Chapter 879 Titan's Awakening: A Frosty Fiasco

Chapter 879 Titan's Awakening: A Frosty Fiasco

"That's correct. However, we need Iraelyn's brute strength for that."

Desira rolled her eyes in frustration. "Great. The one demon we need isn't here."

"We can always wait for her to climb up," Elena suggested, trying to maintain optimism.

At that moment, Evie tugged on Ren's sleeve.

"What is it?" Ren asked as Evie seemed to be searching around.

"I don't see Pamela," Evie stated with a hint of concern.

It was only then that the group realized Pamela was missing.

"What the heck?" Desira growled. "Since when did that sneaky thing ditch us?"

Vivi furrowed his brow in thought. "I recall that Iraelyn tossed her before. Do you think she didn't make it to the summit and fell instead?" for new novels

"That's not right," Elena shook her head, her gaze fixed on a distant pile of snow. "I saw her land on her head in that pile of snow."

"Magic doesn't work here, so she must have seized the opportunity to slip away while we weren't looking," Malifira remarked, her voice tinged with amusement. "At this rate, we may never locate where she's hiding."

Desira's smile turned sinister as she cracked her knuckles. "Heeheehee. There's no corner to hide here on this summit. Her location is limited, and once I find her . . . let's just say she better hide well."

"So, are we just going to wait here for Iraelyn?" Elena inquired, breaking the tense silence.

"It seems like it," Malifira answered, her attention still focused on studying the ice spire.

Meanwhile, Azazel continued to pace restlessly, his agitation palpable.

"Can you stop prancing around?" Ren asked, his patience wearing thin. "Watching you makes me uneasy."

"I can't! I need to do something or my nerves are going to kill me! Give me something to do!" Azazel pleaded, his eyes darting around frantically.

"Stop pulling him, or you'll detach his head," Malifira cautioned.

"Why don't you stop patronizing me and help me here?!" Desira spat back.

Malifira rummaged in her inventory and casually threw a potion onto the spot where Azazel's head was stuck. Within seconds, there was a sizzling sound, and fog rapidly rose.

"Hey! Malifira, you witch! Are you trying to kill Lord Azazel?" Desira exclaimed in alarm.

"Relax your loins, he's going to be fine," Malifira replied calmly.

Desira's face reddened with anger, and she burst into a string of curses.

Within seconds, the thick layer of ice around Azazel's head melted, and he could finally free himself.

"Whew. I thought I would suffocate in there," Azazel said with a grin. "There are a lot of fish there, though. By the way, where's Vivi?"

"I'm here!" Vivi emerged from the pile of snow. She looked like a snow girl covered in snow before she shook it off. "BRrrRr . . . so cold."

"Lord Azazel, are you alright?!" Desira asked, relieved to see him freed.

From the distance, Iraelyn, Potato, and the others were running in their direction.

"Hey! Are you guys alright?!"

"What is that thing?!" Potato exclaimed, his eyes wide with shock at the appearance of the Titan. "No wonder those Ice Spiders were relentless to escape the mountains. So it's not a mountain, but an Ice Titan!"

"You think?" Desira scoffed.

"Now what are we going to do? Without magic and the restriction on flying, how are we going to free the Goddess from the top of that ravaging Titan's head?" Vivi's asked, then in a fit of nervousness, she grabbed a bunch of snow and ate it.

"Gah! So cold!" she screamed when the cold freeze her head.

"Don't worry, we have Iraelyn now. Her strength could definitely smash that ice sphere," Malifira reassured, and beamed at Iraelyn.

Iraelyn's face lit up with determination, and she flexed her muscles proudly. "Don't worry, leave this to me. I could transform into a dragon and smash that Titan's head into a pulp!"