Chapter 75: This Won’t Kill You, Directly

Name:Millennial Mage Author:
Chapter 75: This Won’t Kill You, Directly

Tala floated in hot water, luxuriating as the heat helped her body rid itself of the lingering nastiness, which Emi had worked from her muscles. She could feel her own power, flowing along channels inscribed by Hollys machine, sweeping away the toxins more efficiently than her own body could have, naturally.

It was fantastic. Her muscles felt like they were free for the first time in her life, and the magic flowing through her was rebuilding them. Somehow, she knew that this time was taking longer than it ever would again, as every loosened fiber was reforged under the heat of her power.

The density of magic in her body was slowly dropping, and had been since this process started, despite her gate being thrown wide, drawing all the power into herself that she possibly could.

She didnt quite know what would happen if the magic ran out before the process was complete. Something told her it wouldnt be great.

She was in an artificial hot spring, in a secondary room inside of Emis building. She tried to distract herself. I wonder if she has more than one of these rooms. The pool had been shaped to resemble natural rock, hot water constantly flowing through and being refreshed to maintain a perfect, almost too hot, temperature.

Terry, who had slept in the corner while Tala was being worked on, now floated in the water nearby, his feathers keeping the moisture out to enough of a degree that he had no trouble staying above the surface.

He looks like the worlds most vicious duck

Talas everything felt smooth and unrestricted.

Emis hands had been strong and experienced, tracing each clenched muscle to the source of the issue and relieving the tension. Tala had paid before being escorted to this idyllic, private oasis, and Emi had left her with a command to soak and relax for at least an hour before leaving.

That woman performs the real magic. Im just messing with gravity; she truly affects the soul. Tala let out a contented sigh. The light feeling of nausea, brought on by the releasing of so many overworked muscle clusters, had finally fully dissipated, and she was left simply feeling content.

There is no way I can justify doing this regularlyMaybe shorter sessions? She would have to consider the expense, if need arose. She should not have been able to do this much correction in just three hours Tala snorted. Magic, Tala. Its an amazing thing. As she considered it, she realized that her own inscriptions, now integrated with her muscular system, had likely helped the prolonged session be even more effective. Hopefully, it will allow the results to be longer lasting, as well.

Terry tapped her on the head with his beak, and Talas eyes popped open.

As the bird stared down at her, floating above her head, he let out an inquisitive, cheeping squawk.

Still feeling the colossal drain within herself, she decided that shed waited long enough. I need to deal with this, dont I

He bobbed an affirmative.

Tala sighed, turning the gaze of her mage-sight inward. Her focus was immediately pulled entirely into the torrent of power rushing through her. She was used to her internal reservoirs being like a placid ocean. This was like a hurricane.

Even so, she fought through the distracting flows of power, examining exactly what was happening.

For most humans, muscles were anything but smooth. Throughout their life, each person collected countless places where their muscles locked up, refusing to unclench. These were trigger-points or knots, within the muscle tissue. Each one was both a weakness in the muscle and a lessening of the capacity. At least, this was Talas understanding.

Talas daily stretching and exercise had kept the largest of these at bay, while making innumerable smaller ones, scattered throughout. It was these points that felt relief in a good stretch or were worked out with proper massage. Now, with the help of Emis expertise, and Hollys deeply incorporated inscriptions, Talas body had released them all, and those broken down, overworked, underutilized muscle fibers were being rebuilt: better, stronger, more responsive.

Her energy stores, so recently overstocked, were being drained for the resources needed in the reconstructions. If it continued on for too much longer, her reserves, both physical and magical, would be utterly depleted.

Thankfully, at long last, it seemed that the process was coming to an end.

Four hours, give or take, to fundamentally alter my muscular system. It both seemed like much too much time, and altogether far too fast. Make up your mind, Tala. Is your magic too fast to make sense, or is it painfully slow? She quirked a smile. Both, it seems. Ive not gotten used to what I can do, yet.

Terry was still looking down at her, but he seemed fairly nonchalant in his inquiry.

You could feel it wrapping up, couldnt you? You knew I was almost done. She smiled up at the bird. Ready to go?

He bobbed an affirmative.

