Chapter 74: Worth Every Copper

Name:Millennial Mage Author:
Chapter 74: Worth Every Copper

Tala hadnt moved, and Terry was sitting with her, when Boma returned, stone slate in hand.

Here, this should be in order.

Tala stood and walked to him, Terry appearing on her shoulder after she was up. Thank you. She took the tablet and looked over the short bill of sale before retracting her power from her finger, pricking it, and certifying the transaction. There you are. She handed it back. Oh! What would it cost to get one of those?

Boma accepted the slate back, seeming to contemplate. For transactions? Or do you want it connected to any specific archive or library?

I mean, Id prefer it to be as useful as possible.

He grunted. Probably wise. Adding additional connections isnt really that expensive, but more useful means more used, so youll have to get it re-inscribed quite oftenFive gold? With a recommended two-month re-inscribing timeline. That would be an additional four gold each time.

Talas eyes widened. Thats crazy!

Dont give me that look, child. Its a complex schema, and it takes a lot to ensure the connections dont muck up the archives they link to. We could do it in an artifact format, but that would be He blew out a breath, considering. Fifty gold? He nodded to himself. Yeah, fifty gold ounces for one of those.

Fifty gold!? I could buy an apartment for thatWait Tala frowned. One moment; you can make artifact style items? With that specific of properties? They can interlink with archives, that doesnt seem like something that could happen randomly, even if the randomness was guided

Boma stiffened, freezing in place, before he turned to look at her. No. No, we cannot.

She sighed. Fine. Ill ask again after Im an Archon.

He seemed to relax a bit, still obviously a bit off kilter. Well, sureIf you think that would change anything.

She did. I have a question regarding dimensional storage items, specifically of the artifact variety.

He turned a bit more towards her. Very well.

Well, I have two, actually. Questions, that is. First, how can I determine if it is safe to be in my dimensional storage after it closes? And second, how could I expand its internal size?

Boma looked away, seeming to contemplate. Well, your first question implies that you know your dimensional storage changes, sometimes. That isnt rare for artifact-style items, but the most common dimensional storages are uniform and constant. Open or closed, they are the same inside.

She nodded. Mine alters its shape, seemingly based on my more basic goals. It also will offer up the item I reach for, so I dont have to take it from a specific location inside.

He was nodding. Not common, but not that rare. There are two subtypes of item that function in that way, that I know of. For one, all unoccupied space ceases to exist, when closed. It is theorized that the unoccupied space never existed at all, any perception of such is an illusion, meant to convey various things to the user.

Thats a disturbing thought When I climbed in, I may have been completely surrounded, engulfed, but didnt know it?

In the other, the internal space is amorphous, but relatively static. It alters itself to give desired items to the user, and reshapes towards its users needs, but holds its form in the meantime. In those cases, they function much like standard dimensional storage items: closing them doesnt change the inside in the least.

Huh, thank you. How would I determine which I have?L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

Boma looked at her hip, where Kit hung, for a long moment, his mage-sight inscriptions activating. There is something blocking my direct view of your item. I can tell its a dimensional storage, because of the flavor of the power coming out the top, but the rest is difficult to see. May I examine it?

Tala handed him the pouch. He had no trouble grasping it. Did Kit allow that, or did he overcome its attempts to avoid being grabbed? She might ask, after she got her other answers.

He opened it, looking inside for a moment, then pulled it closed and handed it back. You have the second type. The internal space will remain in existence when the pouch is closed. It only reshapes to meet a sensed need, from you.

Tala smiled in relief. She wasnt quite sure how much of a difference it would make, but she found herself happy that it was the second. Quick question: Was it difficult for you to grab the pouch from me?

He grunted. Not really. Nice little defense, though.

So, it did try to avoid him, but it wasnt very successful At least, thats what she interpreted from his answer.

He looked at his hand quizzically for a moment, then a flicker of power caused a puff of dust to rise off his palms. You coated the outside in iron? A bit rude, that.

Tala swallowed. I apologize. I didnt really think of it. She smiled in what she hoped would be an innocent way.

He grunted. Dont hand that to a Mage. You might cause all sorts ofunpleasantness. He shook his hands, then sighed, and wiped them on his robes. Now, as to your other question, how to make the space bigger. He gestured expansively, but not really indicating anything in particular. The quickest way would be for you to soul-bond the item. That will give it a boost to storage capacity relative to the strength of your soul. He hesitated. So, Id wait until youre a bit stronger in that regard. His gaze hardened, briefly. You should wait either way. Become an Archon before soul-bonding anything else.

Understood. That was my plan.

Good. His eyes narrowed for a moment, before he grunted, seeming to accept her word for it. Once you are an Archon, and you bond that pouch, if the increase in capacity isnt to your liking, we can do a similar working to what we just did. Youll have to provide other, compatible storage devices to combine with the pouch, but that should increase the working capacity.

Tala found herself nodding. That seems simple enough. Thank you.

He gave her a long look. Simple? No. Relatively easy? Sure.

She shrugged. Fair enough. Oh! Shed almost forgotten. You do lensing items too, right? Incorporators?

We do. Why?

Well, first off, why do I have to recharge his collar, if its a lensing item? She patted Terrys collar.

Quick answer is: you dont. He held up a hand, to quiet her objections. You are flavoring your portion of that collar, if it is the type it appears to be. That allows it to be bound to you but doesnt actually use that power. No power store can be infinite, so you have to refill that tag, every so often. If you were in an area of high enough magic density, it would fill on its own, the incoming magic being automatically flavored by the remnants of your power already in the collar.

I suppose that makes sense. Thank you.

He nodded. Sure. Anything else?

