Chapter 162: Prelude

Natasha also came to the special cell where Loki was held at this moment.

just stood still.

Rocky turned his back to Natasha, and the corners of his mouth also turned up, revealing his signature smile.

"There are not many people who can sneak close to me."

slowly turned around and looked at Natasha who was standing outside.

"You guessed I should be here?"

"Of course, no matter how Fury tortured me, you will always show up on time like an old friend. I'm really touched."

Loki smiled, walked slowly in front of Natasha, and stared at her through the transparent wall.

"I want to know what you did to Button?"

Natasha said in a heavy voice.

And Loki also laughed. He was aroused by Natasha's words and played with people. He was very good at it.

"I just broadened his mind."

Natasha took a few steps closer, "Then what will Barton's thinking become after you win and get your wish?"

"You love him, Agent Romanoff."

Rocky smiled evilly.

Natasha's face is still calm, but there is a hint of joy in her heart, ‘I finally got the bait. ’

At the same time, the language continued to induce Rocky to speak, using the story between him and Patton to gather information.

"Love is a child's business, I owe him personal love."

Two people with ulterior motives, just separated a glass wall and talked.

Loki doesn't seem to know the truth that more words must be lost.

has been pressing Natasha with words.

used Barton to tell him the secret about Natasha to keep oppressing Natasha.

"...Your bill is dripping blood, and your blood debt is too much."

"You think there is only a person who is noble than you, what can be changed?"

"It's so sad, your mouth is full of lies, your hands are covered with blood, and you are working for liars and killers."

"You pretend to be high-minded, thinking that you have your own rules, thinking that this can offset your sins, but then your nature will never disappear."

"I will not hurt Button, at least before letting him kill you, slowly and tenderly, he knows everything about your fear, I will give him long enough to let him realize what he did, and then look up to the sky. Long howl, I will smash his head again!!!"

Until the end, Natasha's eyes widened, her eyes were reddish, and she was filled with tears, as if she was about to be broken by Loki's words.

turned around, shrugged his shoulders slightly, covered his face with his hands, and seemed to be crying.


And Tony, who has been cracking the S.H.I.E.L.D. system, also appeared on the computer with warning words, and he was discovered.

Tony ignored the warning and continued to retrieve the secret hidden by SHIELD.

And Agent Hill also quickly told Director Fury the news that someone had illegally invaded S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau.

Director Fury immediately thought of Tony's small movements, and his eyes fell silent.

At the same time, Captain Rogers found in a secret warehouse that S.H.I.E.L.D. is making an energy weapon that has not yet been officially put into use.

Leo returned to the laboratory, staring at the psychic scepter.

"Leo, come and take a look, I found the secret that SHIELD was hiding from us."

Tony tapped on the screen a few times. Although his invasion was discovered, he had found the secret information of Operation Pegasus.

Leo walked over. On the computer, it is the research trend of the universe Rubik's Cube. In addition to unlimited energy, there is also.

is used to make weapons.


"This is the bargaining chip I give you, you little bitch!"

Loki pressed one hand on the wall and stared fiercely at Natasha, who turned her back, as if directly trying to crush her with words.

"You lunatic!"

Natasha said with a cry of trembling, as if she didn't dare to face Loki.

Rocky continued with a triumphant smile.

"No, the madman hasn't come out yet."

Hearing these words, Natasha's drooping head immediately lifted up again.

turned around, there were still tears and panic.

Except for a hint of surprise, his eyes are as calm as water.

Everything just now, flushing eyes, teary eyes, and trembling crying were all deliberately expressed by Natasha.

At this time, the voice is also full of peace.

"So, Banner, it's your purpose."

Loki looked at Natasha's sudden change of expression, and was also taken aback, "What?"

Natasha immediately pressed on the headset and informed Fury.

"Loki plans to use Banner. If he is in the laboratory, don't let him leave, let Sol pass right away."

In Natasha's heart, only Sol could stop the angry Hulk.

quickly informed of the information she had obtained, and Natasha also stopped and walked to the door.

turned to Loki, who was stunned, and bent slightly, "Thank you, thank you for your cooperation."

immediately turned and left.


On the other side, Director Fury, who was originally rushing to the laboratory, also received news from Natasha and strode closer to the laboratory.

"What are you doing, Mr. Stark?"

"Well, I was just about to ask you this question," Tony said while looking at Nick Fury.

"You should find a way to find the position of the Rubik's Cube."

Fury said to Tony seriously with an anger that the secret was being peeped.

"Thinking about it, the signal has been locked, and it is searching for the gamma ray mark. After finding it, it will lock the target within half a mile."

Banner stood beside Tony and said, looking at Fury.

"You can get your Rubik's Cube back later, don't worry."

Tony leaned on the table, looked at the computer screen in front of him, and faced Fury, "What is the second stage?"

Rogers also walked in at this time and put the found weapon on the table.

"The second stage is that SHIELD uses Rubik's Cube to make weapons. Sorry, the speed of the computer is too slow for me."

Rogers said to Tony.

"Gentlemen, we collect everything related to Rubik's Cube, but this does not mean that we are making it."

Nick Fury tried to explain, after all, a weapon is not very convincing.

"Come on, Nick, don't Tony walked out, and the portable and mobile computer hung in front of everyone. There are some design drawings of energy weapons, as well as dynamic design, a Evidence that cannot be refuted.

Rogers also looked at Fury in front of him, "I was wrong, sir, the world has not changed at all."

At this time, Natasha found Sol and brought Sol to the laboratory.

Banner looked at Natasha who walked in and asked, "Do you know this?"

Natasha looked at Banner vigilantly. He knew about Rocky's plan. He had no sense of security for Banner, and said directly to Dr. Banner.

"Don't you want to leave this place? Doctor, Loki is using you!"

"Then what is your purpose?"

"You didn't come here because I winked at you."

Natasha was full of doubts about Banner at this time.

"I can go, and it's not because you are neurotic. I need to know why SHIELD is using the Rubik's Cube to create weapons of mass destruction."

Banner pointed to the computer screen next to him and questioned Nick Fury. Between the words, it seemed that a little spark appeared.

Everyone gathered in the laboratory, the atmosphere in the whole laboratory seemed to become tense

But outside of the Sky Mothership, on a fighter plane, there stood Button holding a bow and arrow and a small group of special forces under control.

Leo, who had been paying attention to the scepter of mind, finally discovered that the jewel of the mind, which had been silent, had also begun to emit a gleaming light.