v8 Chapter 283: Marge's determination

"Stop attacking Katanai?" Marco said with a look of hate, said angrily: "Don't forget, the Senate forced me to drive the Diaonians out of Sicily within a year. The time is no longer More, so I still need to strengthen the offensive!"

"Can't attack anymore, Margot!" Pomirka screamed: "I will write to the Senate and explain to them in detail why we stopped attacking."

"It’s useless, Hanno’s people won’t listen to you.” Marco refused to smile.

Pomirka heard a hint of looseness from Mako’s words, and he followed: "But the adults of Es Yaluba will support me, and there is Preta Kuba..."

When Marco heard this, he put down the leg of the sheep in his hand and said lightly: "Well, as you said, we will withdraw to the west first."

Pomirka didn't expect that Ma, who had always been obsessive, would promise to be so simple.

Of course he would not know that after the unsuccessful attack on Paragonia during this time, Marco had already felt a little uneasy. He realized that: whether it was Serinus or Paragonia, Dionia People have shown terrible ability to defend the city. The Carthagin army with many cavalry, especially the Iberian army, gave up the wild and mountain battles that they are good at, and carried out one cruel siege warfare. In fact, Giving up his strengths is totally worth the loss, and today's fire is to make him resolve.

"You mean to withdraw to the west of Sicily?!" Pomirka then went back to taste, surprised by the look, he just suggested stopping the siege, but did not think about completely abandoning the results of the previous months.

"This is no way to do it!" Ma Ge did not hide the hatred in his eyes, and slammed the table with his fist: "We went deep into the east, the transportation line was quite long, and the dominance of the Sicilian waters was also occupied by the Dionyrians. The Senate also sent the newly formed fleet to Sardinia. We can only rely on land to transport rations. You should know how huge our army is, and the amount of rations consumed per day is naturally huge. The labor for transporting food, if not some of the previous grain reserves, plus some assistance from the Syracuse people, I am afraid that our supply of rations is already very tense! Now, the fleet of Dionia is increasing our food The transport team and the emptiness of the rear attack...

As you said, the Diaonians have a strong ability to defend the city. We can't capture Katane in a short time. The main force of Dionia is coming soon, if at this time our rations are transported. Something went wrong..."

When Marco didn't say anything, Pomirka couldn't help but fight a chill and fell into meditation.

Ma Ge continued to pick up the leg of the lamb until Pomirka made up his mind and said: "...Since the situation is so severe, I agree with your opinion... I will write a letter to tell the people here, Isaiah, he is sophisticated. Wisdom, we will understand our current situation, and tell us about the situation in the Senate, reducing the criticism of other veterans... But what happens to Syracuse once we retreat back to the west?"

Marco sneered and said disdainfully: "Syracuse wants to be our ally of Carthage, it is only their wishful thinking, the noble Carthaginians will never do with these shameless Syracuses. Friends! They thought that I didn't know that they hadn't moved in Tonys for such a long time, and they didn't impose any threats on the Dionysian alliance. Is this fighting the Dionys?! We are in the Carthage merchants. Ten people who died in the sea storm in ten days are more than those who died in the city of Tonys! Since Syracuse wants to hold our battle with Dionya, save strength and gain more benefits... It is only a stone that we use to involve the Ionian reinforcements so that they cannot go all out!"

Pomirka looked at the resentful look on Marge's face and suddenly remembered that more than 10 years ago, Ma Ge and his cousin Himirko suffered a fiasco in front of the Syracuse. It seems that he has always been worried about it. This attitude is naturally not surprising, and the practice of the Syracuse people during this time did indeed make Pomirka unhappy, so he did not want to persuade anything about the implementation of the covenant, just reminded: "Without our support, tin The Lakuzas alone face the attack of the Dionysian army and they are likely to choose to surrender."

"Suspend? Be the second Tarantum?" Marge suddenly laughed: "The shameless Syracuse people think they are the masters of Sicily. They are born to be nobler than other Sicilian city-states. They will easily Yield to the Daonians?!"

