Chapter 433: One of Them, God of Death

Name:Marvel With Zanpakutou Author:
Chapter 433: One of Them, God of Death

The Punisher - Frank!

Just by mentioning his name, it was enough to frighten the gangsters in New York City. It could make those lawless and bold criminals run away in fear, and even a character who peed all over the place!

"It's him..."

Steve frowned slightly, and there was a look of disgust on his face.

He had heard of this guy. Unlike the gentle methods of other heroes, he was extremely cruel and never let go of any criminal. He was an executioner who wandered the edge of the darkness and could fall into the abyss at any time!

This made obeying orders a heavenly duty, treating justice as a rule, Steve, who had been in the army for decades, hated and disliked behavior the most.

Tony Stark was like this, Frank was the same, and both of them were the same, placing their individual will above the entire law.

Could such a chaotic team really be as Nick Fury said, taking up the responsibility of protecting the earth?

At the thought of this, Steve's heart could not help but be covered in a layer of haze. He missed the roaring assault team from before.

"Ok ---no problem."

Nick Fury was amused. An awkward expression flashed across his face. He spread his hands helplessly and said, "As long as I can find the Tesseract, I promise that I will never disturb you again in the future."

"I hope so."

Frank crossed his arms in front of his chest and said coldly, "So, have you found the guy who stole the Tesseract?"

"Not yet."

Coulson scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "We used all the satellites to use facial recognition to search the world, but there is no progress at the moment."

"No, this search range is too big." Banner shook his head and turned to look at Coulson, asking, "We have to reduce the range. How many spectrometer can you borrow?"

Coulson was stunned and asked in confusion, "We can borrow them, but what do you want them for?"

Banner took off his suit and walked to the corridor of the bridge. "I need a large number of spectrometers to track down the gamma rays emitted by the cosmic cube. This way, I can narrow the search range."

"give him what he want."

Nick Fury turned around and gave his assistant Hill a look. "Use all the optical spectrometerin the labs to cooperate with Dr. Banner."

Frank put down his wine glass and looked straight into Nick Fury's eyes without any expression. His tone was flat.

"I will investigate it myself."

Nick Fury was not surprised. He only said calmly, "You will not disappear for no reason. A year is too long. It is enough for you to prepare a lot of things. It is not impossible for a terrifying person like you to assassinate the president."

Frank, who had undergone the strictest military training and was familiar with individual soldiers and team special combat techniques, was proficient in firearms, explosions, fighting, assassination, infiltration, diving, interrogation, intelligence gathering, camouflage, and many other combat techniques. It was no exaggeration to call him a modern super soldier king. If he wanted to subvert a country's regime, it would only take a week.

Such a dangerous man not only hated the government system, but also used brutal methods to attack criminals. No one would allow him to disappear under their eyes for a whole year!

Without figuring out Frank's whereabouts, the person in the White House could not even sleep peacefully.

Under the pressure of the White House combined with multiple parties, Nick Fury drove S. H. I. E. L. D. to ask Frank for the reason.

"I hope you can understand me, Frank."

Nick Fury rubbed his temples with one hand. "If I don't find out your whereabouts, those white pigs sitting in the office won't be able to sleep. They are afraid that you will blow them up in the middle of the night."

Looking at his good friend's helpless expression, the resentment in Frank's heart was mostly gone. He sipped his wine and said, "Don't worry. I disappeared not to do anything bad to this country, but... I was squeezed by some unscrupulous capitalist."

"Unscrupulous capitalist?"

Nick Fury's eyelids twitched and his face was filled with disbelief. "Are you joking with me? Is there anyone in this world who dares to squeeze you, Frank? Is he tired of living or is there something wrong with your brain?"

"None of them."

Although Frank was expressionless, his twitching eyes revealed his thoughts. "It's just that I can't beat him, that's all."

This appearance made Nick Fury even more curious. He quickly poked his head over and asked, "Can you tell me which unscrupulous capitalist you are working for?"


Frank thought about it and hesitated for a moment.

Before he came to S. H. I. E. L. D., Lod did not seem to have said that he could not reveal his identity, which meant that he should be able to say it.

"A place called Soul Society."

Frank drank the last mouthful of wine and slowly said, "For now, I can be considered... death god."