Chapter 2207: 2207. False Purity

Name:Master of none Author:
Chapter 2207: 2207. False Purity

"Here we are." The slowing down in flight speed made the little hatchling Erica a little sad. "Don't give me that look. We have an entire new city to explore." Walker shook his head as he landed before the city. He didn't want to be disrespectful and just fly on. This wasn't Genesis. There would surely be rules.

"We can see what this place is like and what we might be able to learn here. There isn't much time but we can have a small look while we walk to the main cathedral. As a city founded by and for the church, there should be a very ornate cathedral from the leadership of this city."

While he was saying this, Walker did not forget that this was also one reason that this city's leadership did not immediately join Genesis. They had their own values and beliefs. Naturally, they clashed with genesis which did not fully support and rely on the church.

Mostly because the church in the human city along with genesis, had not been about worshiping a great god or anything like that. Their scriptures had been interpreted as ways to live and how one should help others. More symbolic and less literal. To be fair, there were also those within the world that had systems called god systems.Upstodatee from n(0)/ve/lbIn/.(co/m

While those people were far and few between, they did exist. The party had even encountered one, or at least that's what walker believed. Those system users had been bound to very strict skills, values, and existences overall. It made them harder to run in to in a way.

The moon goddess was considered to only be able to move under the light of the mood. Specifically the full moon. But there was a mystery and wonder in that aspect. Various other historical references of god system users existed. Those that embodied the sun or war. One even apparently embodying the idea of the unknown and human curiosity.

In terms of creating experience and destroying existence, they were not really that powerful. They just were deeply connected to those aspects of their system. While the world had returned to the flow of what should be, it wasn't hard to believe that those god system holders would become more active and even potentially more frequently seen in history.

They would be people with classes that embodied what king of god they would be. It would not be a surprise for anyone to find someone with a blacksmith god class, an alchemy god class, or even an education god class. Walker explained this as he idly talked while walking up to the walls.

The city was right on the edge of the water. If Walker had needed to walk or take a carriage, he would have needed weeks to get here. But with his control of magic, it was something reduced to just a few hours of windy travel. To be fair, a few of the flying monsters he passed by were terrified by him moving through their territory. Not that he noticed them too much.

Regardless, he managed to get here and spot the clean looking white walls. They had been cut from stone and painted white to represent the light aspect of the cathedral and church. A little much but it was their beliefs so Walker just made a mental note about the potential for decorating walls around Genesis. Painting them and adding murals might be a great way to expand the artists appearing within Genesis.

Along the edge of the square where the cliff dropped off offered a brilliant blue view where someone could see the ocean meet the sky in the vast distance. It was a sure way to see an amazing sunset. Walker was making a mental note to sit and watch it with Alice if she wanted to spend the night before heading back to the cathedral. Or at least when they came back here so she could finish her business with the cathedral.

Before he could let those thoughts grow, Walker heard a magically enhanced voice speak over everything.

"Children of light and the true god, It breaks my heart today to call you here to witness evil that has infiltrated our sanctified home." Many gasps of worry moved through the large crowd. "Their vile thoughts and false beliefs led them to go against the scriptures we follow with all our souls. As such, we have captured them and will place them in the punishments they have brought upon themselves."

"False healers, false priests, and even false nuns all spout brainwashed lies given to them by a false saintess. A truly evil being that wears the mask of a young woman. Today, we shall place them within the stockades. We will display the false followers and allow the light from the vast ocean to purify them. Today, the false saintess will be cast in to the vast waters so that it may be taken away in to the depths of the endless waters. Never to return to our pure homes!" Murmurs of positive support and breaths of relief moved through the crowd. However, Walker had tensed as he saw the familiar faces, one face in particular.

"Erica, please do not be scared. I am about to get very angry. None of it is your fault. I promise you, nothing I am about to do is to harm you." The calmness in Walker's voice was betrayed by the shaking of his hands as mana surged causing everyone within the square to feel suffocated.




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