Chapter 321: Usurpation (7)

Name:Memoirs of the Returnee Author:
Chapter 321: Usurpation (7)

Gedley had raided Bell Moore's office. It was a surprise attack that mobilized all the [SpectrumJ of the Chasers involved in the operation, but something unexpected happened.

The target, Bell Moore, was not in his office.

Gedley quickly activated Plan B. He ordered some Chasers to head to Bell Moore's mansion, while others were dispersed within Bell Moore's usual range of activity.

“...Director. Bell Moore is not here.”

But Bell Moore was nowhere to be found.

He had suddenly vanished.

As if he had evaporated, leaving no trace behind.

Just yesterday, he had been holed up in his office. He was the kind of person who, especially because of the Theia Esil operation, should never have left his post...

So suddenly?

“Did he catch on?”

In the director's office, the secretary asked. Gedley, with hands trembling like he had Parkinson's, stuffed them into his pockets.

“...That's impossible.”

It was an operation sealed with a pact. The internal controls were tight, and they used a communication line that absolutely couldn't be detected.

So, it couldn't have been discovered.

“lts impossible...”

Gedley muttered to himself blankly before Lowering his head.

If he hadn't caught on, where had he gone?

If he had caught on, how did he find out?

Was there a traitor? Or had his intelligence network already taken over the entire Intelligence Agency?

Either way, Gedley's mind was in turmoil.

He was already in a state of panic.

More than the operation failing, the fact that he was being played in the palm of Bell Moore's hand.

“...Director. What do we do now?”

He had known everything yet waited until Gedley deployed the operation. It was humiliation, a trick.

Yet, more than anger, Gedley was filled with questions.

Bell Moore, where on earth was he now, and what was he doing——


“Why are you so cute?”

In their private magic space on a sandy beach along the coastline, Bell Moore was playfully caressing his lover's cheek.

“Stop it- It feels weird~”

“But why are you smiling then?”

“Hehe. Because it feels good.”

Embracing his smiling Lover against his chest, Bell Moore felt ecstatic.

There was no need for heaven elsewhere.

He had always thought of heaven as a 'place; but in reality, heaven was a 'situation: Today proved that. Every moment was heavenly for Bell Moore.

“Ah... this is nice.”

What a fortunate life.

Not only having this darling in his arms but also Living a Life where he didn't work much yet still earned well.

A Life where he could feel happiness at a resort.

This was the work-Life balance he wanted to enjoy for a lifetime.

This was definitely right for him.

Forget being a director or dealing with politics, he just wanted to maintain his team Leader position, stick to his subordinates, and Live like this forever.

“...Babe, how long can we stay here?”

Suddenly, his Lover asked. Bell Moore looked into her big eyes, pondering.


Honestly, he did feel a bit guilty. The other Chasers were probably working their asses off because of the Theia case.

“l'll stay with you until your next schedule.”

That should be fine, right?

Shion Ascal was a sharp guy. Quick-witted.

If something urgent came up, he'd find out on his own.

“Really~ Wow!”

She hugged him joyfully, laughing.

At that moment, Bell Moore thought about marriage for the first time since Riley.

The turmoil caused by Gedley had subsided. It had erupted without my knowledge and settled just as quietly.

If Bell Moore had died, it would have been a crisis, but thanks to his innate luck, we gained a clear justification.

Gedley was now bound to crumble from within.

Someone would surely betray him, so all I had to do was sit back and wait.

“...Hmm. So Vito said that.”

This was Akane's [Selfless Coffin].

I relayed Vito's story to Akane and soliette, and Akane nodded as if finally convinced.

“lt makes sense. If you manipulate a soul and infuse it with thought, making it believe it's a homunculus, then it becomes one...”

Soliette's expression darkened.

“...An unforgivable sin. He's just like us... all because of greed.”

Akane stood up.

“So, is Zia like that too? Is her soul manipulated7”

It's possible.

