Chapter 880 Frozen Foes: Scaling the Ice Titan

Chapter 880 Frozen Foes: Scaling the Ice Titan

"Don't worry, leave this to me. I could transform into a dragon and smash that Titan's head into a pulp!"

With a fierce roar, Iraelyn began her transformation into her dragon form, her wings spread as she prepared to take flight.

However, just as she was about to take off, and launch herself into the air, she paused.

"Oh, right. I couldn't fly because of the restrictions in here," she admitted sheepishly, a hint of embarrassment coloring her face.

The others exchanged incredulous looks, frustration bubbling beneath the surface of their expressions.

"Then crawl to that damn thing, you damn lizard!" Desira spat, her irritation evident in her voice.

Ren suppressed a sigh, his patience wearing thin as the weight of their predicament settled upon them.

They needed to find a way to reach the Ice Titan's head and free the Goddess, but their options were severely limited without the use of magic or the ability to fly.

"We need to think of another plan," Ren stated, his mind already racing with solutions. "There has to be a way to reach that sphere and break the ice imprisoning the Goddess."

"Hey, what's that?" Vivi asked, pointing at the icicle spire atop the head of the Ice Titan.

Everyone turned their gaze to where Vivi was pointing, squinting their eyes against the bright snow glare. There, they spotted a figure climbing the spire.

Their collective gasp filled the icy air as they realized who it was.


"So that's where she's been hiding!" Desira growled, her fists clenched as she glared daggers at Pamela. "That sneaky little thing. I'll teach her a lesson she won't forget."

"Forget about that for now. What is she doing up there?" Elena asked, her brow furrowing in concern.

Malifira reached into her inventory and pulled out a small scope, placing it over her eye to get a better view. "It looks like she's trying to break the icicle."

Meanwhile, Iraelyn focused on distracting the Ice Behemoth, attempting to halt its movements.

Despite its sluggish pace, everything it touched turned to ice, sending shivers down Iraelyn's spine as her tail brushed against its frozen surface.

"Careful! Don't linger too long in contact with it," Malifira cautioned, her eyes scanning the battlefield for any signs of danger.

"Will the rock goats be okay?" Vivi asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Don't worry, they're equipped with specialized feet that protect them from the cold, and their thick fur acts as insulation. They won't be freeze even if they touch this titan," Potato reassured, his gaze fixed on the looming threat before them.

As the Ice Titan remained preoccupied with Iraelyn's relentless assault, frustration began to mount among the group. Without the use of magic, their options seemed limited.

"How are we going to defeat this thing if we can't use magic?" Evie voiced the concern that lingered in everyone's minds. "We need at least fire spell to defeat this thing."

"My inventory items might not do much damage against its enormous HP," Malifira admitted, her expression thoughtful as she pondered their next move.

Suddenly, Pamela's voice echoed from the top of the icy spire, drawing their attention.

"Break the ice! It's the source of the magic restrictions!" she shouted urgently.

"Shut up! You still have a lot of explaining to do on how you ditch us and got there!" Desira hollered back.

"That's not important right now!"

"But how can we break it when Iraelyn is down there, keeping the Titan occupied?" Vivi questioned, her brow furrowed.

Azazel grinned, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "No worries. If we all strike it simultaneously, we can shatter it," he declared with outmost confidence.

Leave it to Azazel to come up with a straightforward plan amidst the chaos, his confidence unwavering even in the face of uncertainty.

"KyaAah!" Desira nearly slipped as the rockgoat sidestepped to avoid the falling debris of ice and snow, and the ever shifting of the Titan's ice body as its hooves deftly navigated the treacherous terrain.

The Ice Titan continued its movement, oblivious to the chaos unfolding on its back.

"Hold on tight, everyone! This is going to be a wild ride!" Potato shouted as they braced themselves for the climb to the top.