v3 Chapter 5: The first Senate meeting (5)

After hearing these words, the new citizens no longer complained. They looked at each other and said: They will definitely take the lead in obeying the new military law!

Sesta and Adrians had previously heard that the Davers mercenary had a large number of military laws. The strong execution of the soldiers was closely related to the strict requirements of this military law. At that time, they were very curious: a small mercenary actually created a different military law for himself, and now finally has the opportunity to experience it for himself!

For the old citizens of Cornelus, the fierceness of the mercenary was only seen once in front of the temple, and the annihilation of the Lukania tribe and the attack on the city of Amendola were only heard. Amendo Lara had repeatedly fought with Turui in the past. Of course, there were some customary military rules in the city-state to ensure the smooth progress of military operations. However, it is the first time that I have heard that a comprehensive military law has been formulated.

Therefore, Cornelus reminded: "I hope that military training will not affect the daily work of citizens."

"I believe that Felicius will coordinate the relationship between the two." Daphus is full of trust in Filipinos. Then, he smiled and said to the captains: "The military officer, Felicius, definitely needs some subordinates who train instructors. You can talk to him."

When the voice just fell, dozens of people came over and vying to recommend themselves, let Filipinos struggle.

Although these team officers are not good at literacy and counting, it is their profession to be a viable army. As a new citizen of Amendola, they also strongly demonstrate their abilities to the public.

"It seems that they are also eager to contribute to the city-state!" Daves said with emotion.

Cornelus nodded on the surface, but he thought: These new citizens who used to fight on the battlefield really couldn't help themselves. I hope they can abide by the laws of the city state!

"The main public office of the city state is this for the time being." The words of Daphus let Cornelus breathe a sigh of relief. Every new position of the new governor is a shock to the tradition of Amendola. There was a lot of entanglement in the heart of Nerrus.

"There is a very important thing that needs all the veterans of the Senate and the team officers to solve the problem." Dafos's solemn expression made Cornelus nervous again.

"That is the problem of resettlement and land allocation for our new citizens." As soon as the words came out, the team officers immediately stopped entangled in Felicius, and everyone stared and watched Daves in front.

"In order to maintain the harmony and stability of the city-state, in order not to disturb the people who have just been liberated from the detention of the Lucanias, tonight or even tomorrow, our respectable new citizens still voluntarily set up tents and live in the square. But this is not a long-term solution, and it is unreasonable! After all, in order to protect this land, the new citizens will fight and kill, and many of their comrades are killed in the battlefield before they exchange the peace of Amendola. "At this point, Davers has some emotions: "We must let them settle down as soon as possible and allocate them to the land they deserve in order to repay their contributions and the rights they should enjoy as citizens! Otherwise, it will be difficult to delay. Guarantee no problem!"

The words of Davers made the new citizens present excited, while the old citizens looked dignified.

"Now, how many widows are the widows who lost their husbands in the Amendora?" Daphus asked Cornelus.

"I am afraid that there are more than one thousand. How much is specific. I don’t know until after statistics." Cornelus said, looking at Rafaas.

The new hukou officer, Rafaas, immediately said: "When the meeting is over, I will go to the statistics immediately."

"Then, tomorrow morning, please call them all to the square. Team officers, you also concentrate the unmarried soldiers in the square, the two sides meet each other, do not arrange for the elders, and do not allow forced force by force, based on their own abilities. And the charm, male and female voluntarily combined. In addition, the unmarried girl in the city of Amendola, I suggest to go to the square to participate in this meeting." Dafos finished speaking, the old citizens of Cornelus are okay On the way, Davers confided to them and finally convinced them.

The new citizens blasted the pot. To know that in the mercenary, in addition to a very small number of married, there are a small number of people in Persia who robbed local women and forced the other to be their own wives. The remaining two thousand are still single. Under the leadership of Dafos, not only did these mercenaries become city-state citizens, but now they have to solve their single problems, which is a good thing! Because these women with city-state status are not free people, nor are they bought as a waiters, they have acquired the land and wealth left by their ex-husbands.

"Great! My brothers have hopes!"