Zia might be a person in whom 'ambition* itself has been implanted.

“I don't know for sure.”

But for now, and for me, I can only serve Zia as Vito said.

Whether it's Sherlock or some greater evil lurking deeper, to reach them, I must elevate Zia.

“I will devote everything to Zia.”

Thats why I prepared the documents.

The second step in the usurpation.

Now, Derek will transfer the 'commercial district* to Zia.

It's not necessary to take over all of Derek's businesses. Just a few more acquisitions, and I can strip him of everything.

Most of the companies Derek owns have unstable governance structures.

In fact, 'optimized' is the correct term.

Her former master.

“How I resent you...”

Bell Moore had finished a two-week rest. Satisfied, he stepped out of the magical space and first checked his phone. There were several messages, but fortunately, it seemed nothing urgent had occurred.


“Take care, hunny! See you next time!”

“Yeah. Take care!”

He waved to his girlfriend as she got into the limousine he had called for her. Bell Moore chuckled and got into a rental car.

Why a rental? Well, the paparazzi were particularly relentless these days. Can't risk being spotted, right? It's definitely not because I'm short on money.

Anyway, on his way back to the Intelligence Agency.


He received a call. It was from Gedley.



Gedley didn't respond.

“Di rector, whats the matter?”

Bell Moore asked as usual. Really, just casually.

Then, a hollow laugh came from the other end.

...What's the matter, you ask.

“Yes. What is it?”


Suddenly calling and not replied when asked what's the matter.

Whats with this guy all of a sudden? Is this some new kind of silent treatment?


A sigh-laden voice came through. Bell Moore's mood soured.

After hearing his lively girlfriend's voice, why does this guy suddenly sound like a dying bastard?

From your perspective, thats the right question to ask.

Right now, Gedley thinks this.

Bell Moore is pretending not to know. Maybe he's trying to coax something out.

Nothing has happened, so how you conduct yourself from here on is up to you.

“...Why ask like that?”

Of course, Bell Moore himself was clueless.

—Bell Moore.

Finally, as if he had made up his mind, Gedley called Bell Moore's name.

“Yes. What is it?”

—I'll do as you wish.

Whats this about now?

Bell Moore furrowed his brow and tilted his head in confusion.

“What do you mean... as I wish? Explain yourself. What's going on?”


Gedley didn't respond again.

He only spoke in fragments, followed by a Long silence.

Bell Moore gripped the steering wheel and sighed deeply.


Did Gedley hear that sigh? He let out a similar one.

“Ah, no, thats not what I meant—”

Just as Bell Moore was about to hurriedly clarify to avoid any misunderstandings.


The word 'understood:

Then, Gedley continued in a subdued tone.

—You would make a very suitable successor for me.


Bell Moore asked blankly, feeling as if he had heard something he shouldn't have.

—Yes. Director. Thats right.



“Wait a minute. What do you mean—”

—rm planning to leave, and I want you to take over my position.


Gedley's words stamped themselves into Bell Moore's brain.


Bell Moore blinked stupidly.

Having just finished a pleasant vacation, he was completely unable to understand or make sense of the situation. Had this guy eaten something bad?

Or... had he gone mad?

“No, it's okay. There*s no need for that.”

Bell Moore chuckled bitterly, wiping the cold sweat from his brow.

“Let's meet and talk about this. Lets discuss it in person, Director.”


Then Gedley made a sound as if he was gasping for air.

In the current situation, from Gedley's perspective, suggesting a meeting was akin to a final ultimatum.

“Wait. Don't go ahead. Stay right there.


Bell Moore's clear threat, implying that Leaving might even endanger his life, at Least that's how Gedley felt.

—Unde rsto o d...

Gedley quietly hung up the phone, and Bell Moore pressed the accelerator urgently.

He blurted out the thoughts filling his mind.

“Shit! What the hell is this, some crazy fucking nonsense...!”