Chapter 124 All vs one[1]

Name:Manaless Mage Author:
Chapter 124 All vs one[1]

He began to cough repeatedly, with his eyes widened his shock.

He tried to prevent himself from falling unconscious, but he couldn't help it and his body slowly fell down to the ground and he lost consciousness.

But just before, he closed his eyes, he stared at Harry, shocked at the amount of strength he was able to summon from such slender body.

Harry simply stared back at him indifferently, unsurprised about the turn of events.

All he had to do to knock Kerr out was move to his side, before delivering a 'light' punch to the side of his torso.

Though he didn't use his full speed or full strength, Kerr was still unable to follow his movements and even if he held back his punch, it was still stronger than that of more than half of the students in the academy.

The other two students who witnessed what just happened had their eyes and mouth wide open in shock.

When Sarah first accepted Kerr's request to spar with Harry and prove that Harry was indeed unworthy to be in the team, they felt that Sarah's decision was absurd.

Placing a stage one Elementalist against an early stage two elementalist was nothing but stupid since it was sure that the latter would win—or so they thought.

They were already even saying their prayers for Harry, inwardly hoping Kerr wouldn't be so stupid as to use his full strength against Harry.

They expected the fight to end very soon, but what they didn't expect was for Harry to defeat Kerr in such a short time, and in such an easy manner. He didn't even cast any spell.

This made them realise something—Harry was strong. His mana core stage might be low but his physical capabilities were on another level.

Even they couldn't see his figure when he moved, he was like a blur and the fight was over in a flash.

They felt that Sarah already knew about this and its was why she didn't seem to be against the fight, but what they didn't know was that even the blonde haired beauty was surprised.

She stared at the brown haired boy looking down at Kerr with slightly parted mouth, but it didn't take long for her to regain her composure.

She shook her head slightly, feeling slightly embarrassed at her actions. Fortunately, it seemed like no one in the training room noticed her and were more focused on Harry.

'It seems like he is someone with high physical strength and speed... and also some fighting experience.'

'To go up against an elementalist one stage higher without even trying to cast any spells, relying solely on physical abilities... I didn't choose wrong.' She thought and a her lips curved into a slight smile. 'He is more like a combat mage.'

However, she was still a little surprised. She made a small research about Harry in the academy before now, and from what she heard, he used to be really weak and always got bullied by his mates and even his juniors.

She had also heard about the boy with a shattered mana foundation that attended the academy, but she had never bothered about it since she was always so busy with getting stronger and other things.

So she couldn't help but wonder, what happened? What changed...?

She shook her head slightly and then removed every useless thought from her mind.

She made a light cough to bring everyone's attention back on herself, something which succeeded as all heads in the room turned to her.

She nodded slightly and slowly made her way towards Kerr who laid still on the floor. She kicked him at his side; the kick was not too light or heavy but it was more than enough to jolt back his consciousness.

Kerr immediately winced before opening his eyes. He slowly sat up, staring around with his brows furrowed in confusion.

Since he just regained consciousness, his mind was still fuzzy and his brain hadn't fully registered what was going on yet.

However, the moment he set his eyes on Harry, everything came rushing back and he subconsciously moved back in fear and shock.

"Wait! There's no way I lost—he cheated! Beli—" He was about to deny and find someway to justify his loss, when his eyes suddenly met Sarah's cold glare and he froze, with no word coming out of his mouth.

The memories of what happened the last time he tried to go against sarah were still fresh in his mind and just remembering they terrifying amount of pressure that oozed out of her made him shiver.

He immediately stood up and started walking towards the exit, but not before glaring at Harry, swearing in his heart to get his revenge one day.

Sarah sighed after Kerr left and the cold expression on his face changed into a neutral and indifferent one.

"Fine, let's begin training." She said in a low voice, but everyone in the room could still hear what she said clearly, since she was standing close to them.

Just as she was about to turn around, she suddenly turned towards Harry and curiously asked: "Why didn't you cast any spell?"

"Huh?" Harry mumbled, a little surprised at the sudden question. But still he answered. "He is a stage higher than me, so his spells and spell-casting speed would be faster then mine."

"Casting a spell would have taken too much time, so I simply attacked him at his side when he had his guard lowered."

This was actually a lie, though the part about Kerr not having his guard up was. The fire elementalist had underestimated Harry and he paid the price for it—not like it would have been any different even if it was the opposite.

But even if Harry had casted a 'spell', the result would have been no different and the fight would have probably ended even faster.

Sarah nodded slightly when she heard Harry's words. What he said made her feel even more impressed, while he made it sound simple, using such quick thinking, especially when faced with such an overwhelming opponent was nothing but easy.

The other two Elementalist thought the same way. They tried placing themselves in Harry's shoes and felt like they would have fainted the moment Kerr dashed towards them like that.

"Um..." The pink haired girl whose name was Lin suddenly said with one of her short hands raised a little.

"Who will then be our fifth teammate?" She asked in a timid voice. What happened with Kerr served as a reminder to her of what would happen if she didn't know her place.

Unlike Kerr who was a stage two elementalist, she was only a third year student and a stage one elementalist, so her chances of finding another team at this point weren't so high.

Her question was a valid one though and it was one that was on all of their minds.

Even Jon—the blonde haired boy by her side nodded in agreement. He also had the same question in his mind but felt too shy to say it out.

Since Kerr had been kicked out, they needed someone to replace him fast or their team wouldn't qualify for the ranking competition.

Sarah felt a little awkward seeing how timid and fearful the two Elementalists were acting, but she didn't say anything about it.

The only one who still didn't look at her with ant trace of fear was Harry and it made her feel glad for some reason.

"I'll find a new teammate, so don't worry about it." She said. Finding a new team member was quite easy for her, as the top one student, many people wanted to join her team. Some would even leave their teams just to join her team.

"Okay." The girl nodded timidly.

"You don't have to be so tensed you know..." She said, facing the two students who stood awkwardly like they were in a military training.

"We're all in the same team. As long as no one does anything that will affect the team negatively, then we'll be fine." Sarah said, feeling the need to dissipate the weird tension in the air.

But rather than relieve their tension, her words seemed to have achieved the exact opposite as the two elementalists started acting even more awkward.

Finally deciding to leave things the way they were, Sarah walked a few steps ahead of the group before facing them with a smile on her face.

But despite the smile on her beautiful face, Lin and Jon felt chills run down their spine for some reason.

"Fine. As for how the training's going to go, you will all attack me at once." Sarah suddenly said, earning gasps of surprise from the students.


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