Chapter 69: Negotiations

Name:MCU: Skull and Bones Author:
Chapter 69: Negotiations


Yonkers, New York City

Abandoned Glenwood Power Plant

(Omniscient POV)

Inside the dimly lit power plant, three men were seated at a small round wooden table that was situated in the middle of the floor among scattered debris strewn haphazardly everywhere save for where their chairs and table had been placed.

Two of the men appeared anxious and nervous as they looked across at the masked man sitting patiently in front of them.

"So, tell me again, why exactly am I here?" Crossbones asked bluntly, crossing his legs comfortably in front of him as he sat back in a relaxed manner.

Despite appearing indifferent, he didn't miss noticing the tension in the air nor did he fail to note the unease in the eyes of the armed thugs currently surrounding their table.

"Well...First off, please excuse my associates' actions earlier," Vladimir started. "They tend to be overly aggressive due to certain circumstances."

Crossbones chuckled dryly, shaking his head dismissively. "It didn't bother me much anyway, since most people seem to greet me poorly whenever I enter places." He added nonchalantly.

Vladimir nodded understanding, "Yes welllet's start with explaining how we came upon finding out about you." His voice became serious then as he leaned towards the stranger inquiring, "The massacre of The Carbone Family and The Irish Mob shook up the power balance of many powerful organizations in the city, including ours. It has forced us to reevaluate some aspects of our operations." He paused briefly before continuing, "We've heard the rumors circulating about your involvement in these recent events, so naturally we wanted to know the truth..."

"And what exactly would that be?" Crossbones inquired, tilting his head questioningly.

Seeing no harm in answering any questions, Vladimir explained slowly, "To begin with there is supposed evidence suggesting you're responsible for these crimes committed recently. You obviously aren't going to deny such claims considering the nature of the victims involved themselves, howeverI'm curious now myself regarding how one man managed to take down two large gangs simultaneously. How does one person manage to kill multiple high-ranking members who supposedly control entire territories...? Without leaving any witnesses left alive afterward to corroborate the story."

Crossbones smiled thinly, nodding knowingly as he observed the other man, listening attentively.

"...My guess is that you're not like the other everyday two-bit criminals that usually occupy this town." Vladimir surmised simply.

Crossbones let out a light chuckle, "That may indeed be true." He agreed easily. "But I still fail to see why you needed to tell me this in person." He remarked slyly, smirking dangerously as he watched the reaction on both sides.

Vladimir nodded and cleared his throat as he went into the main point, "You see, Mr. Crossbones, my organization is not upset by your actions. In fact, if indeed you truly killed both factions, chances are good that you may also be able to help us resolve our problem."

Vladimir paused slightly, looking for some kind of reaction before elaborating further, "Unfortunately...there remain unanswered issues concerning The Carbone & Irish mobs' currently vacant territory which will need settling sooner rather than later. We want this territory for expansion... which means that even though we don't necessarily want conflict with youwe can't afford to have anyone interfering with business during such crucial times."

Crossbones raised an eyebrow skeptically; his mask twisting ever so subtly into a mischievous smirk as he responded, "So, in short, you're asking permission to claim ownership of this piece of real estate, huh?"New novel chapters are published on

Both Vladamir and Anatoliy stiffened noticeably at this statement, a sense of indignation evident in each other's expressions as they exchanged glances momentarily. However, the conversation continued uninterrupted.

Ignoring the slight awkward pause between them, Crossbones resumed speaking, "Truthfully...I don't really care who takes over their turfs. If anything, it doesn't interest me enough to do anything with it in the first place."

Vladimir smiled wryly, "Good to hear-" He started as Crossbones interrupted coldly, cutting him off mid-sentence.

"Unfortunately...everything has a price. " The masked man said flatly, staring down the two men across from him.

Forcing himself to remain composed despite feeling uncomfortable under the scrutiny of the menacing gaze directed towards him, Vladimir crossed his arms tightly beneath his jacket nervously. His brother on the other hand looked to be fuming at the situation unfolding right in front of him. Inwardly seething, Anatoli clenched his fists tight together as anger boiled within him.

