Chapter 881 Crystal Chaos: Escaping the Ice Titan's Grasp

Chapter 881 Crystal Chaos: Escaping the Ice Titan's Grasp

As the rockgoats skillfully maneuvered across the icy expanse of the Ice Titan's back, Ren and their companions clung tightly to their mounts, their hearts racing with a mix of adrenaline and apprehension.

This was Ren's first experience in such combat, and it was not an endeavor he was eager to repeat.

Every step was a precarious dance on the edge of danger, with the Titan's shifting body threatening to throw them off balance at any moment.

Desira and Vivi were riding on Crabby and his rockgoat, and were leading the charge towards the peak. They urged their mount forward, eyes fixed on the icy spire looming above them.

But just as they were nearing their goal, a sudden shift in the Titan's body sent a cascade of ice rocks tumbling down towards them.

Desira's reflexes went into overdrive as she instinctively used Vivi as a makeshift shield against the incoming barrage.

"H-hoi! Desira! What are you doing?!" Vivi protested.

With a nonchalant shrug, Desira replied, "Sorry, Vivi, it's survival of the sneakiest out here. Don't worry, I'll make sure your tomb has a mini-fridge."

"That's not comforting at all!"

Their banter continued, but despite Desira's attempt at protection and Vivi's frantic protests, they both ended up getting pelted by icy projectiles.

The scene devolved into a comical tumble from their mount, their screams of protest echoing over the frozen landscape.

"Desira! Vivi!" Azazel shouted as he watched his companions fall, a sense of helplessness washing over him.

But there was no time to dwell on their fate as the Titan had noticed them and tried squat them with its hand.

Malifira, riding alongside Ren, immediately sprang into action, drawing upon her arsenal of explosives to create a diversion.

With precise aim, she hurled the explosives towards the Titan's arm, causing a series of small explosions that distracted the colossal creature.

The Titan roared in fury as it turned its attention towards Malifira and Azazel, its icy gaze fixated on their tiny forms.

The ice quivered, but it stubbornly refused to shatter.

"That's odd . . . it should have broken by that one punch. One more!" Azazel exclaimed, attempting another forceful blow.

Repeatedly, Azazel smashed the ice in hopes of freeing the Goddess of Gossip, but to no avail. Instead, his efforts only seemed to aggravate the Ice Behemoth, causing it to scratch its head furiously.

"H-Help me!" Pamela cried, narrowly avoiding the Behemoth's flailing hand.

"Stop making it itch, you fool!" Elena scolded, giving Azazel a whack on the head.

"Incoming!" Potato shouted, directing his rockgoat to dodge the Titan's looming hand.

Azazel leaped away just as the Behemoth's fingers came crashing down, while Ren, Evie, and Elena maneuvered the rockgoat to evade its grasp.

"So much for breaking the crystal! You've only made it worse!" Elena shouted at Azazel in frustration.

"I have an idea," Ren announced, turning his gaze toward Pamela. "Get away from there, or you'll become an unwanted casualty!"

"Unwanted casualty?" Pamela echoed tearfully. "What are you planning?"

Instead of answering, Ren reached into his inventory and pulled out multiple items, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"I don't think you can destroy that crystal with those duds," Evie remarked skeptically.

"Just enough to make the Behemoth angry," Ren replied, setting off the explosives on the Behemoth's head.

A series of explosions ensued, causing Pamela to cry out for help as the ice sphere she was holding shook violently, and she could no longer maintain her grip.

"Augh! Help me!" she screamed and fall off the sphere.

Azazel acted swiftly, rescuing her with a grin. "Kyahahaha. Got you!"

Instead of relief, Pamela's face turned pale. "LOOK OUT!"