172 171. Sucker's Bracelet and Heavenly Wolf's Fang

Darya briefed Ivano on the circumstances in a commercial guild before returning from Osvaldo's mansion to the tower.

Personal things about Marcella got a little lost, but at the point of making this magic guide, Ivano, the half-body of the Chamber of Commerce, also gets involved.

Along with his apology, he told us all about Marcella, about his magic equipment, about the dangers concerning nobility, about what might affect the Chamber of Commerce.

Ivano didn't blame Dahlia for a word, and he took on his absence with pleasure, as well as wishing Irma well.

When I finished working today, he dropped me off at Osvaldo's that I would show my face, leaving the guild behind.

Return straight to the tower, hold your work clothes and gather the materials.

I wonder how stuffed I looked. A large man, usually waiting in a carriage, offered to carry his baggage and helped me.

It is thus now that we have returned to Osvaldo's mansion, the workplace.

He had already worn white work clothes and stacked a magic box containing materials on his work desk.

"In pregnant women's hypermagic, you need a magic guide that draws a certain amount of excess magic. Considering the couple's magic difference, the ring won't be big enough, so make a 'Sucker's Bracelet'"


There is little foresight, and the description and preparation for work begins immediately.

"Wife side magic is two, so consider the bearable magic up to eight, and draw the excess magic flowing from the child. Along with that, we also need to prevent crystallization by earthly magic, and work to protect pregnant women and fetuses who become unstable due to magic differences, respectively. And then, if you continue to build up all this magic, you may not have the bracelet material, so you need to have the ability to drain it outside."

Five are required as grants: "Magic Suction," "Prevention of Crystallization," "Protecting Pregnant Women," "Protecting the Fetus," and "Magic Emission Functions."

One thing at a time seems difficult to line up.

Darya is a magic guide you will never make alone.

"The materials to be granted are the fangs of the Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) to elicit excess magic; the mouth of the Cocatrice (beak) to prevent crystallization with excessive earthly magic; the horn of the female unicorn (unicorn) to restore the state stability and physical condition of the pregnant woman; the horn of the male bicorn (bicorn) to illuminate the fetus as being a sufficiently demonic mother; and the nail of the basilisk for the ability to drain magic. It will be these five."

Darya brought the fangs of the heavenly wolf (Scoll) and the unicorns (unicorns) that were in the tower, as well as the materials of the mutant bicorns.

Fortunately, Cocatrice's mouth (beak) and basilisk claws say they have stock stock on hand at Osvaldo's.

Even if I used it up, I was relieved to be told that the Adventurer Guild had it in stock.

"The bracelet has to be misrilled. Make the inside into four categories and incorporate each material. Build a magic barrier for each part with the corners of a unicorn to prevent magic interference, and balance it by adding a basilisk claw to the outside. Because unicorn horns are the safest place for pregnant women."

I can do a magic barrier at the corner of a unicorn - now I know one of the magic interference measures.

When this is the time, I reflect on myself thinking I can apply it to Wolfe's Devil's Sword.

"Do you have any questions?

"Will the magic stored in Mithril's bracelet return to the magic vegetable with basilisk claws?

What bothered me a little was the work of Mithril and Basilisk nails.

With this combination, can magic be converted into magic?

"No, it's not a conversion to an exorcism, is it? Keep your magic in Mithril and use your basilisk nails to drain it by having your wife use dirt magic about once a day. This seems to be sensibly ready on the part of the mother. Pregnancy is limited."

It means Irma will temporarily be a dirt wizard. It seemed kind of strange.

"Sorry, I've never made a 'Sucker's Bracelet'. Considering me and your magic, think of success as a quintile."


"Nevertheless, there is a little room for materials. Besides, if you can't, there are ways to wish Captain Bartolone of the Demon Crusade Squad to introduce you to a healing magician. Don't put too much effort into your shoulders."

Listening to the harsh stories, Osvaldo quickly followed Darya with strength on his shoulders.

I think Osvaldo, who makes it, is suitable for teachers.

"I magically scrape this Cocatrice mouth (beak) to create a flat circle that fits my bracelet. The only thing to be aware of is not to put too much magic into it, and never forget the magic guide of defense to avoid petrification."

"Well, if your hands are petrified while you're working, you'll have trouble."

"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it because I can't turn the door knob and I struggle to get help"

I can't let a laugh kill Osvaldo, who answered me in the face. I didn't think he was experienced in petrification.

"Cocatrice's mouth (beak) can afford it. Because of this, why don't Darya do the fixing magic?

"Thank you. I'd love to."

A demon named Cocatrice looks like a rooster on one side and a snake on the other.

In the previous life, I had read in the book, "Torso and Wings are Dragons," but when I saw them in this world, the wings were smaller, and the torso was like a lizard.

