v6 Chapter 80: Battle of Poseidon (1)

At this moment, Torek is looking at the Dionya camp in the distance.

In fact, Samona’s reinforcements arrived last night, and they were prepared for the night attack, but they found that the Dionyns had built camps and were heavily guarded. Torek is also the leader of the battlefield. He knows that in the dark, especially in the absence of moonlight, the attack of tens of thousands of people is easy to lose control and cause unnecessary losses, so he restrains the impulse and delays the attack. It was the next day. As a result, the Samonah reinforcements spent the night in the mountains. It was already early November, the weather in the mountains became cold, and the soldiers were still a little cold even if they were sleeping in a leather robe.

Torek glared at some frozen hands, and he did not expect the Deonians to build a camp that seemed to be some size. But he turned to think again: This is better, the Diaonians may not escape!

He looked at the leader of the regiment of Kautini and said in a negotiating tone: "The chief of Quinnduk, my people attacked from both the north and the east, and your people attacked from the west. How do you see it?"

"I have no opinion." Quinn Duke nodded and asked: "What about the enemy camp south? Don't let them run when they don't."

"South." Torek pointed to the distant city of Poseidonia and said with confidence: "They can't run!"

Quinduk understood, and he said excitedly: "It seems that the Dionyns have become prey that fell into the crater, just to let the soldiers vent their anger that they couldn't sleep well last night!" Quinnduk said as he rubbed some cold body with his hands.

Torek looked back and forth at the warrior, who was screaming and screaming, and ordered: "Blow the number!"


The long and **** horn ran through the mist of the morning, and spread to the two-way outside of the city of Poseidon, letting Pichini and Mobuk, who stood on the top of the city, look forward to it, suddenly one of them. Zhen: "Have you heard it! It’s our voice, our reinforcements are here!"

The Samona soldiers on the wall were excited and shouted.

"Warrior, always ready to go out to meet the city, to eliminate those horrible Deonians!" Pihini swept away yesterday's mourning, shouting loudly.

"Hey! Hey!!......" The soldiers screamed in unison.


On the outpost, Alexis observed the enemies that were slowly approaching outside the camp. He said without hesitation: "The enemy is ready to attack and let the teams prepare!"

"I will go here." The adjutant turned and went downstairs.

"Then I will see you first." Alexis said with a look forward to the squadron on the whistle, Stefanie, because the sights were from the Dionysian Academy. Lexis’s attitude is quite polite.

"The head of the army, you can rest assured!" Stepanian answered with confidence, but he was playing drums. Because of the morning fog, he couldn't see the mark that was measured outside the camp yesterday, so he could only judge by visual inspection.


Torek commanded the troops to attack the northern part of the camp.

Due to the rush of time, when the troops rushed to the rescue, they did not carry the Syracuse guns and the large siege equipment. They only made dozens of long ladders before the rest of last night. But Tonic thinks: This is enough! Because of the return of the spies, there was no other defense facility except the trench in the Camp of Dionynia. Therefore, with a huge reinforcement, it is only necessary to break through the earth wall that is not high in the camp. The Diaonians can only sit still in it.

When the team to be attacked gradually approached the camp about 250 meters, Torek pushed the spears forward: "Offensive!"

A dozen or so divisional horns blew the horns in their hands at the same time, "呜!呜!!呜!!!......" resounded through the battlefield.

Some of the Samonah soldiers are carrying long ladders, some holding long shields, and some are only holding javelins and spears to speed up their steps...


"Elevation angle 40, full string, small bomb!" Stoopian yelled at the sentry.

"The guns are ready!" The commander of the artillery commanded: "Elevation angle 40, full string, small bomb!"

Under the rapid operation of the soldiers, the guns made a "beep" sound.

"Call! Call! Call!..." A stone bullet was ejected with a strong wind.

The captain of the artillery gun looked at the stone bomb that flew to the enemy. At the same time, there was some regret in the heart: yesterday, the artillery fired a long time bombardment against the city of Poseidon, causing the gun to be damaged, or the enemy killed. Will be more.

Torek saw the black shadow that passed from the top of his head, screaming: Not good!

But he was far less surprised than General Lockheedo Diopantos. After all, in the minds of the Samone, the Greeks had superb skills, and Syracuse was able to make guns. Of course, Dionia could.

The rifle did not intimidate Torek, but instead provoked his fierceness. He once again waved a short sword and shouted: "Quickly rushing over! Kill the Greeks!"

