Chapter 243: Opportunity Cost, Sunk Cost (2)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 243: Opportunity Cost, Sunk Cost (2)

Opportunity Cost, Sunk Cost (2)

Jades caf was doing better than expected. The coffee was three times more expensive than an average caf, and the desserts were more than five times pricier. Yet, the 1st to 5th floors, which were open to everyone, had no seats left, and even the Noble Floor, exclusive to VVIPs, saw plenty of traffic.

Were already getting inquiries about opening branches.

Jade said with a solemn expression as he sipped his coffee.

Thats fortunate.

It is most impressive.

Laylas archaic way of speaking had been grating on my nerves for a while now. What period drama did she watch to end up like this?

Is that the kind of old-fashioned education the Hilton family receives?

That it is.


Jade looked away, turning his attention to someone else.

First, it was Gerkhen.

My name is Gerkhen. I am a first-year student at the National Universitys Knight Academy.

Gerkhen introduced himself briskly. Jade then looked beside him.

Next would be Petras daughter, I presume.

Ah, yes. Thats right.

Elise had been sitting quietly ever since we arrived, not touching the desserts or coffee she had ordered.

Well then. Enjoy yourselves. I have a business trip scheduled, so I must be going.

Jade stood up from his seat. I also started to rise, but Jade gestured for me to stay seated as he left first.

Wow. He really is handsome, that man.

While Layla expressed her admiration, Elise remained unresponsive. The desserts she had ordered, the pudding and cream buns, were untouched.

Im going to head out first.

In the end, she left the caf.

Before we could even try to stop her, she had hastily grabbed her bag and was gone.

What the! She didnt go after Mr. Jade, did she?!

Layla puffed up her cheeks, while Gerkhen quietly slid Elises desserts towards himself.

* * *

At the Petra family mansion, Elise was summoned to Kens study. Standing there stiffly, she was met with Kens questioning gaze.

Ive heard youve been hanging out together quite often lately.

It was probably about Shion Ascal.

His name was Shion, wasnt it?

Hes a friend.

Friend is a generous term for someone of his caliber.

Elise furrowed her brow slightly.

Suddenly, Kens dry voice settled like grains of sand.

So you can make that kind of face now.

Do you have any proof that hes of poor quality?

At that, Ken let out a hollow laugh. He tossed a document onto the table and said,

The guy is from Libra. A Chaser.


Yes. You know what a Chaser is.

Petra had its own breed of Chasers.

Known as the Strategy Room, they handled Petras dirty work, not shying away from any criminal activities.

Hes not just a threat to the election, but to your life as well.

A threat.

Elise still felt her insides twisting.

She wanted to ask her father about that day right now. About the day Shions mother died, and she was born in her place

Father, is that all you remember about the Ascal family?

Ken lifted his gaze, his brow slightly furrowed.

Theyre not a family worth remembering. Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Elise felt a sudden surge of revulsion. The talk of mere family lineage was unbearable to her.

She turned around hastily, fleeing from the family home. She vomited the bile that filled her mouth onto the ground.


She sighed, lost in thought.

Where did it all go wrong? Or what exactly is wrong? How am I supposed to navigate through these thorny vines?


Suddenly, a voice invaded her ears.

Elise startled and looked in that direction.

There was someone standing by the roadside.

What do you want, you?

It was Shion.


He extended a box to her.

Whats this-

Dessert. You didnt eat it. Its really good.

Elise took a slight whiff of it. A harmonious sweet scent teased her nostrils.

But, did you throw up?

Shion asked nonchalantly. Elise shook her head.


No? Its all spilled out here.

He pointed to the ground. A whole mess was neatly laid out there.

Elises face turned red around the nose.

Its not mine. Do you have proof? You dont.

Whatever. Enjoy the dessert. And dont stress out too much.

What stress are you talking about?

Elise pouted her lips in a petulant manner for no particular reason.

