Chapter 399 Blaise’s Fear

Name:Martial Online. Author:

Chapter 399 Blaise's Fear

Amaterasu, Immortal Dojo.

"Aaaargh!" Konrad finished a pushup; his arm straightened up while his other arm was tied behind his back.

"S-so, why am I doing one-hand pushups?" He turned to look at the scary-looking man, who watched him do pushups.

"You aren't allowed to question his training methods." Ken said, grabbed his training sword tight, and then whipped it across Konrad's back.

"Argh!" Konrad let out a scream of pain and continued doing pushups while his body shook in fatigue.

"S-so, when am I meeting the boss man?" He asked while pushing his body up and down.

"Whenever he returns." Ken said and narrowed his eyes. "You better impress us before he tests you. For now, you aren't looking that impressive."

"Ugh, a-all right!" Konrad breathed loudly with fatigue and pain. 'T-the fate must've brought me here for reason, and it must have something to do with the boss guy!'





A black-haired man sat cross-legged in the middle of the empty room. His skin had turned scarlet red as if he were on fire inside, and his purple eyes had turned red at some point in time.

"Aaaaargh!" A strange, transparent figure jumped out of his body as if it were trying to escape.

It was Ambrose's soul!

The soul was covered in transparent blood, and it was wailing in agony. It was trying to break out of the mortal body of Ambrose but was clearly unsuccessful as it got sucked right back into his body.

"Aaaargh!" This time, Ambrose screamed, and all his bones broke at the same moment, and the broken pieces were trying to break through his flesh.

It looked like he had turned into a porcupine for a moment, but because of his Starborn physique, the broken bones didn't manage to burst through his body.

"Aahhhh!" His eyes rolled back into his skull, and he was about to pass out, but at the last possible moment, he managed to stay conscious.

"F-fuck, h-how long have I been here..." With his exhausted, broken arm, he opened the inventory and saw the current time and date.

As he saw that, he let out a mocking laughter.

"I-It's only been two days, hahahaha..." You'll discover the inception of this content at n0v@lbin★

He had a hallucination that it had been a month already, but he was now brought back to reality.

"F-five more days... five... five..."

Since he witnessed the first victim of the Berserker Epidemic, he felt like it wasn't an ordinary epidemic. There weren't any signs of physical injuries or signs of a virus.

Clang—a strange sound reverberated from behind the corner as if the garbage can had been tossed over.

"Hmm?" Blaise turned around and ran to the corner, then peered over to the alleyway.

A long-coated, shadowy figure hovered his hand above a cat-looking creature.

The cat's peaceful purring soon turned into screeching, and its fur stood up and its tail puffed up. It's claws scratched the pavement below, and its screams turned very painful-sounding.

"You there, hands up!" Blaise walked from the corner and showed his investigator badge towards the shadowy figure. "Do not move!"

"Shit..." The shadowy figure turned his head towards the gentlemanly-looking figure, and his head was covered in a mask.

He grabbed the cat, threw it towards the gentleman, and ran in the opposite direction, accidentally kicking over a few garbage cans.

The cat released a mad-looking cry and scratched Blaise across his face.

"Urgh..." Blaise tossed the cat away; half of his face was covered in scratches, and one even went over his left eye, and it would seem like he was going to have a scar.

"Boss, are you all right?" Hale came right away after hearing his shout.

"Yeah, go after him!" Blaise shouted.

"Yes!" Hale sprinted past Blaise and started chasing after the shadowy-looking figure, who was running down the maze-like alleyways.

"Damn it..." Blaise touched his bleeding face and looked back at the screeching cat.

He crouched in front of the cat, who was clearly in a lot of pain, and tried touching it, but the cat scratched across his hand.

"This is a clear sign of the Berserker Epidemic." He looked at the cat's red eyes. "It is indeed man-made."

He looked in the direction where Hale went to pursue the shadowy-looking figure.

Blaise narrowed his eyes and dashed forth, but soon he arrived at the crossroads. He looked back and forth, not sure which direction he should go; therefore, he guessed and started running in the left direction.

He kept running in one direction, which was covered in the night darkness, and for a moment, he thought he went in the wrong direction, but then he saw a slouching figure on the ground.

"Aa... aah."

"Hale?!" Blaise saw his subordinate slouching on the ground, holding his waist.

"B-boss!" Hale screamed in pain. "I-It's so painful!"

"W-what happened?" Blaise crouched in front of him, examined his eyes, and saw that they were as red as the cat's.

A bad premonition came to him.

"I-I don't know... He touched me, and I suddenly started feeling agonizing pain!" Hale screamed. "H-help me, boss!"

"T-the Berserker Epidemic..." Blaise's eyes widened in fear. "It can be given to humans as well..."