v6 Chapter 42: Historical celebrity speech

Isocrates couldn't help but look at him more.

The rotating chairman, Scombrus, slammed the table with a raft, and today's meeting officially began.

Scombrus then announced loudly: "There is only one topic today. The Athens messengers came to Turui and let us listen to their requests."

Some of the veterans who didn't get the news beforehand immediately came to the spirit: the great city-state that is famous all over the Mediterranean - Athens actually sent messengers to our Dionysian League!

In the eyes of everyone's curiosity, Isocrates walked to the front desk, facing the crowds, and then elegantly and steadily saluting the crowd. After standing up again and raising his chest, he began his speech: "The distinguished Dean of Dionia, I am the messenger from Athens, Isocrates. This is the first time I set foot on the land of Turui, but it made me feel very kind! 50 years ago, Athens The great general Pericles lends a helping hand to the displaced Dibalis and promises to rebuild a new city for them, and the city will inherit the ideals pursued by General Pericles throughout his life - all Greeks can be divided into regions, Regardless of race (the Greeks can actually be subdivided into multiple races, the 'Greek' is just a large and broad term and concept), living together in peace and friendship.

To this end, he not only mobilized Athens, but also called for the whole of Greece, and the whole of Greece is acting to establish a beautiful city-state of Pan-Greece. Of course, we at the top of the Athenians, we not only used the gold and silver in the Athens treasury to buy stone and food for the new city, but General Pericles also invited the great Greek architect Hippodamus to host the new city. The construction plan sent two highly capable Athens generals, Lucien and Coloroclitus, to manage the new town. I also invited my teacher, the wise man, Protagora to make laws for Turui, and also historians. Herodotus and the rhetorician Tisiyas settled here to plant the seeds of Greek culture and wisdom for the immigrants...

With such a strong help, once the Turui was built, it became the most brilliant pearl of the great Greece. The Athenians did not return to the Eastern Mediterranean without any return, letting the newly born baby of Turui grow up independently and freely..." Isocrates became a speaker from childhood, and when he grew up, he was hoarse. In the prevailing and demanding Athens, this is almost a fatal flaw, so he rarely speaks in large formal occasions, but can only helplessly teach rhetoric and eloquence. Today is his rare in public. Speaking, so the emotions are heated.

The Dionys don't pay much attention to the speech, but instead feel that his emotions are integrated into the hoarse voice, which has a unique appeal. Especially the elders like Lucania and Bruti are not very clear about this history, and they are very interested.

The Kurno Gorata, Burkes, Daves, etc., who know the truth, are very clear: Athens is not as noble as Isocrated, because of the gratitude to Athens and the majority of immigrants in Athens. Two reasons have led to the political situation of Turui in the first few decades being dominated by the descendants of Athens. However, Athens does not have the toughness to turn Turiyi into a member of the Delos League or a subordinate of Athens, and has never made any overly tough demands on Turai in the face. This is also true. .

"Today, when I set foot on this land where the Athenians once devoted their efforts, I was surprised to find that the ideal of General Pericles was realized. It should be said that today's Turui has surpassed his expectations! Here... not only... The immigrants from the Greek city-states lived together peacefully, and even other races were friendly with the Greeks.” When Isocrates said it, his heart was slightly uncomfortable, but his voice was full of emotions: The magical city-state alliance of Dionia shows a beautiful prospect for peace in the Mediterranean world of ethnic conflicts and conflicts! To this end, I want to be noble to those who lead the people, work hard, and achieve this ambitious goal. Pay tribute!" He said, bending down and respectfully and slowly bowing.

The vultures of Cornelus, Scambras, Burkes, Vesba, Hermon, Barquile, and Sedrum were all moved by his sincere words, even Kuno Gorata, The deeper elders of these capitals in Mariji are also moved.

Although Davers knew from Ansitanos that Isocrate was an "Athene supremacist", this discourse was not his intention, but a good impression of the elders to achieve a certain purpose. But out of courtesy, he still led the elders to stand up and applaud enthusiastically as a gift.

