Chapter 870 The Battle against the Skull Tyrant and Orcus

Chapter 870 The Battle against the Skull Tyrant and Orcus

[WARNING! Filler Chapter!]

Ragnar, Sumeri, Nikolai, and Hubrion


The battlefield was shrouded in darkness, the air thick with the stench of decay as the Skull Tyrant loomed ominously, its tripartite mind calculating its next move.

Ragnar, Nikolai, and Sumeri, stood to face this giant skeleton together with all the other undead in the area.

As the Skull Tyrant began its move, an [Aura of Night] enveloped the area, casting a sinister spell that threatened to curse any who dared to stand against it.

Ragnar gritted his teeth, resisting the curse with sheer force of will, while Nikolai and Sumeri called upon their skills and spells to shake off the dark influence.

With a lordly command, the Skull Tyrant conjured four flying skulls, which orbited around it like vultures circling their prey.

Ragnar charged forward, his axe swinging in a frenzied arc as he aimed for the Tyrant's heads, while Nikolai took aim with his bow, firing arrows with pinpoint accuracy at the flying skulls, hoping to diminish their numbers.

Sumeri unleashed a torrent of magic, her spells crackling through the air like lightning, but the Skull Tyrant seemed unfazed, its three heads swiveling to face their attackers.

Despite their best efforts, the Tyrant's advantage on STR and DEF made it a formidable opponent to overcome.

As the Skull Tyrant moved again, it unleashed a [Skullstorm] upon the battlefield, causing the very ground to tremble as skulls rained down upon Ragnar, Nikolai, and Sumeri.

Ragnar raised his giant axe, absorbing the brunt of the necrotic damage, while Nikolai and Sumeri dove for cover, narrowly avoiding the deadly barrage.

Uttering a blasphemous incantation, one of the Tyrant's heads unleashed a [Blasphemy of Cursed Life], targeting Nikolai with dark impulses that threatened to overwhelm his senses.

With Sumeri's support, Nikolai fought against the malevolent influence, the spell proving stronger than the Tyrant's curse as he shook off its effects.

As the two titans clashed, the ground trembled beneath their feet, the air crackling with magical energy.

Hubrion swung his axe with savage fury, each blow aimed at Orcus with the aim to kill him in one blow.

But Orcus was no easy foe to defeat, his mastery of dark magic allowing him to deflect Hubrion's attacks with uncanny ease.

With a gesture of his hand, Orcus unleashed his [Fell Command], commanding his undead minions to swarm Hubrion from all sides.

Skeletons and zombies surged forward, their rotting flesh and clattering bones adding to the chaos of the battlefield.

But Hubrion fought on undeterred, cutting down the undead as he pressed his attack against Orcus.

Seeing an opportunity, Orcus seized his [Clutch] skill, reaching out with his bony hand to grasp Hubrion in a vice-like grip.

Hubrion roared, struggling against Orcus's grasp as he felt the necrotic energy draining the life from his veins. With a mighty effort, Hubrion broke free, his muscles bulging with exertion as he renewed his assault on Orcus.

However, Orcus was ready, his [Wand] skill at the ready as he unleashed a barrage of dark magic upon Hubrion.

Necrotic blasts crackled through the air, striking Hubrion with brutal force and sending him staggering backwards.

Yet still, Hubrion fought on as he refused to be defeated by the necromancer's dark powers. He wasn't the strongest warlord for nothing.

With a snarl of frustration, Orcus unleashed his [Army of the Dead], summoning forth a horde of undead warriors to overwhelm Hubrion.

Skeletons and zombies surged forward in a tide of death, their numbers endless as they swarmed around Hubrion, threatening to engulf him in their grasp.

But Hubrion would not be overcome so easily, his axe cleaving through the ranks of undead with brutal efficiency as he fought his way towards Orcus.

With a mighty roar, he unleashed a devastating blow upon the necromancer, his axe biting deep into Orcus's flesh and sending him reeling backwards.