Chapter 887 Four Pillars: The Final Rewards (4)

Chapter 887 Four Pillars: The Final Rewards (4)

"Ugh... my body..."

Feeling his consciousness finally coming to, Valyr slowly got up after realizing he had fallen unconscious at some point.

At the very moment he did so, a wave of pain washed over his body, prompting him to grit his teeth in response.

Though, when compared to the immense pain he felt before he went unconscious, it was more tolerable.

With that, it did not take long for the young man to sit upright once more, only to notice Vaughn faintly smiling while looking at him.

"I'm guessing you're the reason why I fell unconscious?" Sensing a hint of playfulness hidden underneath the man's smile, Valyr decided to confirm his suspicions as he asked him a question.

Seeing the man's smile turn into a slight grin, the young man let out a faint sigh as he listened to what the man had to say.

"Though I could say it's to protect a couple of secret methods I use to engrave the paths onto your body, there's nothing really secret about it, considering how it's just a technique to speed up carving the paths explained by the scriptures themselves."

"In any case, you being unconscious allowed me to carve out the paths without any difficulties." Saying these words, the grin on Vaughn became even wider. "With that, both your Outer Realm and Inner Realm Scripture have reached the end of the 1st Volume."

At those words, Valyr blankly looked at Vaughn for a bit in confusion, only to realize what the man had said soon after.

Widening his eyes at the realization, the young man soon willed some of the energy to course through his skin, prompting a layer of cyan paths to appear on it.

Of course, the cyan paths that covered Valyr's body were more dense and intricate than before thanks to what Vaughn had done, though they were still lacking in comparison to the dense paths on Vaughn's body.

Confirming that the Outer Realm Scripture had indeed been improved to the peak of the 1st volume, the young man willed a bit more energy to course through his skin, prompting a layer of crimson paths to overlap on top of the cyan ones.


Feeling the faint all-encompassing aura radiating from the crimson paths, Valyr soon began to widely smile as he noticed the substantial changes brought about by the paths to his body.


Doing a few basic combat movements, the young man felt that his movements were considerably faster and sharper than before.

"[Four Paths Azure Magic Arts]."

"[Four Paths Azure Bolt]."


Then, casting one of the more basic spells under his arsenal, the young man felt that the force behind it had grown considerably as well.

Nodding in satisfaction, the young man soon prompted the paths on his skin to disappear as he brought up his notification screen.

Unsurprisingly, there were a few notifications already waiting for him.


[You have upgraded the skill 'Outer Realm Scripture' to the 2nd Stage.]

[You have upgraded the skill 'Outer Realm Scripture' to the 3rd Stage.] Follow the latest novels at

However, even after searching every nook and cranny for even a smidgen of information, the young man ended up empty-handed.

Fortunately, Vaughn began to give him more information on the skill as he brought up its description on the side.

"The Truth Weaver Scripture is a skill I came across while I was preparing for my ascension to the Divine level," Vaughn began to explain. "Though the name of the skill might imply something else if you didn't know what it did, what the skill allows you perfectly encapsulates its name."

"With that being said, the Truth Weaver Scripture does what it literally says it does, which is to weave truths together."

"But if I were to be more specific, the skill allows you to weave comprehended concepts together in order to achieve a greater result."

Hearing Vaughn's explanation, Valyr's eyes slightly widened in surprise as he took a look at the skill's description.


[Truth Weaver Scripture] (Lv. MAX)

Rarity: ???

Grade: 1st Stage — Trinity (Common)

A scripture hailing from the archaic... description has been omitted.

Though the Truth Weaver Scripture does not allow one to fully bypass the limitations imposed by the system on comprehended concepts, it does allow one to make use of the inherent properties of those concepts to boost their properties even further.

The 1st Stage — Trinity allows the user to weave at most three concepts together into something more tangible, allowing the effect of the strongest comprehended concept to be boosted by 10%.


"Wait a second..." Reading through the description of the Truth Weaver Scripture, Valyr began to furrow his brows, only to look at Vaughn as he asked him a question amidst his disbelief.

"If I'm understanding this skill correctly... then the Truth Weaver Scripture would allow me to boost the Attack coefficient of my strongest Intent by a further 10%?"

"And that's just the first stage." Vaughn nodded with a grin. "Say you have three Intents, all of them at 9th Grade."

"Since they're all at 9th Grade, they would only be able to boost your Attack coefficient by 10% even if you made use of all of them," continued the man. "But if you were to use the Truth Weaver Scripture, that 10% immediately turns into 11%, which might be the fine line separating you between line and death."

"Now what if your strongest Intent was 7th Grade? 5th Grade? 2nd Grade? Or the legendary 1st Grade Intent? Imagine how much a 10% increase would give to a 1st Grade Intent, much less the higher stages of the Truth Weaver Scripture."

"Then again, even though my example used combat-related Intents, the Truth Weaver Scripture's effects would still apply on production-related Intents," said Vaughn as an added note.

"Speaking of which, I've given you information up to the 3rd Stage of the Truth Weaver Scripture, which is Trinity of Trinities. As for the 4th Stage and higher, feel free to ask me whenever you need it."

'Trinity of Trinities...' Hearing the name of the Truth Weaver Scripture's 3rd Stage come out of Vaughn's mouth, it did not take long for Valyr to extrapolate more information from it, inwardly sucking in a breath of cold air in response.

'If Trinity allows me to weave three concepts together, then Trinity of Trinities would allow me to do that with nine concepts, huh?'

"Well... since I've more or less explained what the Truth Weaver Scripture does, let's move onto the next reward, shall we?"

Catching Valyr's attention with his words, Vaughn went ahead and conjured a rift before taking out what looked to be a normal wooden log.

Though, just as Valyr was about to ask if the wooden log was special, the man went ahead and imbued a great amount of his energy into it, gradually compressing the wooden log into a talisman that contained a great number of characters on its surface.

Looking at what he had achieved with a satisfied smile, Vaughn then gave the wooden talisman to Valyr as he explained what it was.

"Though this might seem lacking when compared to the other rewards you've already gotten, this talisman allows you to request for my help whenever and wherever."