Most of all, the dragon is sometimes referred to as a "big lizard" in this world, so it may not be misguided.

"First make a rough shape with a thread saw (YTOKO) and make a circle at a size that fits the bracelet. Put it in the bracelet to prevent petrification, then powder the corners of the unicorn to do the fixing magic. I'll do the moulding with the thread saw."

The mouth (beak) that Osvaldo holds belongs to the rooster and only to one of the lower sides.

I was allowed to observe my mouth (beak), but it is dark yellow on the outside, orange on the inside, hard as minerals when I touch it. It wouldn't be a noise where it hurts if it were followed by this.

When Osvaldo took out the thread saw (Itoko) for the production of the magic conductor, he happened to take out a yellow, small circle from the mouth (beak) of Cocatrice.

With his mouth (beak), a Mithril bracelet was also provided.

Mithrills are silver based, blue-blue metals by angle. The shades and brilliance not found in previous life catch my eye, but I also feel cold somewhere.

The bracelet can be folded and spread in half, with a fitting fastening on the other side of it. The interior was carved with grooves, in the form where the material could be placed.

Dahlia gently lifts her thin circular mouth (beak) so that it does not fall and inserts it behind her bracelet.

Then, put the magic power out of your right index finger, spell out the magic circuit, and fix the anti-petrification action. I just fixed it so I could write it on a small circle without any problems.

When you check the magic flow, apply the powder of the horn of a unicorn (unicorn) over it.

I worried it would splash, but the pure white powder sticks to Cocatrice's mouth (beak) as soon as I put my magic into it.

When firmly entrenched, the mouth (beak) turned pale and radiant yellow.

"Success. You're both very good."

"Thank you"

I finally lost my shoulder strength after being praised.

But now it is finally one of the five grants. I can't feel safe.

"So the Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) is next, right? Do you have any stock at Darya's?

"Yes, this is the Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) fang that was in stock"

Darya opens the magic box she brought.

Osvaldo deflected his glasses once and confirmed the silver fangs that put the golden glow together.

"The two of us would also be able to handle Heavenly Wolves of this size (Scoll). There's a couple magic differences, so this fang is better than my stock. Use magic to saturate and crystallize. Incorporate it inside the bracelet. Keep it safe, just in case."

When he opens the workplace door, Osvaldo calls Ermelinda.

She was just about to invite a brunette guest into the next room.

Just a little surprised at each other's timing.

"Welcome, Master Wolframe. I'm sorry to bother you all of a sudden, but with Miss Dahlia's work, could you please help us keep you safe?

"Yes, I don't mind..."

"Can Elle ask for me?

"Yes, leave it to me"

Greetings are there, too, and the two of them come into the work room.

Wolfe let the golden eyes wander just a little and was surprised by Osvald's wide workplace.

Ten times lighter than the green tower. Glossy dark ash marble floors, neat magic boxes and books on shelves that reach all the way to the ceiling - a luxury I want to make ideal as a magic conductor.

"Put magic into the fangs of Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) with me and Dahlia. If you lose your mind about one of them falling, pull them both off the table. You can be a little rough."

"Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) fangs......?

I deliberately smiled at Wolfe, who got anxious.

"We want the fangs of Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) to safely suck away the magic of Irma, so we put in the magic to crystallize it. This time it's just the teacher and the two of us, so it's okay."

"It's acceptable given the amount of magic, but it's for safety. Because falling near the fangs of Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) is dangerous."

Behind Osvaldo stands Ermelinda, and behind Darya stands Wolf.

I'm a little unsettled by the sudden increase in numbers and the tension drifting from the Wolf behind me.

"The only time to stop it is when one of them falls or you lose your mind. Don't stop me for anything else."

"... ok"

"Yes, sir"

Osvaldo takes his gloves off. Darya also wrapped two cuffs of work clothes.

"Let's get in there at once without taking the time. I'll put out a magic potion later."

"Yes, please"

Both sides put out their right hands, Osvaldo only holds his thumb inside, Darya points at two index and middle fingers, and gently grips the rest of the finger in.

There are different ways to use the magic of a magician. Since wands and rings are rarely used like magic guides, they often determine for themselves the shape of hands that are easy to move the magic.

Dahlia imitated her father Carlo as a child, and he became what he is today.

"Well, let's get started"

It was Osvaldo who first began to give magic to the Heavenly Wolf (Scoll).

Magic, like a mixture of rainbow powder in a silver breeze, goes straight into your fangs.

Darya also follows it, pointing at the rainbow translucent magic.

But the magic, which used to be straight, is still unstable due to a sudden rise. The higher the output, the more it shakes like a ribbon. He turned his magic toward Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) while exerting diligent control.

