v9 Chapter 150: Rebuilding Sparta (3)

With the guarantee of Croto Kataks, everyone was settled in their hearts, coupled with the eagerness to leave, temporarily leaving this somewhat troublesome question behind.

Cloto Kataks specifically asked his men to prepare rations for them and prepare their horses, and his warm-hearted performance completely eliminated their doubts.

After sending off these people, Cloto Kataks breathed a sigh of relief, but he quickly raised his spirits and walked to a room next to the meeting place.

Even if the Black Rollers are relatively weak and clumsy, Croto Kataks would not agree with the original proposal of the Piriasi people to exclude the Black Rollers from the management of the new government. Containment, it may not be a few years before the Beriasi will become the new Spartans.

Of course he will not allow the Spartans to be marginalized in this new government. On the one hand, with the presence of Spartans, Dionia can face the doubts and defenses of those Greek city-states that are concerned about Sparta. Said "They did not destroy this ancient city-state, but just changed its regime, just like they did to other city-states when Sparta was strong." On the other hand, they let the Spartans join the weakest. Entering the new regime may make the new Spartan political situation more stable and more conducive to Dionia's control of Sparta.

After paying a military salute to the Dionian soldiers guarding the door, Croto Kataks gently pushed open the open wooden door.

The room was crowded with 30 Spartan elders headed by Agsilius and 5 inspectors, but the assassin was unusually quiet.

This was a bit unexpected by Cloto Kataks, his eyes slowly swept across everyone's face, and finally a smile appeared, because although these Spartans were very calm, they couldn't hide it. The anger in their eyes: "Everyone, I believe you have heard what I said in the meeting just now, and I am afraid that it has been discussed. Can you tell me your decision now?"

As soon as the voice fell, a younger inspector could not help but roared: "You are a humiliation to the Spartans! As the descendants of Hercules, we will never be with the dirty and lowly black Laos ——"

"Cough! Cough! Cough!..." Agcilius suddenly coughed loudly, and turned his head to look at the inspector coldly.

The roar of the inspector stopped abruptly.

Agcilius coughed a few times again, then looked at Cloto Kataks, and said calmly: "We Spartans have become your captives, there can be no more choices. We can only follow your arrangements...but I want to know how we Spartans can work with the Piriasis, and those... Black Laos, to form a new Spartan government? "

Croto Kataks did not respond directly, but looked at the roaring Spartan just now and asked again: "Are you really willing to accept our arrangement?"

The man glanced at Agsilius, lowered his head, gritted his teeth and squeezed out: "...Yes."

"If we don't do this, can we have more choices?!" Agcilius said loudly, "If we Spartans accept the fate of Black Laos, we might as well choose to die!"

His words were not so much an answer to Cloto Kataks, but rather a reminder of these Spartans that they all fell in frustrated silence.

"It seems that you have reached a consensus, which is good!" Cloto Kataks deliberately said loudly, and the unwillingness and pain in their eyes made him feel a little cheerful: "You Spartans must also be within 4 days Elect 10 parliamentarians and two inspectors to form a new government in Sparta together with the candidates elected by the Piriasi and Black Laoss!"

"30 congressmen, 6 ombudsmen..." Agcilius deliberately whispered with a tentative look: "It sounds like it's not much different from the previous Spartans."

"No, there is a difference." Cloto Catacs replied simply: "They are only responsible for the operation of the entire government. The designation and promulgation of laws and major decisions must be discussed and approved by the citizens' assembly. All new Spartans All citizens have the right to participate in this conference."

Speaking of this, Cloto Kataks also specifically mentioned: "Of course, the former Sparta also had a citizen assembly, which is indeed somewhat similar."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly: Spartan's citizens' assembly has always been a cover. The real supreme power is in the Council of Elders, but the new government created by the Dionians has completely changed the power structure of Sparta.

An elder couldn't help but ask: "What about the king?"

Cloto Catacs said loudly: "The new Sparta will no longer have a king, and two consuls will be elected for a one-year term, mainly responsible for commanding the army."

Everyone subconsciously turned their eyes to Agsilius.

