Chapter 398 Waterfolk

Name:Martial Online. Author:

Chapter 398 Waterfolk

The sailboat came to a sudden halt in the slightly foggy waters. The fog wasn't as heavy as in other parts of Dark Waters.

It wasn't even thick enough to hide the water surface.

Moriarty leaned over the edge, looked down at the water, and saw a shadowy figure diving at insane speed.

He narrowed his eyes and moved the spear into a thrusting stance.

At that moment, a voice spoke inside his mind. The source of this content can be connected to n0v3lb!n★

'You should face your opponent.'

"Aaargh..." Moriarty groaned in annoyance and kicked the sailboat back and forth to alarm the creatures below the water. "Happy?"


Splash—an enormous splash appeared behind him as if dynamite had exploded under the water.

A figure with a fish tail and a rageful-looking face jumped out of the water with a trident-looking spear in hand. It looked like the trident was made of fish bones.

'It is indeed a person from Waterfolk!' The soul sounded surprising. 'However, his eyes look mad. I have never seen them this way.'

"I am now facing him. Do not disturb me anymore!" Moriarty spun around and thrust the spear towards the Waterfolk's human-like face.

The Waterfolk creature saw the threat of the spear and submerged back into the water.

He swam to the other side of the ship and jumped out of the water, then threw the bone-made trident towards the human.

Moriarty masterfully spun the spear around and parried the flying, bone-made trident. In that same moment, a small scratch appeared on Waterfolk's cheek, as if the parrying had injured him!

He also looked visibly shaken, as he couldn't understand how he was injured.

'I feel like something is wrong. Waterfolk is the most peaceful race I know!'

"Shut up! He attacked me; you saw it!" Moriarty brought the spear down, grabbed it with both hands, and stabbed the Waterfolk's shoulder.

"Graaaah!" He let out a mad-sounding cry of pain and then dropped back to the ocean, dropping towards the bottom like a rock on a pond.

Moriarty hopped off the sailboat, dropped on the water, and swam after the Waterfolk, who was still suffering from the injury.

He didn't want to allow Waterfolk to escape.

'No, let me talk to him!'

"Don't!" Moriarty's eyes widened in shock, and he soon lost control of his body.

"Does that mean I am allowed to finish him off?" Moriarty asked while parrying the water bullets with the spear with masterful accuracy.

After each parrying, more small, bloody scratches appeared on Waterfolk's body. The creature realized that whenever the human parried attacks, he was the one who received damage!

'Yes... In his current state, he is a danger to others.'

"Should've done this from the start." Moriarty hopped forward and harpooned the spear through the creature's face, ending his life faster than he could even think.

After removing the spear from the creature's face, he saw the Waterfolk creature start glowing before turning into mere pixels.

'Did you receive your precious XP?' The soul asked with a hint of mockery.

"Yeah, I leveled up." Moriarty said. "Worth it, I would say."

'I still don't understand how you received my legacy—the legacy of Knight of Ayl. We are polar opposites.'

"Are you calling me dishonorable? That's rude." Moriarty scoffed, put the spear back in his inventory, and picked up the items dropped by the Waterfolk creature.

'I know you have done some honorable things, but I don't agree with your way of doing them.'

"Maybe that's why I received your class." Moriarty said. "We can combine our strengths. You died because of your honor, even though you were the strongest knight of your time."

'I don't mind dying because of my honor. It's still honorable death.'

"Yeah, whatever." Moriarty rolled his eyes.

'Maybe you received my legacy so I can change you.'

"Good luck with that." Moriarty hopped back on his sailboat, and started sailing back to the harbor.

"Sigh..." As he watched the waves move past the boat, he relaxed by watching the bright blue sky.

'Honor... there is no honor in dying and losing.' He thought.

'I don't agree.' The soul heard it.

'I don't care.' Moriarty answered back and closed his eyes, then took in the fresh air with his nostrils.

'Are you still sure you want to take part in that tournament with that criminal?' The soul asked. 'You read the news. He terrorized that innocent town called Hightown.'

"You wouldn't understand." Moriarty said and opened his eyes. "In this world, he might be criminal. However, where we come, we wouldn't deem it so."

'Your world doesn't sound very nice.'

"It depends on perspective." Moriarty said. "You lack context."

'Well, I hope you are right. You wouldn't want to die because you trusted the wrong person, right?'

"Hmm." Moriarty closed his eyes. "I'll talk to him and see what his conviction is. If he seems weak, I'll drop the idea of working with him."