Chapter 68: The Meeting

Name:MCU: Skull and Bones Author:
Chapter 68: The Meeting


Hell's Kitchen, New York City

Warehouse District

(Brock POV)

"Please...allow me to speak to the one called Crossbones." The man said nervously through clenched teeth.

With a sigh, I took a moment to think about his request, considering whether or not meeting another gang without warning was wise given the current circumstances.

It wouldn't hurt for me to hear what kind of deal they wanted, especially since the man claimed to represent powerful men from Russia itself. Although unlikely, maybe this could provide me with some valuable resourcesNew novel chapters are published on

After thinking it over for a bit, I cleared my throat and then uttered into the mic, "Okay, Mr....?" My tone was indifferent as I studied his face.

"I am Semyon." He replied instantly after having heard my reply.

"Okay, Semyon," I repeated absently as I continue watching the monitor closely. "When and where is this meeting supposed to take place?"

Sitting stiffly upright on the chair beside me, Zeru began typing away furiously on his computer, pulling up any information he could find on the New York Russian Mafia.

"Tomorrow night," The stranger informed firmly, "At the abandoned Glenwood Power Plant located in Queens County."

I took a moment to think over the offer, before finally answering him.

"...Alright," I agreed noncommittally, deciding to humor the man's invitation nonetheless. If nothing else, it would give me a chance to get a better look at the other organizations operating in this city. Besides, if worst comes to worst, I'll kill everyone who gets too bold during our discussion.

Semyon gave a wide smile of relief, letting out a breathy exhale that seemed forced upon him and nodded gratefully. He started slowly backing away from the gate, keeping his hands raised and visible so no one would mistake his intentions. When he reached the edge of the sidewalk bordering the street, a black car pulled smoothly onto the road and picked him up effortlessly. A second vehicle soon followed right behind them, quickly driving past the compound and disappearing down the block.

Once alone again, I looked over at Zeru whose brows had furrowed heavily as he shifted through the info he gathered on the Russians. As he worked diligently on finding any relevant details pertaining specifically to these particular bosses, I let out a long drawn-out yawn stretching tired muscles cramping underneath my jacket. While doing so, I glance over at Dr. Cho, who was looking over at us with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Is everything alright?" She inquired quietly.

"Yeah, just an unexpected guest," I say, giving her a reassuring smile. "Shouldn't cause us any problems."

Dr. Cho nods distractedly, returning her attention to her own work once more.

Several minutes pass, when suddenly Zeru jumps up from his seat and rushes over to me with a small stack of papers in his hand. Looking over the documents carefully, he glances at me quizzically and asks, "Are you really going to meet with them tomorrow? It could be a trap."

Nodding my head, I respond nonchalantly, "Yeah. They already know we're here now anyways and they probably want to try to use me to help them control the current power vacuum we left by killing off the Irish."

"And the Carbone family..."Zeru added anxiously, handing me the small stack.

Giving him a sideways look, I shake my head dismissively as I piece together what happened while I was gone.

"Guessing they were the pests you mentioned?" I comment casually as I study the contents of the documents.

"...Yeah...I guess I probably should have contacted you first before I dealt with them." Zeru adds worriedly.

"No. You did fine." I assure him. "Besides, I would've just done the exact same thing."

Zeru looks up at me surprised and gives me an appreciative nod.

"Go help Dr. Cho, I got this handled," I tell him calmly as I flip through several pages, scanning them thoroughly.

A loud crash echoed off the concrete interior walls causing every single member present within the room to flinch violently in response to the sudden noise echoing ominously throughout the massive factory complex, startling the two brothers alike.

"What the fuck was that!?" Anatoly exclaimed furiously, gripping the pistol strapped securely beneath his coat.

Standing up swiftly beside him, Vladimir grabbed hold of another gun secured firmly underneath his belt and pointed menacingly outwards towards where the sound originated coming from somewhere outside the abandoned factory. Shouting orders harshly amidst hushed whispers, several guards rushed forth towards the front door, as Vladimir grabbed the radio to find out what caused the commotion outside.

"What happened!?" Vladimir demanded urgently as he listened closely to whoever answered his query.

"A...a guy just fell out of the sky, sir!" Someone replied tensely as they spoke hurriedly relaying information.

"What!?" Vladimir pressed angrily as he scowled deeply at hearing the words relayed to him. Turning towards the doorway leading into the building he ordered hastily, "All units converge outside. Do not fire till I give the order!"

As everyone began moving frantically to comply with commands given by their boss, Anatoli moved to one of the windows lining the inner perimeter of the building and peeked out curiously.

Hesitantly peering down past darkened buildings lined in rows against the backdrop of sprawling steel and glass skyscrapers illuminated dimly under the bright full moonlight, Anatoli spotted movement in front of the power plant itself.

A lone figure stood in a small crater a few feet away from the building, standing motionless as he surveyed his surroundings silently as if waiting for something else to happen.

"Anatoli!" Vladimir called sternly, looking over at his younger brother.

Grunting unhappily, Anatoli moved to his brother's side without saying a word. Firmly grasping onto the weapons, the pair quickly moves through the doors, exiting behind their comrades and heading outdoors cautiously towards the source of the disturbance.

As soon as they stepped foot outside, they immediately realized what caused the commotion.

A tall, broad-shouldered man stood alone on top of a hollow patch of rubble located in the middle of the property. Dressed in a black suit and dark red shirt, the stranger radiated a dangerous aura as he walked forward into the light cast by the rising moon, illuminating his features clearly.

Surprise registered plainly visible on the brothers as they saw the newcomer's face...or more accurately, the strange metal black skull helmet covering his head. On closer inspection, they could see long metallic plates running vertically down either cheek, extending upwards until disappearing right above his forehead and creating sharp points protruding downwards.

An angular chin extended down, giving way to a chiseled jawline, and below the prominent brow ridges rested piercing crimson-red glowing orbs that penetrated deep into the shadows as he glared intensely at those gathered around him.

"Who is that!?" Anatoliy whispered heatedly pointing accusingly at the newcomer with his gun while glaring fiercely in return.

At his words, the helmeted face stranger's face twisted into a threatening smile that sent shivers crawling up the brother's spine.

"Sorry for being late..." The mysterious masked individual greeted sardonically as he approached the assembled crowd with slow deliberate steps. As he got nearer, the guards guarding the area took notice of the obvious threat presented by this unknown intruder and drew their guns instinctively, aiming them squarely at the man.

"Hold your fire!" Vladimir commanded forcefully, stepping towards the new arrival as he gestured for calmness amongst his subordinates. Looking carefully at the approaching figure, Vladimir frowned lightly before asking hesitatingly, "Crossbones, I presume?"

Still smiling faintly, the stranger tilted his head quizzingly as he observed the two brothers, before reaching out a hand out casually toward Vladimir.

"What gave it away," Crossbones stated jokingly, sounding amused when addressing his host.

Noticing the gesture but unsure whether or not to accept an offer from a complete stranger in hostile territory, Vladimir hesitated only briefly before accepting the man's handshake.

He felt goosebumps rise suddenly across his skin once contact was established as power and strength radiated intensely from this singular touch.

After exchanging pleasantries briefly, Crossbones broke eye contact first, giving a subtle nod of acknowledgment to Anatoli whose expression remained stoic yet cautious.

"Now that introductions are done with... let's get started shall we?" Vladimir instructed calmly as he gestured inside the building.

"Lead the way," Crossbones stated casually, the faceplate of his helmet still twisted into a small unsettling grin as he followed after the two brothers.


A/n: Hey guys, I hope you are enjoying the story so far, and as always, thanks for reading!

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