The surrounding soldiers followed and screamed, and the snoring quickly spread throughout the army. The screams of the stone bombs were completely concealed, and the Samonai’s fighting spirits were soaring. They strode to the Camp in Dionya. Speed ​​up.

"One hundred meters!" The outpost sent a shout.

"Archer ready!" shouted light infantry commander Ibira.

The archers have long waited behind the earth wall, and they fanned out and pulled the bow.

Hundreds of arrows sprinkled like raindrops on the Samonet's black-pressed offensive battlefield, and the ones that were picked up were no longer the screams of the screams caused by the stone bombs.

The weak protection of the Samonets brought great results to the Diaonian light infantry, but the screams of one after another did not diminish the pace of the Samonese.

The bow and arrow only fired two rounds, and the Samonets had already rushed to within 50 meters.

The soldiers of the Third Corps of Dionia have been able to clearly hear the rumbling footsteps of the enemy's advancement, as well as the slight tremors caused by the innumerable steps of their feet, and even their shouts shrouded the entire camp. Although the soldiers were a little nervous, they were not alarmed. Because they are the third legislature of the Republic of Dionia, they have made many battles for Dionia: they participated in the second Crotone war and attacked the city of Asprostum alone; Lumentum City; a regiment calms the rebellion in Lucania, annihilates the power of Cincinnage, and harvests the city of Picosis... The dazzling stars on the high-flying flag of the Third Corps symbolize their honor! And today's battle is bound to increase the honor for the Third Army!

The captain of the company, Hittine Otto, was a Greek slave to Niutum. After Dionya won Niutum, he gained freedom, chose to settle in Niutumm, and eventually joined the wearer. The Third Army of Onia, through its own efforts, became a middle-ranking officer with a command of 200 people. The hatred of the past has dissipated, and now he fights with the Lucanian soldiers who once hated and are now brothers, for their own home, the Dionysian Union.

"Javelin!" he shouted.

Soldiers standing on the earth wall and ready to throw the javelin in their hands, and the Samonai who rushed to the camp ditch also fired a javelin.

For a time, countless javelins were constantly staggered in the air. As the two sides who have handed over each other, they have already understood each other's tactics and have erected long shields.

Compared with the intensive and poorly equipped Samonai soldiers outside the camp, the Dionysian soldiers are in high places and have long shields on the soil wall. The casualties are not big, but there are occasional javelins tied to the long shields. Inconvenience, but at the moment there is no time to cut it.

Although the Samonai had a large number of casualties, the javelin rain continued. By its suppression, the Samonai soldiers rushed to the ditch and jumped directly into the ditch. Some set up long ladders, and some people set up. The wall of people began to struggle to climb up.

The Dionysian soldiers threw a javelin at the ditch, so close to the distance, almost a vote, but this is not the case, but also can not stop the attacking crowd of the Samone.

"Pour the oil! Pour the oil!" Hirtinat yelled anxiously, bending over to the tung oil cans that had been prepared and placed behind the wall, and heard a scream of "ah" behind him. The soldier was pierced by a javelin on his left shoulder and fell to the ground in pain.

Hiltina Otto was alert and squatted, revealing his head behind the earth wall and peering out, just to see a Samonet javelin holding a javelin outside the trench less than five meters away from him, was about to throw, but The sharpshooter on the outpost of the camp was shot down.

Hittnaot quickly stood up and smashed the canister, slamming the head of a Samonei warrior in the trench. The tank broke open and the oil was overflowing.

Many soldiers on the soil wall did the same thing as Hittine's: the torch was thrown down the trench A fire wall rose in the ditch, and numerous firemen screamed in the ditch until they were silent. ......


"The head of the army, the enemy in the north temporarily retired. According to preliminary statistics, we have 240 casualties." The adjutant came to report.

"If you haven't started killing, you have lost so many brothers." Although the camp is down on the ground and there are more Samonets who burned coke in the ditch, Alexis still frowned, to Samona. The lethality of the human javelin is also somewhat taboo. Pointing to the south of the camp, he said: "Look, the enemies in the city of Poseidon have also come out, and this battle has just begun."

"Unfortunately, we have too few oil tanks! Otherwise, the losses of the Samonets are mostly in the same direction!" the adjutant said with regret.

"It can't be blamed for heavy camps. They have to load food, carry materials from construction camps, and weapons and equipment. It is not easy to bring so many tanks. Who told our army that the action is so urgent? And the enemy’s reinforcements came so fast!” Alexis comforted him and said, “Don’t worry, we will play with them slowly, and in the end they will not run.”