late, I might have come into contact with the threads that spread out on the underside of the spider.

Cheering my own intuition, I swung my sword down toward the black spider that had come within inches of me.


The black spider, which was in a position to release its threads, is now in a prone position, with its buttocks lifted up wide.

In other words, even its two front limbs, which are its weapons, are now attached to the ground.

Of course, the black spider did not expect to be approached by a man in this position.

The black spider let out a cry of surprise at my close approach and reflexively shielded its head with its forelimbs.

The forelimbs were like blades that were extremely sturdy – once wounded, it would only be a matter of aiming there.

“—-[Sword of Life].”

HP decreases and the blade takes on a golden glow.

With that glow, I swung the sword at the black spider’s forelimb, at its joints.

The sword leaves a golden trail in space, carrying the momentum and full weight of the attack, the blade slices into the black spider’s joints.

With that single strike, the black spider’s left forelimb was completely severed from the joint.

“Geeeeeeeeeee —-!”

Green bodily fluids splatter and a scream-like voice rises.

Hearing this, I took a large step forward to stabilize my stance and used the force of my step to reverse the sword strike.

The blade that had been swung down is lifted up in a completely opposite trajectory to the one before, as if to trace a completely opposite trajectory.

The aim was the spider’s head, but the blow was blocked by the right forelimb, which happened to be swung by accident.


I click my tongue and took a step back.

It was probably an coincidence that I was blocked, but there was no point in engaging in a battle of wills here.

In terms of strength, the other party is probably superior. It would be disadvantageous to confront it head-on in an honest manner.

At any rate, I took away one of its weapons. The opponent now has one less option.

The black spider stands up, its eyes reddening even more as it detaches its threads.

And then, with that, it raised its right forelimb and fired a cleave toward me.

“This way.”

I take two more steps backward and out of the range of the attack, as this was one of the actions I had anticipated regarding this.

But the black spider moved forward to pursue me, waving its left forelimb.

“Haa, that’s too bad.”

The movement made me smile as I moved forward.

Originally, the pattern would have been to attack with the right and left forelimbs in succession.

Unfortunately, however, the left forelimb was cut off halfway through.

In that state, there was no way it could attack.

Swinging it’s forelimb vigorously, I thinned my body against the leaning black spider and swung my blade down on one of its left legs.

“Once more, [Sword of Life].”

Once again, HP is reduced and the power of the blow is increased.

Then, from the eight-phase stance, I swung down with a powerful strike that severed its leg, which was thinner than its forelimb, from the joint.

Confirming this up close, I removed my left hand from the sword at the moment of swinging it down, and drew my small dagger with the opposite hand.

And then–

“—–[Sword of Deprivation]”


The black spider tried to turn around in rage, but I stabbed and gouged a small dagger toward the most enormous eye on its side.

It was probably trying to bite me. But that would mean an easy target for me to aim at. I took that chance without hesitation.

I cast [“Sword of Deprivation”] on the small dagger, and also recovered my HP.

The effect of the ” Death Point Shot” increased the damage, and I was able to recover more than enough HP.


The black spider, with its body turned up, shakes its head and tries to shake off the small dagger.

But even so, the small dagger, which had pierced deeply, would not come off.

Then, if that one has stopped moving…

“Again, [Sword of Life].”

Activating [Sword of Life] again, I cut off the other leg in front of me.

The black spider was knocked off balance and slammed to the ground.

“Gu, gui ……!”

“…… Is this the end?”

With its body in a prone position, the right forelimb also could not lift properly, or perhaps the black spider just grunted and stopped moving.

Looking down at it, I narrowed my gaze and readied my sword to the upper level.

I don’t know if it has any other moves – but if it can’t move to my satisfaction, I’ll end it here.

I looked straight at the black spider looking up at me and swung my sword at the top of its head.

The sword sliced the black spider’s head open, unobstructed, and its HP was completely shattered.

[The black spider’s HP had been completely reduced. Please allocate skill points.]

[Sword skill level increased.]

[“Death Point Shot” skill level increased.]

[The skill level of the [Sword of Life] has been increased.]

[Level 10 has been reached. One skill slot has been added.]

The information echoes, confirming that the black spider has been completely defeated.

I let out a big breath, shook off the bodily fluids on my sword, and retracted the weapon.

I then retrieved the small dagger – —-and with it, the body of the black spider disappeared as particles of light.

But was this an additional slot? I’ll finally be able to equip up [Sword of Bane] as well.

“Fumu…… well, so much for that.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Quon-san. To be honest, though, I think it was too soon to take it down. ……”

And Iori, who had been going around crushing eggs in the surrounding area, comes back to me, carrying a naginata on her shoulder.

I had seen the presence of Iori, but she seemed to have been looking around for eggs in a great hurry from the middle of the day.

“You looked very impatient, is something wrong?”

“No, I was going to destroy all of the eggs to increase my reward, since crushing them is included in the combat contribution, …… but Quon-san was so much stronger than I anticipated that there was no choice but to run around.”

“O-oh …… sorry, I didn’t know that.”

“No, I didn’t explain myself, and it would be strange to ask Quon-san to stall for time for me to make a contribution.”

Iori smiles bitterly, and I nod in return.

Well, if she doesn’t see it as a problem, there’s no need to worry about it.

“Regardless, let’s see what the rewards are. Are there any threads? I have two threads on my side.”

“That reminds me. Uhm, …… yeah, there’s seven over here.”

What I had in mine were seven Omori spider threads, eight Omori spider hairs, two Omori spider fangs, and one Omori spider blade.

Well, I can say that I got a decent amount of items, but how am I supposed to handle …… these blades and such?

■《Material》Omori Spider Threads

Weight: 2

Rarity: 2

Granted effect: None

■《Material》Hair of Omori Spider

Weight: 1

Rarity: 2

Granted effect: None

■《Material》Omori Spider Fangs

Weight: 1

Rarity: 3


■《Material》Blade of Omori Spider

Weight: 6

Rarity: 4

Grant effect:None

Apparently, the blade is a rare item among the items out here.

Well, it’s not in a shape that would allow me to make a sword, nor would I ever use it.

“Nine. …… Yes, that should be enough. Thank you very much for your cooperation.”

“I’m doing this because I’m getting something in return. Can you go back and start making the equipment?”

“Yes, of course. Let’s go back to the city.”

Regardless, the goal is now accomplished.

Once I get my equipment in order, I shall move on.