Agsilius seemed very calm, as if the matter had nothing to do with him, and asked: "When can you lift the prisoner of the Spartans?"

"After the new Spartan government is formed."

"Our people are all locked up, how do we choose?!" someone protested.

"Tomorrow, all Spartan men will be gathered in Port Hilles for selection."

"I have one more question." Agcilius looked at him and asked seriously: "I just heard you say that you have to allocate land to the Piriassi and the Black Laos, which means you Want them to divide the land that originally belonged to our Spartan citizens?"

"Please note that Dionian has already occupied the whole of Sparta. You have all become prisoners. The land of Lagnia has become the spoils of Dionian army! His Majesty King Davos is trying to rebuild Sparta. , And generously allocated these lands to citizens willing to work for this new government.

To say a bad thing, even if these lands are still owned by you, the Piriasi people and the Black Laoss have been freed and no longer have any obligations to you. With your little manpower, they can’t take care of so much. land. What's more--" Croto Kataks raised his eyebrows, showing a sarcasm: "Do you Spartans know how to farm?" "

The faces of everyone were a little ugly, but they couldn't refute it for a while.

The guards beside Klotokatax stepped up their guard, but he didn’t see him, and continued: "I have checked some of your Spartan information carefully these days and found a problem. You Spartan The number of citizens is declining year by year. The war is not the main reason. According to the data, many people have been unable to pay a sufficient share of the verbal income for a long time. Deprived of the land... I originally thought it might be because of the year-round warfare. Even if there were black Laos who helped them to cultivate the land, they did not have enough time to supervise and manage, and the harvest of the fields never met your requirements.

But the strange thing is that the nobles of Sparta pay their taxes in full every year. Later, someone once told me secretly that this was because they were often the resident commanders of some cities and strategic locations controlled by Sparta. Officials, through bribery or other means to obtain a lot of money, it is more than enough to use the money to buy food and pay taxes...

I also found a problem. The land of the Spartan civilians that you confiscated was finally allocated to the royal family and the nobles. The reason was that they had the ability to guarantee a better harvest of the fields. As a result, the land was gradually concentrated in the hands of your nobles, and more and more Spartan civilians Lost their land and became inferior... Didn’t you find out? How does the situation in Sparta now resemble the situation before the rumored Spartan sage came to Kugu to change the regime! "

"You talk nonsense!" someone blurted out.

Cloto Kataks looked at him without anger at all, but said pityingly: "Are you an inspector? Whether you are a civilian or an inspector, you have not found that the greedy nobles are embezzling civilians. Land, this is your dereliction of duty! You should also thank Dionia. If we hadn't forcibly rebuilt Sparta, there would be one Kina Dun on this land!"

The faces of everyone in the room became ugly.

Agcilius gave a light cough and immediately changed the subject: "How much land are you going to allocate to each new citizen of Sparta?"

"About five acres."

"There are too many people in Black Laoshi, I'm afraid it's not enough."

Cloto Catacs said calmly: "We gave the territory of Tygia to the Mandinians, but Mandinia had a small population and could not manage such a vast and fertile new land. Under our persuasion, I believe that they are very willing to accept these black Laos who failed to get the land in Sparta as new citizens of Mandinia."

Agsilius was taken aback: "Where are the Taigeya?"

"They are all being escorted to the Turri slave market for sale This is the end of their betrayal of the covenant and secretly attacking allies." Croto Kataks said coldly.

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and at that moment they dared not make contact with the young man's eyes.

Seeing this situation, Cloto Catacs suddenly felt a little boring. No matter how scared the Spartans were, he couldn't get back the precious life of his brother Adoris. He said happily, "Okay. Everyone, I hope you will organize your citizens after you go back today and lead them to Port Hilles safely tomorrow to ensure the smooth progress of the election."

Cloto Kataks left, and the room was silent.

After a long time, someone asked anxiously: "King Agsilius, what should we do now?"

Agsilius still appeared calm, and he whispered: "We can only bear with it temporarily to avoid the end of the Taigeians. However, such reckless actions like the Dionians will definitely force Athens and Corinth to unite. Enemy with Dionia, then our chance will come!"

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