The air was suddenly quiet.

All the servants quit the pavilion.

Mr. Li's face was livid and his anger was burning in his eyes.

Liu Zhao was very self-confident and enjoyed tea leisurely.

"Your Highness, please speak clearly."

Liu Zhao laughed, put down his tea cup and asked a question, "how old are you this year? Which of the first and second grade officials who left the court with dignity was not seven old and eighty? For example, it can be foreseen that he will be able to leave the court with dignity.

As for Mr. Li, you are only in your early 60s and in good health. You can still be active in the court for at least 20 years. It's not easy to leave with dignity. "

Mr. Li snorted, "it's not easy that I came to you for help. Otherwise, I don't need to talk nonsense with you. "

Liu Zhao said, "if you look for your Highness for help, you can see that you trust him. My highness doesn't play empty. To be honest, it's almost impossible for you to leave with dignity.

Clearly, the father is to settle old accounts, take the opportunity to suppress your family. Under this premise, how can you exit with dignity? If you want to leave the imperial court in the honor of the grand master, I'm afraid he's thinking too much. "

"Do you think I can't leave with dignity?"

Liu Zhao said with a smile, "there is a way for you to share the worries of your father and the emperor, and take the initiative to suppress your family and old officials and drive them out of the court. For the sake of your hard work and great achievements, your father may let you leave the court with dignity and become an official. "

Mr. Li's face was twisted. "It's appalling to let me be the executioner to exterminate the old officials. If I take up the task of killing my son, even if I can retire with dignity, I will never have a good life in the next ten or twenty years. "

No one likes the executioner, not to mention the Betrayer.

If Mr. Li accepted Liu Zhao's suggestion and personally took up the butcher's knife to open his eyes for the emperor, he would surely leave his family behind forever and be despised by the world.

When he became an official, from the imperial court to the local government, he would be suppressed intentionally or unintentionally.

The Li family will suffer the most difficult years in history.

For his own sake, for his family's sake, and for his descendants, Mr. Li would never use a knife against his own people.

Why is Jin Wuwei reviled as an emperor's Hawk dog?

Because they are indeed the emperor's lackeys, acting on the emperor's will.

Betray your own people?

As long as the emperor needed them, they would dare to sell them.

They are not afraid of spitting, bearing the name of generations, and harming future generations.

The principle of acting is contrary to that of civil servants.

Therefore, once the opportunity is seized, the civil servants will abuse Jin Wuwei and all the emperor's hawks and dogs.

It's not enough to abuse them. We should also write down a record in the history books, so that future generations can spit at these emperor's hawks and dogs.

Who keeps the pen in the hands of civil servants.

Even Jin Wuwei can only recognize this situation by pinching his nose.

Jin Wuwei is a group of people who really live in the present.

Curse behind you?

No one cares.

Even if you care, one day for the emperor's Hawk dog, for the emperor's Hawk dog for life, you can only bear it in silence, and be ready to be infamous for thousands of years.

As the head of civil servants, Mr. Li has been in the officialdom for decades, and his most concern is the fame in front of him and the name behind him.

If you are about to become an official, how can you leave a bad reputation.

He shook his head repeatedly and denied Liu Zhao's suggestion.

Liu Zhao knew that he would oppose it, but it was no surprise.

He said with a smile: "Mr. Li is afraid to dirty his hands. My highness understands. However, it will be difficult for Mr. Li to leave the court with dignity when his father starts to fight. "

Mr. Li's face turned white and his beard trembled.

Liu Zhao said he was right in his mind.

He asked, "Your Highness, can't you? I give up my face and ask for the help of your highness. Is this how my highness perfunctorily? "

"What good can my highness do for you?" Liu Zhao asked directly.

Mr. Li immediately laughed, "so your highness really has a way?"

"If there is any way, it depends on what price Lord Li can pay." Liu Zhao looked at each other with a smile.

Mr. Li said in a loud voice: "it is well known that my family and old officials are all over the court and local government. If your highness is willing to help me, I promise that they will be your Highness's supporters. Help your highness to the top. "

Liu Zhao refused to comment.

Li adult frowns, "Your Highness unexpectedly does not move?"

Liu Zhao laughed, "the promise of your highness is like the moon in a dream. It's a pity that my highness is not rare. "

"What do you want?" Mr. Li did not understand.

Liu Zhao said, "how much do you know about the trade in the western regions?"

Li said: "I know that the trade in the western regions was initiated by the northwest army, and the Shao Fu seems to have participated in it."

"Does Lord Li know his father's attitude towards trade in the western regions?""With one eye open and one eye closed, your majesty only told the young master to pay attention to the trade in the western regions. In recent years, there have been frequent natural disasters in various parts of the country, and there are many government affairs in the court. The northwest army has a great relationship. It can be said that his majesty could not spare any energy to pay attention to the situation in the northwest in the past few years. Especially when it comes to the northwest army, we dare not act rashly. "

Liu Zhao nodded, "does Mr. Li know the amount of trade in the western regions in a year?"

