Chapter 320: Usurpation (6)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 320: Usurpation (6)

Emilia, the daughter of the former Holy Knight Athan, accused Theia Esil concerning her father's mysterious death. I added to that suspicion by suggesting she was involved in treason.

As a result, Theia was detained.

Consequently, the trial of Derek, which Theia was handling, was reassigned to the prosecutor's office, where the pressure from Libra was expected to be effective.

Just Like now.

“... H mm.”

In the interrogation room of the Edsilla Prosecutor's Office.

I saw Theia through a transparent glass. Her wrists were bound with the highest grade of magical handcuffs.

Honestly, it was a tough sight to behold.

After all, she is my mentor.

“Oh, isn't that Sir Ascal?”

Prosecutor Al Ras appeared from behind. The title 'Sir' had somehow been attached to my name.

“You've been through a lot. I've heard rumors here and there, but indeed, you handle things decisively.”

“lt was with the support of Team Leader Bell Moore.”

I casually dropped Bell Moore's name.

“...Ah, I see. Team Leader Bell Moore. He's well-known.”

This 'Al Ras' is a prosecutor nurtured by Libra, using Libra's resources.

Indeed, within the countless internal structures of Edsilla, there are numerous people from Libra... specifically, from 'Sherlock'.

“What do you think?”

I asked Al Ras in a dry tone.

“Theia EsiL”

“Well... with the evidence of treason, even the death penalty could be sufficiently justifled.”

He sipped his coffee as he responded.

“The death penalty is not an option.”

“...Excuse me?”

Al Ras looked at me. I met his gaze and stated firmly.

“I said the death penalty is not an option.”

“U h...”

He had a strange expression, but soon nodded as if he understood.

“Ah, haha. I see what you mean. Indeed, keeping her alive would be more beneficial for the trial of lord Derek.”

He then scratched the back of his neck.

“But, Sir AscaL The trial of lord Derek itself might be challenging. There have been many deaths, after all.”

Although it's well-known that a prosecutor is supposed to expose the guilt of the accused. Yet here is this prosecutor discussing the advantages and disadvantages for the accused.

This is good for Derek.

“Thats fine. We just need to delay.”

“...Yes, well. The public are like sheep and pigs.”

A familiar phrase slipped from Al Ras's mouth.

“Whether Lord Derek can endure until then, I don't know, but once the public's attention fades, we can steer the trial as we wish.”


I nodded while looking at Theia in the interrogation room.

“Lord Derek will definitely be released from prisen.”

Of that, I was certain.

“Whatever happens, I will make sure of it.”

Whether it's acquittal, suspended execution, or a fine, he will be freed from detention.

“...Haha. Indeed, Sir AscaL Your loyalty is as formidable as I've heard.

In return, he remains penniless, having Lost everything.”

Gedley had been planning to kill Bell Moore even before hearing the news about Theia EsiL He knew he couldn't afford to waste any more time.

Day by day, the Intelligence Agency was at risk of being swallowed whole. Decades of gathered intelligence and espionage could fall into the hands of a mere thug's private organization.

This was Gedley's grand idea—or perhaps his self-justification.

He couldn't stand by and watch Bell Moore swallow the Intelligence Agency whole.

So, he colluded with the team Leaders and gathered Chasers who were dissatisfied with Bell Moore. Fortunately, there were quite a few factions that resented his rapid promotion.

The operation was codenamed: "Beyond the Curtain?

It was a metaphor for stabbing the mastermind Bell Moore in the back.

[....Everything is ready.]

Gedley had set up his own network to control information. He had made a 'pact of confidentiality* among key personnel. At the same time, he meticulously calculated Bell Moore's routines and tendencies, verifying the plan dozens of times through simulations in the Magic Space.

Gedley had perfected this elaborate operation in a short time.

[Soon, we will commence the operation.]

Underestimating Gedley's capabilities would be a mistake.


“Ah~ Of course, I'd love to go too~”

At the same time, Bell Moore was on a call with someone.

“But I'm just too busy these days. Really. You know, with all the chaos in the society pages on the news.”

He paced around his office, his voice tinged with affection.

“...Ah shit. I've got a woman.”

It was a secret romance, conducted over untraceable secret Lines and burner phones.

“Here I declare! There's no one for me but you.”

