
Wende Di threw the weekly life show on the table and made a sound.

"What's in it, you agree with them?"

Since entering the hall, Huyang princess, who has been absent-minded, was awakened by this sound.

She came to her senses and said, "ah? oh Yes, I agree with them. It's interesting. "

"Are you proud to expose you to the public?" Emperor Wende was obviously dissatisfied.

Huyang Princess secretly turned a white eye, "the emperor asked me to enter the palace, just for this matter?"

Wende emperor snorted coldly, "I didn't even ask you to settle accounts. You rolled your eyes at me. Wanton

"Please punish him." Huyang does not stray, it seems a bit perfunctory.

Wende frowned.

He yelled, "you dig the tomb of Chen's son-in-law and whip the corpse. I didn't care about it with you. You even gave me a face.". You are more and more generous

Huyang princess was obviously stunned, obviously did not know in advance that Wende emperor had known everything.

In the twinkling of an eye, she reacts again.

She said with a smile, "the emperor knows all about it. I don't have to feel guilty because I cheated my brother. "

"Don't cheat me. You won't feel guilty at all. You must be very proud to dig the grave and whip the corpse of Chen's son-in-law. "

Huyang showed a brilliant smile.

This is also her first real smile today.

"I don't dare to deceive brother Huang. I'm really proud. I wanted to do it when my father was still there. After so many years of waiting, I finally did something I really want to do. "

Emperor Wende gently tapped on the table, "I can understand that you will dig the tomb of Chen's son-in-law and whip the corpse. Why did he dig out Chen LV and beat the coffin? "

Hu Yang's face collapsed and said in a sharp voice, "because I hate it! He is a disaster. He has the blood of old Chen dog, which is not a good thing like old Chen dog. The Empress Dowager was so kind to him that he never treated him badly. He even killed her with poison. His conscience was eaten by the dog. It's very kind of him to allow him to commit suicide by taking poison. I whipped the coffin for my mother's sake and for my brother. "

Emperor Wende stares at Huyang without any expression and judges whether this is true or not.

Hu Yang was sincere, "recently I often think of my mother. When my mother was still alive, I always felt that I was still a child and could live without growing up. No matter what mistake I made, the Empress Dowager will carry it for me. I can be free and unrestrained. In the twinkling of an eye, I realized that I had grown up. I have to take responsibility for myself

The emperor Wende was moved.

He went down the steps to Huyang and patted her on the shoulder.

"There's no pain in your mother's back."

Hu Yang had tears in his eyes and looked at Wende emperor, "brother, I don't want to enter the palace. The palace without the empress mother is meaningless to me, just like a cage. I won't go into the palace in the future, will you

Wende Di's face was flat and he yelled: "what nonsense! If the palace is a cage, I can't be a prisoner. I don't want to hear anything like that again. "

Hu Yang looked aggrieved, "who can I look for when I enter the palace? When the Empress Dowager is here, I'll give her regards. Now that the Empress Dowager is no longer here, can we ask the empress to say hello? Or chat with your concubines? I don't have enough to hold on to. "

Wende emperor snorted coldly, "I see you are full. What's going on with the weekly life show? It's all about you. "

Hu Yang chuckled, "I feel very good! Now I'm a celebrity in the capital. "

Winder was speechless and said seriously, "you are not allowed to publish your affairs in the newspaper in the future. Otherwise, I will order the closure of the weekly life show. "

Lake Yang face angry, heart knows arm can't break thigh, can only obediently conceded, "brother has the final say!"

Wende Di looked at her angry look and laughed, "what a big man, like a child all day, has to keep up with me. By doing so, I am protecting you. "

"I know that the emperor means well, but I think he is too nervous."

"You're my sister. I'm nervous, aren't you?" Emperor Wende looked at the lake with deep feelings.

Hu Yang lowered his head and avoided the eyes of emperor Wende.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm not a person who doesn't know good or bad. I'll pay attention to propriety in the future."

"So good! Since you are not willing to enter the palace, I will not keep you for lunch. On weekdays, you are not willing to enter the palace. I will not force you. Every new year or festival, you still have to go into the palace and show up. "

"I listen to the emperor."

Hu Yang escaped from Xingqing palace.

The palace made her breathless and suffocated.

She was panting, nauseous, nauseous and dizzy.

The servant girl supported her and hurried out of the palace and ordered people to ask for the imperial doctor.

"Don't ask too much doctor!"

Huyang stopped the maid, "go to the drugstore."

"Princess Niang...""Do as you are told, and do not disturb your majesty."

The maid couldn't, so she had to ask the coachman to go to the drugstore.

The doctor finished the examination and told Huyang that she was in good health, much better than her peers.

The reason why I feel nauseous and nauseous may be due to the stimulation.

The doctor told Huyang to take a rest for a few days and not to be angry.

