v9 Chapter 149: Rebuilding Sparta (2)

As soon as Croto Catax’s voice fell, there was a loud noise in the venue. Both the Piriasi and the Black Laoshi realized excitedly: The Dionians did not deceive them, it seems It was really ready to fulfill the promise made by the messenger when he persuaded them to come to Sparta.

Therefore, a Piriasi representative stood up excitedly and asked first: "What do you need our Piriasi people to do?"

"Should we allocate the land of the Spartans to us?! And let us move into the city of Sparta?!" Another Piriasi representative asked immediately.

"Shall we replace the Spartans, elect our own king, and let him lead us to govern the land of Ragnia?"

"What age are these, and I still want to let the king rule!"

"Isn't Dionia who saved us a kingdom!"


Compared with the Beriasi people who were arguing fiercely, the Black Rollers, who were also a little excited, seemed restrained. Under the influence of such a warm atmosphere, a representative of the Black Rollers finally stood up and asked hesitantly: "My lord, you let us also occupy the land here... The original owners of these lands will be very angry, and they will retaliate fiercely!... They have many soldiers outside, and they have many allies outside. They will form a new army and kill it again, and then we can just—"

"Idiot! Coward!" The representative of Beliasi who stood up first pointed at him and shouted, "Tell you the truth. I was called by the Spartans to go to Arcadia. The tens of thousands of Spartan troops were easily defeated by the Dionian army led by the army. I escaped into the mountains and escaped from the ferocious Dionian soldiers.

Later, on my way back to Sparta, I encountered a few Spartan defeated soldiers. From their mouths, I learned that the main force composed of Spartan fighters was surrounded during the battle and suffered heavy losses... So I went over the mountains, He didn't go back to Sparta City directly, but sneaked back to the village quietly.

Until the envoy sent by you, my lord, I was the first to take the initiative to respond, because I have fought with the Spartans many times. I know very well that the Spartans have completely failed. They no longer have enough young men and great men. The Onia army fights, it is even more impossible to retake your city! Therefore, I firmly believe that you have enough power to carry out your promises, my lord, and we Piriasi people are also very willing to assist you in establishing a new city-state on the land of Lagnia.

As for these black ladies... they are used to being enslaved, and they are very afraid of the Spartans in their bones. They don't even dare to say the name "Spartans". They really don't deserve to sit here, I see. It is better to let them continue to be slaves! "

His words finally aroused the anger of the representatives of Black Rolls. After finally seeing the hope of gaining freedom, how could they be willing to accept slavery again. This vision of the future finally allowed them to overcome their inner fears, and they began to scold the Spartans for their oppression and persecution, and at the same time blamed them. The Piriasi were the accomplices of the Spartans, and they also humbly expressed their willingness to obey the command of Cloto Kataks and do their best to complete the various tasks assigned by him.

The venue became unusually noisy, but Croto Kataks was happy, because the enthusiasm of the Piriasi and Black Laoshis had been mobilized.

He coughed heavily, and then said loudly: "Please be quiet, everyone! Listen to me first!"

But the crowd did not stop making noise, until the soldiers who maintained the order of the venue intervened, they quieted down obediently.

Croto Kataks turned his gaze to the representative of Piriasi who had helped him a lot, and asked interestedly: "What is your name?"

"Fernida!" the man straightened his chest and said loudly.

Croto Kataks nodded, then looked at the others in the venue, took a deep breath, and said loudly: "As the conqueror of this land, I represent the Kingdom of Dionian, In the name of Hades, I announce to you-from today onwards, both Piriasi and Black Laos will be free and become citizens of New Sparta, with all the rights granted by the city!

I ask you to rush back immediately and tell your compatriots that within four days, Piriasi and Black Rolls must each select 10 outstanding people, who will become the new Spartans under Dionia’s guidance. Members of Parliament appointed and promulgated new laws, redistributed land for citizens, and arranged new residences and villages...

I would also like to ask the Periasi and the Black Ross to select two highly respected individuals. They will become ombudsmen to supervise any unjust behaviors of these new parliamentarians in the implementation of these plans, and to report to us Appeal, let us punish..."

