173 172. The Horn of the Unicorn and the Horn of the Bicorn and the Heavy Snowstorm

Darya was transported by Wolfe to the bench in the next room.

Then when I receive the potion and magic potion from Ermelinda, I manage to drink it.

Osvaldo said he was going to change, and Ermelinda followed him.

When we were alone, Wolfe told me about the healing magic to Irma, his brother's suggestion to knight Marcella, and his consent from Marcella at the temple.

I hear that Irma's safety can be covered by magic that raises defenses, and that if you do full healing magic, you can also put back the fingers that are crystallizing, which is a heartfelt relief.

Darya then also talked about the 'Sucker's Bracelet' she was making with Osvaldo.

It's not an easy process, but when I explained that if completed, Irma and the kid could be amazing without any problems, Wolf now had a relieved face.

"I know what it is. I'm tired, so you'd better lay down a little until Osvaldo gets back."

He pretended to look fine after drinking the potion, but he seemed to notice.

Borrowing the provided blanket, Darya honestly laid on the bench. Drinking potion will leave you feeling tired. I want to recover a little while now.

"All we have to do is the horns of the unicorn and the bicorn and the claws of the basilisk. I have Dr. Osvaldo, so I'm sure it'll work."

"... right. I pray it works."

Some badly toothed Wolf is probably very worried about himself.

"Wolf, you don't have to worry so much. I drank the potion properly."

"Marcella told me to stop Darya if she was being forced"

"No, that... this time, I just didn't have enough magic..."

The voice that answers becomes smaller as it disappears.

He used his magic until he couldn't move, and Wolfe carried him this far. I can't help it if they say I can't.

"I won't stop you. Because this is your job as a magician."

Unexpectedly, I look up at Wolfe's face.

The golden eyes that I should have been used to, dwelt in a shitty colour I had never seen before.

"To be honest, I want to stop it now. But Darya never stopped me from being red armor."

Sure, I never stopped it.

But there was something I wanted to stop.

I had thought so when I wanted him to live in a safe place, not just red armor (Scarlet Armor), but also stop fighting demon crusades.

That's what I can't tell you right now.

"If it's for Marcella and the others, I know Darya will not be able to do it. There's Osvaldo this time, and even mine brought potions and magic potions. If Darya falls, I will carry her anytime, and if one of them is injured, I will take her right to the temple. So you can do what you want."

"Thank you"

To say a small thank you, until then he lay down, moving to the couch next door.

"... if you're alive, that's fine"

The voice that fell quietly resembles a prayer. When I tried to say that I was okay, that there was absolutely no such thing as dying, the sound of a knock sounded.

Then, with Osvaldo, finish tea, sandwiches and other snacks and return to the work room.

In the next room, Wolfe and the Second Lady Fiore were to wait. Looks like Fiore took turns with Ermelinda.

"I'm not used to talking about it, and I think waiting is something I feel for a long time."

Fiore put her thin green eyes in the form of a laugh and loaded many weapons and knight-related books from all over the country before Wolfe. And he himself had prepared a handkerchief with stitched embroidered thread on hand.

Wolf was thankful for his care, but it seemed clear that he was relieved.

I'm so sorry that I don't have much contact and I just keep the two of you waiting that would be busy.

Still, when you come in front of the table at the workplace, you re-fasten your hair with a barretta and get in the mood.

"We use male binoculars (bicorns) horns to give the fetus the illusion that she is a magical mother, stably female unicorns in the condition of a pregnant woman. This one also cuts and then takes the form of granting magic. However, when making this, you need to simultaneously grant magic to both magicians and instill magic evenly in both corners."

"Doesn't it work when you give it to each corner, one by one?

"Yeah. It's the pregnant woman you can wear, but it's the two pregnant women and children you use. Different magic currents in each corner make them sick."

It certainly doesn't seem good to have two magic streams in your body.

But then, should I be able to grant both at once by myself?

Before asking, Osvaldo continued.

"They say a magician or a magician with a lot of magic can grant two by himself, but it doesn't work. There's a theory that magic requires some diversity, but we don't know for sure."

Pure white horns and obsidian horns were placed on the demon seal plate of the workbench.

"This time we use the horns of the mutant species, the purple binoculars (bicorns), but there is no problem here either. Instead, the magic is strong, so you'll be relieved. Place the part of the core magic line vertically and cut it to the right size for the bracelet. You should be able to pick about four in a bottle."

With thread saws (Yitoko) in each other's hands, Dahlia sharpens the horns of the unicorn, and Osvaldo sharpens the horns of the bicorn.

I've cut the horn of a unicorn before, but it's still pretty hard.

I feel a little warm magic shake in my holding hands.

I carefully scraped up about two to avoid slipping with the sweat of my palms.

If you give him your gaze, Osvaldo in front of you has already finished all four, confirming the bracelet.

Darya hastily regained her pure white horn and hit the teeth of the thread saw (Itoko).

At that moment, a diagonally escaped blade ran a pain and vermilion line on his left thumb.

"Darya, you hurt your finger?

"No, it's no big deal"

He held it down with his right hand in an attempt to hide it, but Osvaldo instantly opened a bottle of potion.

"Hands. With your finger injured, it could be a further grant."

To the word, I give my left hand while reflecting.

Unexpectedly, the wound was long, and the blood was heaping and about to flow out of the wound.

A slightly smudged potion there, Dahlia wrinkles between her brows.

"Sorry for the inconvenience..."

"Students will naturally bother their teachers. I've caused Dr. Leena a lot of trouble in college, too."

"Is Dr. Osvaldo here?

"Yeah, I did a lot of teasing with Carlo at the Magic Gear Research Society."

I've heard that before.

He was a kind father to himself, but when he was a student, he couldn't help it when he was obsessed with the magic equipment.

He also said there was a nickname "Storm (Vlagano)".

But one thing I can't imagine right now is Osvaldo, who was playing along with it.

"I used too many ice demon stones to see if I could shorten my freezing time, and I had frostbite."

"... it's dangerous, but I think I know"

I have tried the rapid freezing of the refrigerator myself, and I have made so much ice that the doors don't even open.

"You wanted to see if the poisonous bracelet you made really worked, and you took it off and ate poisonous mushrooms. I knew it was working, and I put my bracelet back on right away, but the mushroom poison turned fast... every time, Dr. Leena brought me a healing magic teacher"

"Dr. Osvaldo was an active student, too..."

Osvaldo also tried to say it was approximate and managed to rephrase it.

Honestly, I feel very different from my father's "Storm (Vlagano)".

"Yeah. At the time, I was also known as the Snowstorm (Tormenta)."

"'Heavy Snowstorm (Tormenta)' …"

A silver-haired Osvaldo in the eyes of silver is a pretty good metaphor.

"As far as I was concerned at the time, Dr. Leena, who scolds the injured man so cold, was more of a 'blizzard (tormenta)'. Was Darya an assistant to that Dr. Leena, and she never got mad?

"There wasn't. Though there was mild caution. He was always calm and a sweet teacher"

"... if you take the time, it's something that gets round"

Osvaldo smiles and stretches his finger over the demon seal plate.

Soon, two more corners of the unicorn were nicely rounded.