Fair enough. We do need to get to Hollys shop. She felt a bit of apprehension at the thought of more inscribings, but her relaxed state kept it from growing into anything more. Besides, these have already been amazingand I need more food.

She drifted over to the side of the large, inset pond, and dunked under one last time before climbing from the water.

Thick towels waited on a shelf to one side. After running her comb through her hair to dry it thoroughly, Tala availed herself of the towels, drying the rest of herself off fully. She then dressed, braided her hair, and strapped on her belt, knife and pouch hanging in counterpoint.

True to what shed seen, she felt the consumption of her magic slowly lessening to a noticeable degree, to the point that, after a few more minutes, her reserves began to slowly refill. Down to about half. Not too bad. The hunger also seemed to settle in deeper. Food was now a must, on the journey to Hollys. I guess I fully processed the food log, then

Terry was still basking in the water.


He let out a series of happy chirps.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.

Tala gave him a flat look. You wanted to be done.

He hissed a happy reply, then appeared on her shoulder, perfectly dry.

She stared at him for a moment. So, do you leave the water behind?

He bobbed.

What if some water got under one of your feathers, would it be brought along?

He shook himself.

How does your magic know what to bring and what to leave behind?

He turned his head, meeting her gaze with both of his eyes.

Right, much too complex a question.

Terry chirped once, shimmied slightly, and settled down on her shoulder.

Tala smiled, unlocking both doors into the room and pushing open the one that lead outside. To Mistress Hollys shop, we go!

The short walk passed with reading and flicks of jerky for Terry, her eyes also nearly constantly looking for a source of food. The jerky she, herself, ate just wasnt enough, though it helped. Im glad I have so much of that, now What am I going to do when I run out? She gave the bird a glance out of the corner of her eye.

He seems content, and I guess he cant really hurt me. Could I stop him if he decided to kill one of these people were passing? She was quite uncomfortable with the obvious answer. I suppose thats something to work on

She had a brief mental flash of Terry eviscerating everyone on the street with his previously demonstrated efficiency. That would bea lot of blood. She swallowed involuntarily, and Terry popped open an eye, regarding her.

Glad to have you on my shoulder, Terry.

The assistant smiled happily and gave Terry a slow stroke from the top of his head to the end of his short tail. Hes so soft! The woman stepped back and gave a slight bow. Thank you. Right this way.

Holly was waiting, with her contraption, in a back room.

Ahh! Good, youre here. How far did you get in your reading?

Tala thanked the assistant, who left with surprising alacrity. She then detailed to Holly which organs and systems shed finished brushing up on, for the moment.

Hmmm Good, good. Then, lets begin!

One moment Tala had been thinking and needed to ask. How did you come up with this device, and make it functional, so quickly? I wasnt even gone a full two weeks.

Hmm? Oh, weve had things like this for years. The Constructionists use a less precise version for inscribing softer materials. She smiled happily to herself. They use my needle design all the time. She shook her head. No, this is just the perfecting of that, and alteration for using on souled entities.

SoIm being worked on by industrial equipment. That wasnt quite right. But, Tala, its been modified for human use. Tala sat on a stool with a sigh, lifting her arms above her head; Terry stretched out in a corner; and Holly slipped the expanded automatic inscriber over Talas upraised arms, settling it around her torso.

Now, Ive modified the device to monitor your breathing and pulse, and anything else that might displace or shift your insides. That way it can account for movements or slight variation. I dont want to have to knock you out again, after all. Even so, you need to remain as still as possible. Do you understand?

Tala nodded. Ok, Tala; you can do this.


* * *

Ten minutes later, they were done, and the weird, internal-swelling pain was already a mere memory.

Tala stood and the inscription machine was removed. Her stomach feltodd somehow. Given theyd done her digestive system as part of this session, that wasnt unexpected. Is it processing the food faster? That was the intention, but she hadnt expected to feel it working. Why did that take so much longer?

It had to work more slowly to account for your movements, both voluntary and involuntary.

Tala shrugged. I suppose that makes sense. So, you wanted to discuss my idea for inscriptions in my mouth, throat, and lungs?

