Yu elder brother son coax Niu Niu to have breakfast successfully.

The family can finally go out.

The carriage swayed to Xiangguo Temple.

Four kids, big and small, are about to overturn the roof.

Through the carriage, Gu Jiu could hear all kinds of noises coming from the next carriage.

A smile, a cry, a roar, and a friendly

Gu Jiu has a headache.

"It's so far away that I feel like I'm going to be noisy. Take care of your children. "

She kicked Liu Zhao.

Liu Zhao took a book and read it seriously.

"No matter what they do, children are not like this. They will be better and worse. If they don't make any noise, you should worry again. "

Liu Zhao is the truth.

If the children are quiet, Gu Jiu should be suspicious again. The child will not be ill, or will he be traumatized Such a mess of ideas.

Gu Jiu issued a sigh, "raising children is really tiring."

Liu Zhao ha ha ha a smile, "so I said four children is enough, more than one, people can't stand."

Gu Jiubai glanced at him.

All the way to Xiangguo Temple.

Parents finally find something serious to do.

With four children burning incense and making a wish.

When Buniu fell on her knees, she felt like she was rolling on her head.

She got up on her own and sat down on the ground with a blank look on her face.

Why can roll down futon, Niuniu also don't know!

Smelly boy Heng elder brother's son sends out a laugh, by Liu Zhao eye one stare, immediately honest.

Yu Ge'er touched Heng's head and whispered, "Niu Niu is a girl. She loves face. We can't laugh at her."

Heng Ge'er, learning from Yu Ge'er's appearance, quietly asked, "can I laugh at the fourth younger brother? He's more stupid than Niuniu. "

Yu Ge'er nodded and said in a low voice, "he is a boy with rough skin and thick flesh. You can laugh at him once or twice. But you can't laugh at him every time. He's also a child with dignity. "

When he heard the two brothers mention their names, he turned his face and looked at them. A pair of black and white, but also appears particularly innocent big eyes, eyelashes like a fan flickering, especially pure and lovely.

Heng Ge'er suddenly softened. He took Yu Ge'er's sleeve and whispered, "I won't laugh at you later. He's so pathetic."

Yu Ge'er looks at Gu Ge'er and Heng Ge'er. His eyes blink and blink. He seems to have discovered the truth.

After burning incense, the family went to the backyard to rest.

Yu Ge'er got together to Gu Jiu and said, "mother, mother, I found a wonderful thing."

"What's the matter?" Gu Jiu asked casually.

Yu Ge'er said quietly: "my son found that Heng Ge'er was a little stupid and easy to be cheated. The fourth brother's brother is a fool in disguise as a pig eating a tiger. "

Gu Jiu laughs, very happy.

She rubs Yu elder brother son's small head, "how did you find out?"

Yu Ge'er tells Gu Jiu what happened in the hall.

Gu Jiu asked with a smile, "are you sure your brother is playing pig and eating tiger? Instead of being pure and lovely? "

Yu Ge'er hesitated for a moment and said, "you brother is really pure and lovely, but when you burn incense in the main hall, your son feels that he does it on purpose. On weekdays, I don't see him so cute. But at that time it was particularly lovely. My son saw it, and his heart was soft.

I was thinking, although the elder brother son is small, does not mean that he has no idea. He used to be bullied by Niu Niu, maybe to let Niu Niu. I think he's smarter than Niu Niu. He heard Heng Ge'er say that if he wants to laugh at him, he will show weakness. "

Gu Jiu scraped the nose of Yu elder brother's son, "you elder brother's son may be like your analysis, is a small clever ghost, big wisdom is like a fool. The only requirement of your mother is to firmly remember that they are your brothers and sisters, your brothers and sisters, and your blood relatives. Don't overestimate what they think. "

Yu Ge'er doesn't understand, "why? My mother used to say that we should think more about problems and see the essence through the phenomenon? "

Gu Jiu hugged him and whispered, "because human nature can't stand speculation. Before you try to figure out what they think, you should remind yourself that they are all your brothers and sisters, your blood relatives. You should also learn to restrain yourself to your relatives. "

Yu Ge'er wrinkled his nose, which was too profound for him.

Gu Jiu doesn't want to talk about human nature with Yu Ge'er so early.

