Chapter 432: The Creation of The Avenger

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 432: The Creation of The Avenger

17 hours had passed since the disappearance of the Tesseract! Get latest novel chapters on novelbjn(.)c/om

A behemoth hidden in the shadows, S. H. I. E. L. D. finally revealed their 'teeth'!

Through the orders of the five members of the World Council, Nick Fury would temporarily have the highest authority. He could use all personnel and materials in the range of his authority to search for the missing Tesseract.

The highest alert order issued by the American headquarters spread throughout the world in just a few hours. Europe, Africa, and Australia branches responded and entered the highest alert state of war!

On the orbit nearly 20,000 kilometers away from Earth, there were a total of 600 military satellites scanning at all times. The cameras connected to all the electronic equipment in the four continents formed a huge net, searching for old Loki at all costs!

Using the space carrier developed by the Tesseract, as S. H. I. E. L. D.'s base, it rose directly to a thousand meters high.

Moreover, this was not all.

A few hours after the incident, Nick Fury had gathered all the known superheroes in this huge air base through all sorts of shady means.

The superheroes arrived at the sky carrier one after another. The first to walk in was a middle-aged man. He did not seem to be a big threat, but everyone knew how terrifying he was when he was angry. The reputation of the green giant Hulk was like thunder in their ears!

The one who followed him was a red-haired and attractive Black Widow Natasha.

"Uh... Will you really let me go after this?"

Dr. Banner took a deep breath, put his hands in his pockets, and looked at the others nervously.

He was originally staying in a settlement in the South American rainforest. Suddenly, he was surrounded by a group of special attackers with tranquilizer guns. A very beautiful female agent told him that as long as he cooperated to find the cosmic cube, she would give him an official identity and cancel the pursuit.

It had to be said that Natasha's words hit the bullseye and accurately grasped the desire of Banner.

Therefore, after getting a guarantee, Dr. Banner followed S. H. I. E. L. D. to the Sky Space Carrier and was responsible for tracking the gamma rays of the Tesseract.

"Don't worry, Banner." Natasha rolled up the hair on her temples and smiled, "As long as you find the Tesseract, we will let you go. I promise that I will keep my word."

I will never lie to you.

"That's good. I hope you won't lie to me."


Nick Fury's eyes twitched and he could not speak for a long time.

Steve frowned. He had looked down on Tony from the beginning. Now that he saw the other party slander the air carrier, he naturally could not stand it. He went forward and said, "You should be glad that we can stand here, instead of saying these childish jokes."

Tony raised his eyebrows and could not stand Steve's serious look. He said sarcastically, "Oh, the famous Captain America. In your eyes, is it childish to point out flaws?"

"No, I mean some people who only know how to point fingers and order." Steve looked at Tony with disgust and said, "I don't see a hero in you. Instead, you look like a child. You can't wait to pick out mistakes and show off."

"Sorry, Captain."

Tony put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head with a smile. "I don't need to show off, and I don't need the label of a hero. I am me. I have never changed. Only you need this kind of thing."

"Uh... I think the two of you are..."

"Shut up!" * 2

Tony and Steve shouted at the same time, making Peter, who was going to stop the fight, shrink back.

Banner was a little impatient. "I'm not here to watch you quarrel. Can you start now?"

"That..." Peter raised his hand timidly and whispered, "I still have classes tomorrow, so... can you hurry up?"

The rebellious Tony, the honest and firm Captain America, the talkative Spiderman, the ticking time bomb Banner...

Looking at the four superheroes with completely different personalities, Nick Fury could not help but frown deeply. The team he had expected should not be like this. It seemed that the first step they had to solve was how to integrate these people into the team!

At this moment, the door to the bridge opened again.

A tall and sturdy man with a white skull imprinted on his chest and a black coat followed behind Hawk Eye Barton.

Nick Fury's furrowed brows suddenly relaxed a little. He said with a smile, "The famous Punisher have arrived. Let's have a drink later, Frank."

"No need, I'm not interested."

Frank glanced at him and said coldly, "From now on, the debt I owe you will be paid off, Fury."