Well, Im interested in buying incorporators. I have one for water, but its cold water. Could you do one for hot water? Like near boiling? Id also be interested in any generic ones that you might have available. After a brief moment, she had a thought. What about coffee? Id definitely want a coffee one.

He laughed. Hot water is easy, we might even have one on hand. If not, well have the diagrams in place to make one quickly. Coffee? That is a rather complex substance. He looked away, not meeting her eyes. It wouldnt be easy to make, and coming up with such a diagram, such a device, would likely cause friction with the Growers Guild, which cultivates that crop in parts of the cavern complex below this very city.

Tala found herself grinning. You already have one, dont you. She thought for a moment. Thats where the coffee in the waiting room comes from. How do you keep it from discorporating?

Mistress Tala, your conjecture is unwarranted. Im afraid we cannot easily create such a complex incorporator.

She cocked an eyebrow at him. Ill bet you cant.

He gave her an exasperated look. I do apologize, the research required to create such would be extensive, and prohibitively expensive. Even if you had the funds to commission such, we simply do not have the time.

She sat down at an outdoor table, just staring for a long moment. The menu inside had listed this one as the Biggest Cheesy Little Caravan. As that was a much too complicated name, Tala just thought of it as a food log.

Terry appeared on the other side of the table, and she took a moment to get a larger than usual chunk of meat for him.

He ate it just as quickly as usual.

Well, here it goes.

What followed was truly something to behold. Each bite was a subtly different combination of flavors, textures, and scents.

It. Was. Glorious.

Her mind was bent entirely towards the consumption of her lunch, her book forgotten as she simply enjoyed.

She ate the whole thing.

Leaning back, she let out a contented sigh. She pulled out her water incorporator and took a careful drink. Hey! I didnt gag myself. Im getting better control.

Terry was stretched out in the sun on the other side of the table, ignoring her.

She glanced towards the eatery. Should I get another?

It was a tempting thought. Her stomach objected. She couldnt remember ever feeling so full.

No, Tala. That should have fed you for days. You dont need anothernot right now Maybe, she could reward herself with a second after her visit to Holly, late this afternoon. Yeah. Thats a good plan.

She groaned contentedly as she pushed herself up into a standing position. Yeah, not another now.

Terry blipped to her shoulder as she pulled out Lyns sheet once more. Now, where to for my massage?

Her belly full, she wandered through the city.

It was alright that she was taking this day a bit easier than she had the last three weeks. She was due for a break.

I can train tomorrow.

Lyns directions led her to an unassuming building without a sign out front. If it had been in the inner circle, shed have assumed it was a house. As she thought about it, she realized that it could still be a home. Its not like the guards do sweeps of the buildings, ensuring people only sleep in one part of the city. She took another moment to compare her location to Lyns directions. Is this the right place?

She checked Lyns sheet again. This seems to be the right place Still uncertain, Tala walked up to the door and knocked.

A decidedly feminine voice called from inside. One minute, please!

Tala waited.

The door opened to reveal an older woman with gray-streaked, black hair. She was smiling, highlighting the pleasantly warm smile-lines and crows feet on her face. She was just slightly taller than Tala and petite. How may I help you?

Tala glanced down at the paper she held once more. Are you Emi?

The womans smile deepened. I am! You must be Mistress Tala. Come in, come in. She stepped back, her long skirt swaying about her as she gestured for Tala to enter.

Tala stepped across the threshold, processing what her mage-sight was telling her about the woman.

Emi, like most people, had a gate, through which power flowed into her body. It was a bare trickle, when compared to any Mage. Lacking a keystone inscription, Emi wouldnt be able to alter or control the flow consciously. Even so, the diminutive woman had gold inscribings set into her shoulders, arms, forearms, and hands, all focused on increasing the strength and dexterity of the limbs and preventing that increased strength from causing harm.

As Tala contemplated what she was seeing more closely, she saw that, underlaying the inscriptions, indeed surrounding them and encapsulating them, was more magic of the same type, but based in the womans flesh, rather than the inscribed lines. Again, its like arcanous beasts in the wilds, or the guards.

It appeared as if Emi, through the years, had somehow acquired naturally occurring magics directly correlating to her inscriptions. That cant be a coincidence. Do human bodies adapt to the inscribings? She realized that, if that was the case, it would explain why Mages whod been getting the same inscriptions, consistently, for years, seemed more powerful than others.

Emi tilted her head. Have I lost you, Mistress?

Tala blinked, returning to the present moment. I apologize. Your inscriptions are fascinating, and you seem well practiced in their use.

Emi smiled happily. That is a kind way of saying Im quite old.

Talas eyes widened, but before she could respond, Emi chuckled.

Oh, I know thats not what you meant, Mistress. Now, come with me. You are my whole afternoon.

Tala followed Emi through the simple building to a back room. Mistress Lyn didnt tell me what the cost would be.

The kind Caravan Guild functionary? Right, that was her name. Well, I have you for three hours, so well do eight silver. If, at the end, you dont feel it was worth it, we can discuss alternatives.

That seems more than fair.

The room Emi had led her into had a waist high, padded table in the middle, appointed much like a bed. Have you received a massage before?

Not really?

She barked a soft laugh. Well, well talk for a bit, then youll undress and get under the sheet, face down, and Ill see what I can do.


So, tell me whats bothering you.

Over the next ten minutes, Tala explained what she was feeling from her back and limbs, as well as some of the changes that shed noticed over the past weeks.

That done, Emi left so that Tala could undress and get in place on the table.

When the woman returned and began to work, Tala slipped into heavenly bliss as, through the early afternoon, each muscle was slowly cajoled into giving up its tension and pain.

Worth every copper.