v6 Chapter 79: South Line Army's choice

There are warships in the bay to make landings. There are warships in the rivers going up... Sipros is in a dilemma. He only hates that Xi Liting is a small town. There are too few civic soldiers. If you want Gu Dong, you can't take care of the West. But he finally decided to send 2,000 people to quickly track enemy ships on the North Shore and prevent them from landing on the North Shore.

But when the troops sent to the confluence of the two rivers, they had to circumvent because the Lamato River was moving from north to south, just in front of them, and could not walk through the river, they could only Go north.

Taking this opportunity, the ship of Syracuse leaned against the east bank of the Korta River, which flowed from the south into the Ramatu River. In fact, the sailors were exhausted because of their persistent desperation, and the soldiers on board. Take time to go ashore.

At this time, Dionysius had already been dissatisfied with the fact that the military queue had not finished for nearly an hour. The main reason was that there were continuous follow-up troops arriving. He immediately ordered: no need to wait, the whole army attacked!

The tired Syracuse soldiers stepped into the cold Korta River and killed the line of defense against the Silitese on the other side.

Although the number of people in the Silitine is small and the defense line is thin, they have regained their strength and have an absolute advantage in physical strength. For a time, the army of Syracuse has not been allowed to enter the river.

In the four miles of the Weihe section, the Silitians fought to defend their homeland, killing the Siracusa army nearly four times as many as they were, and the entire river was dyed. Blood red...

Until the landing Syracuse soldiers came from the west and attacked the flank of the West Riding array, the West Riding talents began to shake their hearts and eventually collapsed...

Dionysius grew a sigh of relief: he finally led the army to break through the defense line of the South Italian Allied Forces and entered the flat and wide margins of the plains of Europe and Africa...

But at this time, the Syracuse soldiers were already sleepy and unable to chase after the defeat.

After Dionysius seized the temporary camp abandoned by the Silitese, he ordered the army to rest on the spot.


The Knapetia army, who had already arrived at Trina, received the news that the Syracuse army had crossed the Korta River. The shocked Assisi took the opportunity to return and sent people. Explain to Trina why.

In the afternoon, Crotone's reinforcements rushed to the West Chamber.

The chief general of Siriting, Pletinis, and the high-level members of the council not only did not welcome the arrival of the former mother state and the original army of the ally, but accused them of delaying, causing the Syracuse to occupy the Korta River. On the north bank, the city of Ciliton was put in jeopardy.

Ascamas and other generals of Crotone face blame, no excuse, because the situation is indeed in a dangerous situation.


In the evening. The flying horse from the north broke through the silence of the Daonian military camp, and Epiphanis and Dracos received the urgent news of the commander and rushed to the big account.

"The two heads of the army, I just received an urgent report from the West Chamber. The Syracuse broke through the Korta River defense line and entered the territory of the West Chamber." Felicius said with a grim look.

"I have said long ago that the city-state forces of the Nanyi League are not reliable!" Epiphanis said angrily to the ground: "We are here to win the battle!"

"How many people in the Syracuse army are in the West Chamber?" Dracos asked urgently.

"According to the letter from Xi Liting, there are more than 50,000 people." Felicius picked up the letters on the table, and Dracos grabbed it and started it. To know that he was an illiterate leader when he was a mercenary leader. In order to be able to lead the army and understand the "Military Law" and military orders in the past few years, he specially participated in the adult class of the Tuli School. The study was very hard and the progress was very fast. Knowing the letter is no longer a problem.

"More than 50,000 people?!" Epiphanis exclaimed, immediately thought: "This shows that the Syracuse people's attack focus is on the West Coast, the army here is just holding us."

"It seems that the situation is like this..." Felicius nodded calmly, and was slightly depressed for his failure to judge the intention of Dionysius in time.

"The Cirtines asked us to withdraw immediately to the West Chamber and join them in fighting against the Syracuse army." Dracos looked at the two.

"In fact, the Ansantas also wrote to suggest that we retreat back to the West." Felicius also wrote a letter.

"Apart from retreating to the West Chamber, are we still have other options?" Epiphanis shrugged: "If you continue to stay here, let the Syracuses defeat other Confederate city states on the plains of Orphea. The army, and then let them seize the city of the West Chamber, our 20,000 people have become a fish in the net."

Felicius sighed: "Just doing this, Cologne is probably in trouble..."