"Matonis, don't be too happy, if your subordinates are like you, it is a little hard to find a wife! If you want a woman to look at it, it is not just growing strong!"

"Is it strong and strong? At least I can give them more protection, and I can do more farm work. I think that they need it most now! And Olivers, if you dare to go to the square tomorrow, you are not afraid of the Persian girl." Ignore you anymore."

"Gironimos, you wood, this time you have to talk to women. This is not only about your happiness, but also to bring a good head to your men!"

"Gio Gris, why don't you talk. You don't have to be nervous. You will be in the square tomorrow. You can do it with your will. Aphrodite will always arrange a woman who belongs to you!"

"Captain Hilos, don't care about me, you should solve your marriage first!"


Davers smiled and looked at the excited people talking to each other.

The old citizens of Cornelus are somewhat helpless: the women of the Greek city-state citizens are very traditional. They rarely show their faces and cannot meet strange men alone. The marriage is designated by the parents. The husband is not a citizen of the city, or a citizen of a nearby city state. After marriage, she is controlled by her husband. Her responsibility is to have children and take care of housework. If the husband dies early, if the child is okay, and the property belongs to the child's name, she can manage it on her behalf, raise the child and grow up, and be controlled by the child in the future. Without children, the husband’s family has reason to sweep it out and let her remarriage...

Amendo Lara originally had about 4,000 city-state citizens. Today, there are less than 500 people. They lack sufficient strength to defend the city-state and lack sufficient labor to support so many women, children and the elderly. Cornelus's initiative to agree to accept mercenaries as city-state citizens is mainly for this reason, and of course there are factors of retribution. Similarly, it is also helpless to let women break the Greek city-state tradition and openly show up such large-scale men’s and women’s meetings. After all, letting this group of sturdy soldiers quickly settle down and quickly integrate into Amendola to become true Amendora citizens, this is the best way.

"At the same time, I would like to remind you. When you marry the selected woman, for her former child, you should be a child of your own, and raise it up; the old man in her family, you should also be your own. Old people, take care of them seriously; and... um... they are humiliated by the Lucanias, I hope you don’t blame her, because that’s not their fault! But the men of Amendola’s men have not done it. Protecting their responsibilities! We are real Greek warriors. What we need to do is to care for them and never let them suffer such humiliation! Then carefully prepare them until one day they reach Lukaria and let those indigenous people also Try the men of the Amendola Lara!" Dafos said seriously.

"That's right, leader!"

"Get rid of the Lucalia!"

"You can rest assured that we will take care of women, the elderly and children!"


The new citizens are clamoring and making promises.

The old citizens felt that every word that Devers said was like a whip, and that his face was sore.

"When the meeting for tomorrow is over, after each pair of men and women is determined, I suggest picking a good day and holding a grand collective wedding All the men and women who have determined the relationship include the previous robbery in Persia, of course Including my wedding is also held together!"

The venue immediately became bustling again.

"Daves leader, you finally decided to marry Christopher!"

"It's so enviable, how good a woman is Christoa!"


Daves ignored the sins of these people and asked Cornelus: "Do we have Hera's priests?"

"No, Amendo Lara is dedicated to Zeus. The nearest and famous Temple of Hera is in Metapontom."

"Send someone to Metapentum to invite Hera's priest to host this grand wedding for us and to bless the new people!"

Although Hera is the protector of marriage, but the traditional marriage ceremony of the Greek city-state does not require the presence of Hera priests, so Cornelus is puzzled.

Davers looked at him and said: "Because this wedding means a new life in Amendola, I hope that Hera God can give blessings to these new people who represent the future of Amendola! And I remember that the Archon has a supervision ceremony. Instrumentation and the right to make festivals."

Cornelus would like to say: That is the power of the governor at the end of the Wang Zheng era. In the current era of democracy, the right to supervise ceremonies and to formulate festivals has long been attributed to the Senate.

But before Davers had obtained a lot of rights than the original Amendora Lara's ruler, he was numb, and under the sharp eye of Daves, he nodded and said, "Yes." This nod means The lifelong consul of Daves took the most sacred religious supervision of Amendola from the Senate.