Chapter 1178

Listen, Han Qing but calm as usual, with a trace of cold on his face: "you are not free, so specially came here?"

, "ah, yes, it's too busy. So come over and see my girl."

"Sister?" Han Qingwei narrowed his eyes and didn't quite understand the meaning of the address.

"Yes, sister Xiaoyan has already called me big brother. So when you see me in the future, you can also change it to" Hoo " Speaking of this, Lin Xu couldn't hold back his smile at the bottom of his eyes, "how are you, brother-in-law?"

Han Qing:

Xiao Yan on one side knew that Lin Xuzheng was taking advantage of Han Qing. Originally, she thought she called Lin Xuzheng a big brother, but she didn't expect that he would make fun of Han Qing with this kind of thing.

This kind of joke, she feels nothing, about is just a name, just don't know what Han Qing thinks.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan anxiously spoke for Han Qing.

"That Brother Lin, I'm... "

Before she finished her words, Han Qing held her hand and interrupted her, "what are you worried about?"

Xiao Yan was stunned and looked up at him.

"It doesn't matter if you let him take advantage of it."

The most important thing is that the little girl is around him, and it's the happiest thing for him to protect him like this.

"Tut." Looking at this scene, Lin Xu was extremely sour. "I used to think that even if you fell in love one day, you were definitely not the kind of master who would show mercy and cherish jade. I didn't expect that You can spoil me more than I imagined. Sister Xiaoyan, you can't find this man with a lantern in the future. You should cherish it. "

Xiao Yan was blushed by the two men's words. She felt that she couldn't stay here any longer. She could only take her hand back and said, "I may be a little busy downstairs. I'll help you down here. You two can talk."

Finish saying, don't wait for Han Qing to speak again to leave her, small Yan then fly quickly to get up to leave.

After she left, Lin Xuzheng's face still had a funny smile.

"A little girl is a little girl. You can't stand a few jokes."

Hearing this, Han Qing glanced at him faintly: "since you know, why do you still want to say it?"

"Life is tasteless and tasteless. You have to have some fun for yourself, or it will be boring, right, brother-in-law?"

Han Qing:

Considering that it will be the death day of his wife in a few days, Han Qing can only press his emotions into his chest, and let him take advantage of his words.

"What's the matter? That's one of them? "

After joking, although the smile on Lin Xu's face has not completely faded, but when asking these questions, his eyes are obviously full of seriousness. "As your friend for many years, I want to remind you that this little girl is not a good one to provoke. If you can't guarantee to treat her all her life, you'd better not provoke her."

“……” Han Qing, how can you see him helplessly

"Who knows if you will? After all, you have been merciless for a long time. There is a little girl around you. Who knows if you will suddenly lose your nerve and abandon the girl? Although I didn't have much contact with the little girl, I could see from her words and deeds that she was a very reasonable person who went all the way to the dark. If you're sorry for her one day, or hurt her heart, I'm afraid she'll never come out. "

These words are true, Xiaoyan is indeed such a person.

Although Han Qing was just with her, he also knew that Xiaoyan was a stubborn person. Otherwise, he would not like himself for such a long time.

However, since he is with her, he is already well prepared, and there will be no accident or other things.

See good friend do not speak, Lin Xu face also convergence smile.

"But don't you intend to let them know about that?"

Mention that Han Qing Mou color slightly changed a few minutes, but still did not answer, in front of Lin Xu is continuing to say.

"I don't think they have to know about it, but you've been hiding yourself for so many years. Are you really not going to tell it?"

Say? There is nothing to say, Han Qingsheng opened: "some things, the best is a lifetime do not know."

Hearing the meaning of Han Qing's words, Lin Xu Zheng probably understood that he was going to keep it from himself for the rest of his life and never say it out.

"I broke my promise." Speaking of this sentence, Han Qing's eyes have a faint color of pain.

Lin Xuzheng: In fact, as long as the results do not change, who will care what the process is? If it turns out to be good, you're not breaking your promise. "

Hearing this, Han Qing can only smile bitterly, "I hope."

Two people are chatting upstairs. After Xiaoyan comes down, she goes into the kitchen, and Luo Huimei immediately comes over.

"How did you get down?"Xiao Yan's face was a little embarrassed: "they want to talk, it's not convenient for me to stay there."

After hearing this, Luo Huimei finally heard a little implication: "does this mean that Mr. Lin and uncle Xiaomi Dou know each other?"

Xiao Yan nodded.

"So it is." No wonder Luo Huimei said that when Xiao was upstairs dining with Mr. Lin, Han Qing didn't have any doubts, "they actually know each other, so this shop..."

Luo Huimei's brain quickly, immediately thought of the original sharp reduction in rent and special circumstances.

Xiaoyan:.... "

"Mom, he really wanted to help me with this matter, but Mr. Lin said it himself later, which made me believe in my ability. After all, when we went that day, I passed his personal assessment, and he thought that I would manage the store well. Now he is very satisfied."

Luo Huimei lovingly touched her daughter's head and whispered, "don't rush to explain. Of course, my mother knows that my daughter's ability is excellent, but I still want to know if he wants to be nice to you. That's all."

No matter what Han Qing has done or not, the most important thing is that he did it for his daughter. The starting point is a good one.

Xiao Yan choked and her face turned red again.

"He, of course, is very kind to me. Oh, ma Don't say that. "

"Just a few words makes you shy? Why don't you be shy when you go to someone else's house

Xiaoyan: "Mom!"

Luo Huimei smile: "don't say, don't say, you make your own choice on the line."

Half an hour later, Lin Xuzheng and Han Qing go downstairs to say goodbye. Xiaoyan looks at Han Qing's inexplicable desire to follow. However, she thinks that she will not be separated from him in the daytime, so she has to control the rush and movement.

However, Luo Huimei around saw something and pushed her shoulder. "If you want to go, go out."

Xiao Yan blushed and shook his head: "I won't go."