v8 Chapter 284: Military law

In the past, even in such an important military conference, the atmosphere of the venue remained active to ensure that everyone can express their opinions without restraint. But today the atmosphere was quite dignified at the meeting, and even the coughing sound was suppressed as much as possible. The hall only clearly echoed the voice of Breu.

The 50-year-old head of the army is standing in the middle of the hall, with a low head in his spirits, and his face tells the battle two days ago:

Breu led 4,000 soldiers to rescue Paragonia. Although he initially defeated the enemies that were intercepted, it was not long before he was surrounded by the Iberian army that came from Achillion. He urgently let the army queue up into a round, tenacious. defense.

When the battle lasted for more than forty minutes and when it was unstoppable, Leo Tiddides led a 10,000-strong soldier, but soon he was surrounded by the Carthaginians.

After continuing to fight for a while, the attack of the Carthaginians on them suddenly weakened. It was later discovered that it was because the Allianz Ortini received the order of Leotizides, and also sent 4,000 reinforcements. The troops responsible for the defense of Carthage were attracted to the north and fought with the Daonian reinforcements. In the meantime, the Carthage who got the news from the east attacked Carthage, and the Carthage who got the news hurriedly separated the army and intercepted it, thus giving the Dionyrian army a breathing space to keep fighting until the evening.

The army that Sipros saw out of the city had not returned yet, and decisively ordered the defending city generals to lead the plan of the remaining troops of Katanai and the new barracks in accordance with the plans of Leo Tiddides to prepare for the defense. Two waves of reinforcements rushed to the battlefield and raided the Iberian army, causing some confusion.

Leo Tizides took the opportunity to break through the order, and the power of the Carthage cavalry was greatly reduced by the night, which enabled the Dionysian army to finally return to Katanai...

After listening to Brem’s remarks, Davers was still serious and turned to ask Leo Tiddides next to him: “Is it true?”

As a theater commander, it is higher than the head of the army, so Leo Tizides, a junior senior of the Dionysian, sits with the Sicilian Governor Cipros and the Sicilian Fleet Chief Sekleian. In the first place, in the face of other generals with more or less strange eyes, his expression is always the same, and the answer is light: "It is true."

Davers then asked: "How much casualties are there?"

Leo Tizides thought about it and said: "As of yesterday, a total of about 6,000 soldiers failed to return..."

Everyone is in the heart.

Davers sighed: "6000 people! Perhaps more than half of them are just wounded, but because of your defeat, they became prisoners of the Carthaginians!"

Having said that, he looked at Breu's eyes and became sharp: "When you talk about it, why do you defy orders and arbitrarily lead the army?"

Brelu squirmed his lips, but eventually did not answer.

Davers looked at him for a moment without hesitation, and his right hand began to beat the back of the chair. He said coldly: "As the head of the army, you may think that you must rescue the Legionnaires who are alone in the city of Paragonia... perhaps before A few times, the attack is quite smooth, so this time you can be confident and successful... So you ignore the orders of the superiors, ignore the abnormal changes on the battlefield, and rush to attack the army, not only put the Seventh Army into a dangerous situation, but also force it. Prosuos had to lead the army to rescue you, because as a new commander, if you do not move, let you and the soldiers of the Seventh Army die in the battlefield, even if there are reasons, it will become his military. A stain on his career will not only dissatisfy his colleagues, but will also endure the embarrassment of the citizens. I am afraid that he will not be able to stand in the military in the future!"

Leo Tizids heard this, and his heart was touched: King Duffus not only fully understood his situation at the time, but also explained to him the generals who had to take the risk of going out to rescue the city because he could not Directly said to export.

"Fortunately, Prosuos responded properly, the army was finally able to retreat back to the city, but the disappearance of 6,000 people and the new military camp were burned... This is still a considerable loss!" Daves tapped the back of the chair more and more Big, he was smug and led the army to Sicily. I didn't expect to receive this bad news just as soon as I landed. It was like being poured a cold water into the head. Every time I think of it, I am angry and difficult.

"Tormid, defying the military order, causing heavy losses, what punishment should be done according to the military law?" Daphus suddenly asked loudly.

Tormide was in a tight heart. He looked at Breu, who was head down, and hesitated and said: "According to... according to the "Diaonia Military Law," defying the military order, causing the battle to fail... ...with the death penalty..."

Amintas, Matones and other officials have all sweated for Breu. Although he is a Brutus, he has been in the army for more than a decade, with its straightforward character, whether it is In the army, or in the Senate, they all get along well with the veterans of these mercenaries.

