v3 Chapter 6: The first Senate meeting (6)

“I propose to define the day of the wedding as the marriage festival of Amendora Lara and the celebration of the goddess Hera, so that citizens can remember the sufferings and freshmen that Amendola had suffered, and also make them aware of the importance of marriage and family. This is more conducive to the unity of the citizens of Amendora!..." Daphus solemnly said that he was surprised that Cornelus was thinking about the far-reaching problems and was really thinking about Amendola, so He nodded eagerly and said: "The ruling adult, I think all citizens will be happy to have such a wonderful holiday!"

"Yes, we all agree to establish Hera's celebration and marriage festival!" Old citizens also expressed their support, not to mention new citizens.

At this time, Hilos stood up and asked with concern: "Adults, how should the soldiers who have not found a woman get married?"

Davers was prepared for this, and he signaled to Cornelus to answer.

Cornelus looks dignified: "Amendo Lala had four thousand citizens before he joined the war with the Lucanias... Now there are only more than 500 citizens, more than a thousand widows... so there are More than 2,000 family couples have died, so... there are enough houses to accommodate new citizens. Of course, if the original director of the house has children or old people, I hope that the new citizens can be raised..." Cornelus finished There are tears in the eyes, and other old citizens also look sad.

Davers looked at the new citizens and stressed loudly: "It is not hope but must be raised! Because you accept the inheritance of the original owner, including the land and wealth, of course, you must do what you want for the original owner!"

"Adults, you can rest assured, we will let the brothers take good care of the elderly and children!" Hilos first made a promise, and other team officers also expressed their support. Amintas even said: "Whoever takes up the house, but does not raise the elderly And the child, I am dying of him!"

Daves nodded and said: "Very good, I hope that you team officers will strengthen the supervision of the soldiers! At the same time, the Senate will also issue a bill to supervise the implementation." Davers said, looking at Antonios: "This is The duties of the Ombudsman. Antonios, once you find someone who violates the bill, does not raise or abuse the orphans and the elderly, immediately report it to the Senate, we will deprive them of their citizenship and expel Amendo Lara!” Deverus’s harsh words made everyone A tight heart.

"I will seriously supervise!" Antonios solemnly promised.

The old citizens nodded silently and appreciated Davis’s firm protection of the rights of the elderly and children.

"Well, let's talk about the issues that everyone cares the most." To ease the atmosphere, Davers smiled and said: "The Senate will introduce a bill to ensure that each new citizen gets at least five acres of land. Of course. People are lucky, find a good wife, inherit more land, and some people may be less. It doesn't matter, I will let the finance officer Melsis make a detailed statistics of the land wealth owned by everyone. After obtaining the new land, give priority to the citizens who have lost the land. Are you satisfied with this arrangement?"


"It's fair!!" everyone shouted excitedly.

The meeting lasted for nearly two hours, and the weather was already late, but the enthusiasm of the citizens was high, which made Davers decide to raise a topic that he had long thought about and never made up his mind. He took a deep breath and once again stood in the center of the venue, facing everyone, and said loudly: "You, as a city-state citizen, participate in all political activities of the city-state, this is his right. When the soldiers fight, defend the city-state, this is His obligations are in fact his rights. Because unless it is special, it is impossible for free people and slaves to join the city-state army. Only citizens have the right to fight for city-states, so it is also a political right."

Regardless of the old citizen who sits, or the new citizen agrees nod.

"However, it is not easy to manage a city-state. It takes money to build various public facilities. It takes money to repair city defenses and equip weapons. If you encounter a major disaster, help the people, you need to spend money; even send troops to fight If only four or five days are okay, the citizens can solve the problem with their own rations. The time is long, and the food needed is still purchased by the city, let alone the hire of cars, boats, labor, etc., which costs money; The public officials of our city-states are now without pay. Everyone is obligated to contribute to the city-state. In the future, the place of management is big, and the affairs are heavy. As a public official, there may be almost no free time to take care of the farmland and pastures of the family. The income will be less than that of a citizen who is not a public official. This is unfair. If you continue to grow up, I am afraid that the people will not be allowed to serve in public. Therefore, if a city-state wants healthy development, there is not enough money in the national treasury.