Holly nodded, pulling out a tablet. Yes, yes. They would have to be additional to those well add tomorrow. I worked up a schema. She handed over the tablet, showing a brief description of how it would function. Basically, it will maintain the coherence of any spell-form or magic within your mouth, throat, or lungs, keep it from activating or penetrating deeper, and forcibly expel it, when you exhale. That should prevent anyone from affecting you magically via the air you breathe, unless they can entirely overpower you, regardless. Those we just gave you on your digestive system already protect you against intrusions on that front, both mundane and magical.

Tala was nodding. I think Id like that. Yes.

Holly gave her a long look. Why do I get the feeling you are going to do something marginally insane if I give you these inscriptions?

Tala thought for a moment. Why not tell her? Well, I did figure out that I can create spell-forms within my lungs, so long as I am holding my breath. I was hoping I could use these to help in the stabilization and expulsion of such.

Holly stared at her for a long moment, then started laughing.

Tala frowned at the woman.

Holly pulled up a stool, sat, and got herself under control.

Tala rolled her eyes and waited.

Mistress Tala Holly shook her head. My dear, the spell-forms required to create a specific effect would change depending on the exact composition of the air. It could be different from one breath to the next! She shook her head again. No, it would be different from one breath to the next, or if you held your breath for a different lengths of time, and depending on your heart rate, and so, so many other factors.

So, youre saying its impossible?

Impossible? No, not really. Ive written scripts that analyze and calculate exactly what spell-forms need to be used before infusing a Mages breath upon exhale, but they are devilishly complex, not to mention expensive. You are talking about doing that manually. She shook her head. And before you ask, no, I cant give you those inscriptions. They would take up a large chunk of your flesh, so wed have to remove some of the vital, interlinking inscriptions for your other functions.

Tala frowned. Couldnt I learn how to make it work manually?

Holly held up a hand, palm down, waggling it back and forth. With practice, and I mean a lot of practice, you could probably get to the point of creating a general effect with reasonable consistency, but it would never be something Id advise you to count on.

Tala thought for a long moment, then shrugged. Well, Ill try, so long as you dont think it will kill me.

Oh, this wont kill you, directly. What I predict is youll practice and think yourself good enough. Then, youll depend on the skill in a moment of crisis, and it will fail.

I never planned to rely on it. I just wanted another tool.

Holly waved her off. The scripts Ill give you will be useful, regardless. If you wish to practice this oddity, be my guest, but it will never be a reliable tool. After a moments consideration, Holly shrugged. If you do choose to go this route, which I again state is insane, I suggest first learning mastery of sensing the composition of the air in your lungs. That would be a good foundation.

Tala frowned. I can do that?

Not yet. Thats why you need to learn and practice it.

Tala rolled her eyes. You know, that reminds me, Mistress Holly: When I tried to look up the spell-form modifications for air, it stated that that was the realm of Archons. Does that mean this wont be a limit once I take that step?

Holly scrunched up her face in irritation, then shook her head. No, not really. Archons often work effects into the air around them, such as shielding their aura from observation. That is likely what was meant. Air around us is much more consistent than air drawn into our lungs.

Something about Hollys demeanor made Tala think that that wasnt all entirely true, but she decided not to press for the moment. I suppose the core of it makes sense, regardless. Well, it will be an interesting thing to try.

Your other insanities have worked out better than Id have foreseen; so, who knows? Maybe, youll dazzle me again.

Tala smiled, slightly, at the compliment, whether intentional or otherwise.

And these scripts should keep you from killing yourself with your experimentation.

And, good feeling gone

Now, go eat something, dear. Your body is screaming its need for sustenance.

She frowned. I do feel pretty hungrywhat happened to the gallon of soup? Has it already been processed? How can you tell?

Now that Ive re-established the link, whenever you enter this building, and while you remain in it, the script on the back of your neck connects to my central archive, updating me on how your inscribings have functioned, as well as how youve been doing overall. You obviously know that it will keep me informed of your status, or it wouldnt work.

Tala sighed. Yet again, I underestimate whats been done to me. Very well. Thank you, Mistress Holly.

Hmmm? Oh, sure thing, dear.