"The first thing to remove the head of the 7th Army of Breu, the more detailed punishment measures will be decided by the Ministry of Military Affairs after the end of the war, based on the losses caused by the war."

Despite the coldness of Davis's tone, Tolmide was relieved.

Davers chose the lightest punishment. Although he also asked the military department to make detailed judgments and punishments after the war, how can the military department dare to be stricter on the representatives of a veteran and a Brutus? The ruling, so Davers is a high-lifting stick, but gently hit Brelu.

But for the heads of the army, such as Amintas and Matonis, the deprivation of military positions is undoubtedly the biggest punishment, so they are somewhat saddened by Breu, but no one dares to defend Darius when he is angry. .

"Brelu, do you accept this punishment?" Daves asked coldly.

"I...accept." Breu looked up and said, "But I ask you to leave me and allow me to be a soldier and continue to participate in the war against the Carthaginians!"

Davers heard his answer, and his look was slightly relieved: "If you are a soldier, the Seventh Army needs a new army chief. You can temporarily serve as the second adjutant of the Seventh Corps to help the new army leader better. Commanding the Seventh Corps, are you willing?"

Relegated to the second adjutant without any real power by the head of the army. Although this made Breer somewhat lost, he was able to continue fighting with the soldiers of the Seventh Army. It was already a great hope for him now, so he immediately answered Road: "I am willing!"

"Before the new head of the army is not in office, you are still acting as the head of the 7th Army for the time being, so you can now return to your seat and continue to attend today's meeting."

"Yes, Your Majesty." On the way back to Breu, the crowds cast a sense of comfort. He bowed his head and did not regret it. In addition to the two reasons that King Davers said, he defies. The order was arbitrarily played, but also because of an important reason: I thought that the Lamato River battle failed. In order to cover the retreat of the nurses, the fourth army leader, Dracos, led the first brigade soldiers to intercept the soldiers, and was finally surrounded by the enemy. Not killed or captured, Dracos eventually died in humiliation under the city, and Breu was finally lucky to be rescued. But in the past 10 years, he has repeatedly appeared in his dreams of desperate scenes surrounded by enemies. He has been thinking for countless times. 'If there were reinforcements at the time, the soldiers of Dracos and the first brigade would not... ...'This became a knot in his heart, so when this time the first squad of the Seventh Corps that he left was trapped in the city of Paragonha, facing the desperate situation, no matter how dangerous the front, he would never let I stood by and watched.

Daves wouldn’t care what Breer would think at the moment. He looked around at everyone, looked serious, and voiced coldly: "You, then, in this war with Carthage, the winner will become the West. The hegemony of the Mediterranean will gain vast land and more wealth, and the losers will not only lose their strength, but even face extinction. Therefore, whether it is Carthage or our Dionya, we have to go all out. This will be one. The wars that are long-lasting and costly will be more than 100,000 people, whether we or Carthage will enter the war!

100,000 people! This is not just a huge number, it means a sharp increase in the scale of war! It means that the consumption of war has increased dramatically! It means that it is more difficult to control the army! It means that it is more difficult to command the army to fight! ... Therefore, in order to ensure that the kingdom can finally win, to avoid the continued extension of the war, and to increase the burden on the kingdom and the people, I ask all of you here."

Dave's sharp eyes swept through the distinctive face of Amintas and Matonis. The volume suddenly increased: "When a military meeting is held, discussions can be held, but once a resolution is formed, Even if there are opinions, it must be meticulously executed! Only in this way can we ensure that the entire army command is running smoothly. If anyone disobeys the order or fails to do everything in its power, I can guarantee that he will be heavier than Breu! ”

The last sentence of Davers was full of murderous words, and everyone listened to his heart. Even if it was like Amintas, he did not dare to contact Dafos's eyes at this time.

Suddenly, the hall was silent.

Davers touched his jaw and said in a gentle tone: "Tormid, you sent a letter to the Ministry of Military Affairs, and immediately praised Tiparis to come to Katanay and become the head of the Seventh Army. He worked hard to build it. The Lucania Preparatory Corps, who previously defeated the Samonet in Campania, set a brilliant battle, and should give him a formal appointment! At the same time, he also asked the Military Department to inform the Lockley Barracks and organize the preparatory soldiers as soon as possible. The ship came to Katanay and refilled the number of the Seventh Army."

"Yes, Your Majesty."