Indeed, in the past 10 years, Syracuse has been surrounded by the increasingly powerful national power of the Kingdom of Dionia and its allies and friendly city states. There are still conflicts, which shows how unwilling it is in the hearts of the people... Pomirka is pondering However, I heard Ma Ge continue to say: "As long as we have a strong strength in Carthage, the Syracuse will not easily fall to Dionia, so before we retreat, we must fully attack tomorrow. Lagogna!"

Pomerka was shocked and said: "The Namibian army has stormed Paragonia these days. The loss is not small. Together with today’s fire, without a break, they want to attack Parana immediately. Goonia, I am afraid"

"Tomorrow let the Iberian army and the Phoenician army take charge of the siege!" Marco's sudden interjection made Pomilka slammed his words.

The more than 10,000 Iberian troops that followed Marge’s arrival in the Catania plains were very strong, but these days they have been guarding the Katania’s Dionyrians and Leotini’s military camp against Paragonia. The reinforcements have not been put into siege warfare, but there have been several battles with the enemies attacking the north. The losses are small and can be said to be a new force. In order to capture Paragonia, Marco was finally willing to send his own troops to the battlefield! And the Phoenician army, which is not weak in combat, cooperates... Pomirka’s heart is squatting, but his mouth continues to say: “Who is the enemy in the two directions of Katane and Leonidi? After many attacks on the city, the loss is not small, the morale is low?"

Marco heard the blame that was implied in Pomilka's words. He sneered: "They are blocked because of the siege, but the defense is still possible. After all, the number of soldiers is more than the enemy. The young team officers sent by the Senate We are not always trying to lead the soldiers on the battlefield, I give them opportunities."

Pomerka was shocked and was about to dissuade. Marge suddenly stood up and said, "I have sent a messenger to Achillion to inform Hasbrod, let him lead the army here early in the morning." If Katane’s enemies really dare to attack, we can just expand the results!”

Having said that, Marco looked straight at Pomilka: "Even if we want to retreat, let the soldiers understand that there is nothing in Sicily and in the Western Mediterranean that can stop their offense! So Paragonia must be destroy!"

"Swelling!" Ma Ge slammed heavily on the table.


The deputy Tuglu hurried into the hall: "Commander adults, just received the return of the detective, the leader of the Breu army led 4,000 soldiers, went to Paragonia!"

"What?!" Leo Tiddides, who has always been expressionless, is also difficult to keep calm at this moment. He said with anger: "I have not given him orders, let him hold the camp, and do not lead the army to attack?! It’s **** to violate the military order!"

After all, Targaru is a Bruti, and Breu is also a respected Britti general. He can't help but want to defend Breeer: "Oh... maybe because the Carthaginians are suffering from Pa After the fire in Lagonia, without a break, the attack on Paragonia was launched today. The leader of the Breu army is afraid that it is difficult for Paragonia to hold on, so he sent troops to harass him to contain Carthage. People don't dare to attack the city with all their strength... Although he has fewer soldiers, he has been able to return safely on several occasions these days. I believe that this time there will be no problem."

"Stupid!" Leo Tizides said coldly: "In the past, Carthage's cavalry was deployed in the south ~ www.novelhall.com~ Our detective ride is difficult to detect the situation in Paragonha, and this But it can be easily obtained once, what does this mean?! And, because we burned the weeds on the plains of Catania, these days the Carthage cavalry has penetrated into the plains, and today a large number of Carthage cavalry ran. To the west of Katane, cut off our connection with Hera, and I can't understand the movements of the enemy in Achillion. What does this mean?!"

With the suggestion of Leo Tizides, Tagluo thought a little and immediately shocked: "This is... Is this a trap?! The leader of the Breu army is in danger! Commander, you...you should Let the soldiers go to save them!"

Leo Tizides was sullen and did not respond.


Two days later, it is still in this hall, but it is no longer just a few people like Leo Zidides and Tagru, Amintas, Matonis, Lizaru, Oliver, Trotti. Ras, Breu, Leo Tizides, 7 Army Chiefs, Ledes, Kuzius, Asitmis, three cavalry commanders, Sicily Fleet Commander Sekleian, Mountain Reconnaissance Captain The two staff officers of Izam, Tolmide and Printols, in addition to the Sicilian Governor Sipros... filled the entire hall.

In the middle of the star shining, sitting on the Dionian King Daves.