Chapter 2206: 2206. Flight And Chains

Name:Master of none Author:
Chapter 2206: 2206. Flight And Chains

There was a part of Walker that was thinking about how he would reprimand Ventus when he returned. Especially since he was sure that she had no idea how different this way of thinking was from a human's thoughts.

No human would just say, hey, I am in charge of this child, watch them for me while you go off on a longer journey to a city i've never been to. Bit for a dragon, a longer journey could be the same as a small nap. Their sense of time and distance were radically different from the other races.

Tobe fair, this was still a step up. plenty of the dragons had tossed their young from their nests if they were not strong enough in the ways that they desired them to be. Whether it was affinity or not, a child like this hatchling that had a strong wind affinity with a lower light affinity would be disliked.

The dragons believed in elemental purity along with various other forms of growing themselves using just their main elemental affinity. Hence why their villages were not mixed with one another. They were separated because that was the best method for them to focus on absorbing and gathering one elemental mana at all times.

While that had already begun to change, the reasoning that the dual elemental affinity dragons appeared was simple, to stop fights. There would be a village that got in to it with another of a different elemental affinity. As such, to resolve this issue, one dragon of each would have a child together. Causing there to be a common this wasn't the case. Emotions still existed along with the dragons that chose to live somewhat away from the main villages which were governed by elders. They were not as strictly held to the elemental affinity purity. Not that this changed much overall.

The future would surely hold many more of the dual or even triple affinity dragons. They would have access to plenty of things within Genesis that could allow them to grow. Plenty of people would support them as well. It would be a new era for dragons overall.

Right this second, Walker was using dragon wind wings to fly through the air at a little slower than what he had been planning on doing. It wasn't that he had lost his desire to get Alice home. It was the fact that he felt some worries over the little hatchling with him. Although, Erica appeared to be thrilled.

He had been speaking about how he had met Ventus and how Ventus had even introduced him to her children, but the more he got in to his stories, the more he realized that Erica was just too amazed by the fact that they were flying.

As a dragon with a main wind affinity, the act of flying was just too great and amazing. The best part was, that she was still a hatchling and her wings would not be strong enough to take her in to the sky for a while yet. Unlike other dragons, the wind dragons would hatch with small wings already somewhat developed wings. Other hatchlings would take time to show them. Midnight was actually behind in comparison since she gained her wings later.

That was another story though. Walker knew the circumstances behind the way that midnight grew up and how he came to meet her. He could think about it another time.

"We deny the existence of your cathedral and any cathedral that does not exclusively worship light and the existence of a god who created all light that brings about life. We will not accept your denial of those facts! The world and existence itself are part of what we believe created


"From this point on, you will be disallowed to accept any patients to be healed within your false cathedral. You are all considered heretics. If you dare to spread your false words to others, you will be hunted and imprisoned as you should be."

"And you, false saintess! How dare you claim to embody a value well above any other. You are no worse than those who represent the sins. Great evil that will lead the people astray. You will be imprisoned immediately!"

As Walker was spending his time amazed by Erica's reactions, Alice had come to a wall. A hard wall of controlled beliefs that perfectly explained why this city had not connected to Genesis. The people were fed lies and scared by the very people who should be their examples of care and kindness. It made her heart fall as armored guards began to move toward her and her fellow healers again.




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