Isocrates did not show a sense of self-satisfaction on his face. He calmly waited for the applause to weaken, and then said: "Because Athens and Turui have this unique friendship, whenever it is difficult, both sides will stretch out. Helping each other, do their best to help each other!... Shortly after the city was built in Turai, it was Athens that helped Turui solve the threat of Crotone and signed a peace agreement on behalf of Turui and Crotone. With the assistance of Athens, Turui defeated Tarantum in the Salisbury Plain and reached a settlement with Tarantum.

When Athens and Sparta broke out in war and sent troops to Syracuse. When passing through the big Greek cities, only Turui provided sincere help, and also sent troops to help!

Decades passed by, and both Athens and Turui suffered a few years ago. In the Peloponnesian War, the Attica region of Athens was completely ruined and still cannot be fully restored. The city of Athens was occupied by the Spartans and supported a group of hate-minded democracy and advocated dictatorships. These people ignored the law, arbitrarily harmed citizens, hijacked property, and the Athenians who love freedom fled, suffering from the pain of leaving their homes. ......

Turui was also subjected to the tyranny of power, and the Crotones used their tricks, which led to the capture of Turui. The city of Turui, where the people of Athens and Turui were cast with sweat, was completely burned, and countless people were in the fire. Lost life...

When this amazing news came to Athens, the whole city fell into silence. Many people who had good memories and affection for Turui had fallen into tears, including my deputy Lucias... Socrates was full of affection and grief, and many of the veterans were touched and became awe-inspiring.

"Fortunately, the Athenians and the Dionyns bravely stood up from the huge blows. We wiped away our tears, buried our loved ones, and rebuilt our homes with hardworking hands...

The past is gone, but it must not be forgotten. Today's Greek world is still not calm, power is rampant, bullying is weak, Sparta is in the east, and Syracuse in the west. They are all greedy and ferocious eyes on the Greek compatriots around them, just like the hungry wolf is coveted. The flock of sheep, the weak lambs must unite in order to shake the powerful wolves and avoid repeating the ruin!

This is the main reason why I came here. We reached out from the east and wanted to regain the hand of the former western brother Turui and connect Greece with the Great Greece. It not only strengthens trade, but also strengthens cultural exchanges and allows the people of the two places. The life has got more benefits, but it has to be united and coordinated in the military, so as to tightly guard the precious freedom and rights that we have been robbed and now especially cherished! ”

The Isocrates speech was finished and the meeting was silent.

Davers had to admire the fact that the Athens speaker would be so euphemistic and provocative. To this end, he also played a big emotional card, and even ignored the fact that Turui had expelled the descendants of Athens, not to mention the fact that Athens formed the Delos League, and also suppressed the facts against its allies, placing Athens and Turui both. In the position of the victim, an attempt was made to resonate with the elders.

However, Isocrates forgot one thing. Here is Dionia. The place where he speaks is not a citizen assembly. Any decision and affairs of Dionia is not decided by the citizen assembly, but by Dai The veterans of the Senate headed by Foss decided that these veterans are either veterans who have been involved in politics for many years or they can handle complex affairs, or they have been in charge of the lives of thousands of people. The chiefs should be said to belong to the elite of the Dionysian Union. They certainly do not consider the issue as an ordinary citizen. Perhaps they can be touched at the moment, but when they want to make decisions about the future of the alliance, they must consider the issue from the perspective of interest.

When Isocrates was invited out of the venue, several former Brutti leaders, such as Petalou and Begham, first rose up to support: alliance with Athens to fight against Sparta and Syracuse. In fact, this is not their original intention. It was that before Polissis and others were sentenced and they were alleged to be “traitors” by the Allianians. The people’s voice was completely stinky and they supported their request and convened a citizen assembly. Although Petalu and several other veterans were safe without any mention of these things, they themselves were always upset and used this opportunity to express their innocence and determination.

The other veterans basically opposed: forming an alliance with Athens against Sparta and Syracuse. Although in the trial of Pollux, they have already felt the ambition of Dionysius, the difference in the strength between Dionya and Syracuse is that they are not willing to take the initiative to provoke the Greek hegemon of the Western Mediterranean. . Moreover, Syracuse has signed a friendly agreement with Dionia.

Even though Daphus is more wary of Syracuse, he does not think it is a good time to confront Syracuse.