With every passing second he grew angrier knowing that someone dared speak disrespectfully in their presence.

"How much" Vladimir uttered quietly after a moment.

Both Brothers stared evenly at Crossbones, expectantly awaiting his response.

In reply, Crossbones shrugged indifferently as he gazed pointedly ahead, stating frankly, "...40% of all profits generated from all operating businesses in that stretch of land."

This caught both siblings completely unaware because neither expected the man to come out with such a ridiculous demand so readily.

"Do you have a counteroffer?" Crossbones queried politely.

"Well's been fun," He remarked playfully, giving them a devilish grin.

"Wait, how do we get in contact with you?" Vladimir asked hastily. "Don't forget that we're technically allies now." He added seriously.

Crossbones nodded slightly at the man's words and pulled out a phone from inside his coat pocket, tossing it over wordlessly to the brothers.

"That has a number programmed already for easy use whenever you wish to communicate with me. It's unlisted so no one can track its location". He explained curtly. "It has the info to wire me the money. I'll be expecting the first payment soon."

At these final ominous words, Crossbones gave them a meaningful glare full of menace.

Then without waiting around longer, he suddenly crouched down low like a predator, before surging up into the air effortlessly, leaving cracks in the concrete below his feet.

Like a shadow cast by moonlight, he disappeared in seconds leaving the twins alone standing in stunned disbelief as they watched him leap inhumanly high above their heads.

Anatoli let loose a string of curses in Russian whilst Vladimir simply shook his head in awe as they walked slowly back into the power plant.

"What are we supposed to make of this guy!?" Anatoli spat bitterly as they descended rapidly along a darkened corridor. "Not only does he blatantly threaten us with violencehe also wants us to pay him for doing nothing!"

"Did you see how high he jumped?!", Vladimir retorted incredulously, ignoring his brother's rantings.

"So what!? We knew before calling him here that he might be enhanced." Anatoli argued defensively.

"When Father told us that there are many people like his business partner, Aleksei Sytsevich, here in this country, I didn't actually think we would encounter any of them," Vladimir interjected bluntly, unable to contain his frustration with how humiliated he felt in the meeting with Crossbones.

Seeing the look on his brother's face, Anatoli understood why Vladimir seemed angry and spoke conspiratorially, "You know, we could launch a surprise attack on the bastard now that his guard is down." He suggested hopefully.

However, Vladimir remained unconvinced, shaking his head vehemently as he responded, "No, even though I'm furious right now...I get the feeling that if our organization was to go against that monster...the only result will be death...for all of us. So please stop suggesting stupid ideas like that alright? Let's focus on getting the expansion done for now." Vladimir finished coldly.


Yonkers, New York City

Above the Abandoned Glenwood Power Plant

(Brock POV)

"Aleksei Sytsevich?" I repeated numbly under my breath.

Looking over to Zeru, who was seated next to me in the passenger seat of the cloaked-out hovercar that was currently hovering above the abandoned power plant.

"Whose that?" The boy sitting beside me inquired curiously.

"I don't know, but seems like he might be connected to this branch of the bratva and that he might be like us, judging off what I just heard.", I said quietly, as if talking to myself rather than addressing him.

Zeru looked puzzled momentarily before asking eagerly, "You can hear them from all the way up here?"

"Yeah," I admitted tersely.

"...Cool.", the young preteen muttered, sounding impressed. Suddenly becoming aware of himself, he covered his mouth apologetically and mumbled awkwardly, "...Sorry, sometimes I talk too bad..."

Having heard enough, I ignored his apology completely and pulled up on the steering wheel sharply, turning the car around in the air as I head back towards the warehouse district compound.


A/n: Hey guys, There will be a small time skip next chapter as Brock goes back to working with S.H.I.E.L.D.

I hope you are enjoying the story so far, and as always, thanks for reading!

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