Servant girl worried looking at Lake Yang, "Princess Niang, do you want to go to Xiaozhu to talk to Madame Zhao?"

Hu Yang waved his hand, shook his head and said, "forget it. She is so busy that I won't disturb her. This palace is quiet. I will go to another hospital for a few days

"Yes, my servant."

Huyang is not in good condition, and Wende is not happy.

Emperor Wende complained with Chang en, "Huyang and I are separated from each other. She does not trust me."

"Your Majesty has been worried! Your majesty is the princess's closest relative in the world. How could she not trust her majesty? "

Emperor Wende sneered, "I know her. She didn't want to enter the palace, not because her mother was gone, but because she didn't want to face me. She hated the Chen family and me. No, she's afraid of me! But I will not dispute with her. She is always my sister. "

Chang en said: "Your Majesty has a good heart. I hope the princess can feel it."

Emperor Wende sighed wearily and said to Chang en, "only you can understand my good intentions."


Mr. Li has had a hard time recently.

Since the end of the mid autumn Palace Banquet, the undercurrent surging, the wind direction began to change.

On the surface, Wende Di's trust and importance to him in the past. But Mr. Li knew his own affairs, and he clearly felt that everything had changed.

Wende Di's trust and importance to him is only an illusion.

He was a little flustered. On the surface, he was as calm as Mount Tai. He went to court on time every day and dealt with government affairs step by step.

All the banquets should be attended.

However, he secretly cancelled two poetry meetings.

The follow-up poetry meeting will be in the future.

Emperor Wende was trying to prevent him from forming cliques and profiteering, and preventing his family and old officials from spreading all over the world.

He was very clear about the position of zhongshuling. He was about to finish his seat.

Wende Di has successfully completed the transition from the new to the old.

It's time to move the hall center.

It is time for the emperor's most trusted minister to sit in the position of zhongshuling.

What Mr. Li is going to do now is to retire with dignity. For example, he became an official with the honor of the grand master, and occasionally went to the imperial court, but did not care about the specific matters.

In this way, he can maintain his influence in the court.

It's not easy to leave with dignity.

At least in the great Zhou Dynasty, it was not easy.

In the past, few of them have been able to die peacefully.

Fortunately, Vander was a mild emperor. As long as it does not violate the emperor's scale, everything is easy to discuss.

After many years, Lord Li took the initiative to meet Liu Zhao.

Liu Zhao sneered at the news.

"This time he thought of his highness. Why did he go there long ago?"

Qian Fu asked, "does your highness want to see Mr. Li?"

Liu Zhao thought, "set the meeting time in the future. The next day I will take my wife to Xiangguo Temple to burn incense. "

"I'll arrange it now."


Rest day, the family group travel.

Heng Ge'er has been excited from last night to get up today. He is still hopping on the bed. The bed is almost collapsed.

Yu Ge'er picked up himself early. Small face serious, heart secretly happy.

Niu Niu and Gu Ge Er, two small, one listen to go out, more active than anyone.

Niu Niu dug out her small basket and carried it on her back early.

He pulled out his wooden carriage and held it firmly in his hand to go out with the carriage toys.

Two small miss going out, breakfast are not willing to eat, very anxious.

A strong noise, the mouth called: "quick, quick, quick..."

See father and mother slowly leisurely, two smelly children sit directly on the ground, aggrieved to cry.

Gu Jiu couldn't help laughing and nagged Liu Zhao, "who do you think they are in such a hurry. It must be like when you were a kid. "

Liu Zhao felt that he had been wronged, "I was very calm when I was a child, and I would never do anything to sit on the ground crying."

Gu Jiu laughs, "brag!"

See father and mother still have the mind to chat, is not anxious to go out, two children are angry.

Niu Niu got up from the ground, covered her eyes, ran back to the bedroom aggrieved and closed the door.

He ran to the kitchen for food.

When you are full, you have the strength to keep crying.

"I'm so small, I'm so angry. I'll get it when I grow up. You have to take care of your daughter and your son. " Gu Jiu kicked Liu Zhao lightly.Liu Zhao bared his teeth and grinned, "that's your daughter, your son."

Parents are still chatting, not in a hurry. It's my mother and father.

As a brother, I care about my sister and younger brother.

Heng elder brother son to coax elder brother son, Yu elder brother son then coax younger sister.

two brother brother is awesome, a few words, two children will be coaxed.

Yu Ge'er took the girl with her eyes on her face and came to her parents, "Dad, mom, don't tease your sister. My sister is crying bitterly. "

Gu Jiu ha ha ha a smile, "you tell younger sister, wait for her to finish breakfast, we set out. Don't go out until you eat. "

Liu Zhao simple and direct, "listen to your mother, your mother said when you go out when you go out."

Yu Ge'er's face is full of love. , the fastest update of the webnovel!