Whatever. If youre too annoyed, live however you want for a week. Binge eat, be lazy, even swear a bit. It might make you feel better.

Start with this.

Shion shook the dessert box. Elise quietly embraced it in her arms.

Rest while you eat. Im off.


He scratched his beard.

Have you considered running in the election one more time?

His expression suddenly hardened. He glared at me with sharp eyes.

Are you insane?

No, Im perfectly sane.

Theres only three months left until the election. Talking about running now is crazy talk.

The deadline to declare candidacy is still a ways off.

Anyone could run for district Senator as long as they met the qualifications. The million Ren registration fee was the real issue.

Nonsense. Get lost.

As Ludeniel tried to close the door, I spoke up.

Dont you feel wronged by the last election?

His movements halted for a moment.

Ludeniel looked at me with a face filled with anger.

You were taken down by baseless negative campaigning. Crushed and trampled by lies

Who are you?

I told you. Jean Consulting.

I offered him the business card again.

If you want revenge, contact us. We dont ask for much.

Ludeniel finally looked at the business card.

[ Jean Consulting ]

A piece of paper with nothing but a phone number written on it.

Opportunities come along as you live your life. And for you, that opportunity is now.

I smiled faintly and turned to leave.

That should be enough for him to get in touch on his own.


Id like to bait him a bit more, but unfortunately, I dont have the time.

[ Auction Patrol: Chaser Recruitment Notification ]

Theres just too much to do these days.

* * *

An auction, simply put, is a bidding sale. But as you can tell from the participation of the Libra lineage, this is no ordinary auction.

Rare items that the average person might never see in their lifetime come up for bid, and all of this takes place within one massive underground floor.

Ah, but its not the underworld.

Unlike the underworld, this is an aristocratic establishment created by various tycoons to avoid the public gaze.

This place is the auction, [Terra].

Participation list. Chaser Veral. Chaser Mitsuko. Chaser Shion Ascal

I was on duty as a bodyguard for the lineage.

My job was straightforward.

Visit the waiting room where the immediate family would stay, thoroughly inspect it, check the entire Terra for any other threats, and arrange proper security equipment

What is this?

In the middle of my work, Beckman suddenly asked me.

I replied, Its a wiretap detection device.

Beckman frowned. Clearly, he had come to pick a fight.


He smashed my device.

Youre not allowed to use equipment from other companies. Dont you know?

That seemed to be his quibble.

I had customized my spy gear myself.

Its not that the products made by Libra were subpar; its just that they often performed poorly due to Dereks obsession with cost-cutting.

Ive already refined everything cleanly through hacking.

Thats what you think. A Libra Chaser using products from another company? Thats grounds for discipline.

Beckman glared at me as he set down his own device.

I nodded without much protest.

Ill do so from now on.

Do you think youll have a next time to guard Johanna? Theres no next time for you.

The more I think about it, this guys condition seems a bit dangerous.

Normally, hed be the type to explode in a year or two.

Could it be that hes been provoked by me?

I apologize.

Go crawl on the floor tiles or the ceiling. Like a rat.

Beckman left with the other Chasers. I took a closer look at the various devices installed in the room.

Anti-eavesdropping machines, mana wave setters, wave calculators, and so on, they all seemed to be focused on security

But they all had eavesdropping capabilities built in.

In other words, Beckman was pretending to protect Johanna while stalking her like a voyeur.


Suddenly, the door opened again.

I turned to look.

There stood a woman in a beret.

A person who shouldnt be here, or at least, someone who was supposed to arrive two days later.

She pointed to her beret and gave a wry smile.

How is it? Its the one from last time.


The beret I had given her to wear during our escape from the casino. She trudged over and sat down on the sofa.

Its been a while, Shion Ascal.

Her voice, thick and languid, seemed somehow pleased to see me.


A dangerous conversation to have in a space where Beckmans eavesdropping could be happening.

I should go now. Ill take my leave.

I immediately headed out.

What are-


I closed the door without listening to what she had to say.