Knowing that in order to give the Diaonians peace of mind, the Colognesians provide them with abundant food every day. After the enemy’s attack is repelled during the day, Cologne goes up to the council and descends to the civilians. Out of town, thank them, and also hold a banquet for the head of the Dionysian army and the commander, send wine to the soldiers... and so on, and Felicius is bound by the provisions of the Dionyrian Army Act. The decline of the Cologne people was rejected, but every Dionian sensation felt the gratitude and enthusiasm of Coulenania.

The three men were silent for a while, and Dracos said helplessly: "The situation is so, we have no way, just hope that Hades will bless, let Coulennia keep its home, wait for us to concentrate on repelling Syracuse. People, the siege of Cologne will naturally be solved."

"Repelling?" Epiphanis keenly grasped the words of Dracos and asked: "Do you think we can defeat the army of Dionysius in the plains of Orphea?"

"Why not!" Dracos pointed at the letter and asked: "In the letter, the Syracuse people are there but there are more than 50,000 people, and our two legions plus Crotone and the West Chamber. There are probably more than 50,000 troops in Trina. Do you have no confidence in our army?! You know, the soldiers of the Dionia are the best soldiers in the Mediterranean!" Drax was mad at the contempt Pi忒nis.

"Who said that I have no confidence in our army! You don't want to be filthy here!" Epiphanis heard, angry: If this is spread out, how can he lead the corps!

"Well, don't bother you!" Felicius shouted loudly: "When is the time now, you still have a mood to quarrel! If Davers adults know your performance, he will regret you." Two people serve as the head of the army!"

As soon as he mentioned Davers, Epiphanis and Dracos were quiet.

"I just didn't hear it, but you also forgot it! I don't want to hear any rumors about these words in the soldiers, know?" Felicius looked straight at the two.

Epiphanis pouted at Dracos, and Draco nodded reluctantly.

Filipinos sighed with relief: "Okay, let us discuss how to retreat tomorrow morning..."


On the morning of the day, Pisini, the leader of the Samona, who was worried about the night in Posénia, did not expect a miracle.

The army of Dionia is still outside the city. They are divided into two parts: one is building a camp and the other is outside the city.

"Only more than 4,000 people want to take my Poseidon!" Pihini felt himself humiliated.

At this moment, he saw the things in the enemy's line that were pushed to the front of the battlefield. He was wide-eyed with horror. He couldn't help but hold his hands in the battlements and leaned forward to see more clearly.

Then, he saw seven or eight small black spots flying from the enemy's front and squatting on the wall. The loud noise of "嘭!嘭!嘭!..." dispelled the luck of Pisini's heart: Dionys Asians also have guns!

In the following time, the Samonets stared at the stone bombs that were constantly flying in the air, lest they lie on themselves, and the walls that had been broken and simply repaired were attacked by the guns and became uninterrupted. More broken...

Pihini only hopes that the reinforcements will come as soon as possible.

This day was spent in the hustle and bustle of the Diaonian soldiers and the uneasiness of the Samonna defenders.

In the early morning of the next day, the sound of the military squad in the Camp of Dionia was blown, and the soldiers who were awakened in the tent ignored the sleepy eyes and turned and sat up, urging each other to start wearing the armor quickly.

"The head of the report army, a large number of enemies appeared in the north of the camp, estimated to be more than 20,000 people, and are marching to the camp!" Scouting captain Kriegu reported to Alexis

"More than 20,000 people!" Alexis is not only not surprised ~ www.novelhall.com ~ but some happy. With the help of the guards, he dressed neatly and energetically took two steps and said loudly: "It seems that the Samonese have a big ambition and want to eat us! Oh, but I don't know who it will be." Who to eat!"

He was about to pay the bill, and the tabernacle was opened. The first captain, Lizaru, was excited when he came in: "The head of the army, the enemy is hooked, and more than 20,000 people have come!"

"This is enough for you to eat!" Alexis jokingly said.

Lizaru laughed. Some time ago, after Alexis took the initiative to retreat in the face of the attacking army of Samona, he was not satisfied with it and was always sulking. Now the gas is gone, and some are just strong fighting desires.

"You should not worry, let the brothers have enough. The duration of today's battle may be longer! Because the command of Daphus to give us the third army map is to stick to the enemy as much as possible, exhaust the enemy, let them All the troops are invested in our camp!" Alexis reminded again.

"I understand." Lizaru replied, turning around and going out, and then standing still, facing Alexis, solemnly carried out a military ceremony, which included his apologies.