Chapter 871 The Strength of Hubrion

Chapter 871 The Strength of Hubrion

[WARNING! Filler Chapter!]

Ragnar, Sumeri, Nikolai, and Hubrion for new novels


"Now it's my turn!" Hubrion roared.

As Hubrion he did, a profound transformation overtook him. His body shimmered as armors formed on his limbs, encasing him in a protective shell.

Even his head was covered with armor, adorned with multiple horns that jutted out like the defiant crest of a mighty warlord.

With each passing moment, Hubrion grew larger and more imposing, his very presence radiating power and authority. His hooves pounded against the ground with such force that the earth trembled beneath him, conveying a sense of overwhelming strength.

As his muscles bulged with newfound vigor, Hubrion felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins. His senses sharpened, his speed increased to a blur, and his strength and defense reached heights previously unattainable.

In this heightened state, he was a force to be reckoned with, a whirlwind of destruction and vengeance.

With a primal roar, Hubrion unleashed a spell of devastating magnitude.

A powerful force crackled around him as he directed a focused blast towards the heart of the skeleton army.

The spell erupted with a deafening roar, tearing through the ranks of undead with unstoppable force. Bones shattered, and the ground trembled as the undead horde was decimated in a blaze of magical fury.

With the path cleared, Hubrion turned his attention towards Orcus, the source of all their troubles. His eyes burned with an intense fire as he locked onto his target.

At this pivotal moment, the stakes were clear: only one would emerge victorious from this deadly encounter, and Hubrion was determined to ensure it was him.

With each thunderous step, Hubrion closed the distance between himself and Orcus.

Orcus watched with annoyance and apprehension as Hubrion approached, his eyes narrowing.

As the battle reached its climax, Orcus found himself pushed to the brink. With no other choice left, he unleashed his ultimate skill: The Last Word.

The air rift with dark energy as Orcus spoke a terrible, destructive word of primordial power, directing it towards Hubrion, who was bolting towards him.

Hubrion was caught off guard by the sheer force of the attack, and was struck with devastating impact.

The necrotic energy surged through his body, causing him to convulse in agony before collapsing to the ground, his eyes blank and lifeless.

Ragnar and the others watched in shock as their companion fell, their faces etched with disbelief.

Sumeri's voice trembled as she dared to voice the question that weighed heavily on their minds. "Is he dead?"

Ragnar's silence spoke volumes, his expression grave as he grappled with the harsh reality of their situation.

Nikolai's usually calm demeanor shattered by the turn of events, and could only express his disbelief. "That can't be. Just one spell from that old demon . . ."

Sumeri's frustration was palpable as she clicked her tongue in annoyance. "He did have that one spell that could instantly kill anyone," she muttered bitterly. "And I thought that Hubrion would be the one to kill Orcus. That idiot got himself killed, instead!"

The atmosphere grew heavy and tense. Hubrion still lay motionless at their feet.

"What do we do now?" Sumeri asked Ragnar.

"We finish off the demon. He can only use that spell once," Ragnar replied. He flicked his weapon, ready to charge forward, when Nikolai interjected.

"Wait, look," Nikolai said, gesturing towards Hubrion's body.

As Hubrion's body lay still upon the bloodied ground, a thin wisp of smoke began to rise from his form, curling and twisting in the air.

The smoke coalesced and compressed within Hubrion's body, causing his chest to rise and fall with a sudden gasp.

The centaur warlord's eyes snapped open, blazing with renewed vigor as he pushed himself up onto his feet.