For most of the new citizens, they don’t know that the operation of the city state is so complicated when they are born poor, so they listen to it. The old citizens felt that the young life-long governor had just taken office and could think of the city-state's problems so deeply, and his fear of lack of experience dissipated a lot. Cornelus feels that his eyelids are jumping straight, and he intuitively has something big to happen.

Davers continued: "The income of the treasury of Amendola Lara is quite small. Just now, Cornelus has explained the reasons, which hindered the development of the city-state, and in the future we have occupied more land and more people. Joining Amendola, can they fight for the city-state like us? I am afraid I can't, because they pay too little and get too easy, so they won't treasure it too much!"

“That’s right!” the old citizens shouted first, and they were somewhat dissatisfied with the immigration bill proposed by Daves.

Of course, Davers understood their thoughts and sneered in his heart. He said loudly: "So I suggest that the Amendo Lara citizen who owns the land should be charged a 1% land tax every year!"

When the words came out, such as the thunder and thunder, the people at the entire meeting were stunned, and they immediately screamed like a wasp.

Cornelus tightened his hands and feet, screaming: Oops!

"I didn't get it wrong? You want to collect land tax for city-state citizens?!" Stromboli asked uncertainly.

This is a polite attitude, and the old man, Scombrus, rushed straight over and pointed at the nose of Daphus. He asked: "Are you Greek?! Don't you know that the tradition of the Greek city-state is absolutely You won’t be collecting land tax for city-state citizens! You want money to be crazy! Think of you as a lifelong governor, can we still live!”

Although the new citizens also disagreed with Daves, they must not allow others to insult their respected leaders, especially those who are detached. Headed by Matonis, he quickly rushed over and pushed Scombrus: "Hey, old man, do you talk to the consul like you!"

"I will say, what's wrong! You don't know the serious consequences of collecting land tax!" Scombrus blushes and scorns.

This can be mad at the young and sturdy team leaders: "What do you say! You say another, believe it or not, I am jealous of you!..." Bentham shovels Scombrus.

The weak body of Scommbras can withstand the strength of the team-provoked team officers, directly fell to the ground, gasping, and several old citizens such as Cornelus hurried forward to help, while others Quarrel with the team officials.

The two sides made a mess.

"Quiet! Give me peace!" Daves was also anxious, and directly went forward to persuade.

Finally the two sides are separated.

Scombrus’s mouth was still awkward, and Martonis’s eyes narrowed, and he turned his head and dared not speak.

At this time, Melsis stood up and said: "One percent of the tax is already very rare! In Persia, we all know that their land tax is as high as 10%!..." As a financial officer, he certainly cares about the national treasury. Filling up.

"That is Persia, Greece has never accepted the tradition of land taxation for citizens!" Stromboli retorted Wang Zheng era is there. ”

"That was all a few hundred years ago, but now it is the era of democracy. The Davos consul is personally promised in the square, 'Inappropriate King'. I think if you want to collect land tax, all citizens will oppose it!" Tronpoli looked at Davis, but his voice was not big, but it threatened.

Davers looked at everyone: the new citizens did not say anything against Davis's prestige, just wait and see, the old citizens obviously wrote their dissatisfaction on their faces, only Melsisch really supported. He smiled and said: "I haven't finished my suggestion yet, you are so excited. Don't worry, listen to me slowly finish my suggestion. Citizens who have lived in the city of Amendola today, now The land owned is tax-free, thanks to their descendants as builders and the contribution to Amendola in the past two hundred years. When the national treasury has money, we will cast a batch of 'Amendo Lara City Builders' silver buckles, each Old citizens will receive one, preserve it forever, and wear it on Burton in a grand public place to let the latecomers know their family's long traditions and glory."

When the words came out, the old citizens were paralyzed, and Scamblas, who was still chattering, did not speak, and all of them were straightforward: this is glory! Although they helplessly let the mercenaries join the Amendola, but the pride of the aborigines and the grievances of reality make them feel uncomfortable, and Davers gives them an opportunity to show their identity forever! Compared with this, what kind of tax money can be counted, not to mention the fact that they are not received.

"Agree!" Scombrus first shouted.

"It's not fair! Don't collect taxes on them, but instead collect taxes on us!" Madonius shouted dissatisfied.