As soon as Croto Catax’s voice fell, cheers broke out in the venue, especially many Black Rollers also shed tears, because at this moment they all realized: This Dionian commander did not say verbally That's it, he is really ready to let himself, who has been enslaved by the Spartans all his life, be free, become a citizen, and have land and rights. The days of fear to escape the hunt of young Spartans are finally gone. Never return.

Just as the Piriasi people were talking excitedly about the candidates for the parliament, and the black ladies gratefully praised Dionia's kindness, Cloto Catacs said again: "Please be quiet, everyone, I have something to say! "

This time, the venue quickly returned to silence.

"I have to remind you!" Cloto Catacs said with a serious expression: "I just said that whether it is Black Laoshi or Piriasi, each must elect 10 members within 4 days. With the two ombudsmen, there can be no more or less, otherwise it will be deemed disrespect of Dionia's decision and will be disqualified from participating in the formation of the new government of Sparta!"

The people who had been extremely excited heard this and were immediately dumbfounded.

The Black Rollers were better. Although most of them fled into the mountains, they were relatively concentrated, and they were relatively close to Sparta. Now they are all descending from the mountain one after another, and they can complete the mission within 4 days.

But the Piriasi people are different. They have their own villages, and there are still a lot of them. They are all scattered in remote corners of Lagnia, such as Port Ision near the promontory to the west, and Mino near the promontory to the east. The seaside town of Placière in the central and eastern parts of Asia...Not only are they far apart, they often have to go over mountains and mountains. Within 4 days, each village can only select their own candidates, but the number of people must be more than that, but there is no Time will gather them again and determine the final candidate.

"My lord, can you give us a few more days of grace?" Fernida pleaded with Cloto Catacs, and also told about their difficulties. Other Piriasi representatives also agreed. This next round The Black Rollers were gloating beside them.

Cloto Kataks, who was good to talk before, had a straight face and said firmly, "Our Dionian army has other important things. It is impossible to stay here for too long. The new government of Sparta is formed. It is a major event, which is related to the stability of Lagnia, and there will be a lot of things to do. Time is tight. 4 days is already enough and it is impossible to give you more time!"

Fernida and others were disappointed, and were ready to continue begging.

Cloto Catacs took the opportunity to say in a loud voice: "I have a suggestion to solve your problem! You rushed back to your villages and told men over 18 to bring enough rations to Sparta City. The Spartans gathered in the open-air venue where the citizens' assembly was held to jointly select qualified candidates. This is fair and saves time. If you plan to do this, I will lend you horses so that you can rush back as soon as possible.

Black Laos, you can also use this method to select the person who will govern Lagnia at the venue where the Spartans decide the important affairs of the city. Doesn’t it mean that you have become a new piece of land. Master? "

Klotokatax's words first received a positive response from the black teachers, who agreed without hesitation to implement this sound-sounding suggestion.

The representatives of Piriasi hesitated, but under the influence of the Black Rollers, they finally agreed. After all, the distinguished and amiable Prince Dionia patiently showed them here. With a series of practical plans to govern Ragnia, it is impossible to hide a conspiracy in mind to wipe out the Piriasi people. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com

After everyone made a decision, they eagerly wanted to leave and rushed back to inform their compatriots.

Only Fernida couldn't help but ask: "My lord, what do you do with those Spartans?"

Fernida's words made the people who were anxious to go out suddenly stopped.

Cloto Kataks said calmly: "If the Spartans agree with the plans I just mentioned, then they, like you, will be citizens of the new Spartan government and will join you. Govern this new country together. But if they object—"

Klotokatax said in a heavy tone: "Then they can only spend their lives in the Gongli camp of the Kingdom of Dionia! Don't worry, even if they live here with you in the future, they will not What threat do you pose, because there are fewer than 400 young and middle-aged men among the Spartans captured by us. Even if the soldiers return one after another, they will not exceed 500, and the population of your two races is theirs. Ten times is more than that. What's more, our army is sitting here, you don't have to worry at all!"

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