v6 Chapter 43: library

Isocrates anxiously awaited the final decision of the Dionysian Senate in a spacious lounge in the Chamber.

Soon, the guards came in and asked him to go to the venue.

When he walked into the venue, he found the central governor of the venue standing with Davis's consul, Davis.

After Davers smiled at him and gestured for him to sit down, Davers smiled and said to him: "The noble Athens messenger, I am very glad that you brought the friendship of the great Mediterranean city of Athens to the Dionysian alliance. Only in the remote corners of the Greek world, we stopped to continue to sorrow and grieve, because in the new drama "Dionian" of the Athens playwright Aristophanes, we Dionians were treated as barbarians. The people of Athens have fun..."

When this statement came out, Isocrates screamed: "Bad."

Sure enough, he heard someone shouting behind him: "What rights do the Athenians have to humiliate our Lucanias!"

"They are not only humiliating the Lucanias, they are humiliating all the Diaonia citizens!" Another man yelled.

"If the Athenians look at us with such an attitude, then the Athenians are not welcome here!"


One after another, an angry voice came to the front of Isola, and he felt like he was behind a volcano that was about to erupt. His face changed a little.

Davers looked at his embarrassment and continued: "Isocrates, you said that Athens and Dionia have deep friendship. This can't be said verbally, you need to see the actual action. And now we know Athens. The actual situation makes us not see the friendship of the Athenians to Dionia. It is only the people of Athens who have ruthlessly ridiculed and sarcasted some of the characteristics of a new city-state alliance that are different from other Greek city-states. For several months, it has become a talk of drinking and helping in Athens city restaurants. This is not a performance of a city-state that once claimed to be the best school in Greece and has a long history. It is not a self-proclaimed possession of Dionya. The performance of the city-states that are deeply affectionate and want to be aligned with them!

Therefore, the citizens of Dionia will not give their backs to a city-state that discriminates against them when facing a strong enemy. Therefore, it is too early to conclude a military alliance. ”

Damn Aristophanes! Damn Aristophanes! The numerous curses of Isocrate in his heart can't change the reality of the failure of the alliance. He is frustrated and wants to stand up and try to make the final effort.

Davers in front waved at him, motioned him not to interject, and then said: "Although the current Turui is not the former Turui, the Dionysian Union has no connection with Athens, but Diaonia People are by no means a ungrateful race. Our grievances are clear, others give us hatred, we give back ten times, and the kindness that others give us, we return ten times -"

"The governor is right! Tarantom had an alliance with us when we were in trouble, so we sent a large army to save their city-states! Turui once gave the adults your mercenary base at the beginning. Therefore, in the face of Croton's army, we did not give in. Instead, we used a big victory to avenge the death of the Turais! Diaonia regards promise as life and cherishes the friendship, so friendship cannot be light. Xu!" The old man of Scommbras shook his white beard, stood tall and leaned against Isocrate, and put on a proud look that "Diaonia's friendship is extremely precious, it's really cheaper." .

Davers smiled and continued: "Since the center of the Union of Dionya is in Turui, we naturally inherit some of the emotions of the former Turif people. We are willing to make friendly exchanges with Athens and strengthen exchanges. To eliminate misunderstandings between each other..."

Isocrates heard this and understood the meaning of Daveus and other veterans of the Senate: in addition to the military alliance, Dionia is willing to get along with Athens. Strengthening trade and cultural exchanges seems to be no different from the core meaning of his previous speech.

But Isocrates understands that the difference is obvious. If Isocrates first talked about cooperation as a big brother in Athens, now the Dionys put on the elegant and noble in his bones. At the foot, he told him that the friendship of Dionia is extremely precious. You can give a little to Athens, but you must look at the performance of Athens...

Being able to sit in the position of the consul, and create today's Diaonia, this young man is not simple! Isocrates looked at Daves in front and felt the pressure...


While Isocrate was speaking at the Dionysian Senate, Ansitas brought Lucias to the north side of Victory Square, where there is a newly built building that looks like a shrine and steps. Next is the bronze statue of the nine Muse goddesses, lined up.