Mr. Li hesitated: "million liang?"

Liu Zhao bowed his head and laughed.

The means of the northwest army are really extraordinary.

The trade of tens of millions of taels a year shrinks to one million taels at the imperial court. Not even a fraction.

No wonder Xiao Jiu insisted on cooperating with the northwest army.

The four seas only need to supply goods to ensure that the goods can reach the Xiliang King City smoothly, and the northwest army will solve the problems nearby.

For example, how to block the court's tongue, how to deceive the emperor's audio-visual, did not need him and Xiaojiu to worry, and the northwest army was silent, all solved.

In the northwest, the northwest army covers the sky with only one hand, which is not groundless.

Without the permission of the northwest army, it is almost a delusion to send all information about the northwest army to the capital.

Even Liu Zhao did not know how many nails the northwest army had buried in the capital. How deep are those nails hidden.

He and Xiao Jiu are clear about part of the inside story.

Because of the interest, it is impossible to confess to your majesty.

With the participation of Shaofu, all kinds of gems and jades transported from Xiliang King City have been continuously sold all over the world through Shaofu, and they have made rich profits.

As a result, everyone is willing to maintain this situation.

It is normal for your majesty to sit in the palace and be blinded.

In fact, the Shao Fu was also hoodwinked.

Shaofu thinks that the scale of the trade in the western regions carried out by the northwest army is about one million taels, and no more than two million taels at most.

Little did not know, this is Lu Hou listen to Gu Jiu's suggestion, specially to the Shao Fu make false appearance.

The large-scale trade in Northwest China can not be concealed from the eyes of those who have a heart.

It's better to make some of it public than to be furtive.

To pull the young master into this plate and share the profits is to add a layer of security.

The people of the world take it for granted that the business the Shao Fu participated in was acquiesced by the emperor.

Since the emperor acquiesced, it was legal trade.

We all have one eye open and one eye closed.

The emperor did not move the northwest army, and we all maintained a good relationship with the northwest army.

When the emperor decided to liquidate the northwest army, it would not be too late.

Liu Zhao told Lord Li, "Lord Li wants to leave the court with dignity and let his father give you a little face. There is only one way, that is, the northwest!"

Mr. Li frowned.

Liu Zhao asked, "the Lord has never thought, why did the emperor move you at this time?"

"Naturally, it's paving the way for Lu Shizhong."

"Why pave the way for Lu Shizhong?" Liu Zhao asked again.

Lord Li suddenly realized, "Your Highness means that your majesty wants to move the northwest?"

Liu Zhao laughed and said, "it is sooner or later for the father to move the northwest. If it is left to others, my father will not be at ease. The emperor's father put Lu Shizhong in the imperial court for so many years. Perhaps everything was preparing for solving the northwest problem. Of course, it's all my guess. "

Mr. Li shook his head and nodded, "Your Highness's guess is likely to come true. A few years ago, the imperial court and his majesty were unable to cope with the internal and external troubles of the imperial court.

Over the past few years, the Ministry of housing has finally achieved a balance of revenue and expenditure, and this year's weather is favorable. As long as such a good situation can be maintained for three or five years, your majesty will try to move the northwest. As for the old man, he is the one who has been blamed. "

Mr. Li let out a sigh, very sad.

He said bitterly: "the imperial court has internal and external troubles, natural disasters and man-made disasters. His majesty promoted me to the position of middle letter order. First, Lu Shizhong is not qualified enough, and he still needs to fight. Second, natural disasters and man-made disasters must be blamed. I am the only one.

Now that the crisis is over, it's my turn to leave the court and take over the good name of the imperial court. All these are clearly the foundation that I have laid. Without my painstaking efforts for many years, there would have been no balance of revenue and expenditure of the household department, and there would have been no favorable weather.

As a result, all efforts were made to make the wedding dress for Lu Shizhong. In the future, I'm afraid I'll have a bad reputation when I'm mentioned in history books. Lu Shizhong is the son of heaven and the Minister of rejuvenation. It's unfair! "

Mr. Li saw through the truth, but there was no resentment. He was not willing to accept it. What's more, he was disheartened.

All efforts are to make the wedding dress for Lu Shizhong.

All good names have nothing to do with him.

The more I think about it, the more sour I feel.

He picked up his teacup and drank it out in one gulp. Then he said dejectedly, "tomorrow, I'll leave this book and share your worries for your majesty."

"Mr. Li, that's not true.""Your Highness, don't try to persuade me. I've seen through it. There's nothing to remember."

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