Chapter 244: Opportunity Cost, Sunk Cost (3)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 244: Opportunity Cost, Sunk Cost (3)

Opportunity Cost, Sunk Cost (3)

I waited in front of Johannas waiting room, counting my fingersone, two, three, four


At five, the door burst open as if shattered. It was Johannas kick.

Such a fucking bastard?

She stepped out and, upon seeing me still standing there, furrowed her brows. New novel chapters are published at

Shion Ascal. What is this insolence?

Just a moment.

I leaned close to Johannas ear. To her furious face, I whispered softly.

The eldest daughters expression hardened. I took a step back and bowed my head.

Is it true?

Yes. It seems best not to show any reaction.

Eavesdropping. And not just that, but internal recording as well.

Beckmans desire to keep a record of Johannas everyday life.

She clenched her eyes shut and pressed her fingers against her temples.

Should I change his duties?

No. That would only make things worse.

Balancers typically have duties assigned to them. Therefore, there is only one balancer who assists the lord most closely.

For Johanna, that is Beckman.

Pretend you dont know.

Beckman is clearly losing sight of his duty, but I cannot be the one to suggest cutting him off. After all, Beckman has been a loyal servant to Johanna for decades.

Considering the importance of each balancer, it would be overstepping for someone like me to suggest dismissing him.

Ill handle it myself. Take this.

Johanna extended something to me.

It was a pamphlet for the Terra auction.

Why are you giving this to me?

Choose something you want. Ill win the bid for you.

It was an unexpected offer. I just blinked in silence.

Johanna gave a wry smile.

My life is worth at least that much.

No, thats alright. Ive already received the prize money from the win-

You gave all that to Zia.

She sounded somewhat displeased.

You should have something for yourself.

She pressed the catalog into my hand again.

Yes. Thank you.

I accepted it for now. I skimmed through the list of items up and down.


Suddenly, Grawls echo boomed loudly in my head.

That startled me.

Are you trying to get killed? Whos yelling without any manners?

That! That! The R-elix!

I looked at a certain part of the catalog.

There was an R-elix listed.

[A-grade R-elix]

Assured by the R-elix appraiser Veromo, this is an A-grade R-elix containing vibrant magical energy. A top-quality product thats hard to come by even once a year, the minimum A-grade R-elix is now seeking its owner.

Do you understand what this is?

No! But it seems like if its analyzed, it would show an incredible amount of magical energy!

It was a request to graft it onto his root. R-elixes can connect with each other, enabling an Embodiment.



I glanced over the other items.

Nothing else really caught my interest.

I already had weapons, didnt need clothes, and had no desire for jewels or valuables.


Alright, alright.

I pointed out the R-elix to Johanna.

This R-elix if its possible.

Johanna also looked at it. A smile crept across her lips.

Youve got a good eye. Wait for it.

She snatched back the catalog and went back into her room.

I love you!!!

Keep it down.

The sound of Grawl laughing like a happy puppy filled my ears.

* * *

Whats the plan?

After setting up the [Terra Auction] lightly, I returned to the Intelligence Agency and was discussing Operation Knock the Bird Down.

The crew was down to Bell Moore and Riley.

Senator Syrimus has a lot of scandals.

Riley pushed up her glasses at my comment.

Those are easy to bury. Not enough to make him fall.

Right. Hes got Vern backing him. To knock him down with a scandal, wed need something on the level of, you know, that dead team leader bastard? Benedict. We need a scandal as big as that fuckers.

Bell Moore chimed in too.

I flipped through several files and then curled my lip slightly.

Vern backing him makes it a bit troublesome.

Yeah. In terms of single industries, Everett is bigger than Libra. Ranked number one in the corporate world. You thought it would be easy?

Officially, of course, Libra is number one in the financial world. The family controls so many companies.

But if youre only looking at single industries, Verns Everett is at the top.

Well, theres no helping it.

I sighed.

Even for me, or rather, because its me, theres one method Im a bit reluctant to use.

Id rather not use it if I can help it, but Im not in a position to be picky about my methods.

Are we giving up?

No. Senator Syrimus has a child.



