Chapter 1177

Dinner with Mr. Lin? Han Qing has a slight change in his eyes. It seems that he is really bored to the extreme. Unexpectedly, he came here to wait for so long, and then came to eat, and called himself over.

"Shall I take you up?"

Luo Huimei's voice pulled Han Qing's mind back. With a polite smile, he said faintly: "thank you, auntie. I'll go up by myself. I've come in a hurry today. I haven't prepared anything. I'll visit in person after a while."

Although his tone was light and not particularly sincere and humble, Luo Huimei didn't feel anything at all. After all, such an excellent man is willing to condescend to his daughter for three times and four times. He has not lost his mind all day, and still keeps his demeanor.

She won't become obsequious because she is Xiaoyan's parents. Luo Huimei is really satisfied with this.

She didn't care how good the man could be to himself and Lao Zhou, as long as he was really good to his daughter.

"What do you say? It's ok if you come here, and you don't have to pay a special visit. Well, you go up first. "

Han Qing chuckled and whispered, "thank you, auntie."

After Han Qing went upstairs, Luo Huimei thought about it. It took her a long time to think of something wrong.

No, she said that when Xiao Yan and Mr. Lin were having dinner upstairs, they spoke subconsciously. But Xiao Yan's boyfriend did not ask who Mr. Lin was. Did he know who the other party was? You know each other?


if it was usual, Xiao Yan sent him noodles and left. But today, she always felt a little embarrassed. He waited here for himself for a long time, and finally she called him big brother. So Xiaoyan felt that the distance between them was not as strange as before.

At least now the relationship is better, so she simply sat down to eat with Lin Xu Zheng.

Seeing the little girl sitting upright in front of him, Lin Xuzheng remembered that when his wife was still alive, his wife was about the same age as him, but Lin Xu was not that old at that time, so his wife's age was almost the same as Xiao Yan at that time.

However, his wife is not as clever as Xiaoyan. She is always weird, and she is uneasy to eat a meal. She is always tossing about. Sometimes she asks him to feed him, and then she takes the initiative to feed him. After they are together, they are particularly sticky.

Lin Xuzheng also knew that at that time, many people secretly said that they were so sticky that they would break up soon. However, they did not break up, and later they got married. After marriage, their feelings were even better. Unfortunately

God is fair.

Maybe it was their husband and wife who overdrawn all the stickiness in this life, so God took away his wife's beautiful life cruelly.

"Brother Lin?"

Lin Xuzheng seemed to hear someone calling himself. When he came back, he saw Xiao Yan's white palm shaking in front of him.

Aware of his loss of consciousness, Lin Xu was smiling and took the initiative to say: "sorry, once I sit here, I can't help but think of my wife."

Xiao Yan's shaking hand stopped like this, and then slowly took it back for a while, nervously saying, "yes, I'm sorry..."

He thought of her wife again. Should he be very sad? Just now Xiao Yan looked at him sitting there, and then he saw that his eyes were empty, as if he had fallen into some past. She was a little worried, so she called him,

"it doesn't matter." Lin Xu was drinking the soup with his head down. The bitter taste immediately spread from the root of his tongue and filled his whole mouth, just as he missed his wife at night.

"I'm used to these days."

Xiao Yan Shi didn't know how to comfort others, and had no such experience. She could only stutter and say, "brother Lin, don't be sad. Since you are already Xiaoyan's elder brother, if you want to be sister-in-law in the future, you can come to the store and I'll cook noodles for you. This room will never let other customers come in and keep it for you."

The sincerity of her words made Lin Xu couldn't help laughing.

"I never expected that Han Qing's old fellow tree girl had made a flower. My sister Xu was just a little girl."

It's good not to mention it. Every time I mention Han Qing, Xiaoyan still can't help blushing.

Just want to say something, Xiaoyan suddenly heard the footsteps coming from outside, she slightly frowned, "is someone want to come over?"

She has said that there are no guests here. How can anyone come?

Hearing this, Lin Xu raised his hand and looked at his watch. It seemed that the time was almost up and it was time to come.

Thinking of this, he said in a low voice: "it should be someone you know."

People you know?

Hearing this, Xiaoyan felt puzzled. She got up to open the door.

However, as soon as I opened the door, I saw a familiar figure standing outside.

At that moment, Xiao Yan was stunned at the spot.

Han Qing?

How did he come here all of a sudden? Obviously, I just knew him clearly. How could I see him again?"Well, it's coming fast, a few minutes faster than I expected."

Xiao Yan still stands foolishly, Lin Xu Zheng behind him has already opened his mouth to smile.

Han Qing's eyes pass through Xiao Yan and fall on Lin Xu Zheng.

Xiaoyan slightly side open body, so Han Qing is to look for Lin Xuzheng? She paused and then said, "do you have something to say? I'll go downstairs first

With that, Xiaoyan passed by Han Qing. When she wanted to leave, her wrist was suddenly held by Han Qing. She looked up at him in surprise.

"It's not that you can't listen. What are you doing downstairs?"

Lin Xu is just looking at this scene in his spare time. His eyes are bright and colorful.

"But..." Xiaoyan also wants to say something more, has been pulled in by Han Qing and sat down.

Originally she still wanted to leave, but now she can only sit by his side with Han Qing and put her hands around her.

One is sophisticated and steady, the other is clever like a student.

"Come here all of a sudden, have something to tell me?" Lin Xu is staring at Han Qing with a smile, his eyes from time to time in Xiao Yan and his back and forth.

It's strange that when I stay with myself, this little girl gives him a very restrained feeling. I thought that Han Qing would be better when she came here? Now it seems that it is not like this. Look at her sitting beside Han Qing? I was so nervous that I didn't dare to move at all.

Thinking of this, Lin Xu raised his voice at the right time.

"I said, old friend, you always face other people's little girls with a straight face. Why do people look so nervous and afraid of you?"

Listen, Xiao Yan took a breath. Why did she mention this topic again? In fact, she has changed a lot now. She was afraid of him before, but she was pressed by the wall to kiss her for a long time.