For Bell Moore, it was his first serious relationship in a long time, not just a fling.

But it absolutely had to remain a secret.

His partner was a celebrity.

And not just any celebrity, but a very famous, promising young top star.

“... Ba by. Did I ever tell you? About the person I once had feelings for... It was actually Vancheon.”

Bell Moore murmured in a somewhat sad voice.

He had liked Riley. He hadn't shown it, but he had even thought about marrying her.

“Back when I was broken.”

Bell Moore struck a pose Like a drama protagonist.

“Like fate, you came to me. You healed all my wounds.”

Vito grinned.

—In reality, noble families fear the loss of talent more than anything else. Libra is no exception.

I thought of Arkne. Before the regression, Arkne had cut ties with soliette, but he panicked when she actually committed suicide.

Because it meant not continuing the lineage.

Because it meant Losing a talent that would have been noted in the history of the family.

“...Belingham Kantar was an experimental subject then.”

I asked directly. Vito smirked and nodded.

—Yes, thats right. The moment he recognized himself as a homunculus, he became a servant to Libra. His existence itself is a perfect PR product.

Vito's words made something click in my mind. seems you've got the idea.

Vito asked with a meaningful nuance.

“Mr. Shion, why do you think I called you here? Because you're friends with Dr. Killian? Just because of that diary entry?”

I looked at Vito.

“I trust Dr. Killian, but I don't trust the diary. Its a medium that can be manipulated at any time. You probably manipulated it.”

I needed to reassess my opinion of him.

He was far more dangerous than I had anticipated.

“Mr. Shion, does Zia have ambition?”

Vito smirked.

“Zia is a child into whom the essence of Libra has been poured. She's even more perfect than Belingham Kantar.”

“Is that so.”

Vito's words confirmed it for me.

“Yes. She's the most perfectly prepared successor.”


Within the deeper malice of that evil, some 'specter' must be lurking.

“Was Miss Zia always destined to be the successor?”

“Ah, no. Of course not. There's no such thing as destiny in this world.”

Vito waved his hand dismissively.

“Lord Shelrock wanted fairness. If you defeat a perfect successor, it means you become an even more perfect successor. But...”

Vito's eyes curved as he Looked at me.

“Zia is also very Lucky.”

He ran his hand through his grass-Like hair and shrugged his shoulders.

“Somewhere, from a deep mud pit, she found the perfect 'joker'.”

Vito's hologram walked around me in a circle.

“Exceptional talent. Cold intellect. Infinite loyalty. The ability to turn every situation to your advantage and ultimately resolve it... a true Skeleton Key.”

Vito looked ecstatic, though I found it utterly repulsive.

“A joker like you was unexpected even for me. A perfect knight for the perfect successor. It's almost cinematic.”

“Thank you for the compliment, but...”

I asked Vito.

“Where is Lord Shelrock now?”

“Who knows? He might be sleeping now. Waiting for the right moment.”

Vito crossed his arms indifferently.

“Anyway, that's all I can tell you. Just keep serving Zia. There's no need to doubt anything else.”

His voice continued, snake-like.

“Just keep moving forward as you have been. For your lord...”


The hologram flickered off, Like a TV losing its signal.


Alone in the abandoned factory, I exhaled softly.

What a mess this family is. No matter how much you peel back, there's always more.

^Master! It's urgent—!1

Suddenly, Grawl's telepathy rang in my ears. It was a cry that shook my skull.

I pressed my temples.

'You startled me. Whats happening all of a sudden?*

'Gedley has attacked Bell Moore!'


My eyes widened. This was intelligence I hadn't known, hadn't even anticipated.

'Are you serious?'

'Yes! The Intelligence Agency is...f

I clenched my teeth. I had let my guard down without realizing it.

Of course, Gedley isn't a vegetable. I treated him too much like an inanimate object-

'Oh? Ah. Hold on a moment?

GrawL suddenly became confused.

'What now?'

'Bell Moore is gone/

'...What are you talking about?'

'Gedley attacked, but Bell Moore isn't there/

'What does that mean...^

Then it hit me.

Was it last night? The text Bell Moore had sent me.

[Uh. I have some plans. Is it okay if I'm away for a few days?]

[How about a few weeks instead?]


I couldn't help but marvel. An incredulous laugh spread across my face.

“This guy is really lucky...”