Bell Moore and Riley were both taken aback. They quickly rifled through the files again.

Syrimus is unmarried, isnt he?

I have other expenses. I could lend you some if you ask.

Then lend me all of it.

I dont have it.

This motherfucker. Youve gone blind with all the pampering because youre a technician.

Faces eyes flared like a beasts.

I pretended to be scared and stepped back as I spoke.

But, if I work hard, the overall sales increase. Then naturally, the share that Mr. Face takes will also grow.

Then Faces expression turned as if he was doing some calculations.

If the net profit of ten million turns into twenty million, even with the same percentage, the salary would double.

This guy seems like hes never thought of that before.

Well, thats true. Give me 0.25% then.

Im sorry.

Ah, you fucking bastard

Just then, the door opened. Face hastily stepped back, and Jesco and his men appeared.

Oh~ Its going well~.

Jesco first looked around the equipment here and there.

Third-in-command Crow approached me with a smile.

How is it?

Ah, its good. Everything is state-of-the-art It looks like we could handle five, no, six times the volume.

Oh. Thats very good to hear.

By the way, Crow has been skimming some of Jescos money.

Ive got all the details sorted out and written in the Diary.

How fortunate we are to have a technician come in at just the right time. Haha.


Jesco clapped his hands.

Hey, Belkman. Shall we test run it now?

Yes, that would be great.

At my words, Jesco pondered for a moment and then shook his head.

No, lets just take a break today.

Excuse me?

I blinked in surprise.

Unfortunately, we have a meeting scheduled. We might not see each other for a few weeks. You cant come with us.

Is that so?

I deliberately made my voice sound disappointed.

Dont feel too bad about it. Youre a technician, so we need to keep you hidden as much as possible. You know that, right?

Yes, thats fine.

Jesco grinned.

Alright then you guys go ahead and leave first.


The gangsters characteristic booming affirmation.

Crow and Face, along with the other subordinates, all bustled out, and Jesco lingered for a moment.

Well then. Is the equipment alright?

Yes, its exactly what I wanted.

Thats good to hear Start operating from tomorrow. Take it easy today. We have plenty of time to meet the demand anyway.

Yes, brother.

Alright. Im off then.

As Jesco was about to wave his hand and leave, I called out to him.


He turned to look at me.

I just looked at him without saying a word.


Eventually, he asked back.

I hesitated for no reason and then bowed deeply.

Thank you.


Jesco wore a puzzled expression at the sudden gratitude.

For taking in someone with just this little talent.

But now, the end was near.

Today might very well be our last meeting.

Leaving the desert was tough, and I missed it, but after meeting you, brother, this place feels like home.

Hmm well-

Turns out, it wasnt home I was missing, but someone.

Jescos nose slowly turned red. It was noticeable even against his naturally ruddy complexion.

Lunatic? Did you eat something wrong?

Even as he said this, he pretended to yawn, trying to hide his emotion.

Stop talking nonsense. Your talent would have shone even without me.

Jesco turned his head sharply away, speaking without showing his face.

You would have had a much better and more ordinary life if youd gone to college.

No, I wouldnt have.

Whatever. Just take a rest. Im leaving.

Jesco hurried out.

I watched the door slam shut and let out a sigh when all signs of life had faded.

Phew. Finally, its over.

This tedious job would soon be goodbye.

Run the factory equipment four or five times, then disappear. After that, they can scramble and fry without me.


A call came in on my Libra phone. It was Bell Moore.


Hey, Shion! I found the guy you were talking about! Hes spilling his guts over drinks. This bastard is definitely the son of Senator Syrimus!

I replied dryly.

Yes. Keep him detained until the story breaks.

Will do! Ah, but I like this bastard. Loves women and booze like crazy! Stay there. You should come by later too. Woohoo!

The sound of women laughing, glasses clinking, and the loud club music was dizzying.

Stop having fun and focus on the job.

Youre killing my buzz with that talk. Ive been a Chaser longer than you, mate! Im hanging up!


Bell Moore hung up the phone.

Complete moron.

I cursed under my breath and laughed.