But when it comes to several children, Gu can only advance his teaching plan.

"No matter if you are a fool or not, it is obvious that his lovely innocence has solved the thought of Heng elder brother who wants to laugh at him. That's good, isn't it? "

Yu Ge'er nodded and asked, "my mother said just now that we should learn to control our relatives. Can you talk about it in detail?"

Gu Jiu pinched his cheek, "you have to remember a word, the sense of distance."Yu Ge'er is a little confused.

Gu Jiu didn't say much, "it's fun today. Don't think about these things. As for the restraint between relatives and the sense of distance, my mother gives you half a month to think slowly. You can also ask Mr. Ren. Maybe he has different opinions. "

"My son remembers."

"Go and play."

Sent Yu Ge'er, Gu Jiu is still worried.

Half of the children are not young, it is the age to set up the three outlooks.

She sometimes worries about whether her own way of education will teach her children out of order and out of time?

After all, some of her ideas are out of date for this era.

What suits is the best.

Gu Jiu also often reminds himself that he should never follow the book and educate his children according to the standards of later generations.

It is very important to adjust measures to local conditions.

"The lady is sighing again, but she is worried about some young masters?" Servant girl a Qing put the tea cup on the small table and squatted down to beat the legs for Gu Jiu.

Gu Jiu smiles, "can't you worry? Every child has one temper. Sometimes my wife will have doubts and worry that she will teach them bad

"Madame, I'm worried. It's not about Niu Niu and you Ge Er, but only about the eldest and the second childe. Who doesn't say that Madame has taught them very well. They are smart and sensible, and care about others. "

"My wife is more and more frightened by her praise. Everything has two sides. Don't just say what's good. Talk about the shortcomings. "

"Ah Qing a face embarrassed," maid shallow knowledge, really can not see what is insufficient. "

Gu Jiu said with a smile: "then you pick the bone from the egg."

Ah Qing thought for a moment and said, "I really don't want to say enough. I'm worried that the two young men will not be able to adapt to the royal life in the future. It can be said that the two young masters grew up in Shanhe Academy. Shanhe academy is different from Royal Education after all. Shanhe academy is an excellent place for ordinary students, but it may not be really suitable for the two young masters. "

Gu Jiu nodded, "your worry has some truth."

A Qing looked up at Gu Jiu, "maid said casually, madam don't take it seriously."

Gu Jiu laughed, "don't worry, I've been thinking about what is suitable for children."

"Does Madame want to send two young masters to the palace to study?"

Gu Jiu hasn't made up his mind yet, "I'll think about it again."

She wants to discuss with Liu Zhao whether to increase Royal Education for the children.

In fact, Gu Jiu has not seen the Royal Education with his own eyes and is not very clear about it.

At that time, Yu Ge'er began to learn common sense in the palace. It doesn't involve anything profound yet.

Liu Zhao is the most clear about this.

He has received a complete royal education, and he has the most say.


Liu Zhao came to the mountain behind Xiangguo Temple and met with Mr. Li.

Mr. Li's first sentence was, "you're late!"

"If you want to burn incense with your wife and children, you will be late."

Liu Zhao is very reasonable and upright. Li adults want to make complaints about him.

make complaints about his desire for today's purpose.

"The mid autumn Palace Banquet is just the beginning. If I don't know what I'm interested in, my subsequent majesty will certainly redouble my efforts. "

Liu Zhao laughed and said, "what does Mr. Li want? Will you continue to sit in that position, or do you want to become an official in another place? "

"Another place?" Li chuckled, "where can I go? Is it difficult to retire from the middle letter order and become a servant again

"Not at all!"

"Ridiculous! There is no such precedent in the court, and your majesty will not set such a precedent. "

"Mr. Li can go to a local office."

The letter made Mr. Li frown, "Your Highness, do you know what you are talking about? I have become the first civil servant. It's ridiculous for you to let me go to a local office now! It's better to stay in the capital and be decent

Liu Zhao looked at Mr. Li with a smile. "Do you mean to stay in the capital and leave with dignity?"

"Naturally, you have to leave with dignity." Mr. Li said naturally.

Liu Zhao shook his head slowly, "can't exit with dignity!"

"What does your highness mean?"

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