Fangs that inhale silver light and rainbow light increase the silver glow with slight tremor.

The four of them looked at it silently.

To the blinding glow, I thought crystallization was a matter of time.

But the two reassured magicians think.

We'll do it together, so it'll be easier than magic alone, the sweetness I thought.

"This is out-of-count…"

About seven or eight minutes later, Osvaldo turns to face.

Sweat was pouring down that neck muscle, and there was no room for making laughs.

Even one Osvaldo is usually enough with the magic he poured so far.

Suck the magic so far. Note that the fangs in front of you do not crystallize.

They say it's for two, but it's too long.

What came to mind was the possibility of a Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) mutant species.

I didn't know anything from what I saw, but the shards Darya used last time are not necessarily from the same Heavenly Wolf (Scoll).

If it were the same Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) fangs, Darya was really lucky.

Because I gave this to myself to create Wolf's bracelet and he was alive.

"... Huh!

Unexpectedly, the magic taken from Darya more than doubled.

Even though the flow of Osvaldo's magic remains intact, did Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) prefer Darya's magic, taking it away, and starting to suck the magic to drag it.

"Darya, lower the output!

"That's about all right!

I answered with a screaming momentum, but it could be really bad.

But I don't have a spare in my Heavenly Wolf (Scoll). In size, this one is bigger than Osvaldo's stock, which is good for Irma.

Besides, if you're going to fail and put magic in again, you're definitely not magical enough. There will also be awards in later bracelet production.

I can't let Osvaldo, who has already raised his magic powers, keep drinking his magic potion.

If you raise your magic and break your body, isn't that the two dances of my father Carlo?

Dariah scolds the fangs of the heavenly wolf (Scoll), bites his teeth off, and fixes his magic.

My magic just went up in the safe range, there's no way I can't control it.

Irma endures where there is only two magic, in eight.

You can't pull yourself off here right now.

As I desperately continued to send magic, my arms began to tremble.

I still have a little margin of magic, but because I was using my strength to control it, I have no muscles and legs in my arms and am starting to cramp.


"Excuse me, Wolf! Please support me!

Originally, no other person will support the Magic Instructor being granted. Because it is often influenced by the magic of that person.

But Wolf has no external magic. Supporting yourself here and now, the magic won't mix or fall.

Whether your arms cramp, or you can't stand, but if you don't fall, you can still produce magic.


Wolf lifts Dahlia's right hand, which is about to fall back. At the same time, it caused a body that was about to fall and stopped me from holding it in a way that supported my back.

"Are you okay with this?


I stopped thinking about allocating magic because I no longer had to worry about falling.

Lift your hands up and point all your fingertips at Heavenly Wolf (Scoll).

Hand over all your magic to Heavenly Wolf (Scoll) with all your might. I'm dazzled by the creases, but I don't mind anymore.

The rainbow magic flowing from both fingers is surely the strongest I've ever had in my life.

"If you were losing material, you wouldn't be a magic conductor. Let's screw it down."

Osvaldo in the front, probably laughed.

The sweat from my forehead stained my eyes and I can't see it well anymore.

It's just that he turned his hands to his fangs, too. The blinding silver blinked.

Dozens of seconds, minutes, or the feeling of time can disappear.

Suddenly, the magic started and I stopped coming in.

Rub your eyes in haste and check the fangs of Heavenly Wolf (Scoll).

Only small, round silver crystals are on the demon seal plate of the workbench.

In its crystals, the sphere of rainbow light swirls with momentum. It also looked like a child's move somewhere.

Osvaldo wears silver gloves and carefully fits the crystals inside Mithril's bracelet.

And, like Dahlia earlier, she powdered the horns of the unicorn. When settled magic was applied from above, all the powder moved to the crystal, glowing blue and white only once.

"This completes the grant of Heavenly Wolf (Scoll)"


At a moment of relief, Kakun and his knees fell out.


"It's okay, sir."

I managed to answer that, but I'm not going to be able to move anymore.

I have Wolfe to support me, but I will keep my head from falling forward.

Is he worried, too, that he doesn't try to loosen his hand in support of himself at all?

Osvaldo called out as he was in such a drain that he could not be deluded.

"Let's take a break in the next room once. Dear Volfredo, I think Miss Dahlia is a little tired, can you carry it?


Carried up to Wolfe as a matter of course, but I can't refuse because I can't move.

What a pity for myself to be exactly 'luggage'.

And notice.

Thanks to the fun eating and drinking going on here, I just gained a little weight.

Besides, I'm so sweaty right now that I wear makeup.

Shy and sorry pushed at once, and Darya whispers apologize.

"Excuse me, Wolfe...... its, heavy"

When he shook his neck firmly to the side, he said with a smile he had previously shown under the starry sky.

"Light, isn't it?"