"Is it the Temple of Apollo?" Lucias looked puzzled at Ansitanos.

Ansitas is still a mysterious smile, but it is not open.

Lucias, with more and more curiosity, stepped onto the steps and finally found several large letters "libraries" on the threshold of the entrance to the temple.

“Is this?” Lucias can roughly guess the function of the building, but such a large building is only used to put books? Are there so many books?

He was puzzled and looked at Ansitas again, hoping he could explain.

"This is a library built by our consul, Master Davis, who took the lead in donating money!" Ansitanos proudly pointed to the words: "He once said, 'Books are the gems of human wisdom, whether they are Persian, Egypt, Carthage, or Sumer, Hittite, Assyria earlier... The history and civilization they created eventually converge on words and books. It is the common wealth of our humanity, and we are free from obscurity. Towards a more splendid and civilized ladder, so we must do everything we can to collect them! Protect them! If these treasures are destroyed by war and disaster, it will be the most painful loss for us! But we must not only collect books, I will also share these books with more people to share and read, so that people in Dionia can use their knowledge to perfect themselves, use knowledge to create wealth, and use knowledge to create a more brilliant culture. This is what I want to build a library. The meaning is!'"

After listening to Lucias, she sighed and said: "A person who can speak such a great language must be a great person!"

Ancitanos smiled secretly.

"Come and let me go and see!" Lucias couldn't wait to get in and was stopped by the guard at the door.

"This is my friend, he came with me, I have to go in and visit." Ansitanos came forward to explain.

"Okay, Ansantas." Guarding the respectful salute.

"The place where knowledge is stored actually has force!" Lucias said as she walked in, and did not say good.

“Books are precious and fragile. They can be destroyed by a fire. Of course, someone needs to be defended to prevent accidents,” explains Ansitanos.

Lucias expressed his understanding and dissatisfied, he said: "It seems that no one can enter anyway."

“Only Dionysian citizens and ready citizens can enter.”

"In this way, the free people of Dionia have another motivation to become a citizen." Lucias stayed here for nearly two days, and also understood the Diaonian citizens, the citizens, the free people. The gap between the rights enjoyed is not much, but this gap cannot be eliminated. Unlike Athens, even if you work harder, you can cross the gap between the Athenians and the Gentiles.

"I am afraid that there are 40,000 people in the Dionynia citizens of Turui. If they all enter this library, can they accommodate it?" Lucias asked in confusion.

"Your worries have long been considered. First, the quality of Dionian citizens has not reached the level that everyone can read; secondly, they are not likely to appear here at the same time, even There are too many citizens to enter the library, and there are restrictions on the number of people in the library. However, it seems that this situation will take many years to come. At that time, maybe there will be a second place in Dionia. The third and fourth libraries...” Ansantas’s words are filled with confidence in his own alliance.

Lucias was silent, but soon he was attracted by the sights: rows of tall wooden cabinets were neatly placed in the pavilion, cutting the vast space into a walkway that was only used by three or four people side by side. Each wooden cabinet is open and divided into a rectangular small space by a strip of wood, with a roll of books or materials assembled from papyrus or parchment. There is an area in front of these bookcases, with lots of wooden tables, and only a few people sit there and read quietly.

Lucias, who loves books, looks straight and can't help but say: "There are so many books!"

"In fact, not many, the bookcases behind are mostly empty, after all, the library is less than 20 days." Ansitanos said with some emotion: "Daveus adults called on the citizens of Dionia to come out The collection of my own family, the library copied a copy, stored here, and also named for the citizen tree of the book. At that time, there were so many citizens responding to the call, so that the library scribes were too busy... ..."

Looking along the direction of Ancitanus' finger, Lucias saw several stone monuments on the left side of the entrance to the library. Before he looked at the front, he ignored it.

The stone tablet is engraved with the name of the person.

Lucias noticed that only the first name was followed by the title: "This...this...this is--" He stroked the title in disbelief.