Chapter 163: The explosion started

At this time, the eyes of the entire laboratory are focused on Nick Fury.

He also knows that he can no longer hide the truth, so tell them the truth.

"because of him."

reached out his finger and held his hand aside to watch the lively Sol.


"Last year, the earth ushered in a visitor from an alien. Some of his personal grievances, if it weren't for someone's prevention, almost caused a small town to be razed to the ground."

Fury glanced at Leo and continued.

"We learned that there are not only other beings in the universe, but they are also much stronger, more advanced, and much developed than us."

"Our people don't have any malice against your planet." Sol said directly.

"But you are not the only ones in the universe, and you are not the only threat. There are many people in this world who cannot find their opponents, and they will not be controlled by others."

Fry, as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is committed to ensuring the safety of the world and is responsible for the safety of the earth.

"Like you want to control the Rubik's Cube?" Rogers stepped forward and said.

"It was your development of the Rubik's Cube that attracted Loki and his allies. For other planets, this is a signal that you or the earthlings are ready for advanced warfare."

Thor said angrily to Fury.

"We must have countermeasures..." Fury explained to Effort.

"For example, nuclear shock, this trick can calm everything down." Tony Stark interrupted Fury.

"You are talking about how you made your fortune, Stark."

Fury lost his usual calmness, as if dazzled by anger, directly ironically said.

"If he's still making weapons, he must have been buried in..." Rogers walked slowly and joined the excitement.

"Wait, why is the target at me again."

"Excuse me, isn't it always you?"

Rogers and Tony met.

"I thought the people on earth could be more civilized."

Thor looked at everyone sarcastically.

"We didn't go to your planet to do anything wrong."

"You have so little confidence in your teammates."

"You people are so naive, S.H.I.E.L.D. is only monitoring potential threats." Natasha said as she looked at everyone who was arguing.

"So Captain America is also a potential threat?" Banner said, holding his hands aside.

"We are all, let alone him, doctor." Natasha said anxiously.

"So are you? Then is your threat before or after the poisonous spider (Black Widow)?" Tony looked at Rogers and asked.

"Listen, Stark, if your mouth is bad again."

"Intimidation, naked intimidation, I was threatened." Tony said loudly on purpose.

"Will you respect it?"

"Respect for what?"

Several people all gathered together, and you quarreled with each other. The scene was so chaotic that it was impossible to tell who was talking.

"You want to talk about order, it's not a mess now."

Thor looked at Fury mockingly.

"This is his management method, what are we? Team? No, no, we can only create chaos when we are together, like a time bomb."

Banner looked at everyone and said, feeling very depressed.

Nick looked at Banner and remembered what Leo and Natasha said, "Doctor, you should calm down."

"Why can't a man vent properly?"

Tony is still Kuairen Kuaiyu retorted, the palm of his hand is also on Rogers's shoulder.

But Rogers snapped it down and shouted at Tony.

"Are you afraid not to mess? Go away!"

"I see how you let me go away."

Tony looked at Rogers in front of him, and he had been upset for a long time.

"Yeah, hide in the armor to be a hero. Without armor, what are you?"

"Genius, millionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

Tony immediately said a bunch of names.

"Many people who are nothing are ten times stronger than you. I have seen more. You will only work hard for yourself. You are definitely not the kind of person who can sacrifice himself. You lie on the wire fence and let your comrades pass by."

Rogers stood in front of Tony, stared into Tony's eyes, and said.

"I think the barbed wire should be cut."

Tony replied solemnly.

Rogers showed a mocking face, "You always have crooked ideas."

"Maybe you are not a threat, but you better not consider yourself a hero."

Rogers said solemnly to Tony.

"You are just an experiment, Rogers, all your abilities come from a small bottle."

Tony stepped forward, and got closer to Rogers face to face, retorting without showing weakness.

"Put on your armor, we will single out!!"

Rogers looked at Tony and said every word.


Patton, who came out of S.H.I.E.L.D., has successfully come to the side of the space battleship.

opened the door of the cabin and drew the strong bow.

pinpointed the direction of the air flow, and shot an arrow with a huge arrow.

The weird shooting direction, coupled with the assistance of high air currents, successfully nailed to the side of a rotor of the aerospace battleship.

There is a weak point of the battleship.


Leo finally got up from his seat.

An endless golden light suddenly appeared from all over his body, covering everyone in it.

Leo also reached out and picked up the psychic scepter in front of him.

The golden light enveloped the surface of the psychic scepter, shaping it into a golden scepter.

The light blue energy is still revealed from the golden scepter, but it is much weaker.

"Enough! When do you want to make trouble, Captain Rogers, but you said, Rocky's purpose is to provoke our civil war, but you are still so impulsive now."

"Have you looked at the light of this scepter? Think back to the previous words that were not in your head, and give you a chance to regret."

Tony looked at the twinkling light in the scepter, but curled his mouth.

"I will not regret what I said, Rogers."

"Leo, put down the scepter in your hand! Your information is the least of all people, and I don't know you, why should I believe you."

Rogers glanced at Tony, then turned to Leo.

He has always been wary of Leo.

Banner's strong emotional control quickly calmed his mood.

"Leo, I believe you, but if what you say is true, how can you guarantee that the scepter is not controlling you."

"Leo, put down the scepter."

Fury also cautiously said to Leo, seeming to realize the power of this scepter.

Leo glanced at the scepter in his hand, and was about to throw it back onto the stand.

Loki, who was standing in the cell, tilted his head and laughed inexplicably.

"Leo, you took the initiative to infect the Scepter of Mind! Are you ready to accept the gift for you!!"

an extremely exaggerated smile appeared on his face.

A bulge of light yellow energy came out in his hand, squeezing it out.

Mind Scepter At this moment, the light yellow Mind Gem directly broke through the outer imprisonment, and the huge yellow Mind Energy impacted out and infiltrated Leo's body along the Scepter in an instant.

rushed towards Leo's brain.

And Leo was also at the same moment, a strong golden light appeared on his body, covering his whole body, and he could not move.

Rocky's smile gradually faded.

"Unfortunately, the scepter can't be recovered But after solving Leo this big trouble, the rest will be easy to handle."


Tony saw Leo braving the golden light and not moving. He was a little excited and wanted to go forward, but was caught by Rogers.

"Calm down, Leo is dangerous now."

"Go away, Leo is fine."

Tony wanted to push Rogers away angrily, but didn't push it all at once.

"Ding Ding"

A beep sounded from Dr. Banner’s computer.

"Tony, don't touch Leo for now, we are not sure about his situation yet."

Banner said to Tony as he walked to the computer.

Tony looked at the people who dissuaded him and pushed Rogers' arm away with both hands.

"I'm going to find Loki to inquire."

Banner looked at the address located on the computer and couldn't help but whispered, "Oh my God!"

turned to look at Tony, ready to say the address.

But with a light press in Patton's hand.

The special arrow had a violent explosion, causing a huge chain reaction, which directly destroyed the rotation of the entire turbine rotor.

The huge flame impact also followed the pipe and rushed into the underground of the laboratory not far from the inner rotor.

caused a huge explosion.

The huge air wave blasted the glass of the entire laboratory to pieces, and all the people standing in it were lifted out.

Dr. Banner and Natasha were knocked out of the laboratory and fell heavily to the bottom of the ship.